Fidget Spinner

Fidget Spinner

At first glance, this game may seem as if it was made by a child. The icon seems a bit abstract, but when you look closer, you’ll understand all the hidden meanings behind this game. What they are? That’s for you to find out. I can’t ruin this surprise for any one of you. But now, I must tell you the story; one of the absolute power this game actually contains. Some say that words can’t affect you, but these words can. My daughter once had cancer. Every breath, every step, every motion was painful for her, but she still clung on to life. She was determined to beat her cancer and live on, sitting in the flower forests that she always loved to visit whenever she played with her fidget spinner. Gosh, she loved those flowers. Even now I tear up when thinking about her. I remember the day she was told that she had a year left to live. She was shocked; she thought that her fighting was enough, but it seems that it wasn’t. The cancer was too strong. However, through it all, she still prevailed, and so did her love for the simplicity of a small hand held toy, basic but passes time in a unique way. Coming across this game was a large surprise to myself, saying that I have not heard of this artistically crafted video game beforehand. But, after buying this masterpiece, I feel ashamed for not holding the passionate story line like The last of us in my possession before this point. Never before in my life have I played such diligent and thoughtful storytelling spilled out upon these pixels.The cover of this game is a beautifully hand drawn masterpiece. It is a mind baffling precursor to the extreme design of such a game. I will tell you why. After you play this game, you experience your body being cleansed from head to toe. this is only the beginning. Your sadness will go into the yawning abyss, and an extreme amount of happiness will wash over you like a wave. This game is exquisitely well coded. I look back on our many memories from back then and cry. On that last, fateful day, I held her hand close. I held it tight. Her mother couldn’t be with her, but she’s alright with just me. She left us a while ago. I can’t blame her for it; our living situation is terrible. I couldn’t stand to see her in a situation like this, and I suppose that she couldn’t stand being in it. I remember her asking me to play this game with her, with a great big smile on her face. Her grin went from ear to ear; something I barely saw anymore. I do remember tearing up. But her heart rate was slowing down. I had played it before she left me. Each level, each spinner, each breath I took gave her a smile. I remember her always wanting to play this but never getting the chance to, so I got it for her. She closed her eyes with a smile after I unlock the final spinner and closed the closed the game. A final beep, then nothing. But her heart rate decided to come back. I practically jumped out of my seat; I was surprised. I alerted the doctors right away. Was it this game? Was it this game that had brought her back? Fast forwarding to now; my daughter’s in college. She has left fidget spinner behind, but still visits it from time to time. This is her favorite game. Thank you, dear developer, for putting such care and effort into this wonderful game. I hope it continues to spread its blessings throughout time, lovingly teaching kids about the joys of a toy. I hope this game gets to those in need, and I hope the meaning behind the story will inspire them as well. And again, thank you. 3

Real player with 4003.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Illuminati Games.

Ok how do I even start this review. Ok so im a EPIC DESPACITO GAMER and I gotta say after playing 24+ hours of this game I acheived true immortality. This game has completely set a new standard on how future games should look and feel. Comparing this to Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto V should not even be a discussion. This game is far superior than all of these other AAA games that are currently being released. This game is far tooooo under priced for a game on this level.

This game features revolutionary game mechanics. The atmosphere is incredibly deep to the point where it ACTUALLY makes you feel like batman. The music in this game is also top notch and I cant wait for a soundtrack to be released for this masterpeice. Another thing that makes this such a perfect game is that the graphics surpass that of Grand Theft Auto V, Fallout 4, Call of Duty Black Ops 4, ETC.

Real player with 87.3 hrs in game

Fidget Spinner on Steam

Mentai Uncensored

Mentai Uncensored

god a fucking damn great game guys, i’ve been playing it nonstop, and these c0ck teases are just something else.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Dark Humor Games.

Mentai Uncensored is a joke game, that the developers hope you pay for and I highly urge you not to do that. Since there’s no story we are jumping straight to graphics:


Well the graphics are just a bunch of stock photos of fat dudes. Literally that’s all it is, it’s repulsive photos of fat people you have to put back together. So yeah that’s about all I can say here.


The audio is awful, it’s nothing more than a stock song playing on a loop and dudes moaning constantly. It’s not funny at all and it gets annoying after the first minute and if you do end up buying this game then well you will mute the game and play in either complete silence or just listen to your own music while playing.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Mentai Uncensored on Steam

Hot Pool

Hot Pool

This is really interesting concept for a game.

Maybe it should have been for free though.

I hope that they will update this experience.

It feels like it’s unfinished project right now.

There are a lot of things that need some fix.

The worst part about this game is the audio.

Well, at least the puzzle aspect is well done.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Mature Games.

As an aspergic gay guy, I am so thrilled to play Sexual Segregation: The Game. Just segregate out the gays and lesbians, put the heterosexuals in groups to the side, lump all the FTM-/MTF- people together, ensure the MTF+/FTM+ people are paired off (Because they’re somehow more picky than MTF-/FTM- people?) and then dump the bisexuals into whatever space remains. Easy!

If you too feel you would make a great social planner, and you believe in complete sexual segregation, then this game is perfect for you! :U

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Hot Pool on Steam

Idol Manager

Idol Manager

I put 88 hours into this game. The most standout part of it was the writing really had no business being as good as it was in this game, that is pretty clearly low budget and lacks some polish. I think if they would have kept fixing some of the bugs and polishing it for a month or two more before releasing, it could have easily been so much better and they could have charged twice as much. Also, having the 18+ version as DLC. I used the decensor patch (which turns it into more of an ecchi game, nothing hardcore), and while it didn’t make the game any better at the core, it did add a certain level of spice to elevate the experience.

Real player with 95.3 hrs in game

This is the kinda game that I stayed up til 5am playing multiple times and when I finally reached the story mode ending early this morning I immediately asked my roommate “hey what do I do with my life now.” (Obviously the answer is to get the remaining endings and achievements but like. first playthrough is done there’s no going back to it.)

The story was a lot more interesting than I was expecting, but even without it the business sim part holds up imo. It’s really easy to get attached to the idols, and it’s fun and satisfying to help them earn fame and awards and such. Definitely don’t do what I did and buy this the week before two big projects are due though. For the sake of my grades I have to leave it alone for a while lmfao.

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

Idol Manager on Steam

Max Gentlemen Sexy Business!

Max Gentlemen Sexy Business!

TL: DR version - bought the game to support the youtube/streamer Jesse Cox for his first produced game, ended up playing it like crazy for the business management part of the game and eventually 100%-ing it.

And now, as it is customary for my reviews, the good and the bad.


1. Extremely engaging gameplay - unless you are playing the game absolutely casually, you will really need to think on your feet and do all the necessary calculations in your head in advance if you want to min-max properly.

Real player with 110.3 hrs in game

I went into this game completely blind. I have not played the previous game in this series by the ominously titled developers The Men Who Wear Many Hats. After playing Max Gentleman: Sexy Business, I might have to go check out the original Max Gentleman game. It is free. What do I have to lose? Regardless, I have a lot of time invested in this game and learning its systems, so I feel that I can provide an honest opinion about this game.

Max Gentleman: Sexy Business is an idle/strategy game with elements of visual novels and dating simulators. The game starts with you creating your own “gentsona” which you will use to take back back your stolen family riches by forming a business, fighting against rival business, improving your executives, and paying off loans in order to defeat the vile and slimy Cashious Villionaire. The plot to the game is easy to follow and there is plenty of comical dialogue to read that helps to pull you into the world and characters. At the same time, reading the dialogue is not essential to playing and beating the game, so dialogue can be skipped for the least astute. However, I recommend that you do not skip the dialogue because it is cleverly written, hilarious, and… surprisingly steamy. The game is called SEXY Business after all. Along with managing your executives and running a business suitable for crushing your rivals, you also will be given opportunities to go on dates with executives to get to know them better and to unlock outfits for them, ranging from comical cosplay to complete full-frontal nudity. Moving forward, this review will be divided into two sections; SEXY and BUSINESS.

Real player with 91.1 hrs in game

Max Gentlemen Sexy Business! on Steam

Small Sister

Small Sister

Well worth the 43p The conversations are terrible, the activities are limited, but it is extremely funny and will easily keep you amused for several games. Don’t bother comparing it to the Sims, it is not at all intended to resemble it. It is just a simple EQ game where you survive by manipulating the other players. You should do a multiplayer version, you would make a fortune out of it, but in the meantime, that was extremely amusing and very good value.

Bit glitchy at times, but the computer handled it with a bit of patience.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

i wish there was a neutral option for reviews on steam, because i have a hard time recommending this. i bought this on sale for $0.49, and it was entertaining and worth what i paid, but i can’t say i’d pay full price for it. wait for it to go on sale.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Small Sister on Steam

Super Jigsaw Puzzle: Anime Reloaded

Super Jigsaw Puzzle: Anime Reloaded

No more need to search the bag of your vacuum-cleaner for the missing parts of your puzzle.

No more need to clean the living room table because it’s time for some coffee.

No more need to chase your parrot because it also wants to play.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Nice puzzle game. Better in some ways than the Pixel Puzzles series. (Specifically, the fact that the puzzle pieces snap together outside the picture frame.) Decent for the price (especially if on discount).

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Super Jigsaw Puzzle: Anime Reloaded on Steam

Daenerys doesn’t want Hentai

Daenerys doesn’t want Hentai

Ok game. The movement and the battle style feels Smooth. The map size was decent enough, I wish there was more enemies or buildings to explore. I spent most of the time just running around instead of fighting.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

10/10 skirt physics simulator with a lot of exploration and occasional combat. The mechanics are fluid and intuitive, the environments are large and can be fun to explore, and the music is relaxing. Honestly, a lot more than I expected for a 99 cent game.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Daenerys doesn’t want Hentai on Steam

Yuna and other troubles

Yuna and other troubles

fuck you

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Follow our curator for similar games

Unique concept + expansive world - optimization = Explore the school, talk to classmates, join a club, and survive the new school life. At times it felt like a walking sim with the amount of running.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Yuna and other troubles on Steam



Pretty solid game,Cheeky and fun dialougue,solid animation,open maps with hidden powerups so you’re not just walking a linear path the entire time,each character brings a different playstyle to the table for replayability, I certainly need to spend more time in it but I haven’t found too many things to harp on as of yet,there was one spot at the end of the second level where I wanted to go back and look for the hidden item but the wall was too steep,not sure if that was intended or an overlook. Music and sound is very fitting as well,very cave-like,especially the ambient drips and such.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

This game has its own sorts of entertainments

It is funny, Hard but fun, and of course a ~INTERESTING~ game

I brought this game cause I saw Thicc big booty women but than…This game starts to get alittle interesting

Glad to say this is worth 5 bucks if you can spare it…and If you want to see half naked women running around and fighting Lol

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Apostasy on Steam