Silicon City

Silicon City

I really enjoy this game! The perfect amount of challenge while still being great fun and just a little bit mindless since I play to relax and not to create more work for myself. I look forward to the next evolution of this game!

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Retro Sandbox Games.

Very nice take on SimCity-style games. I especially enjoy the graphs of various metrics, and ability to really drill down into each silizen’s life. I am excited for continued development and look forward to how this game will evolve!

From a playability standpoint - on my laptop (8gb ram, i7 (4 cores @ 2.20GHz)) at lowest settings, the game plays reasonably when going on the 1x speed. Either of the faster speed options causes the game to become very choppy. Even when using 1980’s top-down style it seems to be quite slow (perhaps because that’s just a different camera angle?). Increasing simulation speed also seems to mess with the power grid distribution: when my network is not super-saturated with electricity, running at a faster simulation speed makes parts of my city run out of power. But if I turn it back down to 1x and wait a bit of time, all of the buildings will come back online.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Silicon City on Steam



OK, first off I was a big Descent fan and more recently a fan of Overload but it didn’t have coop. For me, I thought that was a mistake.

Then along comes Desecrators. It seems to be a cross between Forsaken mostly, and partially Descent. The graphics look cool but are somewhat retro looking. The tanks remind me of Forsaken and the rest, Descent. And best of all, it has coop!!!

The most critical aspect of a 6DoF game is the ship control. The ship control is spot on with the default settings. It feels perfect and very neutral. You can also toggle auto ship leveling. The game allows you to rebind keys and has full controller support.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Retro 6DOF Games.

Another great indie 6DOF game ! 🙂

Desecrators is really promising and already pretty damn good despite being early in development, there’s lot of potential here to create a one of it’s kind 6DOF game.

Good controls, it’s fast and responsive, really nice feeling piloting the ship with just the right amount of inertia.

The weapons are satisfying and there’s many different to use.

Desecrators also have great retro graphics style which remind me of Forsaken.

The levels are procedurally generated so we get a new experience each playthrough and that’s pretty nice !

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Desecrators on Steam

Impossible Pixels

Impossible Pixels

Love this game! Reminds me a little bit of old arcade games but with a more modern twist to it. I really like the music and the art as well. Overall I think this is a great game, even though sometimes it makes me a bit mad with how hard it is, so I’d definitely call this a rage game :D also there is a lot of flashing lights on the screen, but I think it’s okay for anyone who doesn’t have a problem with migrens and stuff. I actually think those flashing lights are the thing that make the game unique and different to all the other games.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Retro Colorful Games.

Good game. In later levels gets little bit hard. Nice soundtrack.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Impossible Pixels on Steam

Bad Run - Turbo Edition

Bad Run - Turbo Edition

very cool game, lots of fun

Real player with 139.0 hrs in game

you want to play a randomly generated runner game? this one is the perfect fit. you gain abilities, based on how many levels you’ve beaten and how many coins you’ve collected, to be able to purchase better versions of your abilities. like more hover time, a doublejump recharging more quickly, a jetpack or being able to shoot more bullets in the shooting sections. progress feels great! and the 3 castles are HUGE. was very fun to explore and play through those, but be sure to have all the necessary upgrades for it, otherwise you won’t be able to complete them. you unlock abilities before you hit a dead end, usually these abilities allow you to clear the castles. sometimes i’d say it is better to upgrade these abilities a bit first, as that will make the castles much easier. so play until you hit the gate, before you do the castles. that worked very well for me.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Bad Run - Turbo Edition on Steam

Dome Romantik

Dome Romantik

Dome Romantik is a roguelike mining game, where you go on a run to strip multiple planets of their minerals, while the native creatures furiously try to stop you. They come in waves, so you have to carefully consider your mining activities to return just in time to defend you dome. Greed can be deadly, information a viable tool for survival. Powerful upgrades will help you stay alive and be productive until you can move on to the next world.

Your Dome

Choose a unique dome that will shape your run. Each dome has different weapons, abilities and upgrade paths, each bringing their own challenges along.

Your Task

Extract minerals and use them to improve your dome and yourself. Install shields, new weapons, or facilities to generate powerful fuel for your jetpack or even ammunition. Improve your mining abilities with stronger drills or innovative ways to retrieve minerals.

The Worlds

You’ll meet many strange lifeforms as you progress through the worlds. They are as different as the worlds they live in, so you need to learn their tricks and focus to stay alive.

Dome Romantik on Steam

Fi da Puti Samurai

Fi da Puti Samurai

I can say that I’m immensely satisfied with my purchase already. I haven’t found too many games that get me genuinely excited like this one does.

Let’s be clear, this game is not finished - it’s still RAW and needs to be put back in the oven. However, the concept is itself is revolutionary - a Boomershooter Roguelike that seamlessly connects sections of your favourite 90s FPS’s together into one long-running, never-ending level that you can progress through for hours on end.

At this stage there are a lot of bugs and issues and it definitely needs more content, but having said that, I don’t think I’ve been this excited for a new game in years. This title takes everything I was hoping for and compresses it into a single brilliant little piece of wish-fulfilment.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

I rarely ever post reviews for games. I really want this game to succeed especially since I love anime tiddie.

Now what is Fida Puti Samurai? It’s an FPS where a cute pink hair girl discovers the VR realm her boyfriend has been making has copious amount of anime tiddie porn and waifus in it; she wants to find out what depraved fetish shit he’s got on his PC.


The story is mostly non-existent; the game is in early access and isn’t done. At first you talk to the player avatar’s boyfriend on the PC in the VR set-piece he made that serves as your hub, but the main draw of the game seems to be the nsfw-anime aesthetic alongside the gameplay. The game has a lot of potential for its story for jokes and gags that could make my head pop like an atom bomb from laughter.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Fi da Puti Samurai on Steam

Iron Age

Iron Age

Iron Age is a First-Person hack and slash with random item mods and semi-randomized dungeons. A classic dungeon crawling experience.

  • Hitbox based melee combat

  • Procedural generated dungeons with several bosses

  • Randomized loot attributes

  • Delve while avoiding deadly monsters and traps

  • Customize your character’s appearance

  • Build off a branching skill system

Iron Age on Steam



3DRPG is a voxelized old-school RPG where you explore a Randomly Generated world filled with random dungeons, towns and people.

Graphics :



Average ✓



Sound :




Good ✓


The Graphic is pleasant and the sounds match it really well.

Story :



Average ✓



The Story itself is pretty basic, but its there, its good to know what and why you are doing

Atmosphere :




Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

The first few times I played this game, I really had no clue what I was doing.

then it slowly started to click, now I’m having a great time playing this little game.

First off, this game should be needs to be played with a Controller, be it Steam or Xbox, it’s just easier. (I had problems with it not responding to my keystrokes on my laptop, controller use is near flawless (you’ll occasionally charge an arrow and have it drop as if it didn’t register the charge.)

The idea is you’ve been killed, but your soul escapes the underworld are you come back to life. you choose a “challenge” to keep your life, be it killing your killer, making money, or killing monsters, amongst other things… additional challenges unlock with subsequent playthroughs, you can only start with “Killing your killer” or “exchange your soul for another”

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

3DRPG on Steam

Scarlett’s Dungeon

Scarlett’s Dungeon

I enjoyed the game very much, it is relatively small but it is also the first game he did. Graphically I like it very much, it reminds me of my childhood and that gives bonus points: P

As I said the game itself is small but, he has given himself effort, you can walk into every House in the city and everyone has their own stories and I think that’s great.

If you are in a dungeon, you can always go back to the city to buy new items such as new swords or a new life, weapons there is no big choice, there are 3 different swords and there are currently no more weapons but I think more weapons would not be needed, for the 15 levels that’s enough.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Just finished the game, playtime: 58 minutes.

Let’s write a review…


+Pixel game with cool graphics

+Palette Village which was quite small, but nice

+3 shops, where you could buy weapons, heal yourself, skills

+15 floors of dungeon with 2 bosses!


+made by 20-years-old guy, it’s his first bigger game!

+Very nice soundtracks


-Too short

-Only 3 weapons available

-After you finish the game you must start new game…

-Only one main skill

-No stats

-You only get damage bonus when you reach new level

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Scarlett's Dungeon on Steam

Miles of Cubes

Miles of Cubes

OMG I LOVE YOU!!! I’ve been looking for a infinite ski slalom type game for over a month now. And this! This is want I wanted, and didn’t even know I wanted.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Miles of Cubes on Steam