El Tango de la Muerte

El Tango de la Muerte

El Tango de la Muerte:

It takes two to tango, isn’t what they say! What if someone wants to tango but has two left feet? The image in my mind is that a person would have his upper body leaning toward the right in order to compensate for his/her unfortunate tendency to deviate to their left side. Joking aside, what would you do if your childhood sweetheart was a great Tango dancer, and you discovered that you actually had not two, but three left feet? You’d probably ask someone to help you out, right? That is exactly what Luciano did. He asked his best friend Julio to teach him how to find the secret of his right foot. Otherwise, it would truly become El Tango de la Muerte!

*– [Real player with 3.3 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003030375)*




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--- A fresh and highly unique spin on the rhythm genre. You're basically trying to follow the pattern as it appears on the floor with various flourishes that you can hit for added effect. While this sounds simple, picking up on the rhythm can be tough and you'll feel exactly as awkward as someone dancing poorly would in real life, but when you finally get the beat down and hit that string of notes just right, it feels _amazing_ The theme and story are also very fun. I can honestly say I've never played a game about Argentenian ballroom dancing before. The storyline is like a soap opera gangster story and it's surprisingly well-written with some memorable characters and fun over-the-top melodrama. *– [Real player with 2.6 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997934524)* --- ![ANOTHER EDEN](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1252600/header.jpg "") ## ANOTHER EDEN This is actually the 2nd time I've started this game. I first played this game on mobile when it first launched on mobile. This was during the launch period when Mariel was considered the best 5star and Toova and Mighty were strong offense. Things have changed a lot since then. I lost my mobile account because they did not have a google link at that time. So I'm literally starting from the beginning. The only reason I'm willing to do this is because of this game's permanent content system. All events are retained permanently. For every other gatcha game I've ever played, I never see myself as a returning player. So this is the best thing I want to praise about Another Eden. I really like the permanent content and in my opinion, this makes it far better than all the other gatcha games. Just this point alone. *– [Real player with 630.0 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198155029039)* ---

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--- Another Eden is a spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross with some members of the original team (like Masato Kato and Yasunori Mitsuda) onboard, a love letter to jRPGs of the 90s with a modern feel. The game itself is massive and is similar in scope to live-service MMOs, except Another Eden is a purely single-player 2.5D jRPG. New story content for it is still being released on a regular basis, expanding it even more with each new update. ### =GAMEPLAY= The gameplay here is of a classic turn-based jRPG with random encounters and limit breaks (called Another Force here). The biggest difference from the classics is that this game has gacha mechanics for acquiring additional characters, each of which has their own set of story quests. The amount of stones for pulls the game gives its players is pretty generous though, the pulls contain only characters and nothing else, additional styles or class upgrades for owned characters can be unlocked through farming certain in-game resources instead of pulling for them, and the characters that can be unlocked as rewards for story progression can be quite powerful as well, especially the ones from 'Tales of' and 'Persona 5' collaborations. Unlike character banners, all the story and crossover events don't expire (except for the most recent Chrono Cross collaboration, which has a 5-year license, but hopefully they'll be able to extend it). *– [Real player with 374.9 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197983404616)* ---