Intelligence Trader

Intelligence Trader

I’ve been playing this for about 4 hours and I like it so far. It definitely feels like the game is unfinished and there’s more to come, but the basic premise of the game is clear.


Fun concept

Interesting story lines and missions

Nice graphics (I like the look of the agent photos)

Clear interface/map

Lots of potential for expansion by tying in the missions completed with the news headlines


A little unorganized. You can’t click on an agent placed in country and get information about them. When intel comes in to sell, you have to scroll around to figure out the highest bidder. (easily remedied with an icon indicating high and low price, or maybe highlighting with certain colors to shoe high or low)

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Politics Games.

Bought it hoping find something similar to Kremlingames products. Unfortunately realised that it’s too early to buy it. Started the game and understand nothing. Russian translation is not finished, in some places in place of words I saw just black strips… Surprise… Cannot return an agent back from a country to base. News are very interesting, but I’d like to see it in a new window. Time moves too slow. There is no explanation what is specialization of agents.

Perhaps it’s only in Russian version, didn’t play English one. Hope to see something remarkable and interesting in future)

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Intelligence Trader on Steam

The Flower Collectors

The Flower Collectors


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? Nope, it is a little detective story about a political (?) murder in Spain after Franco’s death.

A grumpy ex-policeman, bound to a wheelchair after an accident, spends his time rolling around in his little flat (2 rooms, balcony), smoking, watching the neighbours with his binoculars, drawing little pictures, taking pills against his pain… but mostly sleeping and being bored. This flat is his world, and this is where the game takes place. Suddenly a gunshot in the night, and a dead corpse in the middle of the plaza under his flat. A young, terrified girl knocks on the door, breaking into his little world. And so the story begins…

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Noir Games.

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are worth your time [/url]

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 4h+

Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1, but you might end up with at least one more

Has it been in a bundle: No

Is there a good guide available: Not yet. I tried to write one, but it isn’t easy for this game. I hope somebody else will be able to make a good guide.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

The Flower Collectors on Steam

Your Principal

Your Principal

Do you see that old guy shouting and screaming? that’s you the principal

Being a Principal is not an easy task.

you can be the meanest, sourest principal in history or not.

  • Manage the class

  • Find their pranks and wisecracks

  • Create announcements

  • Use your special skills

  • calling parents is not the only way to deal with students.

  • create your own awesome punishments

  • Get their parents

Help your students o decide which way to go in their life.

You are the principal, theis future life is in your hands.

the whole school is in your hands too, that is a very responsible job to do,

and how you are going to do it is in your hands.

Those children can do a lot of damage to our business, make them pay for it or avoiding the problems.

  • Help them to choose the right way

  • Police or not - that’s your decision

  • You can choose if it is a problem with your school and how to deal with it

Let' start the game …. or their game?

Read More: Best Replay Value Conversation Games.

Your Principal on Steam

Detective Simulator

Detective Simulator

Become a modern detective in a game that merges a simulation with an adventure. Retaining the absolute freedom of choice and approach to a problem known from simulator games with the narrative and story twists of an adventure.

The cases that will land on your desk vary in difficulty, scope and type. From trailing a cheating spouse to corporate espionage involving multiple suspects and different locations. While each case features a story on its own, the cases or characters are occasionally connected with each other. Solving one case the right way may open up new avenues to pursue in another case.

Each case comes with its own turns, twists and surprises as well as characters trying to help or derail your investigation.

The cases require diffident skill sets and tools. You will need to learn when to be unnoticed and when to take a problem heads-on. When to observe and when to take initiative. There are different approached to each problem or clue and how to pursue them.

It’s PI and spy gadget heaven. There is an incredible amount of gear to aid you in any situation. Tracking, spying, wiretapping, audio monitoring, cameras, hacking tools, finger printing, biometrics, you name it this game has it. Solving cases gets you paid and you can use that money to get better equipment. You can also pick up some gear while working on a case.

High-tech gadgets and surveillance gear is awesome, but sometimes low-tech might do the job just as well or maybe even better. You can use a ton of cool gadgets to get into a place or aid you with shadowing someone, but you can also use a good, old fashioned disguise and skill.

The skills of your character and your own skills play a major role in spotting clues, coming up with avenues of inquires, applying counter-surveillance techniques or simply paying attention and noticing things and behaviors. The tools and gadgets help a lot, but knowing when and how to apply them is as important.

Another important crime solving tool at your disposal is the narrative system that not only covers all situations related to the case, but also your own actions creating a highly immersive environment and aiding your gameplay should you run into problems proceeding in a case.

Detective Simulator on Steam



Played 11 hours so far and it’s worth the pick up at this sale price. Neat little indy game, caught me a few times and I’ve jumped with some of the demons and it’s worth playing with friends!

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Scelestum on Steam



֍ My score ֍

→ 7/10

❤ Audience ❤

☐ Beginner

☑ Casual Gamer

☑ Normal Gamer

☐ Expert

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

♬ Music ♬

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

☠ Difficulty ☠

☑ Easy

☐ Average

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Hard

☐ Unfair

§ Bugs §

☐ Bugs destroy the game

☐ Lots of bugs

☐ Few Bugs

☐ You can use them for speedrun

☑ Nothing encountered

☯ Story ☯

☐ There is none

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☑ Good

☐ Fantastic

⚔ Gameplay ⚔

☐ Frustrating

☐ Sleepy

☑ Boring

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Great idea with mediocre realization.

I usually do not buy games in early access, however, I decided to make an exclusion for this one because I really liked the concept and wanted to support the developers. The beta was nice, had a decent gameplay and diverse enough scenarios, so I was very exited for the release and very disappointed after checking it.

95% of the game was already in beta. They added only one new scenario in the full version and barely changed the previous ones. The whole game can be completed under two hours like it’s specifically made this way, so people definitely couldn’t refund it. Despite the description the game is very linear, scripted and the only real way to fail most of the missions is reaching time limit. You barely can make any mistakes like helping the wrong person or performing false actions. Moreover, you cannot even change the order of mandatory actions, like placing warning triangles while looking for a way to contact ambulance. Furthermore, the game tend to be very strange and unfair: most of the timd you need to look for the position in the car navigator, however, one particular time you have to do it with your mobile phone, which is in your inventory and you get not a single hint about it, plus, the game itself tells you that you should use road marks instead of GPS in real life. Was it so hard to make the game a bit more authentic and realistic, provided that it already has levels where you use road marks?! In another scenario you have to move a large log like you are some superman and not just a random driver, was it so hard to make a crawling camera or just remove that log completely? Or why our “protagonist” can carry a whole med aid kit in his inventory but cannot carry 2 warning triangles at the same time?

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Accident on Steam



This game is something truly special. It’s smart and sophisticated, with fabulous yet understated art and music. The gameplay is very satisfying, and it makes me feel like an evil mastermind even when I lose! Play this game, you won’t regret it.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Oversight on Steam



TLDR; Close, but no cigar. Very close, but still.

I finished Song of Horror at the highest available starting difficulty. 98% blind(Will explain later down the line), first play through, none of the characters were lost.

I can’t recommend Song of Horror for a very simple reason, which some can look past and some can’t. I fall under the latter category- The reason is not permanent death, but rather how it is handled; Very, very poorly. It absolutely affected my experience, very negatively. Most of my other issues, I could have looked past if it wasn’t mainly for this.

Real player with 45.5 hrs in game


1. Variety of Characters, Stats, and Backgrounds = I enjoyed the opportunity of playing different characters with different perspectives of how they see the world. I like how each character had different stats to how they function and how they should adapt against the Presence. I also enjoyed how some of the characters know the layout of a particular area of the game to give the player a potential advantage.

2. Many Detailed Locations = It is refreshing to explore different maps of in the game to keep it interesting. From a haunted mansion, a shop, an abandoned hospital, and more.

Real player with 42.5 hrs in game


White Noise 2

White Noise 2

pros - Basically a playable horror movie, but won’t make u get tired of easily

  • Can turn on the film grain effect to further improve your “cinema experience”

  • Sound/light effect just hit the spot

  • Both fun to be single/ co-op

  • Jump scares and restless atmosphere are still here until this moment

  • Well-optimized (high settings - “gtx 970+ i7 4790” - stable 135 fps)

  • Bugs got patched within a week once found (5-man-studio)

  • Large variety of investigators' or creatures' combination /pros

Real player with 2148.9 hrs in game

While it is still a Slenderman game at heart, White Noise 2 does a much better job at being a unique experience than its predecessors, White Noise: A Tale of Horror (Xbox 360 exclusive, delisted) and White Noise Online (delisted on Xbox 360, available on Steam).

The game is a multiplayer experience that can hold up to four Investigators who collect clues, such as tapes, around a dark map with only their flashlights, glowsticks, a compass that somehow points them towards the nearest clue, and their voices. After collecting all eight clues in a regular game, a spinning totem called The Artifact and green objects called Sigils will appear. The Investigators then need to break enough sigils (twice the number of Investigators in the match), which will destroy The Artifact. After it is destroyed, the Creature that has been hunting them down will be permanently banished from the Investigators' plane of existence, rendering mankind safe from that creature and making them victorious.

Real player with 453.3 hrs in game

White Noise 2 on Steam