Sir, You Are Being Hunted

Sir, You Are Being Hunted

It was a chilly, spring evening in O’Lution Manor when this first came to my attention and I must say, that my interest in gaming had been waning a bit, snatching short plays of casual titles rather than putting in any significant time playing anything of depth. Indeed, with my eldest son having largely commandeered the console, leaving me with the laptop and mobile devices, it seemed I was wandering into the realms of the casual gamer.

And then I came across Sir, You Are Being Hunted. The visual style and sense of humour lulled me in in and when I saw, yes, my word, it will run on my laptop, I decided to take the plunge.

Real player with 44.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Open World Games.

The game is now out of Alpha, which means the developers are considering it more or less finished. In the past I made it clear how disappointed I was with how the game was turning out, and now I’d like to step back and review the game, the developers, and the history of both in their entirety.

The game taken completely by itself, with no consideration of the developers or the Alpha development phase, I feel is a decent but flawed stealth shooter. There’s some fun to be had in sneaking around in the tall grass, but nearly every other aspect of the game has something wrong with it.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Sir, You Are Being Hunted on Steam

CASE 2: Animatronics Survival

CASE 2: Animatronics Survival

I truly love this game. I cannot wait to see more gameplay added! I have already gotten my money’s worth of this game. There are a few things i would like to say. There are the most glitches with multiplayer. I totally understand that it is Early-Access. But i feel that these bugs should be noticed. Many times the computers/generators do not work even when the time limit is up. In the forest and police station, sometimes the doors dont open, but if you walk up to them, they will let you out. I also feel like the forest map is being over-played.

Real player with 217.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots FPS Games.

FUN FUN FUN!!! This game is so much fun! I want to see a whole lot more players because I want to play multiplayer with everyone! Goodness there is nothing like playing with friends or even random folks, especially as the animatronic.

For the multiplayer, the small bugs I’ve ever seen are very minor, which is amazing for an early access game. There’s some optimization issues, especially on the forest, that I’m sure will be worked out. The animatronic designs are absolutely beautiful, the maps are detailed and well laid out (I do hope that someday there is a “You are here” for the map because I get lost if I’m running away, my ONLY nit pick). I love the powers for both the animatronics and the survivors and it’s well balanced already. Something even better, you can customize and emote as the characters, allows for some fun shenanigans with other players.

Real player with 148.8 hrs in game

CASE 2: Animatronics Survival on Steam

Ctrl Alt Ego

Ctrl Alt Ego

You are ego, a disembodied consciousness.

You’ve been downloaded to an evacuated retro-tech space dock where a mind-altering virus has infected the consciousness ctrl stream.

Take ctrl of robots and devices to get around; some are friendly, others not so much.

Explore, grow your ego, find and exploit bugs, install and hack disk programs to upgrade your bug, evade or defeat hostiles.

Adopt a strategic, stealthy approach, or don’t.

Solve puzzles to reach locations of interest, or don’t.

Dig deeper into who you are and why you exist, or don’t.

  • 15 substantial handcrafted immersive environments

  • Sneak, cause mayhem, be a ctrl freak or an egomaniac

  • Darkly farcical tale about the future of consciousness

Distinct Features

  • There is no ‘player death’ in Ctrl Alt Ego. Your invincible, disembodied ego always lives on. If your current host is toast, pick another and carry on:

    (Note: there is a traditional save/load facility too, in case you refuse to accept who you are).

  • Once you’ve ctrl’d a robot, it is yours to keep. Amass an army and bring it with you:

  • Use robots to get around the old fashioned way, or ‘hop’ from one side of an area to another in a near-instant:

Read More: Best Robots Space Games.

Ctrl Alt Ego on Steam



You play as Dusty, a robot vacuum that gains sentience after fighting off burglars during a break-in. Your family is brutally attacked by the FamilyCorp warranty squad and in the battle you’re thrown into the living room TV. On the brink of robodeath, your consciousness enters “the TV dimension” to gain the abilities you need to rise from the ashes and rescue your family.

Eat Their Blood

Do your duties as a vacuum cleaner and clean up the mess

Devastating Powers

Consume the blood of your enemies to unleash devastating powers.


As a robot vacuum cleaner, use your low profile to hide under furniture and avoid detection.


Hack smart devices, turn them into deadly traps


Use the environment as your weapon, suck up objects to shoot at your enemies

Furry Friends

Meet powerful allies


The Light Keeps Us Safe

The Light Keeps Us Safe

As amazing as the atmosphere and idea is, I can’t recommend buying this yet.

It did just launch into early access, but functionality and gameplay really is very very bare bones. The core mechanics are too simple (it’s way too easy to figure out where you need to go because every objective has near identical light setups), and the enemies are very simple and very dumb. Once you get over the “I have no idea what that is so I am scared of it” and figure out what each thing is, you realize most things aren’t much of a threat at all. There doesn’t seem to be any reason to even sneak around other than just avoiding line of sight. I’m not sure why I even need to crouch other than to break line of sight or avoid collision.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

First off, I’m going to predicate this review by saying that, if you haven’t already gathered (which there’s no way you couldn’t have!) this game is in early access. Therefore, there are bound to be bugs, glitches and other things which Big Robot (the devs) will probably tweak in due course.

But with that aside, I’ve been doing a Let’s Play of this over on my Youtube channel and barring a few points of contention, so far I’m liking what I’m seeing. The game looks promising. If you want to see a sample of gameplay to help you decide whether or not to buy, then check this link here:

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

The Light Keeps Us Safe on Steam

CASE: Animatronics

CASE: Animatronics

++I couldn’t finish one FnaF game but I finished this one several times… and it only recognized my playthrough half the time so I probably OVERPLAYED this bitch like no other just to make it a 100% complete. Wasted around 25 hours idk how but I felt like it was more than that.

++Grabbed it in a bundle. You should probably do the same.

At least it is not the Cringebinge that FNaF has become. And to top it all off: FREE ROAMING!

Alrighty: Seeing as I am one of the few who really played this bitch LONGER than they should have I probably add to the other reviews as to WHY it could appear boring.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

[★★★☆☆] [Graphics]

  • Mediocre but passable.

  • No stylisation and not very realistic.

  • There’s stock photos that clearly don’t fit.

  • Animatronics are pretty cool looking, especially the third one.

[★★★★☆] [Gameplay]

  • You basically just wander around; find codes, keycards and try and survive.

  • Animatronics also wander around trying to rip your face off.

  • Requires lots of listening for sound clues and hiding which is terrifying.

  • You may have no idea what to do at start if you don’t notice the random spawning keycard.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

CASE: Animatronics on Steam

Hideout: Face your fears

Hideout: Face your fears

I haven’t finished the game yet, however, it seems pretty cool, the graphics is promising, voice acting it perfect, story seems to fit the atmosphere… I’d never say I’m going to enjoy in any stealth game, but here I am.

EDIT: It feels like I’m almost at the end of the game, still no complaints, there was one bugged door which I went through and fell, not a big deal though… Still enjoying it!

EDIT 2: I’ve completed the game today, and I can say that I’m quite disappointed at how the game ended… Looking forward for the updates (if there will be any).

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Its a great game! Decently put together, has a lot of potential. The sneaking is a really cool aspect and how you use devises is super sweet. Overall great game! Beware if you go through the door at the end boss (fountain entrance) instead of jumping off it will glitch the game making the robot spin in circles and not see you at all. Got stuck on the end for a solid 1hour and a half lol..


Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Hideout: Face your fears on Steam

Where’s My Lunch?!

Where’s My Lunch?!

Easily the best game released in 2021. The mechanics are incredible, the animation is beautiful, and the voice acting is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I am so excited for when I get to eat my next lunch. Thank you.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Where's My Lunch?! on Steam

Not The Robots

Not The Robots

Finishing Games With ADHD

Odd topic to start this review off with, but if you pay attention to any of my reviews, it’ll be on par.

! Not the Robots is/are a great game, and there isn’t much room for me to move on this. Completing games is a hard task if you have ADHD, I have so many games, and it’s come to the point that, most of them I haven’t ever touched more than 5 minutes, some not ever even opened, and It’s not like I’m a game collector. I understand that at some point I won’t be able to play all the games ever made, the human existence doesn’t last long enough. Unless I’m able to see the singularity occur, and become more machine than “man,” I won’t ever be able to play and complete every game. I’d love to, this is my preferred medium of story telling. As I’m sure a cinemaphile would be down for the idea of being able to watch every movie. It’s just not possible. ADHD makes this worse, I get none of the serotonin or dopamine from completing a task, and the more difficult the task is, the more my brain gets “distracted” and completing the task is harder and harder, it is what makes writing these reviews so easy. I have no qualms with ripping apart a well constructed masterpiece, if I have no reward (even chemically) for completing them.

Real player with 112.0 hrs in game

I love Not The Robots, and here’s why you should too:

First and foremost: Nothing is sacred. You can’t just run from one piece of cover to another. Instead, you actually have to destroy your cover to progress through the game. I can’t emphasize how amazing this is – there’s so much more depth than just waiting for guards to move along a set path and running from A to B. Do you start eating from the start, clearing out room after room, or do you go to one end of the map and only eat on your way back? Ideally, you should eat as little as you can while still fulfilling the objective, but of course that’s easier said than done.

Real player with 56.4 hrs in game

Not The Robots on Steam

Budget Cuts 2: Mission Insolvency

Budget Cuts 2: Mission Insolvency

I played this game for like 110 hours, but it’s now I decide to write a review.


More robots


City vibes

Pretty much everything I mentioned in the first review

This is one of those games that make more sense if you played the its predecessor first. It continues the story of BC1 immediately where it left off. So, it is generally recommended to play the BC1 first. However, it is totally worth it, in my opinion. The second game does improve on the first game in a couple of ways. Firstly, the maps break away from the traditional office setting, like having the player hop from rooftops, for instance. Without spoiling too much, the game near the end does change gameplay style a little bit, focusing a bit less on the stealth and more on the action. I didn’t say this in the other review, but the voice acting and the music are just awesome. I can tell, the actors had fun with their roles while still giving a great performance, making the friends (and enemies) you meet that much more memorable. The music reminds me of a combination of smooth jazz and what one calls the soundtrack to Portal. If one has the ability, definitely slow down and take a listen to the music. It really helps set the vibe of the the universe. Overall, everything that was good in the first game is definitely carried over.

Real player with 133.6 hrs in game

No spoilers here. Works great on WMR! Highly Recommended to all players! A classic masterpiece of VR gaming!

I have a Lenovo Explorer WMR setup and found absolutely no issues. All buttons work great with no setup required and throwing sharps at robot enemies from good distances is a super satisfying experience. BC2 not currently having official WMR support at launch, should not hold back WMR players from loving this game. Now with that out the way, on with my review.

Budget Cuts has been one of my all-time favourite games. Almost 1.5 years after BC1 launched, it still remains the best stealth VR experience. It has the perfect mix of fun, excitement, great story, humour, excellent graphics, interesting voice-overs and genuine on the edge of your seat suspense. It’s a highly polished experience that can’t be matched…….until BC2 just dropped!

Real player with 66.0 hrs in game

Budget Cuts 2: Mission Insolvency on Steam