Intelligence Trader

Intelligence Trader

I’ve been playing this for about 4 hours and I like it so far. It definitely feels like the game is unfinished and there’s more to come, but the basic premise of the game is clear.


Fun concept

Interesting story lines and missions

Nice graphics (I like the look of the agent photos)

Clear interface/map

Lots of potential for expansion by tying in the missions completed with the news headlines


A little unorganized. You can’t click on an agent placed in country and get information about them. When intel comes in to sell, you have to scroll around to figure out the highest bidder. (easily remedied with an icon indicating high and low price, or maybe highlighting with certain colors to shoe high or low)

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Investigation Games.

Bought it hoping find something similar to Kremlingames products. Unfortunately realised that it’s too early to buy it. Started the game and understand nothing. Russian translation is not finished, in some places in place of words I saw just black strips… Surprise… Cannot return an agent back from a country to base. News are very interesting, but I’d like to see it in a new window. Time moves too slow. There is no explanation what is specialization of agents.

Perhaps it’s only in Russian version, didn’t play English one. Hope to see something remarkable and interesting in future)

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Intelligence Trader on Steam

A pirate quartermaster

A pirate quartermaster

Don’t overlook this curious little gem of a game! Do yourself a favor and give it a try. I’ve never played anything quite like it.

As an added bonus the developer is very active and present, and has already provided several bug fixes and added improvements.

Edit 16th of October:

An earlier version of this review mentioned that the game needed some serious rebalancing, as it was very difficult to keep going for any significant amount of watches. The developer has since changed a number of things, and it is now much, much easier to progress in my experience.

Real player with 92.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Open World Games.

This game is truly charming.

It has got style and character and a great atmosphere (it does not struggle to create a feel-good one).

You gotta love the music, absolutely enjoyable and this goes for most everything of this game.

It also has very good achievements that are desirable but seldomly quick to get.

They let you know there is more adventure for you in this game sort of in addition to the already

solid watch to watch “routine” of being the quartermaster.

Make smart decisions (one of them is not to think “1 portion” ought to be enough when there is no better reason to skimp there other than saving a few coins when that is not crucial) and you can sail a fearsome, capable pirate ship you will mourn to ever lose. This might even entail mourning the loss of your former captain (I admit that happened to me ;-) ).

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

A pirate quartermaster on Steam

Evil Democracy: 1932

Evil Democracy: 1932

Did it keep my engagement? Yes. Was it cool playing as different parties and trying to change the outcomes of historical elections? Also yes. Is this game worth its price? No. Does it feel like it’s properly out of early access? Also no.

If you’re interested, definitely get it on sale. I don’t feel like I wasted my money, but I might feel that if I got it at full price.

I would hope there’s more to come for this game. The concept is genuinely interesting, but I want to do more than sitting around hiring people and firing people, releasing a new newspaper every six… whatever turns are. The time in this game feels entirely out of sync with reality. Like each turn moves you to an alternate version of the same moment, and that’s not good. I mean, I can form a coalition government with some other parties when elections roll around, but it actually does nothing for my party. What’s the point of being chancellor if it doesn’t do anything down the road? The turn passes and there you are where you were a turn prior. You’ve presumably become the leader of the country, but because you didn’t occupy enough positions in the cabinet you’re just back out on the campaign trail.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Alternate History Games.


Those five minutes are up and the average voter has made a very convincing case against democracy. We’ll get back to Churchill quotes in a moment, for now I must bring to the attention of my fellow gamers (and potential historians & political scientists) a title that manages to think outside the ballot box in spite of the inherent rigidity of its topics and simulated era. Evil Democracy: 1932 is the recent creation of the prolific developer and self-publisher, Hamsters Gaming. It’s their second project showcasing the word “evil”, after 2018’s Evil Bank Manager. You know what profession is despised almost as much as the “banksters”? Politicians.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Evil Democracy: 1932 on Steam

Polandball: Can into Space!

Polandball: Can into Space!

This game is… pretty good! As a fan of the comic series, I have to admit this game was very well-made. So, let’s go.


  • Very well made for being based on such an obscure comic series

  • Jokes and stereotypes are funny

  • Controls are easy to get used to

  • Upgrade and Part system is well-priced

  • Worth the money

  • Achievements are not too hard to get


  • Belgium’s AI

  • Ending should have had an ironic twist (involving Russia/USSRball)

  • Repetitive soundtrack (easily solveable by muting music)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

A fun, comical, charming game of skill, prediction and chance.

Guide Polandball to space, avoid other hassling countries and try not to be held back by the gravity of larger nations such as Russia, China and Canada.

Collect fuel to reach your dreams in the sky, eat burgers to keep your health up, and collect money so you can stop using kitchenware as a rocket.

Its not all struggle though, occationally netherland ball or sometimes a jamaica ball will help you get higher… in various ways.

For $3 or less its pretty well worth it. You will get more satisfaction out of this than you will the bag of chips you would otherwise buy.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Polandball: Can into Space! on Steam

Cold War Minister

Cold War Minister

You are one of the most powerful and influential people on Earth!

You are driven by the vision of establishing a world-class superpower led by one ruler.

As a result, you deal with significant influence, plenty of weight resting upon your shoulders, but powerful enemies, too.

So, how are you going to manage?

Keep your finger on the pulse thanks to many devices for recording and monitoring enemy movements. Options are many: sonar, radar, satellites, and scouts.

Take appropriate action to maintain your edge over your opponents.

Make use of your forces' potential and the assistance of your allies alike.

Manage your troops. You have a staff of generals, engineers, and seasoned operators ready to carry out your orders.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and war is no different. You have the means to get away from responsibilities and indulge in the pleasures your position offers like a true Russian!

Cold War Minister on Steam

Death Trader: Cold War

Death Trader: Cold War

This game was great! It was super fun and im suprised its not more laggy and gltchy than it is, i was sceptical buying it but im glad i did, lots of fun, you need to fix a few bugs but i loved it otherwise and suggest you buy it! One thing I would like to see is things like being able to change the time you start like 1960, 62', 65, etc. I would also like to see more weapons from more country’s, I would like a variety in this game.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Oct 28

The game has a few kinks but the dev(s?) have been quick to patch. It is worthwhile, especially on sale. I’ve not been able to get more than 2 years into the 30 that the game has due to bugs but I’ve gotten a lot of fun out of it.

Nov 8

I can now play 15 out of the 30 years of the game before it crashes or becomes unplayable. The majority of the early bugs are gone, the gameplay is more user friendly with a better ui/tooltip, was a fun game before but it’s even better now. The devs may have released it prematurely, even as early access, but it’s been rapidly improved.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Death Trader: Cold War on Steam

Taxer Inc

Taxer Inc

I have a suggestion - I would advise the developers to go deeper into the late stage of the game now. And add mechanics to the Government section - right now their role in the game is minimal. I think this part can be deepened. But that’s just my opinion.. :D

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

This game is very interesting. The perspective of controlling other countries with economic power instead of military power is simple and innovative.

However, I have a complaint about the NPCs' behavior.

While the player is limited in terms of revolution points, the NPCs continue to annex other countries without such limitations. Also, with each turn, the rebellion points for annexing other countries become higher, making it impossible to complete the game if you focus on internal affairs.

The only solution is to annex NPCs before they become too big, but geography often prevents that effort in Asia and Africa.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Taxer Inc on Steam



Full Review Curator Site

Video Review:

Headliner caught my attention with a simple tagline “What if you control the national news?” Interesting premise and a question that made me wonder “What if I did control the national news?” Fact-based reporting? No slant? Spread the writings of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense… I could do so much. So what would Headliner allow me to do?

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

I recently got this game for free from a curator connect offer. This 2D simulation game with 2D side-scrolling adventure game elements by Unbound Creations features a custom male/female protagonist Dianne Kalushky who is married to a custom male/female spouse Andrew or Sasha and has a daughter Amber(names of any character can be changed). Dianne has just started work as a Headliner at a news broadcaster Galmedia in the fictitious nation of Galixia.

Amidst the backdrop of a deep polarised divide between the genetically modified population and the non-modified minority known as Purists and an ongoing war in the neighbouring nation of Lerisia with a subsequent influx of refugees to Galixia, Dianne must manage his/her company’s expectations as a corporate entity which needs to rely on broadcasting the type of news to attract interest and subscribers, the conflicting interests from the pro-modified and the Purists as well as on whether to allow or control the number of Lerisian refugees into Galixia, Andrew/Sasha’s declining health, job security and concerns over Amber’s idea on having fun at a festival in a week’s time as well as Amber’s plans to enrol at a secondary and study biology which is beyond the family’s finances.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game




First off, I must say I love this game. It seems I have already put 30 hours into it.


While many complain of the “Old school” graphics, I happen to like them. While yes, they are not the ultra-high definition 3D graphics like in other new city builders, It is still very good. The architecture is detailed and modern. It is different and original, which I like very much. Plus, the graphics don’t make my computer crash like other city builders.


The gameplay is relativaly easy and simple. It may be a bit confusing at first without a tutorial, however, I recommend viewing one of the many gameplay videos on youtube. Many reviewers complained it had “No point” and was boring, but I disagree. In their logic, what is the point of playing simcity 4? or cities XL? They too don’t have a “story mode” or missions. Since there is no in-game goals or tasks, you do have to set your own goals. I find that great, as I aim to build a rich city, or aim to have a socialist city without going broke, or try to make a farming city. And remember, this game is a political sandbox to try out several political and economic models, not an adventure game. Set your own goals, and you are good to go.

Real player with 222.8 hrs in game

Citystate may be the only city builder sim I can think of where you can politically influence your city and eventually go into space, but it’s difficult to recommend the game given all the bugs, performance issues and barebones design choices present.

First of all, the game was plagued with some rather serious bugs that came with the 1.2.3 update. Though many of these have been patched out, some such as the “NaN” resources bug which occurred on space colonies require you to completely reset your region and start from scratch to fix them. Another one that screwed one of my playthroughs was where I managed to click a policy multiple times in the middle of a lag spike and ended up applying its effects seven times over. I know it applied multiple times because I lost around 70% stability as a result of this and since then my city’s environmental score has plummeted to 0 regardless of what political changes I made in future.

Real player with 118.7 hrs in game

Citystate on Steam

Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

If you care about the amount of gameplay you get for your money at all, this game probably rates higher than any other game. (Last I read, the average player had over 500 hours on this game.)

Crusader Kings II is a strategic game where you spend most of your time looking at a big map of Europe cut into little counties, but it is drastically different from a game like Medieval II: Total War. Whereas in those games, every nation had rigid boundaries and an entire nation was a distinct, unified entity, Crusader Kings II focuses upon the feudal system of governance, and especially its hereditary system of succession.

Real player with 2025.1 hrs in game

Crusader Kings II is one of the most deep, fascinating and replayable strategy games I have ever played. In brief, you play as a family in the middle ages, anywhere between Mali and Mongolia, or from Bengal to Britain. You try to secure advantageous alliances and strategic marriages, and build up a small realm, either as a vassal of a greater power or striking out independently. There is no real win condition, though I love taking people who lost out historically, and helping push them to greatness.

Real player with 1862.2 hrs in game

Crusader Kings II on Steam