Super Grave Snatchers

Super Grave Snatchers

Raise the dead. Kill people. Raise them, too.

There are also spells like fireballs and soul tornadoes, if you don’t want your minions to have all of the fun.

Campaign is not long, but there’s a sandbox mode and a survival mode that you can unlock, also.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Retro Action RPG Games.

Super Grave Snatchers is a short, beautifully retro, necromantically witty and very engaging game.

The controls are simple enough, and fairly intuitive. On higher difficulties, the length of the game makes the creative permadeath fun rather than a chore (I recommend at least 2 Cheat Death items, because you basically have 1 HP). On lower difficulties, well, it’s a blast to just run around necromant-ing everything in sight. :D

As for the musical score - ::chef’s kiss::

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Super Grave Snatchers on Steam

Lucius Demake

Lucius Demake

Lucius Demake is a bizarre 2-D, pixel art remake of an already bizarre series. Heavily influenced by Richard Donner’s 1976 horror classic, The Omen, Demake follows the young anti-christ as he wrecks havoc killing everyone who dares enter his mansion of hell. Utilizing clever puzzle solving, the game requires players to fully explore the mansion in search of items necessarry for each successful killing.

The project is an exact replica of the previous original except with digressed graphics, and a fantastic chip-tune soundtrack that perfectly captures the mood. However, despite its similarities, the core gameplay and exploration point of view has been condensed - drastically affecting the difficulty. No longer are players able to search each drawer and cupboard within each room in search of items. Instead, the essential items needed in order to progress are often found in the chapter starting point (bedroom), or casually sitting beside where they will be needed. It greatly shortened the experience, and I was able to complete the game in its entirety in just about 3.5 hours - unlocking every trophy along the way.

Real player with 125.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Retro Casual Games.

This Game is Killing it


You’ll probably know the story of Lucius if you consider to buy this demake version. But anyways you get born on a stormy day on the 6th of June 1966 as the son of Satan and you have to kill literally everyone who lives or works in your family home.


The game contains 18 chapters in which you have to solve some not that hard riddles and finally kill the people by manipulating objects, controlling minds, or just kill them with fire.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Lucius Demake on Steam



EvilQuest is an action adventure RPG in a retro style. It comes off as something like a late NES or early SNES/Genesis title… if that perspective helps. You are a very powerful, evil dude that gets betrayed by his army and locked up. However, you escape captivity and go on a quest to regain your mighty power and ultimately seek to destroy God himself. Sounds pretty cool, right?

You basically go around overworlds seeking towns and dungeons. You can do some generally mean things along the way, but you’re focus is to find four elemental things and then go to the final area once the barrier is broken. It’s some standard, by the books stuff. But it works. Along the way, you fight through monsters and bosses in a Zelda-esque fashion. Defeating them will net you gold, which can be used to purchase equipment to make yourself stronger and items to recover from loss of health, loss of magic, or status ailments. As you progress, you’ll find stronger weapons and different spells to help you tackle your foes. Also gained from defeated enemies are experience points. Getting enough of these will allow you to level up. Upon gaining a level, you have the option to distribute a number of points into whichever stats you see fit. This can be fun for building a specific way for different playthroughs. Want to beef up your magic skills? Maybe you want to deal mighty blows with your weapons. Or perhaps you just want to be a well rounded warrior. It’s nice for some customization and replay value, yet not too complicated as to overwhelm the player. I also would like to point out that I thought the music was alright, but I do enjoy the art style quite a bit. Guess I’m a softy for that kind of thing.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Retro Action RPG Games.

First of all, I had to think long and hard about whether to give this an overall thumbs-up or thumbs-down. I finally concluded that since I put in the time to not only finish it but get all achievements, and for all its faults it was only made by two guys it seems so it’s somewhat forgivable, that it had just slimly earned a thumbs-up. That being said…


An action-RPG straight from the NES era, very specifically based heavily on Crystalis to the point at which it’s basically a poor man’s copycat of that game in every way. I would suggest skipping this and going to play Crystalis if you like the basic gameplay but want to waste as little time as possible, but if you love Crystalis and want more just like that you might as well give this game a try. When all’s said and done, the gameplay itself is actually quite fun with some fairly well-designed boss battles.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

EvilQuest on Steam



Cautiously recommend but only if you’re a hardcore fan of arcade pixel games. My playtime is due to having left the game idle - actual time played ~5hrs and it was okay.

Pros -

Unique reinvention of oldschool Qix mechanic and a good microgame in its own right - lots of inventive enemy designs and some fresh twists. Slick retro style. Awesome dark theme and some nice angsty chiptunes. 3 game modes with some minor unlockables, though imo I only recommend Adventure Mode (somewhat hidden beneath the other two) and mostly enjoyed it. There’s a lot to love about the core mechanic once you get the right combination of powerups so as to make the game speed up a bit and flow well.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Voidrun takes a fresh idea and capitalizes on it


Voidrun is a game where instead of shooting enemies with a gun or some other standard form of combat. To kill anything in this game, you circle them with void orbs, similar to games like Qix and Pokemon Ranger. It’s incredibly satisfying and puts a very different twist to the oversaturated roguelite genre.


There are 3 different game modes to play in Voidrun. Adventure mode is a more casual take on the game with no permadeath and upgrade shops, Arcade is your typical arcade mode where one hit kills you, and you grind for score on a huge flat plane (no online leaderboards. Sorry!), and the classic (roguelite) mode is where the focus seems to be, play through 4 different planets, each with 3 levels, and just try to win.Voidrun is stock full of content, each mode bringing a lot of replayability.

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

Voidrun on Steam

The Final Boss

The Final Boss

I want to go immediately talking about the positive and negative aspects of the game.

Positive :

  • Good gameplay

  • Each bos has its specificity

  • Bos Alien it’s fantastic

  • Interesting feature “end game”


  • A couple of hours are enough to complete the game

However for the cost I highly recommend it

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

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Approximate amount of time to 100%: 2h

Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: You’ll beat the game several times, but it only takes a few minutes to beat it.

Has it been in a bundle: No

Is there a good guide available: No, you won’t need a guide

How many people have completed this game at the time I’m writing this review: 1 on Astats

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

The Final Boss on Steam

Party Hard

Party Hard

Party Hard – Collector’s Edition

…is stealth puzzle game. Woken up in the middle of the night by the loud music of a neighboring BBQ, you snap and go on a murderous streak, killing everyone from party to party.

⚙ Game Description & Mechanics ⚙

You walk around, stabbing people and killing them in various creative ways, trying not to be seen or caught next to a body. Each level has various traps you can make use of, such as poisoning punch bowls, setting rooms on fire, exploding ovens, and more. There’s some level randomization that may change available traps, rooms or even party goers.

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

According to my definition, casual games are characterized by simple gameplay and short game sessions. This is probably the main reason why people like to play these kinds of games, between monumental and complex grand-scale games. Party Hard is a perfect example how a casual game should be done. Even though its premise is rather grim - we play as a serial killer - the gameplay is very enjoyable and basically every component of the game is masterfully made.

The game begins with a man recalling the case of a serial killer who went on a murdering rampage at a college party, because the loud music prevented him from falling asleep (yeah right). He managed to get away and repeatedly committed other massacres. Between these cutscenes we get to play as the killer as he visits various locations across the country (the United States) involving other parties, discos, concerts and casinos even. Although the events don’t always seem to be in chronological order in the cutscenes there’s a twist at the end of the game which gives a pretty good explanation to this.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Party Hard on Steam

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse

Achievements? Check

Trading cards? Check

Steam cloud? Check

Optimization & modern day PC support? Check

So many unsuspected additions to the launch on Steam and I love it, amazing launch

This game still blows me away, I missed it a lot. Played it years ago as a kid on my old PC with the original cd that I still have buried around somewhere. Even got a digital copy on my Xbox 360

I’ve got a lot of love for this game, the soundtrack, just everything

The game plays well and looks just as good if not a little better than it did, supports my resolution just fine as well

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

IndieGems Curator

Prepare yourself Punchbowl

Stubbs the Zombie was one of those games that I always wanted to play but never had the opportunity to. When it was on original consoles I didn’t have them. When it launched on steam it wasn’t on my radar due to overall negative reception. For a while there you couldn’t play this one unless you either emulated it, or shelled out hundreds for a copy. With the re-release I finally got a chance to play this game after fifteen years. The game is not without flaws and I’ll get into those below, but there is still a phenomenal feeling of playing a game that felt like a missed experience in your life.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse on Steam

Tomb of Tyrants

Tomb of Tyrants

I seriously don’t know how to start this review. There’s so much to say about this game. I think I should start by shouting huge cheerish THANK YOU! To Jake Huhman, the game’s sole developer and publisher. Not only because he made an amazing game, but because he’s a great friendly guy, really caring about his game and it’s players. The amount of work he put into his game is astounding, fixing bugs, releasing frequent updates and inserting loads of references and little details and jokes anywhere where’s some text. Look at Floor names. He hangs out around the forums a lot, and likes to chat about ideas. So once again, kudos to you!

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

Want to be EVIL? (C’mon, you KNOW you want to!) Want to smite pesky do-gooders who invade YOUR realm? Want to relive the glory of being the Horned Reaper or that oppressive Overlord with his Merry Minions? Then this game is for YOU!!

Join Jake Huhman on his diabolical adventures in hoard-pillaging, tomb-building, and !!Hero-Mashing!! Unlock an ever-expanding range of murderous minions, blasphemous buildings, alluring loot, and archaic artefacts! Be the best Tyrant that ever lived…well, until you die! But EVIL is never truly defeated! Empower a new Tyrant to even loftier heights (of score) and foul play - if you dare!

Real player with 45.7 hrs in game

Tomb of Tyrants on Steam

Goblin and Coins

Goblin and Coins

If you grew up playing classic platformers, you’ll feel right at home in Goblins and Coins. Don’t be fooled by its ‘cute’ aesthetic, it’s actually really quite challenging. I definitely recommend playing with a controller for this. On a great note though, the controls feel really tight. You’ll need that precision since the game amps up in difficulty over the course of its 5 worlds. I consider myself pretty decent at platformers and honestly I’m not sure if I’ll be able to complete this one on Old School difficulty, where if you die, you restart over from the very beginning. Luckily there’s a casual difficulty where you only have to restart that level if you lose all your health. Even on casual, some levels you may find yourself repeating multiple times just to get through. Each world ends with a boss fight, usually centered around a new mechanic introduced during that world. There’s a lot of content here for only 2 dollars.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

It’s a nice little platformer, but sadly it felt like an average game to me. I mean, it works, it doesn’t crash, it has unconventional story, it has smooth controls. But it’s missing the feature which could make it a gem or excellent game. The camera could be a bit smoother, the speed of game could be a bit slower (though you quickly get used to it). Some sounds are funny and most of them feel appropriate. Music is ok. At the moment of writing this review, I didn’t finish the whole game yet (stopped just at the end of world 4, world 5 is the last one). I might update this review after I finish the game, but I doubt it will change much.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Goblin and Coins on Steam

Maybot Run

Maybot Run

Helped beta test the game. The release version is awesome for an endless runner with loads of replay-ability from the upgrades and characters that you unlock. Still enjoying the leader-boards and competing for a high score. The music is really cool too. Definitely a fun game well worth the small fee.

Real player with 37.6 hrs in game

This game kills me. Even after all these years. Showing my lass Davebot makes the game near impossible to play through giggling…. and then Major… and then .. well. You should find out yourself.

Wont lie. It isn’t easy. Attempting to remain focused after reading the hilarious madness in the background whilst pushing forward is a challenge itself.

A game that has aged like a fine Brandy. Which…if you live in the U.K. is sort of sad really.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Maybot Run on Steam