We Are Live

We Are Live

I’m new to RougeLite games, so it took me a run or two to catch on. I really like the random encounters and rewards. But you also have options to shape your run. Together you need to think about your strategy for each run. I have not made it past the second level yet… I’m convinced spell crafting is the key and I get better each time.

All in all I think this game is fun, cute (in a pixel-heart kind of way), and mildly addicting (so far).

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Strategy Games.

[Note: Low Hours Played on this account because I played a Beta off Steam previously]

I genuinely enjoyed my time so far in We Are Live, it has some innovative features to bring to the table while also keeping what makes a classic Roguelite. My favorite notable feature would be the spell creation mechanic where you’re able to find “nodes” which can be crafted into various spells, allowing a more or less infinite amount of unique spell combinations. The story is also intriguing and kept me pushing forward time after time to get to the next new bits of lore or dialogue. It’s not a huge game but certainly not too small either, it’s a great medium experience as a fair price point!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

We Are Live on Steam

A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX

A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX

I LOVE THIS GAME. I have so much to say and I can’t even share all of it or my review will become even longer than it already is. Anyway, on to the review:

Characters: Okay, so my favorite characters here are the playable characters Ares and Tarus. (I love their character designs; I want to draw fan art of them someday.) There wasn’t much official artwork for the original version of this game, so in regard to the re-design for both Ares and Tarus for A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX, I think they both look more awesome here in the dialogue scenes. Both are combat androids but have very different personalities, which makes things interesting when playing through either campaign. Ares really behaves like a robot in dialogue scenes, like saying the word “Query” before asking a question, and making precise calculations of probabilities to the hundredth of a percentage. I think it’s cute; I love that robot-y stuff! I wasn’t sure about Tarus at first, but one third through Ares' story, I grew fond of Tarus after observing how mysterious and stoic he can be. He’s so cool. I had to start playing his campaign immediately after finishing Ares' story. And I ship them, but that’s just me. (Yes I know they are androids, but still, I just do.) And I can really see this as an anime. Oh, if only! But for now, that is what fan fiction is for…

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Metroidvania Games.

Not a bad game, especially for the price, but it’s definitely got some iffy parts to it and some bits that reek of a lack of comprehension of what the term “difficulty” means.

There’s a bit of engrish translation errors, but nothing too bad - they’re pretty rare and it’s easy to understand what’s being said.

Most of my issues have more to do with things like foreground objects that can kill you but which look like part of the background and your weapons pass through making it seem like it’s safe until you run into the hazard. Leaps of faith into bottomless pits, spotty controls, forced maneuvering in one section with both the top and bottom of the screen locked down but no indication this is the case on top, and other such design choices which led to a consistent feeling that any time I’ve died, it wasn’t my fault nor in my control to prevent because I couldn’t have known it was a problem until it was too late.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX on Steam

Mighty No. 9

Mighty No. 9

Okay so, at the time of writing this I have 3 bosses down.

Yes, I did back this game. Yes I did play the beta.

I won’t deny this game has a lot of controversy around it. But I’m gonna try to stick to the game itself.

Is it bad? No. Could it be better? yeah, but it’s still satisfying.

Is it worth the hate it gets? No, I would say not.

Most importantly, is the game fun? Yes.

I strongly recommend people play, and I mean actually play, not just the 0.2 hour times we’re seeing in the reviews, and form your own opinion.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Robots Anime Games.

Mighty No.9 should be a textbook case of how to not destroy the expectations of everyone who was craving this game. There hasn’t been a Megaman or Megaman X game in years, this should have been a cakewalk for this team to do and other studios have shown they can get very close to getting that Megaman feel. I’ll get this out of the way first- I’m not going to go into the gripes about the Kickstarter campaign, or the long wait, or all the other campaigns that were started before this way finished- they have been discussed to death already and you can check from other sources if you still wish to support the game by buying it.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Mighty No. 9 on Steam



Game Description

Control B-854, a brand-new testing robot coming right from the factory, created to be put at test in a huge facility filled with testing rooms, deadly traps, trains, and secrets!

Jump, dash, roll, and run with a unique movement system as you progress into the games and unfold the truth that lies behind evasilix!

Key Features

  • A new way to play

    Control your character differently than from other games, with the unique movements system that comes with evasilix!

    On the left side of your screen, you will see various buttons that you can interact with your keyboard, each button representing one movement. By default, you select a movement with WASD and Trigger it with SPACE.

    This system allows you to have a unique learning progression from level to level, putting your skill and your adaptation to test from easy to hard.

  • 25 unique levels

    Face more than 25 levels, each having their unique layers and mechanics! Those levels include parkours, boss, and even train levels!

    If you are stuck in one level, don’t worry! You can do the levels of a same area in the order you want!

  • A huge HUB filled with secrets

    Explore a huge hub divided into 6 areas, each of them having their ambiance and style. This hub is also filled with a vast quantity of secrets of all kinds: puzzles, mazes, monsters, and other weird stuff… So keep your eyes open!

  • 4 difficulty modes

    • Normal

    • Impossible: Middle respawn removed, traps added, and more

    • Mirror Normal: World inverted!

    • Mirror Impossible: The hardest way to play the game, impossible + mirror combined

    This allows you to have great replayability, especially if you are always looking for a harder challenge!

  • 35 minutes long “movie”

    Have you ever heard about the most intelligent living form called X1218?

    As you progress into the game, unfold the story of X and reveal the truth that lies behind Evasilix!

Do you have what it takes for Evasilix?

Evasilix on Steam

Mega Man 11

Mega Man 11

After 8 years later we finall have another classic megaman game. And man it doesn’t dissapoint.


The graphics are colorful and nice. I am not one of those people who hate the idea of this game being 8 bit or modern graphics. To me the 8 bit sprties will always look great and age better in the end but that being said this game looks really good. They also took advantage of the higher quality graphics by making stages have a lot of unique nods. I love Blast man’s stage for example thanks to all those billboards in the background.

Real player with 60.8 hrs in game

Very good game.

The greatest thing about this game is how gameplay feels.

It plays just as tight and as responsive as classic 8-bit MM games, but while having very fluid and great looking animations at the same time. It shows that a lot of work went into this to get the best of both world.

They learnt from the past not to repeat the same mistakes: in MM8 they added more frames to all anims just because they could, the result felt sluggish. In MM7 the low FOV made everything worse than it should be, but here with a widescreen ratio we end up with good looking characters and enemies of a reasonable size without hindering gameplay.

Real player with 55.4 hrs in game

Mega Man 11 on Steam



NRG is an indie platform PVP action game, done a bit different.

Energy management is key, and keeping a constant eye on incoming bullets, hang of walls, and parkour about.

It’s ideally played with controller, and the movements feel pretty smooth.

Plenty of pewpews, bright colors, and free is always nice!

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

This game is quick to pick up. Great for casual play. The devs are enjoyable people. They are definitely not shy people. They are full of life and ambitions for this game. This game brings a new perspective to 3D platforming. I hope this game lifts off.

The soundtrack is alright, having it on loop in my ear for 5 hours. I do wish there were more sfx to the finishers. But i can understand why not due to copyright issues and etc.

The graphics are simplistic and adorable. Which are contradictory to their actions. 🤣 With limited maps so far, be prepared to watch the same scenery spin around your computer screen. The UI is rough to the eye, but the dev team does have some ideas on it in the future.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

NRG on Steam

String Rush

String Rush

Please follow United Critics for quality reviews

Good things:

This is just a short game that you play only by using WASD or arrows. I like the idea for this game as it requires you to think how to do each room in a perfect way to get the achievements. I think the graphic in this game is ok. It is good that there are different obstacles both stationary and moving ones that require you to learn their movement to be able to avoid them.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

String Rush on Steam

Colonials Programme

Colonials Programme

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A short-term sci-fi Colony Building Resource Management puzzle game

It’s a causal game where you build machines on a grid-based 2.5D map, to harvest resources, and refine them into things like food, water or fuel. Which you’ll need to birth colonists or launch rockets. Meanwhile, you’ll have to manage pollution levels or even fight alien infestations, threatening to block off your precious building slots!

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

A colony management simulation where you are preparing planets for human colonization. Build the necessary structures and gather resource. Then manage the planet and continue to progress, eventually gaining colonist and venturing on. A causal game that takes planning, and has a lot of indie charm.

Here is the first 40 minutes of game play.


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### Mature Minded Gamers |

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Colonials Programme on Steam

Megabyte Punch

Megabyte Punch

Megabyte Punch is an awesome platformer with 4 player versus and coop, highly customizable characters, tons of secrets in maze like levels with tough bosses all in a Super Smash Bros style Brawler.

The main game is fairly short, There are only 6 levels, But each level has 3 parts and each level has a boss and there is a final boss, So this amounts to 18 levels, 7 bosses and a whole lot of unlockables to find. All levels are full with secrets and getting certain parts helps you get to previously unreachable areas.

Real player with 101.6 hrs in game

As someone who’s clocked more time into this than I can arguably say many people have, and stands as the only game in my library that I’ve 100% completed, I’d probably sound just as you’d expect when I say that Megabyte Punch is just good. Just very, very, veryveryvery good. Don’t even let the 100% completion, or the 50 hours, be what convinces you. Hell, don’t even let my review be what convinces you, either! I’m not exactly an unbiased source of information here!

(tl;dr at the bottom.)

Now, before anything else, I’ll mention off the bat that I got the code for my copy of the game off of a Steam friend; looking back, though, I’d say that I’d have bought this regardless, and maybe some more copies for friends as well. take with that information what you will, as maybe not having paid for it myself’s painted my opinion a little.

Real player with 61.1 hrs in game

Megabyte Punch on Steam



Small, rough, and buggy - but nevertheless charming. Not unlike the asteroid you land on.

Wild-9’s first playthrough should take you roughly half an hour, as it says in the description.

Adding a speedrun achievement to this game, in my opinion, was a mistake. Your speedrun attempts will expose many of the flaws in this game.

! First, deleting your save and starting over is very likely to generate a broken seed that doesn’t spawn any enemies - you can check this almost immediately by noticing the absence of the first enemy you’re supposed to encounter. If you want to start a new run, you need to close out and re-open the game first. Second, you’ll come to rely on a highly-exploitable quirk where enemies will teleport back to their starting position if they wander too far away from it, where you can basically spawn-camp them. (Better than them getting lost, though.) Third, upon each death, you’ll respawn at your spaceship with a scooter, but not necessarily the same class of scooter you had - meaning you might get a free upgrade. I also encountered a CTD on my first run of the game, none afterward though.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

A good, albeit buggy game. There is an issue that when you delete a save then try to start a new game, some old events from the previous run will be saved. I solved this by just closing and reopening the game, but still a big issue. It is an interesting game, with a cool way of finding things (hint, talk to NPCs). The world is very confusing and could’ve used a map, as well as a way to differentiate between places you’ve been and haven’t been better. Good pickup for the price.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

WILD-9 on Steam