I, W.O.M.A.N.

I, W.O.M.A.N.

I, W.O.M.A.N. is a Twin-Stick Arena Shooter with a Sci-Fi theme and story. With a quick-to-start design, you can start blasting robots within seconds of loading the game. Use a variety of futuristic weapons and power-ups to fight rampaging robots using your keyboard or game controller.

Start by customizing your Weaponized Operational Military Android Network (W.O.M.A.N.) character. Your task is ensuring the safety of the humans kept aboard the spacecraft in suspended animation. Unfortunately, a computer virus of unknown origin, for now known as The Malware, is taking over the ship’s service bots. As a W.O.M.A.N., you are independent of this ship’s internal network, and you operate autonomously, which allows you to fight off this intruding threat. Your only hope of saving the humans in stasis is to repel the rogue robots from that section of the ship, then work your way to the Bridge to reboot the Central Computer, which will theoretically purge The Malware.

Read More: Best Robots Character Customization Games.

I, W.O.M.A.N. on Steam



ENCODYA is a point-and-click adventure game from first-time developer Nicola Piovesan, who has previously been successful an accomplished filmmaker and director. The story is loosely based on his 2019 short film, Robot Will Protect You.

Set 40 years in the future, in the cyberpunk dystopia Neo-Berlin, an increasing number of cyberspace junkies wander around like zombies with their cumbersome headsets, wasting away. Tina, a homeless 9-year-old orphan, lost her mother to this cyberspace illness, and has been scraping out a living on the streets with her unfailingly loyal government-issue nanny bot, Sam. One day, Sam suddenly becomes the target of a citywide manhunt, and the pair soon learns that Sam contains secret data left behind by the father that Tina never knew she had. Tina embarks on her father’s mission to locate the secret cyberworld of ENCODYA as government goons follow her every step of the way.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Adventure Games.

Solid cyberpunk Point & Click with modern age graphics. A breeze of fresh air, and a recommend for most P&C lovers!

Tina & SAM

Tina is an almost ten years old orphan living on a rooftop in Neo-Berlin, together with her guardian robot SAM-53 (2053 is the year Tina is born). Her father disappeared a long time ago, and that led to her mother getting addicted to the VR cyberspace that hooks the mass of the population. This eventually killed her, leaving Tina alone in this grim world. Luckily she still has her betrusted SAM, because many orphans that live on the street lost their guardian.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

ENCODYA on Steam



The World Union collapsed, the nations are divided into coalitions “East” and “West”, a mysterious intelligent infection is forcing people to live under city lockdown. This is the world that needs saving. The world of KAPIA.

Amidst the chaos, Stefan, a retired pilot and a strong-willed grandfather, takes on the responsibility of ending the conflict. Little does he know his most powerful ally will be his little granddaughter, Reny.

  • Controller or Point-and-click

    A traditional point and click flow with an easily accessible drop-down inventory. To make things more exciting we also added a first-person close-up menu where you can interact with various items.

    Or play KAPIA with your controller and enjoy a modern game flow from your couch.

  • Play for both characters

    People have different sides to them, and the same goes for characters in KAPIA. Discover the story from different perspectives as you play for both Stefan and Reny. Follow their own unique paths to achieve a common goal.

  • Unique 3D design

    Enjoy a carefully crafted environment of medieval architecture and futuristic gadgets. Intelligent robots walk the streets of manually carved stone, power banks light up antique lamps, and typewriters serve as input devices for powerful computers.

  • Puzzles and mini-games

    Logic and diversity was the key to our work on this most significant aspect of the game. Just like in traditional adventure game most puzzles are tied up with objects, but there are also conversational puzzles and a whole bunch of logical mini-games.

Read More: Best Robots Adventure Games.

KAPIA on Steam



(click to open if you don’t see a bullet list)

Basic things you should know:

  • Despite appearances, Rumu is “not a branching narrative ” – none of the dozens of dialogue options you’ll be asked to click through influences the story.

  • The game proceeds through “days,” and you can’t save anywhere mid-day. If you quit out and continue, you go back to the start of the day.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Spoilers ahead. In summary, the game is tedious, too short, (only around 2-5 hours of gameplay) and too predictable.

I’ll give props where props are do. The game did its job in surprising you, in some cases. It was also pretty interesting the first time playing. The graphics aren’t godawful, and the vacuuming parts were pretty satisfying. Now for my complaints.

The storyline was too predictable. There was so much foreshadowing in parts like how Sabrina stuttered a ton when mentioned David and Cecily’s absense. There was obviously something shady Sabrina did.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Rumu on Steam



This was a fantastic Sci-Fi visual novel that I have enjoyed spending my time reading. I love mystery themed visual novels and this one had plenty of unanswered thought-provoking mysteries that really makes you think. I am really looking forward to the mysteries being solved if there is ever a sequel. I find it sad when stories end with cliffhangers that could last forever because the game didn’t attract enough people. More people need to spread the word about this hidden gem. If you want a Sci-Fi visual novel and are tired of the anime/manga art style ones, I recommend this!

Real player with 41.5 hrs in game

Interesting dialogues between the characters, and their place in this alternate future. The future of robotics and artificial life’s acceptance as autonomous beings is an interesting thought in itself. The storyline itself is easy enough for most people to grasp; no understanding of astronomy or robotics required!

Very straightforward story telling. Wastes no time with much extraneous dialogue. Easy to put on “Auto” and just coast along. Sometimes if you read the monitor screens ingame, there are strange Latin phrases. I have not had the chance to decipher much of them, but it would be cool to feature a part of the game that translates them!

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Event-D on Steam

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition


This was a beautiful game. It’s a game you could theoretically finish without much effort and time, but the world, the side characters, and the cultures played so deep a part in the story that I found myself sinking 200+ hours into it and not thinking twice. There is so much here in lore picked up in scraps and holograms hidden on your travels.

The thing that stuck out to me the most here was the relationships. Helping the people of the world was as important to the story as anything else, and it comes full circle

! at the end when those people that you choose to be compassionate to (or not) show up in the final epic battle (or they don’t, depending on how you interacted with them) . There are as many opportunities to show compassion and to be human as there are to kill things. It is such a human story that sets itself apart from your run-of-the-mill first-person shooter. It’s exploration and mystery as much as it is combat. It’s learning about people and cultures as much as it is learning about the machines, the world, and the secret of what Zero Dawn really is. This is not to distract from the story which was absolutely unique and incredible in how it unfolds, especially as you get closer to the heart of the truth.

Real player with 226.4 hrs in game

Horizon Zero Dawn is an awesome and fun game, definitely up there at the top of my list of favorite games.

It feels a bit like a fusion of the Tomb Raider reboot series and The Witcher 3 to me. Many of the game mechanics seem very familiar from either of the two but are somewhere in between. The climbing especially feels like somebody wanted a TW3 like game with climbing, was inspired by Tomb Raider (or Uncharted for that matter) and implemented a light version of that. Saying this however is not to diminish what the game achieves in any way. The net result of it is a very entertaining, fun to play set of game mechanics, from combat to stealth, a bit of crafting, riding, etc. (As with the other games many of the combat subtleties you only really learn on the harder difficulties.)

Real player with 149.3 hrs in game

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition on Steam

Through Rust We Are Returned

Through Rust We Are Returned

When I play a game I want a good story without having to constantly mash the keyboard in fights. This game has a compelling story revealed in the form of character memories. The game play is unique, you use the memories to determine the order of combat bonuses. It is fun and not difficult to play. I hope to see more from Chaos Crew Productions!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Full Playthrough w/ Both Endings and reading:



This game is definitely more of a visual novel than a strategy RPG, but it’s pretty well done. I really love the mechanics of equipping memories to adapt and customize your characters it’s really cool, the big problem though is that the battles are mind numbingly easy it’s pretty much a rush down there’s not much strategy required at all. I did enjoy it’s visual novel aspects though it’s a pretty dang story the end through me for a hot minute as I was trying to figure out who was who and what was going on, but it has a really dope cyberpunk victorian take on sociopolitical struggles it’s written pretty well, there’s not many typing errors at all. Definitely recommend it’s a well done free to play my only complaint is I wish the combat was a bit more strategic it seems like they give you certain memories so you can make a tank character, but there’s no reason to might as well just go flat damage and blitz.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Through Rust We Are Returned on Steam

ReCore: Definitive Edition

ReCore: Definitive Edition

I love and hate this game at the same time. For every good gameplay idea there is a glitch, bug or a bad design decision which let me grind my teeth.

But first things first, I think there is a lot of misunderstanding what kind of game you will get and how it is meant to be played. This game is mainly half an old school 3d-platformer (no auto-hooking, auto-jump or even QTE) and you will die a lot! The other half is an auto-aim shooter (controller strongly recommended!) where a small robot is your helper and later on the main source of your damage. The platforming dungeons and the battle arenas are connected by an open world desert, where you have to fight, do a bit of platforming and can search for loot. The main story is short and nearly negligible. That is one reason a lot of people think they have to grind in this game. But if you play the game how it is meant to be played and you do not try to customize your robots after every levelup, you will get nearly all resources you need through playing. The platform dungeons have a primary (finish th dungeon) and four secondary goals (where one goal is to accomplish the other three secondary goals in one run). Same is true for the battle arenas. If you are not the type of gamer which gets its satisfaction from trying to do a perfect or nearly perfect run, this game is nothing for you! You will get bored very fast and think you have to grind to get access to the End boss, because the main story is much too short to help you leveling up. All in all it seems the developers had some gameplay ideas, implemented them and then thought: Hey we also need some kind of story, let us write something down during our next coffee pause!

Real player with 68.4 hrs in game

Old-skool platformer with cool artstyle but clumsy mechanics.

Don’t be confused by RPG-esqe screenshots, this is a hardcore open-world platform game.


It plays like a PS2 platformer, double jumping around platform puzzles while unlocking abilities to reach new areas. The environment is crafted with minimal restrictions to your movement so areas that were obviously not meant to be played in are left accessible by a near-total absence of invisible walls (aside from the map perimeter). This creates a sense of freedom that genuinly rewards exploration. If you can see it - you can probably climb it. If your missing the ability - you can probably find another way up.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

ReCore: Definitive Edition on Steam



Updated Added 3/24/2019

Keep in mind this is a game still in beta phase, so it’s not quite finished. I’ll likely update my review as Beacon continues development.

I absolutely love top-down shooters and Beacon is no exception, in fact, it makes me appreciate them more. I’ve stuck around playing since it was released on Itch. It’s changed quite a lot, such as additions of enemies and bosses, loot areas, and of course all the bug-squashing, both technical and literal. It’s a little terrifying that there’ll be even more enemies and bosses later, which means plenty more ways to die, but hey, mutations are a thing.

Real player with 68.5 hrs in game

Beacon has a nice low-poly artsyle, a pretty good soundtrack, and interesting writing and ideas. It has some weird design choices regarding weapons and enemies, but is over-all rewarding, if not occasionally frustrating due to a few enemies.

The gameplay is pretty typical: you can use 2 guns, have 1 equipment, 1 consumable/held passive, a grenade type, and as many passive non-held items as you want. You can smack things and dodge-roll, too.

The big game idea is that, when you die, you use DNA pickups you collect from enemies and can “mutate” next run… Or you can do what I did and beat it without mutating, which is pretty doable. Mutations change how the character looks/acts/stats and how the character reacts to items and story elements.

Real player with 48.6 hrs in game

Beacon on Steam

Old Town Stories

Old Town Stories

This is a realy good game i extermly recommend playing this but there are somethings i would suggest to be changed in the campaine i think it would be better if you got to know the end boss guy more because you dont realy know him also the tractor beam it a little glitchy bacause when you use it somethins the gun doesent go into your hand

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Great game!

even tho its kinda short, it´s a lot of fun and the mechanics are awesome.

I honestly have only one small problem with it, and that’s that the “tractor beam” sometimes doesn’t work right on the first try.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Old Town Stories on Steam