Fidel Dungeon Rescue

Fidel Dungeon Rescue

Fidel Dungeon Rescue is to puzzle games what Spelunky is to platformers. (To clarify, this is a very high compliment, as Spelunky is probably my favourite video game of all time.)

Truthfully though, both games really do share some familiar elements and design decisions. In this game, you play a cute little dog having to rescue Grandma from a dungeon filled with all sorts of baddies. You navigate through multiple, tile-based floors, killing enemies as you go, and leaving your leash trailing behind you, blocking you from ever stepping on the same tile twice. Where the similarities to Spelunky begin are in familiar enemy motifs such as spiders, snakes or flesh-eating plants. Further similiarity arises in a time-based ghost, the randomized rogue-lite nature of the game and the strategic, yet fast-paced gameplay that Fidel’s mechanics enable.

Real player with 60.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelite Dog Games.

I like Fidel Dungeon Rescue a lot. I revisit it once in a while to complete the daily challenge or beat the main game. It never goes on too long and is always fun.

One of it’s strengths is definitely it’s great replayability. Since puzzles are randomly generated, two dungeons are never the same, and it has a real impact on the gameplay. Due to the various rules of each different tiles and creatures, a slight position offset may drastically change the best path to an exit. There’s also many possible solutions to most puzzles, so some thought is always required even with “obvious” situations.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Fidel Dungeon Rescue on Steam



It’s a fun, rogue like 3D game, centered around melee primarily, but with abilities that complement the gameplay and really help switch it up. It borrows a bit of mechanics from some other games, like dark souls - and has 3 different movement setups; light/medium/heavy, where dodging and rolling is slower or not able to be done as often with the heavier variant of armor.

The three “builds” are separated into Toughness, Strength, and Focus. Toughness is intended to be the tankiest, and features disgustingly slow weapons that tend to have enormous reach. It tends to require the usage of heavy armor for stability to stop enemy attacks from interrupting yours (it’s really bad when your very slow/high damage attack isn’t able to connect / keeps getting stopped).

Real player with 152.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelite Third Person Games.

EDIT: Release update added a page for info on items so my biggest issue is fixed. They also added in an option for the frequency of Rava’s voice-lines which is another great addition, I actually kind of like hearing them now. Dev team has my praise.

Arboria is probably the best souls-like/rogue-lite game available right now. Admittedly that is not a massive pool of games, but even so Arboria stands out as a delight.

Was curious to see what some of the negative reviews were, since I love the game so much. Saw some clown who shit themselves over there being a ~10 minute tutorial, and someone else made some valid points about a lot of the sound files and cut scenes still being somewhat buggy for a game coming to full release but then ruined it by saying weapons feel like they have no impact. Weapon hits are satisfying as FUCK in this game, and many of the “spells” are as well.

Real player with 110.2 hrs in game

Arboria on Steam

Dungeon Rushers

Dungeon Rushers

So here is my review. I just pulled it straight from the discussions page where i wrote it. Sadly its all true, and none of it is subjective. These issues all exist. So if you can justify playing 20$$ to put up with all the below issues, have at er.

Glitches/ bugs . update the game


I purchased game and have played about 5 hours. I already have discovered some major glitches.

  1. When you win a fight, and collect reward, you are often ripped off out of your loot. For example almost any time the game tells you recieve more than 1 of any given crafting item, you only actually recieve 1!!!! 3 iron and 3 skulls as reward it says on screen, nope you get one of each. This happens almost every time, especially with iron, the ONE resource you seem to need for everything.

Real player with 59.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelite Turn-Based Combat Games.

Dungeon Rushers is fun turn-based rpg focused adapting to different enemies and situations as you progress. While I have been playing I have seen several updates to fix what the game currently offered, was well as new content added in that has made the game even more enjoyable.

While the gameplay can be seen as repetative at first, it does become more interesting as you progress. The gradual addition of enemies as you progress as well as new team members positioned throughout the campaign add a level of fluidity to the combat system so it does not get too dull.

Real player with 49.4 hrs in game

Dungeon Rushers on Steam

Happy Grumps

Happy Grumps

This is an incredibly cute game. Cute characters and cute writing. I just wanna make the clouds happy.

Game play wise, your objective is to get a direct line of sight on the enemies in each room, or indirectly by using the newly happy units to make others happy. The units move like chess pieces, and there are walls and other barriers that prevent movement and line of sight. The caveat is that you only have a certain amount of turns per level to find a key and defeat the boss. This means that the strategy comes from trying to use as few turns as possible to complete each room. This to me makes it feel kind of similar to match 3 games. You are trying to set up combos so you dont waste time moving things around individually. I think its pretty unique and fun.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Note about the “free product”: I purchased this but refunded it because a bug made it unplayable for me. As a courtesy I notified the developer, and he offered a free copy in exchange for some help finding and fixing the bug, which he was able to do quickly. This review was not solicited.

TLDR: It’s good. It’s unusual and a little confusing at first, but very much worth your time. Recommended.

Happy Grumps confused me initially (even after we got the bug figured out). It may not be what you expect, especially if you were searching on the “roguelike” tag. I think I’d call it a “chesslike”, since it’s played on a square grid with “happy” units which are under your control, and “grumpy” ones which you need to remove. Each room of the dungeon is one of these chessboards, and the number of turns it takes to remove all the grumpies is deducted from your total, which is kind of like hit points, fuel, and money combined.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Happy Grumps on Steam

Oneons: Prisoners

Oneons: Prisoners

For more reviews like this please visit the curator group Indie Game Feedback

A roguelite that plays with the concept of get to the final floor while maintaining a balance of health and energy.

What sets this game apart from others are the following

+It is very accessible on multiple devices (keyboard, mouse, touchscreen)

+Options for people who would like jumbo icons (visually impared)

+All assets are created by a single developer along with the level design

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

A very short but sweet game!

Gameplay is very fun! Managing your energy while trying to survive, killing enemies and finding the portals to the next levels as fast as you can. It’s beginner friendly, in the beginning and becomes more challenging as levels progress, but still fun!

The artstyle is pretty nice.

Overall, it’s really good and fun!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Oneons: Prisoners on Steam

Roguelite 2

Roguelite 2


Roguelite 2 is an inexpensive and fun implementation of the traditional rogue game using RPG maker graphics.

What I like most about this game is the “persistence” mechanics.

Each dungeon run has a chance to complete a series of quest-like achievements. These achievements, when completed, will then open up some small bonuses in future dungeon run. These bonuses can come in the form of unlocking new classes, better starting weapons and armor, or even some useful consumables like healing and resurrecting potions, etc. So, when you play this game, the best strategy is to focus on fulfilling the quest requirements and then your next dungeon run will be better.

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

JRPG style rougelite as the title suggests, but mostly turn-based so it might be better to call it a rougelike if one bothers to make the distinction.


  • Feels very relaxing and familiar as some one who has played a lot of (J)RPGs & rougelites.

  • Has good humor and well drawn characters that make it feel enjoyable.

  • Runs with a 4-person party, which adds a bit of depth which would otherwise be lacking.

  • Auto-saves at the begging of each floor.


  • Lacks the greater depth and complexity of other rougelites and thus ends up as more of a casual game than a serious intricate challenge of a game.

  • Graphics will sometimes freeze in a fight forcing you to redo a floor. This is mitigated fairly well by the auto-save which happens after the floor randomization so you will find the same loot & enemies on the replay of the floor.

  • Boss fights occur every 5 floors & are one of the big limiting factors in succeeding in a run, but are not particularly randomized which is disappointing as it hurts the enjoyment of replayability once the player has become comfortable with each of the bosses after fighting them a few times.

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Roguelite 2 on Steam

Sanctuary Saga: Prelude

Sanctuary Saga: Prelude

Press Kit

Guide disgruntled guild leaders leaving their homelands to face the harsh Untamed Wilds. Row-based battles with arguing allies reward strategic play in this 16-bit JRPG.

Send the party out on expeditions into randomly determined Biomes, each with their own set of Monster mobs and unique boss encounters. Collect loot to exchange for gear, leveling the heroes as they succeed in progressively harder expeditions to moving their caravan deeper into the Wilds.

Can you deliver them safely to their new home?

Row Based Combat

Combat is a synthesis of turn based order with a row-based skill system. Your heroes each possess 6 unique skills that must be used cooperatively to overcome the myriad of monsters within the Untamed Wilds.

Narrative Based On Relationship Scores

As party members fight alongside each other relationships develop playing out in an ongoing narrative. Will the party overcome their differences and develop the trust necessary to achieve their goal or will the caravan breakup part way through the expedition?

Argument System

Each hero possesses an Argument meter that rises during fights. Be sure to monitor this score because if it gets too high they may refuse to help fight the monsters!

Swap Party Members Between Encounters

The party can only have four active combatants so feel free to swap in healthier party members after a rough fight! If a hero gets knocked out during an expedition they will automatically revive once the party gets back to the Caravan.

Unique Mini-boss and Boss Encounters

Each Biome possesses four mini-bosses and four unique bosses that must be overcome through the course of the caravan’s travels. Learn the attack patterns of each and how to use your party’s skills to overcome!

Sanctuary Saga: Prelude on Steam



Shackled is the type of game that is entirely driven by the player’s willingness dive deeper into the world and uncover its mysteries. If you want to try and speed run the game without learning much about the world around you, you can with much greater difficulty than if you were to involve yourself in all of the side quests, strategic resetting, and world exploration to beef up your character.

Speaking of involving yourself, Shackled has tens of hours of content for a player who is looking to get the full experience per storyline (good, neutral, evil). The multitude of character interactions, environments, and quests questions your character’s intended purpose in the world and how much choice you truly have. Further lore tidbits are scattered around the world and require effort to both find and decode to understand the full story.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Shackled has a lot to offer and is meant to be played several times to find all of the secrets and follow each path of the story. The game is tough and encourages you to find new ways to speed up and improve your character before continuing on to the next level. There are plenty of spells to use, each help out and allow you to adapt a run to a certain play style.

I tested this game during its development which is why I received a free copy

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Shackled on Steam

Gone Viral

Gone Viral

If you want to make comparisons to other games, this is Enter The Binding of Smash TV, and if you understood that reference, this game is for you.

It doesn’t take itself seriously because it can’t, there’s just no way to sell this tone other than zany and over the top, so if you’re looking for gritty it ain’t here. I’m a big fan of twin stick roguelikes, but a common complaint I hear when I try to attract my friends to the genre is that they don’t want to take the time to slowly, painfully learn all the item effects and enemy patterns to be able to string together a good run. In your first few runs of Gone Viral, it doesn’t matter what the mutations do, pick them up, they’re fun. Are they good for your build? Who cares, they’re fun. Figuring out the cool interplay between different mutations can come later, and it will, through natural gameplay experimentation.

Real player with 50.8 hrs in game

Im giving this game a thumps up cause im havin fun while playing it but im going to give an honest review hoping that the devs will see it. The game is actually a mele Isaac clone with better graphics and music BUT it lacks in relics big time (i know its still in early access) and you never get these “overpowered” runs you would get in Isaac.. It also lacks in enemies and you find the same ones (6-7 types of enemies) again and again.The bosses are actually fun and interesting.The events need a bit balance cause many times you get in rooms full of enemies and with the events together its super sure that you ll get damaged..The drops need a bit balance too cause there are many runs that you cant even find enough shields..The main character is fun with nice skills but the rest two characters are 99% unplayable.The second character needs to never get dmg or find extremely many shields (and this happens 1 in 50 runs) and the third character has the slowest attack in the history of videogames and if you miss it you get dmg so its unplayable too.. i feel that these 2 characters need a huge rework..A ranged character would be fun i think (i know that there are ranged weapons but still its not sure if you ll find one or not).. The game is nice and the whole idea too but the game needs balancing and reworks to be a super great game.. I hope we see more relics and more unique ones in the next updates so every runs is different than the last one. 7/10

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Gone Viral on Steam

One Deck Dungeon

One Deck Dungeon

One Deck Dungeon is a lot of fun! You play an adventurer who decends into a dungeon made up of randomly drawn cards that you must overcome (or run away from). Fighting and disabling traps is resolved via dice rolls which are mitigated by your Skills. The number of dice is determined by your equipment. It’s a very clever and pretty game.

However, 13 hours in, I just stomped all the Fearless (hardest) mode dungeons with my Healing Spec Paladin. I mean, it wasn’t even close, even when she got completely unlucky. (for proof, feel free to check the screenshots on my profile) Perhaps Healadins are just overpowered once you know what’s going on.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

One deck dungeon is a very faithful interpretation of the board game, and this translates into a very fun, albeit slightly repetitive experience.

At its heart, one deck dungeon is a simple dice game where you roll dice of 4 different colours in an attempt to overcome enemy encounters by using the dice to fill in the boxes on the enemy card. Dice can only be used to fill boxes of the same colour as the die and if the number on the die is higher than the value on the box. Any unfilled boxes then apply penalties in the form of damage or wasted time at the end of the round. At the end of each encounter you can then choose an additional die for future encounters, a skill which can be used to manipulate your dice in various ways, or experience towards your character level. This process then repeats until you eventually reach the boss or perish in the attempt.

Real player with 62.6 hrs in game

One Deck Dungeon on Steam