Nekomew’s Potty Trouble

Nekomew’s Potty Trouble

I feel as though this game is the first to actually bring me down to write a serious review here on Steam. Not because it’s bad, but there was something about it that kept me wanting to keep going and playing it. Maybe the fact that not a lot of people either have heard about it was why… With that, there’s also room for improvement; and I’m going to go into detail why.


I can imagine some people being turned off by the subject matter and goal of the game, but that’s to be expected. What I like about the title screen is the music. The music does an overall good job getting the horror atmosphere across. The tutorial presentation is lacking though. The 3D models used for the side characters of the protagonist could be improved. It seems like the texturing could be a bit better, along with the animations. The father character sometimes just has his mouth open all the time during the cut-scenes. It was apparent during the tutorial level, and sometimes even the later cutscenes. The pacing of the cut-scenes that happen during Nekomew’s nightmares needs a bit of adjusting. I know that the dialogue and such happens because it’s in tune of the music, but sometimes there are just moments of waiting for the next dialogue box that last for a bit too long. Perhaps if that were fixed, then I wouldn’t have much else to say. I played this game in English, as I noticed there were some misspelled words and such and a few grammatical errors. I won’t fault the developer too much since I’m assuming English was not their first language (the trailer for the game released on YouTube had mostly Spanish comments), rather just mention that there were some of those present. I was still able to understand the dialogue regardless of the errors present. The pacing may also be because it was designed for Spanish as apposed to English? I’m not sure

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Rhythm Indie Games.

So far i’ve played the demo last year, was a bit challenging for the most part. but now that its out on steam officially I’d figure I should give it a revisit. It’s surprisingly addicting but pretty hard to be on tempo, but then again i could use an upgrade on my kb. The way the enemies mix in progressing levels is pretty fun, might encounter some bugs, but nothing game breaking. Some dialouge could be tweaked a bit, english must be a second language to the team, but I got the gist of it.

It’s cute, challenging, and a bit surprising.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Nekomew's Potty Trouble on Steam

Heartbeat: Regret

Heartbeat: Regret

I would not recommend this game as a horror game. I feel like it has a lot of potential as a horror game but due to the frustration of movement. The game losses any sort of suspense and is replaced by frustration. Some people have mentioned that the lack of a tutorial was an added challenge; I didn’t find this to be true for myself. However I did find a lot of difficultly reading the text. As well as finding the tempo for the movement difficult especially at slower tempos.

The text being hard to read is not a huge problem as the text is read out loud and I got used to it over time. Though for people that are better at spelling than me I’m sure this is even less of an issue if it is an issue at all. Though for the issue of movement the tempo is very hard to find. I died severely times just trying to move around the areas and spent a bunch of time sitting in one spot just waiting for the heartbeat to go down. This made it very frustrating when most of my time is either spent sitting around waiting to be able to move without dying or trying to get back to a point that was right before I got killed just to march into death again. For as long as it takes to move around the areas you just lose anything that makes it scary. Honestly the most scary thing about it was how I was about to pick up my keyboard and chuck it across the room in frustration.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Rhythm Short Games.

An extremely unique idea! Never thought I would have typing horror and rythm in the same game! I love it! A little bit of trouble with instructions and knowing what to a couple times, but the incredible sound design makes up for it. I’ll be playing this for a while I can already tell

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Heartbeat: Regret on Steam

Brooklyn Sentai: Episode One

Brooklyn Sentai: Episode One

5,000 years ago, the evil X?X?X? Organization crashlanded on Earth. They were driven back into space by the protectors of the Earth. Today, X?X?X? have returned. Stronger. Crazier. Starving for chaos. In New York City, the citizens who would be the Earth’s protectors are about to have their lives changed. Five people will be entrusted with the power to stop evil. They will fight for their planet. They will fight for their city. Brooklyn Sentai.



A fresh take on music games that presents gameplay modeled after playing a real piano. Play and layer melody and harmony to fight evil.


Each episode focuses on one member of Brooklyn Sentai and features fully voiced acted cutscenes.


Jump, fight, and dance your way through early 90’s inspired retro platforming.

Episode One also includes the game soundtrack, featuring all the songs from Episode One and one song from Episode Two, in lossless FLAC format.

About the Developer

Nick Leyva is a content creator. His improv team, The Weird Ones, was assembled by Shannon O’Neil in 2012 for a run at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in New York City, which sold out. The same year, his first musical FYM debuted at Dixon Place as part of their annual HOT! Festival in the lower east side of NYC. In 2015 he was selected to participate in the New York Musical Theatre Festival Songwriting Workshop, which concluded with a masterclass with composer Laurence O’Keefe (Bat Boy, Legally Blonde, Heathers). Also in 2015 Square Enix selected a song he composed for use in the promotion of the videogame Just Cause 3. In 2016 he turned to game development, and in 2019 completed his first commercial game.

Read More: Best Rhythm Indie Games.

Brooklyn Sentai: Episode One on Steam

Nightmare Zone

Nightmare Zone

Absolutely terrifying and almost equally frustrating!

I would recommend this game to anyone!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Pretty scary and fun little game! I like how the monsters look and the sounds they make! I also like the idea of this game. I do wish there was a checkpoint system after every door so players don’t get frustrated after almost beating it and having to restart. Also when you get chased by a monster, after a while the sound cuts off so you don’t know if they stopped following you or not. Other than that I think this game is really good for what you pay and all the scares it brought with it. Thank you

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Nightmare Zone on Steam

Stage Fright

Stage Fright

This is a game, that while I enjoy it conceptually, and the first two songs, I find that I can’t recommend it to anyone except experienced pianists (or keyboardists). With there only being the seven songs, four in story and three in arcade, the difficulty after the first song is absolutely brutal to the point where as an amateur, although experienced with other music games, I find that I can’t complete more than the first two songs of the story, and the first in arcade. The second of the three arcade songs is particularly ludicrous for anyone starting out (and I haven’t even tried checking the third)

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

It was a short and fun little game.

For the horror element, there are not really jumpscares (for me at least). But it does put you on edge. I jumped a bit when someone had touched my neck while playing.

Gameplay is easy in the beginning but can quickly get harder. I needed to replay the thirth song a couple of times before i could complete it. Arcade song 2 seems a bit impossible for me.

The story is shown to you in bits and pieces before, during and after the song. It’s easy to figure out what happend after completing the fourth song. But it was a nice short little mystery.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Stage Fright on Steam

Halloween Rhythm

Halloween Rhythm

Wow.. this gotta be the worst rhythm game I’ve played. The only reason I played it is cause I’m a weirdo with a need to play Halloween themed games on Halloween 🎃

It looks like it was drawn in paint, and there’s no penalty for mistakes.

Hard mode is way too hard and its much easier to just mash left and right.

And all 6 songs are public domain classical songs that you hear way too often.

Don’t play this.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Halloween Rhythm on Steam



Chimpology is a retro pixel button mashing game where you must hit the keys corresponding to “1” and “0” in sequence. Get the numbers right and you can progress. Enough mistakes and you lose. For some reason they decided that despite having “0” and “1” keys on your keyboard, they should be “z” and “m” because apparently these guys never saw a keyboard before.

There’s no other gameplay to speak of here. Graphics are ugly. The developers seem to have put more effort into explaining why their terrible game works the way it does (chimpanzees or something) than actually developing a game people might enjoy. Totally not worth $3.

Real player with 43.6 hrs in game


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Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Chimpology on Steam



Disclaimer: This review is considerably lengthy. The abridged version is: buy it. I have been obsessed with this game for the past few days and that train, much like the space beetle you play as, is not stopping anytime soon. If you’re interested in reading about how I believe Thumper applies play conditioning, minimalism and cosmic horror to create a brilliant game filled with gorgeous graphics, an intense score and absurd replay value – go ahead!

This strange game is an incredibly satisfying trifecta of psychedelic art, rhythm-based play and horror tension. Seriously, somehow developers Drool have managed to make a game described as, a space beetle travelling through the void, a uniquely terrifying and intense experience. I want to focus the majority of my review on a concept I think Thumper executes brilliantly. It’s a term known as play conditioning, and it’s not mine – I first heard its use by film and games essayist Hbomberguy. He coined the term vis-à-vis Thumper; so, with this in mind, I believe it to be intellectually honest for me to present his argument given that I will proceed to apply, expand and comment on it.

Real player with 69.5 hrs in game

I understand that hearing “rhythm violence” or “rhythm horror” might be a bit concerning or confusing, so I am going to try to explain it. It is incredibly difficult to know what this game means by those things without trying it.

This game has no gore, no jumpscares, no typical horror tropes, no dismemberment, etc. What Thumper does is give you a feeling of tension and sheer adrenaline. Everything builds up to different points and then releases that tension, thus giving you that feeling of “dread” and adrenaline.

Real player with 63.8 hrs in game

Thumper on Steam

Metal: Hellsinger

Metal: Hellsinger

Part human, part demon, and obsessed with vengeance. Become The Unknown, and fight through the fiercest domains of Hell. Destroy the demon hordes and their leaders to set yourself up for an epic showdown with The Red Judge herself.

Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm FPS, where your ability to shoot on the beat will enhance your gameplay experience. The more in sync you are with the rhythm, the more intense the music will become and the more destruction you will cause.

Defeat the demon hordes with a skull-clad blade or a wide range of murderous guns. Each weapon has its own ultimate ability, such as Murder of Crows or The Big Goodbye.

Play through an epic storyline, narrated by award-winning actor Troy Baker. Then conquer the leaderboards or challenge your friends to beat your score in Challenge Mode.

Although commonly known as Hell, The Infernal Planes is in reality a union of a thousand Hells, all of which are terrifying and diabolical in their own way. In order to dethrone The Red Judge, you must fight your way through the fiercest corners, from the icy world of Voke to the maddening world of Stygia.

Metal: Hellsinger is created by an experienced FPS team at The Outsiders and is the passion project of David Goldfarb, Game Director on Payday 2 and Lead Designer on Battlefield 3 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

Every track is created specifically for the game with vocals by metal icons, such as Matt Heafy (Trivium), Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquillity), Björn Strid (Soilwork), Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy) and Tatiana Shmailyuk (Jinjer).




Metal: Hellsinger on Steam



Absolutely adored this game.

There were a few minigames that I either had difficultly figuring out what I was doing wrong (and still to some degree don’t know what I was doing incorrectly) or the controls right when you start a new one. They aren’t always clear cut, at least to me, on what you were supposed to do. However, that’s something that’s easy to overlook as you can retry them over and over; through that point in the story by restarting that minigame marathon or talking to the person again and given another chance.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Average ice cream fan

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Typical milk enjoyer

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Real player with 8.2 hrs in game