Colonials Programme

Colonials Programme

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A short-term sci-fi Colony Building Resource Management puzzle game

It’s a causal game where you build machines on a grid-based 2.5D map, to harvest resources, and refine them into things like food, water or fuel. Which you’ll need to birth colonists or launch rockets. Meanwhile, you’ll have to manage pollution levels or even fight alien infestations, threatening to block off your precious building slots!

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Resource Management Isometric Games.

A colony management simulation where you are preparing planets for human colonization. Build the necessary structures and gather resource. Then manage the planet and continue to progress, eventually gaining colonist and venturing on. A causal game that takes planning, and has a lot of indie charm.

Here is the first 40 minutes of game play.

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### Mature Minded Gamers |

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Colonials Programme on Steam

Alien Life Lab

Alien Life Lab

The entire station, known as Alien Life Lab, has lost communications with society and fallen into chaos!

It’s up to you to traverse through Alien Life Lab Station to find any survivors, recover valuable lab resources and find what caused the station to go haywire.

-Procedural Generation to give you a new level every time!

-Electric Tranquilizer Gun uses actual (in-game) physical bullets to stun violent aliens!

-Tranquilize hostile aliens with sci fi pistol, shotgun and sword.

-Find survivors and tag aliens to earn credit coins.

-Go deeper into the station.

*Experiences Will Vary.

Story & Lore:

Several months ago, the Lab went black… Communications were lost with the outside worlds.

Residents on-board have no idea what triggered the Lab into stasis that released the dangerous exhibits to roam throughout the cargo-holds to search for sustenance.

Everyone and everything on the Lab has been reduced to utilizing whatever resources they have or can find to survive, not knowing when, or even if, help would arrive.

In the deep of space, you board the seemingly dead ghost ship…

Read More: Best Resource Management Procedural Generation Games.

Alien Life Lab on Steam

Mechsprofit: Mech Tycoon Simulator

Mechsprofit: Mech Tycoon Simulator

This game takes an interesting take on mechs. This game focuses on the civilian use of mechs. Normally mech games revolve around giant mechs fighting, but I’ve never enountered a game that featured civilian non-combat mechs before. In this way this game is unique. It’s been suggested in the forums that combat mechs be added, and the dev said he would consider it after the core mechanics are in place. But this game includes currently the ability to make mechs for racing, transportation, and general use.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Resource Management Mechs Games.

Let me start by saying this game - in its current state - is not great. It is amazing, an actual gem.

Ok let me clarify that. The game, in and of itself is pretty basic - incredibly so - but its so so much fun to play. I find myself playing this game when I am frustrated with another game as this is just funny as hell to play. Wanna make a mech that looks like boobs on wheels/legs? GOOD here you are. Wanna make a mech that looks like your eyes will melt just by looking at it’s sheer monstrosity? GOOD here you are.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Mechsprofit: Mech Tycoon Simulator on Steam

Good Company

Good Company

I see great potential for the game, but as I’m writing the review now I’m only taking those things into consideration that are already in the game.

Gameplay: 5/5

Graphics: 5/5

Tutorials: 4/5

Difficulty: 5/5

Support: 5/5


The gameplay loop is simple:

1. build/rearrange production line

2. set up the logistics for that line

3. tweak bits and pieces to make it profitable

4. plan the next production line / change the line output to another product

For me that is exactly what I was looking for. You create something, an issue arises, you fix that issue and that leads to another issue or you’re set and you create the next new thing.

Real player with 180.1 hrs in game

i loved the concept but the execution is so EXTREAMLY flawed..

market: why is it capped so low in FREEPLAY. ive tried countless times trying to tweak the my out puts. But literally ever single time ive played the supply chains get so damn long that I cannot maintain a profitable business with out producing more then I can sell which ironically makes me go bankrupt

out/in bound shipping: why can we move these? Why is there a limit to how many items I can place in the in/out bound points with out the ability to upgrade them?

Real player with 154.4 hrs in game

Good Company on Steam



RoboWarehouse is a business simulation game in which you take on the role of your companies CEO. They’re a genius and have invented fully autonomous Robots and now you’re tasked with utilising these Robots to take your company from the humble beginnings of a garage to a multi-national powerhouse; rising above all the competition!


  • Build your own factory

  • Research new Robot types

  • Put your robots to work in many different ways to create multiple revenue streams

  • Upgrade your Robots to complete tasks quicker

  • Utilise the research and development department to replace even more humans with autonomous Robot workers

  • Invest your profits into the stock market to diversify further

  • Buy out the competition and replace their human workforce with autonomous Robots

  • Buy every company and have a complete monopoly on Human spending

RoboWarehouse on Steam

Dark Space Conqueror

Dark Space Conqueror

This game does not work - forever loading screen.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Unless I am missing something there is no way to start the game. Possibly a bad mobile port? You get to what appears to be the main launch page and there is no ‘new game’ no ‘start’ button just the image of a planet and the name of the game V1.0. I have submitted the only screenshot. Unless this is fixed I obviously can’t recommend this game.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Dark Space Conqueror on Steam

The Colonists

The Colonists


This game is a fantastic take on base-building, resource optimisation and pathing. It’s simple to get into, scales sensibly and the campaign levels scale well in difficulty. I’ve played many of the similar games available and this one gets the complexity level exactly right with a nice style of graphics.

Mechanically, one thing that stands out for me is that this is a network optimisation game where the networks (roads and paths) are cost nothing and appear instantly, making experimenting and fiddling easy.

Real player with 268.7 hrs in game

Short version:

Fun game. Has flaws, but definitely an enjoyable city builder.

Long version:

Okay so it took me a while to get into this game. At first it felt really clunky, the tutorial left me confused about certain things (namely how paths are supposed to alleviate traffic from raods), some of the mechanics are pretty weird and needlessly complicated but at the same time - they’re what gives this game it’s uniqueness and keeps it from being just another boring banished clone, plus the campaign is excellent!

Real player with 111.5 hrs in game

The Colonists on Steam

Terraforming Earth

Terraforming Earth

After an unknown holocaust, you’re assigned to guide a cleanup crew of three quirky robots on planet Earth. Each utility bot has its own unique personality and special ability. All three must work together to solve procedurally-generated platform puzzles in this sci-fi rogue-lite. Each mission is ingeniously designed and completely different. Never in my life, have I seen a game that could craft such clever and unique puzzles each time you play. It’s like Blizzard’s “The Lost Vikings” with infinite and endless game-play. The developer of this game is truly a pioneer and has re-invented the wheel with a “first-of-its-kind” procedural-generation. Even the maps and soundtrack for each mission are generated for a different title and original score every time. There’s also two options for those who prefer a more casual experience. Through the story and campaign, you will unlock new types of missions, upgrades and skills. And once you’ve completed the campaign, you’re free to continue playing as long as you like, or start a new adventure. And if this is not enough, the developer has already generously provided two free expansions: “Drone Danger” and “Turret Trouble”. I’ve played thousands of missions throughout the game’s development and can highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys puzzle games and rogue-likes.

Real player with 242.7 hrs in game

If you love roguelikes or procedurally generated games in general this is a great pick. As you progress throu the game you robots get upgraded with new abilities that enables you to solve the puzzles in new ways. The puzzle generator works great too, I’ve never seen unsolvable levels or ones that were too trivial to solve. Sometimes levels have a small part that is unnecessary, like a door that has nothing behind it, but you can just ignore those.

The story and the setting has a cool tone, dialogs give a nice breather between levels.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Terraforming Earth on Steam

String Rush

String Rush

Please follow United Critics for quality reviews

Good things:

This is just a short game that you play only by using WASD or arrows. I like the idea for this game as it requires you to think how to do each room in a perfect way to get the achievements. I think the graphic in this game is ok. It is good that there are different obstacles both stationary and moving ones that require you to learn their movement to be able to avoid them.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

String Rush on Steam

Freaking Meatbags

Freaking Meatbags

Generally speaking, marking an Early Access Game down is a tricky practice. I can already imagine some people rolling their eyes saying how an Early Access Game is supposed to be broken, buggy, or possible a pain to bear with. That’s because the developer haven’t finish adding all the magic that’s suppose to make the game fun. Even though this Early Access game does indeed it’s fair share of bug and glitches. (such as not charging resources for upgrade on certain instances/level, or the final boss’s attack animation not triggering properly, etc.) I know that those problems can be fixed in future update. No, the reason why I strongly recommend most sane person to STAY AWAY from this game is because this game is suffering a serious case of identity crisis.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

A very fun and extremely enjoyable journey through space in the form of a splendidly executed Tower Defense game.

The gameplay progression is very enjoyable.

You’re given limited resources almost always and time is short, so you’re to make the most of what you have and think critically. Pacing is very well done, introducing something new almost every map, however most things won’t see the light of day very often, which is kind of a shame.

The element of cloning / messing with humanoid DNA is surprisingly well done and easy to figure out, but hard on decision making early game. Sadly the majority of the time you’ll stick with the same setup, and once you get a certain DNA type, you’re steamrolling over everything, so that might have been a bit over the top.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Freaking Meatbags on Steam