Desolation Tycoon

Desolation Tycoon

The world has ended, but life moves on. Your home is a wasteland scoured by winds blowing in from a caustic sea. Most large mammals are extinct, and insects have filled their roles.

You are a merchant traveling this land in search of profit. Each character you play starts with a randomly generated history and traits. And eventually, each character’s career will come to an end — whether through successful retirement or tragic death.

The game remembers everything you do, and the world is persistent across characters. As a consequence of your actions, civilization will slowly grow and rebuild. Accomplishments accrued across any number of characters will unlock new cities, new crew units, new challenges, and so on.

There is no fixed storyline. Instead, you have a setting, a set of gameplay mechanics, and complete freedom to do with that what you will.

Core features:

  • Travel, trade, and defend your cargo from dangers.

  • Improve your skills through usage.

  • Find and explore places that are worth plundering.

  • Build relationships with city notables, and co-operate with them on various schemes.

  • Rebuild a persistent world across multiple lifetimes.

  • Make trade-offs in encounters that are purely decision-driven, and avoid grindy minigames.

  • Enjoy a high-information user interface that doesn’t ask you to remember things unnecessarily.

Example challenges:

  • Local climate calamities.

  • Giant insects, bandits, and much worse.

  • Each character will automatically retire if they live long enough; this does not leave enough time to develop all possible skills.

  • Networks of supply and demand are randomized between playthroughs.

  • You can’t stay in a trade route rut, because trading with the same cities too much will make it less profitable.

  • You and your crew can become injured or sick — and possibly die as a result.

  • The locals that you trade and scheme with have minds of their own, and may betray you.

  • Performance-enhancing symbiotes may seem like a great idea, but can lead to unfortunate side-effects.

  • Oh, and there are also demons. They complicate everything.

This is not an action-oriented game. Time doesn’t pass unless you’re doing something, and there are no real-time challenges. Instead, gameplay is strictly about the making of intelligent trade-offs in an open-world setting with many potential courses of action.

Read More: Best Resource Management Sandbox Games.

Desolation Tycoon on Steam

Patrician IV

Patrician IV

7/10, got on sale for $5 but would be happy at full price of $15. I’m surprised it has such a low review score (53% at time of writing), maybe people had higher expectations than I did (update: seems people are unhappy about the lack of tutorial).

It’s kind of a leisurely game with no apparent objective other than discovering the game, enjoyment, and building out an intricate trade system. Granted I haven’t finished the game yet so perhaps the end game objective has yet to be revealed.

I like the ‘older’ looking pixely graphics and keeping and eye on the map as my ships make their way to and fro, and discovering and building mutually beneficial trade routes is also quite fun. Music is good and not inundating or overly repetitive. Helps if you enjoy trial and error and investigating what does what as the tutorial (campaign advisor) does not hold your hand much.

Real player with 50.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Resource Management Singleplayer Games.

It’s been a while since I’ve written a recommendation for a game, and it’s a service I feel the community really needs doing, so here we go:

Patrician IV, henceforth known as “Patty IV’s” is in something of a niche genre, in that it is a Renaissance trading simulator set around the Hanseatic League in Northern Europe. Doesn’t sound like the most riveting game now, but when I rephrase that as TIME TRAVELLING DOSH SIMULATOR 1420 EDITION it starts to sound phucking dank. (Note to self, make montage video with that title)

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Patrician IV on Steam

Blockchain Tycoon

Blockchain Tycoon

The 8 career campaigns teaches you how to play then there are 10 scenario , 10 challenges and sandbox mode, the game dose not provide you with popup tips you have to use your brain it is not hard to figure out the campaign is the tutorial, this is not a supper complex game have a little patience, i’m saying this because the achievement for completing the campaign says only 0.8% have this i don’t know how accurate it is. One level was annoying just because i had to wait for the worker to complete creating a new coin and it takes a while. I guess it takes about 5hr to complete the campaign i’m not sure tho i fell asleep at about 5:30am so my actual playtime is different from shown.

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Resource Management Sandbox Games.

After several months of silence and no update to fix any bugs or issues, I am changing my recommendation. It seems to be dead.

This is a good game with GREAT potential! I liked playing it, and of course there were bugs and things that could be improved. One thing is a more realistic market in the exchange. It always seemed to me that the market was mostly stagnant with very little real price fluctuation. By that I mean that if you looked at the price over a year, it would be flat for every coin and token. It may fluctuate on a day to day basis, but no real growth. The other thing that could be improved is the token creation. In the game when you create a coin, it says you also create a blockchain, so why can’t you use your own for the creation of a token. I think it would be cool if you added the ability to add offices and more mining warehouses so you could also add a research tree. That would enable the ability to create hard forks, ability to implement cross platform support, add smart contracts, NFTs, etc. You could also add in researching the hosting of an exchange or NFT gallery. There is a lot that could be done on this front, and it could all affect different attributes of the coin and price, as well as the price of other coins potentially, if interoperability and forks are added. All of that having some sort of correlation with the price of your coin and token and how many other developers want to “support” your blockchain. Also, for some odd reason, any time I created a token, not matter what I did, I could only get tokens during my ICO to be between 30-50 and I couldn’t figure out why. I mostly stuck to creating coins because of this. Also, there needs to be somewhere that explains what different things do. For example, when you are creating a token, what are the differences between utility, security, payment, etc., and how do they affect the token? Speaking of that, when you do create a token, if you forgot which kind you chose, there’s no way of telling. It makes me think that maybe it doesn’t do anything at all. But, besides that, I never could get more than 30-50. One of my biggest irritations was that you weren’t actually managing a company. You didn’t name it or anything. There was no way to compare yourself with your competitors. There was a competitors section, but there was no info about you to compare to them there, and the information about them was very vague. It needs to be reworked entirely, along with some reworking of the economic system. It is very basic. It would be nice to have random events that affect the crypto market so there are real dips and surges. Also, it would be nice to actually benefit other operations when you invest. I would invest 10’s of millions, and it would say that their total investment would be a few mil. So there wouldn’t really be an affect on them. So I then have all these coins and it seems their companies have gone belly up or something because they never go to market. Those are just a few examples of how it is a basic economic system. Anyway, I really hope the developers keep working on this game and bring out some updated to address these things. It would make that mixed review rating look a little more positive. :) And why not take advantage of the crypto craze? lol

Real player with 49.3 hrs in game

Blockchain Tycoon on Steam

Caravaneer 2

Caravaneer 2

There are some good bits in this game, but for me, the tactical aspect totally kills it. It is so inbalanced, or rather in favor for AI that it is beyound laughable. Fights will accur as it is part of the game. Now, to keep it simple, you have a Katana, hit enemy who gets 12-20 hit points. He hits you and you suffer 24-42 damage. Even with light armor, makes no difference. Later in the game I had an awesome Armor of Honor (25 damage res), I get hit with a Mosin gun for 40-46 points. I use same gun, or even better M-16 on enemy who has no or light armor (6 damage res) and score 10-12 points. Time after time. BS! Also, remember that it will be almost impossible for you, even later in the game, to hit anything beyond 20-24 tiles, while AI will frequently score hits from 70-80 tiles away. Loads of BS in a bucket of sh-ite. NOT RECOMMENDED!

Real player with 355.0 hrs in game

I originally played this and the original as Flash games, I even went so far as to download BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint almost specifically for this one, due to how good it was. The economic simulation, layered with a competent, if monotonous, combat system, as well as a fairly engaging story lent itself to a game that tied me up for absolute ages. I plan on playing this for an inordinately long time, and I already have!

I won’t bother with beginner tips, but keep in mind the game has a strong learning curve; I recommend playing “Story” mode if you’re just starting out for all the free goodies and volunteers. Sandbox puts you in a significantly more difficult starting area, and a generally poorer starting position, i.e. Much fewer free goods and starting facilities. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, you’ll come to recognise it’s trade patterns and idiosyncracies, and really start to get a feel for the game.

Real player with 254.4 hrs in game

Caravaneer 2 on Steam

Let Them Trade

Let Them Trade

Let Them Trade is a minimalistic trading simulation in which you build a network of towns. What’s particularly special about that is that this network is only used by AI-controlled merchants! So it is in your best interest to keep up the towns' supply and demand of their resources, and pocket a big part of the traders' coin - via tolls!

Note: Let Them Trade and its Steam page are still in an early alpha state. Everything is subject to change. Wishlist the game and press the follow button to stay informed about future updates! Also, feel free to follow us on our various social media channels! :)

Explore the World!

What riches does nature have on offer for you? Where are the strategically best places for your cities? Explore a world rich with many different resources and choose the best ones to kickstart your economy!

Build Your Network!

Build trade routes between cities, overcome natural obstacles such as wild waters and soaring mountains, and be on the lookout for evil bandits. Only with wit and ingenuity, you will be able to build a trading network that maximizes your merchants' profits - and, in turn, your wealth!

Let them Trade!

Interact with a multitude of trader characters! Each with their own personality, their own field of expertise and of course their own preferences on where to spend their money. Butter them up and make their life as easy as possible:

  • Fend off bandits by hiring knights in shiny armors

  • Optimize trade routes so they pass by their favorite resources

  • Adjust tolls to make them happy - no one likes tolls! Don’t feed the toll! Just make sure that you don’t come away empty-handed!

State Of Development

We just finished the prototype. Now we’re searching for a publisher!

Special Thanks

…to the FFF Bayern for funding the development of the game!

Let Them Trade on Steam

Prison Boss VR

Prison Boss VR

Played on Acer MR Headset w/ a 1060 6GB

Updated after the Prison Boss mode addition.

Prison Boss VR: A hidden gem from a fantastic GAMES developer.

Why would you want to purchase this game? Well if you enjoy time/resource management games with a decent amount of depth (for a VR game) then you might want this game. The pricing system of resources you need to purchase isn’t static (though the changes are predicatable) and the progression system of the main campaign is well thought out and has some depth to it. This may be the first of this type of game for me to play in VR, but I have to say I just really love doing things with my hands, such as picking stuff up and filling up bottles and rubbing things together and putting stuff up to my mouth so I can lick them. It’s the little things, and it’s terribly fun.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

prison boss game is an arcade simulation about crafting things from ur prison cell and selling it to get more money, more materials, more crafting, and eventually get u out of ur jail.

basically, the gameplay is like this :

u always start with some basic materials, u craft at night in hidden while the guards patrolling around, and then u sell the products at morning.

with the money u have, u will buy more materials (materials have their own limits everyday), and craft more.

the gameplay become more complex because u have to choose between selling ur products, or dedicate them for jobs u get from ur inmate and increase ur reputation, or unlock more materials or appliances.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Prison Boss VR on Steam

City Country

City Country

City Country is a city-building game where you manage resources, population, knowledge. You control various sectors of the city like education, medicine, culture, tourism, trading.

You start at some point into the map. Citizens will equally be separated into Men/Women and Farmers/Workers. The population will be separated into 4 different categories: Farmers, Workers, Engineers, and Academics. Any population category will work on different buildings and will have a unique family house.

You have the option to produce whatever you like, and what You don’t like, you can buy it at any time, or sign a contract for a later system that automatically buys the product from another city immediately. After that, you should sell part of the production so you can take some fresh money into the city.

As a governor of the city, your job is to grow your city, improve your resource incomes, sell your resources and take fresh money, make your city better for life, and manage city sectors as best as you can.

Government Sectors

  • Trading: - Sign a contract with other cities (AI) when you have less than N amount of resource, buy M amount of that resource, and vice versa.

  • Education: - Decide what to learn, how long, and when to start people’s education.

  • Medicine: - Improve the health of the citizens, and their lives.

  • Culture: - Improve the knowledge of the citizens. And be a more attractive city for foreign peoples.

  • Tourism: - Make money when you attract tourists. Build Hotels. Some of them can decide to continue to live in your city.

Develop Your City

Knowledge (Technology)

Investigate new products for future production and unlock new buildings.

Production (Resource Management)

Choose what to produce from the Factory profile.

City Country on Steam



It is a game that collects materials, makes goods, sells money, and repairs a time machine.

First collect resources such as iron, wood, and stone. It can be made into swords, shields, arrows, etc., or you can add them to the defense of the castle.

If you have enough money, you can hire someone to help you. They will gather resources like you, or make something. Even sales and delivery!

Time to spare time machine is completely repaired and return to the future will win!

Meister on Steam

Cozy Cabin

Cozy Cabin

From the developer of Simple Farm comes a brand new relaxing survival game where you survive in a cabin set in a old school operating system.

I was watching a Kingsway stream one day, an RPG set in an old-school style operating system, when someone in the comments said that the UI was cozy. The comment immediately inspired me to make a coziness simulator based completely in an old-school desktop. Cozy Cabin is meant to be as relaxing as possible. It’s set in a quiet, rainy town where your only job is to fish, farm, and mine in order to pay your monthly rent and stay in the cabin.

Cozy Cabin on Steam

Factory Magnate

Factory Magnate

Factory Magnate is part factory builder, part business tycoon. It puts you in the shoes of an industrious factory engineer with a small loan of a million credits. Your goal is to build an empire of factories spanning multiple planets in a procedurally generated solar system. You seek to dominate the solar system through sheer wealth and influence, not military might or political power.


You don’t control a character and you can place factory buildings anwyhere, as long as you have the money to do so. This takes the “early game” known from other similar games out of the equation, because you jump straight to automation and skip all the manual labor.


It’s all about the money.. because in this game, money is your most important resource.

You don’t craft buildings, you buy them.


You earn money selling your goods to the locals. They seem to have an endless supply of money to throw at you, but if you saturate the market, prices will drop - possibly making your factories operate at a loss. It’s up to you to strike a balance.


At the core of the game sits the main challenge: the factory is always running, and you must pay upkeep. If you’re not selling enough to make a profit, you’ll soon be out of business.

You. Must. Keep. Selling.

Factory Magnate on Steam