

[FR] Par ou commencer ? Ce jeu… Une petite pépite. Je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre quand j’ai commencé à y jouer, et j’ai adoré découvrir ce platformer assez atypique, avec un gameplay que je n’avais jamais expérimenté avant. Un jeu qui teste les réflexes (on m’avait pourtant prévenu !), mais qui a une capacité à transmettre des émotions assez incroyables. Des personnages intrigants et attachants (coucou Chester), une BO à tomber par terre qui crée une ambiance incroyable, une DA magnifique… Juste trop bien. Et puis le mieux, c’est que ce jeu nous pousse à nous dépasser toujours plus, toujours plus loin, et c’est très difficile de s’arrêter. Et même quand on pense que c’est fini… Ça ne l’est pas ! C’est un jeu qui est fait pour être fait plusieurs fois, afin de faire des choix différents, pour découvrir de nouveaux personnages, des morceaux de l’histoire, et surtout, les 28 fins différentes ! Petit plus pour les stats avec le compteur de morts, qui s’élève à 1 019 pour ma première run… Mais 6 758 sauts ! Impressionnant pour 8 ou 9h de jeu, non ?

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Lore-Rich Games.

Don’t be late in this race against time runner-plateformer game ! You can make your own choices and write your own story. The game got pretty intense and deep rather quickly and without noticing it you will be drown in the storyline. I would say the storytelling is clearly inspired by the cryptic Dark souls games so I would suggest you to be prepared to explore this world if you want to piece the whole story together and finally have the full picture. I can assure you it totally worths it !

Concerning the gameplay, I can only say one thing : Prepare yourself to split your brain into two parts, you will need it ! Sometimes you will feel like you want to rage and give up because you cannot get through a level, but the amazing soundtracks just won’t let you. When you will finally succeed, HELL YEAH it is so satisfying !

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Intemporel on Steam



BLACK BIRD has easily been one of my biggest shmup related surprises of the year. I follow shmup releases as close as possible and as a result I feel that I’m aware of most upcoming STGs on Steam. The first time I heard about this game was around the time CAVE employees streamed it on their Twitch channel. I came across it again by chance in the 2018 Winter Sale and decided to purchase it.

This game is the debut of Japanese indie developer Onion Games on Steam. I’m not familiar with them but evidently they’re known for a few games including Million Onion Hotel. BLACK BIRD’s story is about a little girl that dies in the street. After dying she is reborn as a crow and starts to destroy everything. The story, graphics, music, and environments are all well designed. I’d call it almost a steam punk style opera type of aesthetic. When I originally saw the game on CAVE TV the style didn’t connect with me, but when I actually played the game I enjoyed it.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Shoot 'Em Up Games.

Imagine a remake of Fantasy Zone with Tim Burton’s flavor of adorable bleakness, japanese attention to gameplay detail and quirkiness. The game starts with a young girl reborn from despair as a Black Bird to destroy the world. The more you kill, the bigger and more powerful you’ll grow. This dark premise is offset by cute spritework, silly animations and a very eccentric soundtrack. It’s just a delight to consume the cruel world, which left you to die. The gameplay and its scoring is well tuned. The player is constantly managing risk, reward and greed. Nuking a whole screen at max combo with a completely pumped up bird is the most satisfying climax very few shoot ‘em ups manage to pull off. The first play through is easy mode and completion unlocks the slightly harder true mode. Online leader board for global score chasing just adds to the replay value.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game


Dandy Dungeon - Legend of Brave Yamada -

Dandy Dungeon - Legend of Brave Yamada -

Loved this game back when it was still on mobile. So far this version doesn’t disappoint either. This version is free from the f2p mechanics that it had on phones, and It’s a real gem. Gameplay is quite unique and the story and characters are… crazy weird lovable. You can see a lot of love has been put into this by the devs!

Some points of critique:

  • An important/critical gameplay mechanic (“0-hp healing”) is never explained in-game

  • Overall, the pacing of the game has some problems. Some dungeons (and especially some bosses) are quite hard or almost impossible to beat without specific resistances, but the equipment that gives you those are hard to discover or only unlocked quite late. (Still looking for ice resistance shield at the time of writing this…)

Real player with 174.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Mystery Dungeon Games.

Don’t get me wrong the game was fun and charming but some people including me run into some major bug. If you are one of the lucky one whose games don’t get bug, then good for you. While they do accept bug report, they never tell us when exactly will they fix said bug. Also none of the people who posted about bug on steam ,never said that the latest patch fix their bug.

This is the bug I have. I can’t access the special store in which preventing me from getting revival item aka riceball. Not having revival item isn’t game-breaking right now but when part 2 hit us ,the game difficulty will increase even more. Plus they will add new costume in that shop meaning I will be missing out on content (that I paid for).

Real player with 105.0 hrs in game

Dandy Dungeon - Legend of Brave Yamada - on Steam

GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon

GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon

So, my first thought about this game was: “Hold up, Konami’s making games again?!”

Second thought was: “….and it’s a niche title and NOT a more recognised name.”

Third thought was: “…. and sh!t, it’s quite good! Even for early access! You guys OK down there at Konami HQ? Just that you’re acting like…… well NOT Konami.”

…In all seriousness though, taking the rogue-like approach to a metroidvania title is an interesting spin, and fundamentally, it works well. Gameplay leans heavily towards being more tactical and methodical than it does being stylish and fast. And since you have limited ways of healing, you’re forced to consider how best to dispatch your enemies while taking as few hits as possible. It’s not quite dark souls, just enough to keep you thinking.

Real player with 74.7 hrs in game

Writing this review while playing the v0.4.10 update (Nov. 4th 2021), and the game is in Early Access so take the review with a grain of salt upon further updates. I like this game and can’t wait to see how it evolves but at this stage I do not recommend anyone buying it right now, wait until it is fleshed out and hopefully perfected.


  • Beautiful artstyle, boss intros are honestly to die for and sometimes have me rewatching em cause they are so pretty.

  • Good music that is nice but doesn’t get stuck n your head in a grating way.

Real player with 69.8 hrs in game

GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon on Steam

Odium to the Core

Odium to the Core

This game if f….n awesome. I love what they do with the music, at times it feels like you are in an interactive audio visualizer. You die a lot in this game, but you are thrown right back in, and when you finally manage to cross that crazy section that seemed impossible, it feels great. In some ways, it’s like A Crow in Hell on steroids (it’s a flash game where you also have to navigate narrow corridors and avoid all kinds of contraptions, but the mechanics is a bit different). I like this game more, though.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

A great runner-type of game with an excellent presentation, tight controls, and awesome music. What i can say about this game that makes it different from the others of his genre, is that the levels are very narrative. I mean, you dont play this kind of games for his argument, but the levels evolve in some great narrative ways, like if they were telling you a story, and this accompanied by the execellent music, makes the progression through them very intense and epic. Its a weird feeling considering the genre it belongs but its truely what i feel and i think this is amazing.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Odium to the Core on Steam



This is an excellent game for all those who love the RPG genre and are too tired of the same old dragons and goblins setting.

What looks to be initially a fairly simple game, manifests itself into a variety of play-styles depending on which tool you favour you can be a powerful hulk or a rogue style assassin or a swashbuckling Indiana Jones type or a Sword and Board sentinel. After the first playthrough, you realise the enormous number of options that were available to you. I started my 2nd and 3rd playthroughs as soon as I was done with the previous.

Real player with 82.8 hrs in game

If i had to use a single word to describe this game, that word would be: charming.

The game has its qualities and has its fair share of shortcomings, but it does manage to stand out of the crowd through its unique mix of a story inspired from Russian folktales, and a music inspired from archaic Romanian folklore.

The general idea of this game is to take various elements from Slavic folklore and bring them together as game mechanics in a light-hearted action-rpg.

The idea itself is pure genius, the execution….not so much.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Yaga on Steam



This is a contender for my favourite puzzle game of all time.

I have played literally hundreds of puzzle games, to the point where I am basically burned out on puzzles… so when I saw Solas 128 I thought “uh-huh… lasers, mirrors, yada yada” but boy oh boy was that initial assessment wrong!

This game takes what seem like familiar puzzle elements, adds some brilliant twists and builds a huge sequence of constantly surprising puzzles from them. Time and again it hits you with those “wait but that’s impossible” problems, before delighting you with your own genius a few minutes later. On top of that, the puzzles are all integrated into a single overworld, so that they connect and interact with each other, adding another mind-blowing layer to the experience. It’s a vast intricate clockwork construction of utter perfection.

Real player with 251.7 hrs in game

This is an absolute belter of a game. If you’re into puzzle games, you should definitely pick this up.

The “bounce lasers off mirrors” idea may sound derivative, but Solas manages to make it interesting again. The light beams have symbols travelling along them to the beat, and these can interact - if they collide the colours combine and the combined beam changes direction. So sometimes you need to get the symbols to line up, sometimes they need to be out of step so the beams can pass through each other. Combined beams can be separated with splitters - there’s lots going on here, and the game introduces them at just the right rate to keep things interesting.

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

SOLAS 128 on Steam

Black Baron

Black Baron

Nice indie game! Also I like CHINESE names here, i’m studying this language and I found there are some references and funny jokes, really cool! That’s what I call “attention to details”! 黑色男爵!!!

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Nice graphics, kinda interesting gameplay. It’s pretty hard to stand out in indie gaming nowadays

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Black Baron on Steam



I think , the game is very interesting and fun

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

A simple, fun, addicting game. The music really stands outs! I would recommend for those who are looking for something to play in between other games, or with your friends locally.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Pingers on Steam

ENDLESS™ Dungeon

ENDLESS™ Dungeon

Endless Dungeon is a Rogue-lite Tactical Action game, set in the award-winning but often lethal Endless universe. Recruit a team of shipwrecked heroes, plunge into a long-abandoned space station, and protect your crystal against never-ending waves of monsters… or die trying, get reloaded, and try again.


Well, your ship is dead as a doornail and you’re stuck on some spatial station that went to the dogs back before they knew how to bark. There’s some folks been marooned here for decades, full of tall tales about what is and isn’t; stories about how you might get out – or how you might be stuck here pretty much forever… It’s all on you to figure out what’s happenin’, team up with some other castaways, and survive a brand spanking new story in the Endless universe.


You’d best check your gear and tighten your belt, because behind every door you open is a room that is nasty, new and different. But if you’ve got the right turrets, and got the right iron for the right target, and you use your special talents to hold off the monsters tryin’ to chew your crystal, well, you might just live… to open the next door.


Round up your posse from a roster of “heroes” (that’s stretching the term) from all over the galaxy. Every one of these explorers, treasure hunters, and outlaws has their own tale to spin and their own… peculiarities. So head to the Saloon, equip your squad of three, and see if you can get to the core of the station in one more or less contiguous piece.


You can control the whole squad by your lonesome, or round up some friends to unlock the Station’s secrets – and see if you can manage to high tail it out of there together. Have you got the grit to escort the crystal solo, or would you rather test your tactical team survival skills through heaps of doors and herds of monsters?


You’re gonna mostly be concerned about the health of a rock. Yep, you heard me right. Because without those crystals the whole caboodle falls apart – literally. So ride herd on that crystal and say your prayers, ‘cause bugs, bots and blobs are waiting to bushwhack you around every corner.

ENDLESS™ Dungeon on Steam