Indies' Lies

Indies' Lies

An easier, and more enjoyable DBG

Different from the traditional deck building games, we have made many adjustments and optimizations in many aspects, the deck building process will be smoother and more flexible, allowing more players can experience the fun of DBG.

Solitary different role experience

There are 3 professions in early stage. Among them, each profession has three characters. Around each different profession, each character has its own unique and surprising gameplay, different talent trees and varied lieutenants, which will make your deck building more diverse. There will always be something you would like!

Cleverly designed lieutenants System

Players can invite up to two lieutenants to join the team in the game. Different lieutenants have their own positioning and building routes, some of them are strong DPS hero, some of them have strong tank capabilities, and some of them can make the attack of the main character more powerful. You have to make choices depend on the need of your team. A good choice can make your experience more refreshing.

Rich and Variable Talents

We designed unique talents for different professions and deck building. Even the same profession will have different talent selection routes for each game. 200+ unique talents can satisfy all your growing demands in the process of deck building.

Unique Plot Mode

The game has an original fictitious worldview and unique stories.

When you use different characters to complete the games, their own stories will be unlocked, and you will uncover different clues. These clues will take you further to the world under the influence of both old and new gods.

Read More: Best Roguelike Deckbuilder Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Indies' Lies on Steam

Spellsword Cards: Demontide

Spellsword Cards: Demontide

It’s not finished so maybe this review is not fair but it’s not in early access.

I finished only the 1st chapter because the 2nd is not done.


  • creative monsters, unqiue enemies

  • long campaign (example: longer than the Northmark’s campaign)

  • autonavigation in quest menu

  • some art is nice

  • gauntlet / puzzles minigames


  • the campaign is not polished

I couldn’t finish the 1rst chapter when my hero was a warrior because I couldn’t defeat two monsters (stirred up & in flight),

and I don’t like the slow grind (job board)

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelike Deckbuilder Dragons Games.

Sometimes I think what’s happening with Steam and why there are so many negatives. One reviewer says that ‘it needs a pass over with someone who understands card games’. Really, mate? Dev has just designed the whole card system and is good at it. Dev is often active and updates the game, but it seems that you want to push him away.

The game is good, it has a really interesting character development, cool story and well-designed battles in which you have to tune your deck. It is a deep system, not crossing the line of ‘read the fine print’, check the guide here to see it yourself:

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Spellsword Cards: Demontide on Steam

Vivid Knight

Vivid Knight

This is a cute roguelite and auto-chess crossover. It’s very strategy-focused, and the difficulty makes it quite addictive, but some balance issues begin to detract from enjoyment once you’re deep in the game.

The Good

The core game play is roguelike, with your character exploring a maze and fighting monsters in turn-based auto-chess-esque combat. Each step consumes mana, a limited resource that refreshes on each floor, and your team begins taking damage when you run out of mana, forcing you to be efficient in your exploration.

Real player with 62.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelike Deckbuilder Choices Matter Games.

Welcome to Auto Chess Darkest Dungeon, But Cute.

Jokes aside, this little game so far is one of the biggest surprises of the year for me. I do quite like the auto chess formula, but this game takes a quite unique spin on it which makes it really enjoyable for me.

I’ve seen a lot of reviews making comparisons to TFT and they’re not entirely wrong by drawing the said comparison.

That said, if you’re familiar with games like Auto Chess and TFT, there’s a few things this game does a little different.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Vivid Knight on Steam



The game feels a bit especially on the boss as :

  1. The boss has a large amount of hp - it is hard to combo break stun the boss.

  2. The boss can one-hit kill your heroes.

  3. With 1 & 2, it is hard to defeat the boss without taking any damage.

Hence you need higher weapons to defeat the boss

Minor user interface improvement would be great:

  1. When level up the hero the numbers should be in this order x/y where

x is the total number of orbs collected

y is the required orbs to level up


Real player with 64.2 hrs in game

DIMENSION REIGN is a story about Karen and her brother Edge The Shadowhog who, so dissatisfied with the customer service at their local Stop N Shop, decide to go on a rampage arguing their way up through the chain of command: From disgruntled employees just trying to calm them down, to dozens and dozens of managers, to security officers trying to politely get them to leave, all the way up to the CEO of the company so that their many dozens of nonsensical, self-centered, and outright bizarre complaints can be heard.

Real player with 45.4 hrs in game


Void Tyrant

Void Tyrant

Yeah it’s a good game. I’ve spent probably the most hours out of anyone on this because I have like hyper autism or something (not really but I played this a lot).

People complain about the lack of diversity. They are correct.

However, this is a roguelike where each run influences the next, so it is very addictive. I am still not completely through everything. Worth every penny.

Real player with 88.8 hrs in game

Great little rogue-like with an addictive game-play. It does take a little bit of time to get a full feel of the game. At first I thought that the RNG would drive me crazy but after a few runs and beating the boss the first time things begin to come together. Different classes and play styles allow you to control RNG in a way that’s fun.

What I love

The mixture of RPG and RNG keeps you hooked. If the RNG turns you off you can get a class that alters the RNG in their favor and if you love RNG there is a class that exploits it and 2 classes that blend this concept.

Real player with 39.6 hrs in game

Void Tyrant on Steam

Nowhere Prophet

Nowhere Prophet

Edit - I finally beat the game. Everything I said holds doubly true. This game is perfect in every way. There’s like six different endings. I accidentally taught Skynet about slavery. Feelsbadman. Gonna have to get it right next time.

Usually, I wait until I’ve seen half or three-quarters of the content a game has to offer before I write a review. That won’t be necessary here - I’ve done 4 runs, made it to the last level once, and only unlocked about 10% of the game’s other content, and I already find this game to be stellar in every possible way. Specifically, this game, even more so than Slay the Spire, is a love letter to anyone who enjoys drafting Magic: The Gathering; but by no means is that necessary to love this game. Everything about it, from the tooltips to the alignment system to the gameplay to the music and art directions, is executed flawlessly. While some of the other reviews - particularly the complaints about the VERY generous permadeath system; more on that later - made me wary of purchasing the game, I’m glad that I did.

Real player with 109.8 hrs in game

Need more time with this title, but deeply impressed with the experience so far. It’s story remains a little shallow (like most games of this ilk) but does better than a lot of it’s genre in being interesting in terms of it’s various road events… my initial hesitations were largely focused on the involvement of strategy game style positioning, which in my experience adds little to games like these while slowing play down considerably… I’m not sure that’s any less true in this game, but the feature is fairly minor and thus easy to only involve as much as you want to (certain decks have mechanics that benefit from using it liberally, while others can all but ignore it). There also seems to be some minor UI issues, such as the fact that I can’t seem to end my turn without exhausting all my units, forcing me to attack or move with units even if I don’t want to… unsure if that’s a bug or by design, but seems like a bizarre choice if the latter. The music is servicable but far from impressive and seems to recycle quite rapidly.

Real player with 90.3 hrs in game

Nowhere Prophet on Steam

Phantom Rose

Phantom Rose

Scarlet Rose Redemption

Phantom Rose is a rogue-lite deck building game with great artstyle and a troubled history. This is an updated review, written after finishing max difficulty level adventure.


  • Absolutely breathtaking anime-like dark artstyle.

  • Great (sadly short) piano soundtrack, that compliments the atmosphere very well.

  • Good selection of different cards and combinations.

  • Requires some thinking and strategy without being tiresome.

  • Easy to start, easy to put away (i.e. play a bit to kill time then come back later easily).

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Time to slice up some teddy bears.

Truth be told, I have been following the sole developer of Phantom Rose for quite some time. One day someone I was following on Tumblr reblogged Makaroll’s art and I followed them soon after. Though, it wasn’t until I finally made a Twitter account that I came across some surprising news. This artist that I happened to come across one day was developing a game. Looking back, I have no idea how I missed this (maybe it was one of those weeks where I was too busy to visit Tumblr), but I was excited to find out more. It didn’t take long before the teaser trailer was released to reveal that it was going to be a card game and the level of hype I had skyrocketed. Despite being really terrible at card games, I was definitely going to pick up Phantom Rose.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Phantom Rose on Steam

The Corpsmen

The Corpsmen

Unless you have a passion for making an ultimate abomination, the content of this game, at the moment, only amounts to 2 hours tops.

Game got great concept and a very solid core, but very messy in many ways. Bugs, crashes, lags. Afaik the devs are aware of the bugs and UI issues, so it should be fixed eventually, but for now, if you can’t stand “true” early access games, I’d say you wishlish this and wait. “True” early access as in, it really is an early access game, unlike many modern games where it’s pretty much complete but they just put the early access tag there as an excuse in case anything goes wrong, this game really is in early access state where the game pretty much is incomplete, but out there early so people can test it out.

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Warning before I post this. This game is still in development, and as such has some issues. That being said it just had a huge update, and a rather riveting beta phase for such an update. The development team seems to be paying attention to the forums and are able and willing to answer questions, even inane ones like that kind I ask.

They are working hard on fixing the bugs and issues, even at this current moment as I type this up.

That being said, I do recommend this game.

I should go over it, so here I go.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

The Corpsmen on Steam

Tower Tactics: Liberation

Tower Tactics: Liberation

It’s a mix of a Tower Defense and a Deckbuilder Roguelike.

Whats’s there not to like?

Especially because the Dev is very responsive and listens to feedback

After finishing the first Deck in Ascension 20 just now. I can say a bit more about the game.

There are 9 starting decks you unlock over time with your level, each with other starting cards and bonuses.

At first the game felt really hard, after getting used to the mechanics it became a bit better, but still was on the harder side.

Dev said he will adjust the difficulty to make it a bit easier.

Real player with 50.5 hrs in game

Edit: Game is still good 20 hours in.

I would highly recommend getting this game before it releases. This game is functionally complete. Obviously there is room for improvement (more variety of content) but you can complete a run (3 maps + Boss), there is meta progression, including 8 slots you unlock over time which you slot passive abilities you find or create. Which are a little bit basic like increased attack speed or range or increased currency gain. Also there are many starter packages that change how your run starts which are tied to level progression to keep things fresh.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Tower Tactics: Liberation on Steam

Unsung Knight

Unsung Knight

fun but crash a lot

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Unsung Knight on Steam