Blood And Zombies

Blood And Zombies

This game combines the base building of Rust and the game play style of Killing floor. At this point in the game (A 0.25 at the time of this writing) it’s just great. I’ve been looking for a game like this for a long time. BUT, I have a couple - to - few suggestions for the developer(s): First is obvious: this game would benefit exponentially from multiplayer (almost goes without saying, really). Second, well, once you get your base going it seems as if the zombies care more about vandalizing/breaking what you’ve built up than killing you, and most of the damage you’ll receive in the game is done indirectly (poison gas/electric zombies dying and leaving damage clouds). And three, the only major bug I’ve found while playing (in 4 hours mind you) is sometimes the camera gets a bit wonky. For example: I could hit the 2 key to switch to my secondary and the camera will flip, buying a new weapon will shove the gun into an awkward/unintended position (clipping through the camera), and facing the floor after looking at the menu (sometimes these issues can be fixed by switching weapons or reloading or buying a gun in the same slot, then returning to the first gun, but it didn’t for the crossbow). For an indie game so early in development, I’d rate it a 9.95/10.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value FPS Games.

bugs start to show up and when brought up devs act like they could care less…give your money to “7 Days To Die” video game here on steam….atleast they listen and care….this was one of the worst games ive bought lately……horrible game.

had a fellow friend who also played had the follwing to say but couldnt leave a review but i can-

“Game is bug infested to the max. Mechanics don’t work and my keyboard stopped working multiple times after passing the first wave of zombies.”

my sons copy wouldnt even load up its map….needless to say he refunded at my recommendation when he approached me on what to do.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Blood And Zombies on Steam

Project Umbra

Project Umbra

You play as a soldier from the future equipped with an armor containing an entity discovered in ancient ruins. It is called the “Shadow”. It was scattered throughout the historical eras, you are sent back in time to learn more about this entity.

Armed with this technology, kill many enemies who seem to be possessed by this entity.

The “Shadow” that accompanies you will feed on the souls released by the enemies you kill, thus making you stronger.

Your enemies will be many and varied, whether it’s a knight in armor or a sniper.

Be prepared to take a beating. If you die, you will be replaced by a new soldier.

However, the “Shadow” of the soldier you are replacing has become uncontrollable, and will be waiting for you…

Face her and try to recover her energy!

Demo is now out !!!

What’s in it ?

Prehistory √

Antiquity √

Online leaderboard

Powerfull Weapons

What’s next ?

Middle Age √

World War √

Future √

Infinite wave game mod

Read More: Best Replay Value Twin Stick Shooter Games.

Project Umbra on Steam

Fury Unleashed

Fury Unleashed

I don’t do a lot of reviews, but I felt compelled to a proper one because this game is really, really fun.


First of all, I’m on the wrong side of 45 and still gaming strong, but it presents a quandry: I love “old school” games, but - I am too old and can’t game as well as I used too. The secondary problem I run into is “loving the idea” of old school games but after the novelty of pixilated graphics wears off, I can’t see them as anything but ugly. Fury Unleashed effectively beat the hell out of those problems. It has an AMAZING amount of customization of difficulty allowing for old people like myself to really enjoy it as well as the crazy kids hat love games being 25 viagra hard. The graphics are really sharp and not extravagant, in short it’s pretty and runs butter smooth. It really seems like they thought of everything up to and including a pet peeve of mine where games that use the Steam Workshop make you download the workshop stuff outside of the game, but this integrates it into the character select screen so you literally see the cosmetics you can dl from the workshop and simply select it in-game.

Real player with 159.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Roguelike Games.

TL;DR 10/10 Xom howls with laughter!

What would the product be if you mixed together the creativity of Comix Zone, the unrelenting action of Metal Slug, and the audacity of action flicks from the 80’s? Probably this. Fury Unleashed is the first game I want to review, and rightly so.

To begin with, the Hero starts off with one SMG, one choppy blade, grenades, and boots of stomping. Throughout the course of the story, you get all the silly loot you could want and more. Freezing shrapnel grenades? Got ‘em. Rocket launcher with poison warheads? Sure! Unholy blade? No problem. Triple jump boots? Go wild! In addition to this arsenal of fun, the enemies you face are varied and challenging in distinctive ways. In fact, the same deadly shenanigans you pull on them can just as easily apply to you. This is most noticeable in the second comic book, where enemy soldiers can (and will) use the same weapons you do.

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

Fury Unleashed on Steam

Super Forklift 3000

Super Forklift 3000

A cool, short and cheap game. Nonetheless, there is a lot of replay value. In every try i learned something new to improve my score.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Solid ““““space shooter”””” with original elements (try yourself). It fullfills it’s objective: to be a arcade like game where players can always improve their scores and unlock really challenging achievments.

The price is unfair. It should cost more.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Super Forklift 3000 on Steam

Mega Overload VR

Mega Overload VR

Okay, so this is a really solid title. For a more in depth review, check out my video review here:


Gameplay is fast and addictive.

Weapons all feel good.

Good sense of progression as you learn how to beat each wave, what to prioritise etc.

Co-op if you’ve got a friend.

Very polished.

If I had a kid, I would put them on this.


Only the one game mode.

Don’t expect a lot of depth even for a wave shooter (e.g. - no combos/chains for score).

Probably a bit pricey for what is on offer.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

That’s how you would imagine Space Invaders in Virtual Reality!

Fun little arcade wave shooter with nice colours, a lot of effects and swift gameplay.

Check out the videos on the store page they really give you a good feeling about the game.

You can choose between three weapons and have to beat highscores - of course what else.

From time to time it can be a bit difficult since you have to dodge enemy bullets and yes I am a lazy VR player, dodging is definitely not mine. Just move your head a bit to the side.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Mega Overload VR on Steam

Dead Estate

Dead Estate

I think it speaks to the strength of this game that I got the true ending with a broken run before I unlocked all the characters and I’m taking a break to write this review before going back in again.

Dead Estate is a fun little isometric roguelike akin to an Enter the Gungeon or diamond shaped Isaac. You go in, fight enemies, pick up weapons and items, die to bosses, unlock new stuff, rinse and repeat. I don’t really need to tell you the basics of this kind of game. There are multiple playable characters with their own default weapons, stats and strengths/weaknesses. I will give it to them, once you start heading away from the starting characters they do come up with some pretty unique gimmicks. Gotta say, the one involving money is a personal favorite.

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

As someone who really didn’t care for the genres gold standards “Binding of Isaac” and “Gungeon” i just thought that maybe this style wasn’t for me. Then i saw this game and something clicked as i started to play. It was actually fun, not just in the gameplay sense but in how it handles it’s own presentation. Everything is vibrant and colorful being overall very pleasing to look at, the characters and stages all have a level of charm and personal touches that make them stand apart, and the music is fairly simple but charmingly retro and fits very well with the tone of the game. Add to all that a wholesome and strange story that you will continue to discover through multiple runs and you have the recipe for one of the best Twin-Stick Rougelikes in the genre. The game is worth every penny and with the promise of more content to come I honestly cannot recommend this game enough.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Dead Estate on Steam

Directive Nine

Directive Nine

Very good for what it is, lacking in some areas, but that can easily be fixed with new content in future updates. A very solid base and easily worth the $10 in it’s current state, can’t wait to see what the future holds for this title!

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Warning: Somehow the game is not being developed anymore and the Developer appears to not give any kind of message since April.

The game was great and it was evolving with features !

But somehow on the last update is unplayable now for me, because you have no pointer to even select to start the game.

I managed to start it anyway by luck and reached a level where an invisible wall blocks me and the enemies on the other side so basically there is not even a game to play.

So I do not like to post a bad review because the game was really fun when it worked, but right now this is an alert to avoid doing discovering this dissapointment and refund.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Directive Nine on Steam

Doughlings: Invasion

Doughlings: Invasion

If you grew up with arcade games like me, you must play this game definitely. I have played it since closed beta for 35 hours. After break for a couple weeks it is still very fun to battle against unique bosses and invaders. Good job guys. I’m looking forward to your next game.

Real player with 35.4 hrs in game

Modern Space Invaders with better story, cuter graphics and more tactical gameplay.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Doughlings: Invasion on Steam

Dungeons of Clay

Dungeons of Clay

Good fun. Not to difficult. Good for a quick brain flush :D

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

If you find the background distracting, turning off all the graphics will fix that issue.

Each run takes about an hour and a half. The difficulty I would rate 3/5, so if you are skilled at all with roguelikes it will probably take you only 2 to 3 attempts to beat the game.

Nice change of pace, good game!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Dungeons of Clay on Steam

Let’s Rock!

Let’s Rock!

You are a young graduate of an aviation school, who, by assignment, got to the distant frontier of the developed area of the Universe. Now you have to go the path from a rookie to an experienced pilot, who is destined for great battles in the name of Humanity.

Game features:

  • 9 colorful levels. Explore diverse and unique worlds

  • Earn points and exchange them to enhance the power of your war machine. After passing each level, it becomes possible to acquire a new type of weapon. Learn to use your arsenal effectively. You will have an impulse gun, the missiles, a plasma gun, the mines, the homing shells, a laser gun, a protective energetic shield, and finally you will have Perun’s Exhaletion!

Also in the game:

  • Choose the spaceship that best suits your skills

  • Destroy the bosses

  • Accompany and protect cargo ships

  • Free captured Earthlings and other creatures

  • Find and destroy 8 evil alien fish

  • Enjoy!

Let's Rock! on Steam