Double Kick Heroes
There have been so many rhythm games over the years varying in overall idea: dancing to music in time, playing plastic guitars in time, pressing keyboard buttons in time, and even racing to music in time. Double Kick Heroes may not seem any different from these other games but it is in one small and simple detail: you aren’t just keeping in time. Being solely based off of the drum beats and patterns, the game focuses on the overall groove of each song rather than just watching the screen and reacting to visual cues. Through my first playthrough of the story mode, I played it like I would any other rhythm game and relied on the visuals to guide me through the songs. The difficulty immediately ramps early in the story however (which i’ll talk about soon) and i found that it was difficult to complete songs, ultimately failing a lot. After practising a little more, I started to get into the groove and into the mindset of a drummer and found it 10x easier to complete every song and ultimately more enjoyable than any other rhythm game.
– Real player with 52.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Rhythm Zombies Games.
I’ve tried and bought the game at Stunfest a few days ago. It’s a great game, I definely recommend it !
The songs are really nice and the graphics are pleasant too.
I’m not very familiar rythm games so I had a hard time on some levels (T-Rex for example) but I still managed to beat the game in Metal difficulty. There are currently no level with 3 tracks in that difficulty and you figure out quickly that the second track is optional (the main combo does not reset when you miss the cymbals) so I sometimes just ignored that second track to be a bit more focused on the main one (especially on the tank boss).
– Real player with 19.6 hrs in game