

Beautiful game.

Game play and mechanics are straight forward and well done, but the visual and audio atmosphere of the game are where it really shines

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Atmospheric Games.

I’ve played about 90 minutes so far and I’m really enjoying this. The graphics and sound design are top notch. The game play is virtually identical to Abe’s Odyssey, but I really enjoyed that game too so it’s all good!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Vesper on Steam

Choice of Robots

Choice of Robots

Most fun I’ve had in a Video Game without graphics:

Choice of Robots is probably the most intriguing narrative experience I’ve found in choice / graphic novel genre games. Unlike most games, it does everything well. It would be difficult to say what it does best, but the storyline is definitely an incredible selling point. I like to spin out every scenario in a choice game, seeing what different routes exist, and never rush through. But, honestly, after 73 hours in the game I am sure I still haven’t seen every possible twist in this script.

Real player with 72.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Female Protagonist Games.

Wow. That was such an unexpectedly wonderful experience.

As this is a CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure), your experience may vary, but, I say with little hesitation that my own experience with the story is the most meaningful experience I’ve had with a game - ever.

Although wonderful in their own right, choice oriented games like The Walking Dead and Mass Effect don’t even come close to what this game accomplishes.

What Choice Do I Have?

CoR gives you choices.

CoR gives you lots of choices that make the story feel like your own, fostering immersion in a way that traditional literature cannot.

Real player with 45.3 hrs in game

Choice of Robots on Steam

Robot.Start - Puzzle Game

Robot.Start - Puzzle Game

Cool Sokoban game with nice mechanics,

simple graphics but fits perfectly with it’s proposal,


Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Casual Games.

Provides easy to learn mechanics with some tough puzzles to solve without being overwhelmingly difficult. Definitely worth a play.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Robot.Start - Puzzle Game on Steam



A steampunk adventure game set in a world of robots and myth.

You play as Ohm, one of the robotic lifeforms known as Autons, during the slow decline of their civilization. Explore the world of Autonima through dialog, found objects, environmental story-telling, and puzzle-solving, as you make your way up the mountain.

The future of their civilization is uncertain. Faced with extinction, the Autons search for powers beyond their own. Your quest is to find answers to the disappearance of Makers, and try to saving all life. Choose wisely. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.

Autonima on Steam

Bionic Heart 2

Bionic Heart 2

Having somewhat fond remembrances of the first Bionic Heart game (played some time ago), when I came across this sequel on sale for $10, I decided to give it a go. Unfortunately, other than the name, there’s not a lot in common. The humor is mostly gone, the characters are very shallow, and the whole concept of “social boss fight” is very contrived. There is a lot of dialog amongst the various endings, but a lot of it is recycled. The art doesn’t really match up with the characters. And the endings just don’t give you much feeling of satisfaction.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

This is an nteresting visual novel which sacrifices the typical genre-obliged light-heartedness setting and “romance options” for a much more mature and grim drama, which is quite refreshing.

The games also features a very good soundtrack (which you can find somewhere in the game folder, along a few wallpapers with drawings not used in the game), and good art, far away from the standard VN anime style in most characters.

The game is sadly not perfect. The writing could be the mayor issue. It is much better than that of its predecessor, but still shows some inconsistencies, such as different versions of “reality” depending on the path (that may be needed for making room to the 24 endings, but I find that a bit cheaty and unimmersive), and some deus-ex-machinas hard to explain. In a few points, disconnects from the story of the first game, which I find a good decision. That should allow you to not feel obliged to play that game, which was worse than this one. Also, there are a few minor bugs here and there, nothing game-breaking or particularly annoying (but note that in Linux, the achievements don’t unlock, but if you kept savegames before the endings you can load the savegames in other platform and unlock the achievements by replaying them, I had to do that). All the endings can be achieved but the guides are hard to find and follow (I couldn’t find a comprehensive one). Getting all of them became a bit tedious (and frustrating because of the errors in the guides I used).

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Bionic Heart 2 on Steam

Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human

Have you ever watched a TV series and thought to yourself, man, this character is dumb. Why would they go in there? Why would they do that? It is so stupid. For me, it happens more often than I would care to experience. But now, YOU can be in charge of your own TV series. That’s right, you can make the characters do dumb things and then know that you made them do it. Much more satisfying lol. So much power.

That is only half a joke, because that is what this game is. It is essentially a high budget TV production where you have some sprinkled ‘game-play’. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I quite enjoyed the ride and if you don’t want to read past this point, just know that if you want to experience a fascinating setting with a compelling narrative then this game is for you.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

So, most of the reviews I see are pretty positive or negative, but not super descriptive? And it really doesn’t do it justice, because this game… Well, it has a lot to say but also nothing at all. I want to preface with that I actually really enjoyed the game. I liked most of the characters, I like that there are so many branching paths in every scene, I LOVED the graphics, and I did actually like the gameplay. Overall, I don’t think you’ll be wasting money if you decide to purchase. It has a high replayability as well, which is just a lot of value.

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Detroit: Become Human on Steam

Terminator: Resistance

Terminator: Resistance

Games set in Terminator universe are very few and far between. So franchise fans don’t have much choice, if any, and must adjust their standards accordingly. Thankfully, Terminator: Resistance shouldn’t require too much of an adjustment, as it is a competent title in its own right. Now, don’t get your hopes too high yet. This game isn’t a brilliant triple A gem of a title but rather a solid middle of the road tribute.

Terminator: Resistance is mostly carriied by its visuals, atmosphere, story and of course setting. I wouldn’t say that it is easy to recommend based on merit of its gameplay mechanics. It is a Terminator game first and foremost, and a decent one at that. But does it hold its own as just a game, its franchise notwithstanding? In my opinion not.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

This game is a nice example for the lack of options between a “thumb up” and a “thumb down”. But since I had over twenty hours of fun while playing it I decided to rate it up.

I like the presentation of the dystopian city of L.A. Even if that means it’s almost complete colored grey. I really were able to dive into the story and I think the game is a nice addition to the movies. Even though you don’t meet characters from the movies with one (very short) exception.

But the game has problems. Not gamebreaking problems or any other noteworthy bugs. No the game itself is just kind of underchallenging. On the lowest difficulty your character is way to overpowered to let you feel like an inferior home defening soldier from the future. You are just the same old badass with sh*tloads of weapons and ammunition like in every other shooter out there. If you play on the highest difficulty you are a little worm getting trampled under the feet of some tin cans. This fits well in this kind of scenario but it also lowers the fun and turns the game into a stealth party with partially just unfair and annoying situations. But I think this is just a matter of taste. For the level design theres no other word than “bad”. Very often its just a bunch of (wide) tubes were you run (or crawl) from A to B and shoot stupid enemies.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Terminator: Resistance on Steam

Kiss Upload

Kiss Upload

Kiss Upload is a futuristic-themed romance visual novel. It features four involved story paths with even more outcomes.

You play as Tobias, who begins the story in present time, living a below-average life on his own. After receiving a flyer from the owner of an innovative company, Tobias decides to participate in a life-changing science experiment which would land him 500 years in the future. That is, if all goes according to plan.

In Kiss Upload, you can choose between three female and one male love interest. Each are connected to various sides of a conflict. Will you take the side of the FBI? Or will you side with a robotics engineer who calls herself a mad scientist? Maybe you’ll fall for a cute robot. The choice is yours.

Kiss Upload on Steam

Robot Daycare

Robot Daycare

A charming little visual novel about friends, philosophy, memes…oh yeah, and there’s also a robot!

Personally, I enjoyed the game, as well as both endings (for different reasons; something something spoilers). It’s a fairly quick playthrough (maybe 1~2 hours), so it doesn’t require a lot of your time.

Also, the couple of easter eggs I stumbled upon when naming the robot were amusing. :D

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

I truly cannot reconmend this game, and here’s why.

I appreciate a game that tries to deal with mental illness and depression. I believe that these are important issues to bring to light, and to have a conversation about. However, there are 2 things about this game that made it really hard for me to swallow:

1. The way that all of the characters related to one another and to each others' personalities and challenges felt very contrived, inauthentic, and ultimately without empathy. You have a charcter that in the beginning literally tries to program a robot to kill his friends laughing with them by the end, a character who fakes his own death, causes everyone massive trauma,. and is ultimately like “lol whoops guys should I not have done that?”, and folks modeling behavior that is absolutely not the right way to deal with or help someone dealing with mental health issues. Yes. The game makes it clear that there are no easy answers and that dealing with those issues is difficult. But I legitimately felt bad playing the game at some points because I had no way to choose better actions for the characters because you literally get to make like 4 choices in the entire game.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Robot Daycare on Steam

Alien Life Lab

Alien Life Lab

The entire station, known as Alien Life Lab, has lost communications with society and fallen into chaos!

It’s up to you to traverse through Alien Life Lab Station to find any survivors, recover valuable lab resources and find what caused the station to go haywire.

-Procedural Generation to give you a new level every time!

-Electric Tranquilizer Gun uses actual (in-game) physical bullets to stun violent aliens!

-Tranquilize hostile aliens with sci fi pistol, shotgun and sword.

-Find survivors and tag aliens to earn credit coins.

-Go deeper into the station.

*Experiences Will Vary.

Story & Lore:

Several months ago, the Lab went black… Communications were lost with the outside worlds.

Residents on-board have no idea what triggered the Lab into stasis that released the dangerous exhibits to roam throughout the cargo-holds to search for sustenance.

Everyone and everything on the Lab has been reduced to utilizing whatever resources they have or can find to survive, not knowing when, or even if, help would arrive.

In the deep of space, you board the seemingly dead ghost ship…

Alien Life Lab on Steam