Super Forklift 3000

Super Forklift 3000

A cool, short and cheap game. Nonetheless, there is a lot of replay value. In every try i learned something new to improve my score.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Shoot 'Em Up Games.

Solid ““““space shooter”””” with original elements (try yourself). It fullfills it’s objective: to be a arcade like game where players can always improve their scores and unlock really challenging achievments.

The price is unfair. It should cost more.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Super Forklift 3000 on Steam

Space Rogue

Space Rogue


..with a message to the


at the bottom.

UPDATE: A developer replied to little ol me noting that they had addressed these bugs and an update rolled out inline with those comments. The Dev has also asked us(the community) to report bugs to them in the format they mention below in the comments. A big thanks to them for addressing this issue for me, I hope it helps others out there too!

I want to start by saying this game is great fun, only sullied by many bugs everywhere. Looking around the a large proportion of these negative reviews, I’d suggest many feel the same about turning their reviews positive(including mine) if the bugs get sorted.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Survival Games.

Two things I would like to point out before I get into the “meat and potatoes.” The first is, I hate writing reviews this early into playing a game (13 hours.) Second, I really want to give a positive review and hope with some further developer involvement this game will get there.

So I can not, in this game’s current form, give this game a positive review. The forums are riddled with bugs, some of which I have experienced first hand. The bugs ruin what could have been a quality FTL:Faster than Light clone.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Space Rogue on Steam

FTL: Faster Than Light

FTL: Faster Than Light

It’s cheap, it’s fun, there’s lots of different ways to play. There’s lots of mods that add tons more content. Easily one of the funnest games I’ve played.

Real player with 371.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Roguelike Games.

My favourite strategy game of all time. 99% of your losses will come down to your misplays/poor decisions. Losing always sucks but you’ll usually learn something new

Real player with 244.8 hrs in game

FTL: Faster Than Light on Steam

Nova Drift

Nova Drift

The common description of Nova Drift as “Asteroids + Action RPG” is accurate but there’s a lot more to it than that. I’ve played a variety of “Asteroids with extras” over the years and Nova Drift is definitely my favorite.

Nova Drift is much livelier than most Asteroids-style games, though not as frantic as dual-analog “arena shooters” tend to get. Many Asteroids-style games are slow and ponderous with heavy inertia but the player ship in Nova Drift feels fairly agile unless you’ve sacrificed a lot of speed (and you can usually fix that with other upgrades).

Real player with 615.0 hrs in game

I’ve been playing this a little every day (sometimes a lot), and it has become a little part of my daily routine. My PC runs on my living room TV, and when my kids wake up at the outrageous hour of five-ish, I can relax and chat with them while playing. Most of the time.

This game is totally family-friendly, encourages learning and creative thinking, is visually impressive, exciting, and is just the right amount of challenging. My six and eight-year-olds are constantly asking for a turn, which I allowed early on since they never took long. Unfortunately, their turns are getting longer and longer as they come up with good builds of their own. They have even taken to suggesting upgrades while they watch me, often pointing toward a route to a super-mod that they think would work well. Outrageous. My three-year-old will start chiming in any day now…

Real player with 218.7 hrs in game

Nova Drift on Steam

Asteroids Millennium

Asteroids Millennium

ASTEROIDS MILLENNIUM takes everything that makes the classic ASTEROIDS so much fun and polishes the rough edges. The classic Hyperspace mechanic has been polished into something truly wonderful here. Also, in the original, you had to press a button for each attack shot and had a limit to that repetition before it would skip shooting a bit before continuing which created a unwelcome break in the steady repeatitive shooting. AM polished that and you can fire repeatedly without a skipping a shot. Pure Awesome.

Real player with 147.1 hrs in game

My actual recommendation is YES and NO


If you’re looking for a way to veg out and still get to play then this one is for you

Cool remake of the original asteroids

Option of original mode or modern (advance weapons, shields, etc.)

Nifty backgrounds


Some backgrounds are hard to see any objects against

The aim is not true center, rather off to one side making it harder to hit objects

hard to precisely aim at an object even if it is very near by

can’t come to a complete stop once you set the ship in motion via rockets, there’s always a drift

Real player with 56.9 hrs in game

Asteroids Millennium on Steam

BasCatball Saturn: Basketball & Cat

BasCatball Saturn: Basketball & Cat

I really liked the game, the atmosphere is incredible and the puzzles are very challenging.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Very fun and unique game. The mechanics, visual and puzzle are great! I like to play basketball and love cats, the buy was easy for me!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

BasCatball Saturn: Basketball & Cat on Steam



If you like Windybeard’s new pirate game, then you will like this. If you like the decade-old independent flash game “Glean” then you will like this. If you enjoy mindless grinding with no real end in sight, you will enjoy this. I enjoy all three, so I had fun with this. Took me about 60 or 70 hours to reach Division 1.

Here are some tips:

  1. There are no monsters in the first quadrant and the game isn’t timed, so spend as much time as you like drilling the first few planets. If you drill, for example, 100 blocks of something and you need 100 blocks for your collection, then you will earn money just for that, even if you don’t get to the core or complete your research. So you can drill the same planet like 100 times until you’ve got all the collections you can get from it. [ I enjoy doing stuff like that. If you think that sounds like a grind, this simply isn’t the game for you and we’ll leave it at that! :) ]

Real player with 227.4 hrs in game

Windybeard, Windybeard ….hmmmm ah yes! The Developer of the cool SWEEZY GUNNER. I remember.

SWEEZY GUNNER was a cool Retro Shooter with many nice features and a special Graphic Style, a little bit like a comic.

Normally i do not buy Games blind, but the First Game from Windybeard gave me a good feeling so i bought it today and installed it. Starting the Game it was like coming home to SWEEZY GUNNER, because it has the same graphic Style and if i’m not wrong has Characters from Sweezy Gunner. The shopowner in the game, can it be?

Real player with 141.3 hrs in game

Geo on Steam

Nomad Fleet

Nomad Fleet

Easily the best ten bucks I have ever spent.

It’s a simple enough concept - get your mother ship from over here on the galactic map… to over there… through hostile space.

The galactic map is made up of randomly generated tiles at the beginning of each new game. Most of the time you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into when you enter a sector. Sometimes you find a nice little debris field. After you wipe out a few enemies, you can sit back and relax with a nice cup of tea as your harvesters gather up the resources.

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Good game so far with potential for more. As many have pointed out its a cross between Homeworld and FTL.

Things that will really make this game shine is fleshing out the ships better. While you have many to build most feel .. lacking and without a uniqueness. In the end it becomes just a build quick and toss em at the enemy styled game. Much similiar to the tank rush tactics of the Command and Conquer Series.

The individual systems end up being repetitive. Within a few battles as you jump around the map you can tell upon landing what scenario it chose for you. The Randomness is also missing in these scenarios. You wind up ahead of time knowing where the enemy will jump into and having pilots and caps positioned at each point and waiting.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

Nomad Fleet on Steam

Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program Manager

Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program Manager

I almost let the most prominent Steam review here dissuade me from buying this game. It’s a shame that one so well written review completely misrepresents what this game accomplished and what game it really is. The reviewer really missed the point, or else it was before some updates and long since invalid. The game and its developers deserve better.

Puzzles just have one solution. This isn’t a puzzle. But it is much like chess, and there’s lots of ways to lose at chess when your opponent wants to win. Learning chess is fun, even if you never ascend to learning what the masters tell us: the number of openings with which you can plausibly win against a competent opponent is rather finite. Is chess still fun to play even when I don’t know the game that well? Yes it is. And if chess is a deal breaker for you, should you really be reviewing strategy games?

Real player with 146.2 hrs in game

This isn’t a game for everyone, but it certainly is the one for me.

In Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program Manager, the player takes on the role of the administration of a space agency. Either NASA or the Soviet Space Agency, usually in competition with each other, or a fictional conglomeration of the two as the Global Space Agency (GSA). The goal, of course, is to land on the moon before your competitor, if playing NASA or as the Soviets–if you’re playing as the GSA the goal is simply to land on the moon by the end of 1973. Playing as the GSA replaces interagency competition with short term objectives set by political higher-ups, with give a small boost if achieved, but a moderate penalty if ignored. If a sandbox is desired with no pressure or competition, that is available too for all three agencies.

Real player with 121.3 hrs in game

Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager on Steam

Dreadnought Sol

Dreadnought Sol

Dreadnought Sol places you in the shoes of a Sol Defense Force Dreadnought fighting for survival against insurmountable odds. Humanity has been flushed out of the known space by alien resistance who opposes humanity’s industrialized growth, and it’s your job to take it all back.

Fight through procedurally generated scenarios from a top down perspective with beautiful 3D graphics.

No journey is the same and neither is your way of playing it. Plan ahead, gather supplies and make the best run you can.

Dreadnought Sol on Steam