I recommend the original Z, as far as I’m concerned it is the father of COH games, so it must work and the original works VERY WELL. If you have the original Z CD, do yourself a favour and keep it - you wont get a better Z experience.

This piece of junk works well at achieving what Z did and then BREAKS it further: it has numerous ' bugs' or examples of things that are really frustrating I shall try to list them, but the problem is the design of the game as well as it’s workings.

-As an RTS, there are no key bindings other than the mouse buttons

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Strategy Games.

“If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours. If it’s run over by a car, you don’t want it.”


First of all, what is Z? Well, let’s just say that when I was a kid, we didn’t have Company of Heroes. We had Z. Aside from the fact that Z takes a humorous approach and cutscenes here are some sort of mix between Ninja Turtles, ALF and Starcrash, heavily focused on robots, Z is pretty much it – an early game in Company of Heroes genre. You capture the flags, you produce units and you destroy enemy stronghold (tower) to win the level. Pretty basic, but addicting stuff. And like Company of Heroes, Z always looked good. Even though it was released only one year after legendary Command & Conquer, it looked way, way superior. Vehicles used to leave traces on the ground, your troops used to shoot some fauna for fun (a lot of funny effects included), there were funny animated portraits and heck, there were even destructible landscape elements! In other words, like I said, this game is pretty much Company of Heroes from 90s. In a comedy-oriented settings. And I sure have a lot of good memories about it. I mean, let’s just admit it – it was one of those games that every RTS fan had on his or her computer back in the days. So, what the heck with a thumb down review? Let me explain.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Z on Steam

Mega Man 11

Mega Man 11

After 8 years later we finall have another classic megaman game. And man it doesn’t dissapoint.


The graphics are colorful and nice. I am not one of those people who hate the idea of this game being 8 bit or modern graphics. To me the 8 bit sprties will always look great and age better in the end but that being said this game looks really good. They also took advantage of the higher quality graphics by making stages have a lot of unique nods. I love Blast man’s stage for example thanks to all those billboards in the background.

Real player with 60.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots 2.5D Games.

Very good game.

The greatest thing about this game is how gameplay feels.

It plays just as tight and as responsive as classic 8-bit MM games, but while having very fluid and great looking animations at the same time. It shows that a lot of work went into this to get the best of both world.

They learnt from the past not to repeat the same mistakes: in MM8 they added more frames to all anims just because they could, the result felt sluggish. In MM7 the low FOV made everything worse than it should be, but here with a widescreen ratio we end up with good looking characters and enemies of a reasonable size without hindering gameplay.

Real player with 55.4 hrs in game

Mega Man 11 on Steam

Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

As an oppressed minority I find this game extremely offensive. It is overly patriarchal to refer to the aliens as ‘Hedoth’. The developers should have respected individuals rights to self identification and referred to them as ‘Theydoth’.

In all seriousness though, amazing game. Only a few complaints.

First, there is no multiplayer integration with steam, so in order to play with friends you need to get a VPN and arrange it like an old school LAN game. Also, in order to get said VPN games to work we have had to disable our public firewalls during gameplay which is a bit dodgy.

Real player with 75.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Strategy Games.

Great game, if the controls and the graphics would get an overhaul, this could easily be a good modern title. The gameplay itself is still amazing.

You have 3 different fighting planes: Underground, ground and orbit.

Subterranean fights only allow for vehicles, such as tanks. Most of the times, you start with a very small area to fight/build in, but with Drill-vehicles, you can make some space, for buildings, for sneak attacks, for a lot. You can switch planes by building elevators, that are being built by Drillers.

Real player with 66.0 hrs in game

Metal Fatigue on Steam

Total Annihilation

Total Annihilation

This is one of those old games that age really really well. like the GOG version it works fine on newer systems. And no need for mods to get 1080p or higher. As the game even back in 1997 did scale to your max windows resolutions, sadly the game UI don’t. Nor the radar. So at 2K or 4K they are really tiny. And ofc this has the addon “The Core Contingency” and lots of other old bonus missions. And yes. I use Win10 and it works just fine. At the time of this writing the Arm campaing is done, 11 hours played and not a single crash…

Real player with 75.5 hrs in game

My favorite game as a child, i quickly snapped up the DRM Free edition availible through GOG.com. Now OTA is here on Steam in all its glory! It wasnt Starcraft or Command & Conquer that set the bar for late 90s rts games. OTA is the undisputed and most refferenced old-school RTS that to this day inspires the finer qualities in the EPIC War genre we crave.

Its important to note though steam failed to mention it in the product details This edition includes all DLC along with the main game (Original Total Annihilation, Core contengency Expansion, All of the Battle Tactics Expansions, Bonus Maps, Bonus Official Cavedog Units, Patch 3.1 known as the “No CD Patch” Patch 3.1 also is tweaked with the expanded unit cap which can be modified in the system files to a maximum of 5000 units per player in a 10 player battle. updated and fully supported multiplayer hosting for matches complete with thier own communities… The Added bennefit of the Steam Edition is access to the steam community for multiplayer compatibility. by comparison it is identical to the GOG edition with exception that the steam version has better compatibility with modern windows OS. Both copies work seamlessly with Wine if you use Linux or Mac. I reccomend the Steam edition for ease of gaming with friends. but the GOG.com version is DRM Free meaning you can buy one copy and then gift as many as you want to your friends per thier TOS agreement.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Total Annihilation on Steam

Mega Man X Legacy Collection

Mega Man X Legacy Collection

Nice collection, glad I didn’t run into any problems as others have. If you’re new to the series I recommend going through the classic Mega Man collections first, it will give you a better understanding of just how much the X series evolved the Mega Man formula as well as walk you through the basics of what Mega Man is all about. In this collection we have:


-Amazing soundtrack.

-Outstanding level design.

-Dash and wall jump.

-Armor upgrades.

-Great new use of sub tanks.

-Boss rush integrated in the last 4 stages.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

If you liked the Megaman X games for the SNES/PS1 back in the day, or you want to try them on modern hardware, this is a great pack. While the second half of the series is.. lackluster (X5 is averagely good, X6 suffers from extreme rush, X7… inflicts the suffering on you, and X8 is a competent entry), the first four titles are amazingly great (aside from maybe X3, which is “Okay”). Megaman X was made back when developers didn’t expect their players to be idiots who needed hand-holding. You figure things out yourself, you power up X and Zero as you play, and it’s all your own skills and ingenuity that does it (unless you look up cheat codes because hey, manual saves didn’t exist for the SNES games). Speaking of manual saves, you CAN save and load data for the SNES titles, just like the later PS1/PS2 ones now. That’s nice

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Mega Man X Legacy Collection on Steam

Space Quest™ Collection

Space Quest™ Collection

A Collection of 6 Space Quest titles released from 1986-1995. It’s a great Inventory Adventure series that Sierra On-Line created back when MS-DOS & Windows 3.1/95/98 was still by popular demand.

In Space Quest 1 - The Sarien Encounter:

Roger Wilco is one of the most important men on the starship Arcada: he is the janitor! Just when he was doing what he does best (dozing off in a closet), the shrill sound of an alarm penetrated the air. Arcada is attacked by the evil Sariens! Before Roger realizes what is going on, he discovers that he is the only survivor. The Sariens have killed the entire crew and stolen the valuable Star Generator. Roger’s immediate task is to find a way to leave Arcada, which is about to explode in fifteen minutes. And then he’ll have to show the Sariens why they should never mess with brave intergalactic janitors!

Real player with 143.3 hrs in game


I heartily enjoyed the Space Quest Collection, but they won’t be everyone’s jam. These games are ‘classics’ in the sense that they’re old, and filled with design decisions that may frustrate the unprepared. If you are looking for sci-fi adventure games to enjoy then I would recommend the Space Quest Collection if:

  • You have the mindset of an archeologist. If you are interested in the history of video games, and want to experience older graphics and gameplay conventions then you’ll find a lot to appreciate.

Real player with 52.5 hrs in game

Space Quest™ Collection on Steam

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2

The quality of the titles fluctuates but this is overall a worthwhile addition and a must for fans.

Structure and presentation remain unchanged from the og collection, (review here ). Stronger X Challenge content this time, with the final rounds featuring endgame boss team-ups more heavily.

Mega Man X5

One of the weakest Mega Man titles. Originally intended as the series finale. This version fixes/retcons the og NA boss nomenclature, which was based on Guns & Roses. The series' plot grows darker and the game expands the world a bit, progressing the story and adding more personality to the characters and the series in general. Competent soundtrack and visuals in keeping with the X standard.

Real player with 60.6 hrs in game

A little bit of background before I start here: I love platformers, and I love Mega Man; got into the series about eight years ago, back in the high school days. I had access to many of the original series games so I developed a fondness for those, only being able to play a few of the X games and Battle Network games via emulation. Eventually I was able to get the Mega Man X Collection on PS2, which I thought would be compatible with my PS3…Too bad the newer PS3s aren’t backwards compatible with them. Aside from a couple times where I was able to play X4 on a friend’s console, I sadly never got to play most of the X series, until earlier this year when I learned of the X Legacy Collection coming out. I was very excited and couldn’t wait for them.

Real player with 59.9 hrs in game

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 on Steam

Slave Zero

Slave Zero

Slave Zero is a Underrated Third-Person Shooter.

I’ve decided to rewrite this review because my old one was kind of crap but also it’s this game’s 20th Anniversary which is actually “October 31st, 1999”, and also I love this game.

Slave Zero is Fu*king Awesome, an example of an Underrated Classic that needs to be Revived or Remastered. In this game you play as a giant robot called Slave Zero, smashing up cars, buildings, and destroying other robots. This is one of the first games that has came up with this concept and it still works great today.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

It is hard for me to write about this game since I undoubtedly view it through nostalgia goggles, but I believe it still holds up quite well today. The game is very fun to play with great controls, a great variety of enemies, and beautifully designed futuristic areas.

I’ve noticed a lot of people comment on the story. The story is there purely for story’s sake — it is the glue that ties all the missions together. Don’t expect any intricate character development, or any sort of interaction among the characters whatsoever. Most of the exposition is presented at the very start of the game in the opening sequence and that’s that. The hero of the game, Ch’an, doesn’t communicate much with the rest of the cast - he merely executes Guardians' (the rebels) orders. This can be either good or bad depending on your preferences. If you’re the kind of player that likes to assume the role of the protagonist - then this is the game for you - but on the other hand, it is hard to have some clear idea in terms of what Ch’an is like. The intro states that “Ch’an must permanently merge with the Slave,” meaning he’s doomed to stay inside the robot for all eternity Neon Genesis Evangelion style. It would be interesting to read about his backstory, but the game is so fast paced and focused on bringing down Sovkhan that there’s never really any time to address that. It is only near the end of the game, during the final mission, when Sovkhan reveals (spoiler alert!) that he murdered Ch’an’s father which possibly explains Ch’an’s decision to permanently merge with the robot. Unfortunately, since the plot never really makes you feel invested in the characters, this grand revelation felt very underwhelming and anticlimatic. But you don’t play Slave Zero for the story! It is the fast-paced action packed gameplay, one of a kind atmosphere, amazingly intricate boss fights, and great atmospheric music that makes the game what it is. All in all, It is a great cyberpunk adventure that is still very fun to play now.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Slave Zero on Steam

Mega Man Legacy Collection

Mega Man Legacy Collection

If you enjoyed this review, please consider following my Curator Page [url]Nep's Gaming Paradise (Nepiki Gaming)[/url] for more reviews! I'm also the owner of a friendly social community with the same name, which you can check out by joining the [url]Steam Group[/url], or checking out our [url]Discord![/url]

Nepiki’s Stats

| Overall length |

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game


What is this?

A collection of the first 6 Mega Man platformers immaculately emulated with loads of extra content. |

The Best:

First timers: Challenging, fine-tuned gameplay from Mega Man 2 trough 6.

Longtime fans: Museum filled to the brim with behind the scenes content such as concept arts and unused Robot Masters' designs. |


Make Capcom great again:

1: Mega Man properly ported and available on Steam. |

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Mega Man Legacy Collection on Steam

A.I.M.2 Clan Wars

A.I.M.2 Clan Wars

Recommended to people who enjoy a little grinding every now and then. Because theres nothing better, than wasting all of your energy on a ship and then having to have almost no energy for repairs and thus being forced to return back a bit to grind some more crystals. As people say, it is buggy. Yes. But theres fixes to that in the guide section which works great. Owned the game on a CD from 1C but lost the CD and noticed it here, I dont regret buying it twice and unfortunately you can’t buy the first one.

Real player with 87.7 hrs in game

Neither “Recommending” or “Not recommending”

There’s a distinction between a review and a recommendation and both of them shouldn’t be mixed together.

This is a review.

Setting is fantastic, the spirit of sci-fi is strong in A.I.M. universe.

But other than exploring the sectors, it’s very tedious to actually play it after getting a hang of it. Interaction with enviroment is rather limited.

There are many gliders and upgrades to pick from, but they must be grinded for. Gliders and their equipment in hangar can be sold at the same price they were bought for, making amount of money (energy crystals) a substitute for an “experience bar” that measures character’s (mechminds) progress besides the ranking system.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

A.I.M.2 Clan Wars on Steam