Fidget Spinner

Fidget Spinner

At first glance, this game may seem as if it was made by a child. The icon seems a bit abstract, but when you look closer, you’ll understand all the hidden meanings behind this game. What they are? That’s for you to find out. I can’t ruin this surprise for any one of you. But now, I must tell you the story; one of the absolute power this game actually contains. Some say that words can’t affect you, but these words can. My daughter once had cancer. Every breath, every step, every motion was painful for her, but she still clung on to life. She was determined to beat her cancer and live on, sitting in the flower forests that she always loved to visit whenever she played with her fidget spinner. Gosh, she loved those flowers. Even now I tear up when thinking about her. I remember the day she was told that she had a year left to live. She was shocked; she thought that her fighting was enough, but it seems that it wasn’t. The cancer was too strong. However, through it all, she still prevailed, and so did her love for the simplicity of a small hand held toy, basic but passes time in a unique way. Coming across this game was a large surprise to myself, saying that I have not heard of this artistically crafted video game beforehand. But, after buying this masterpiece, I feel ashamed for not holding the passionate story line like The last of us in my possession before this point. Never before in my life have I played such diligent and thoughtful storytelling spilled out upon these pixels.The cover of this game is a beautifully hand drawn masterpiece. It is a mind baffling precursor to the extreme design of such a game. I will tell you why. After you play this game, you experience your body being cleansed from head to toe. this is only the beginning. Your sadness will go into the yawning abyss, and an extreme amount of happiness will wash over you like a wave. This game is exquisitely well coded. I look back on our many memories from back then and cry. On that last, fateful day, I held her hand close. I held it tight. Her mother couldn’t be with her, but she’s alright with just me. She left us a while ago. I can’t blame her for it; our living situation is terrible. I couldn’t stand to see her in a situation like this, and I suppose that she couldn’t stand being in it. I remember her asking me to play this game with her, with a great big smile on her face. Her grin went from ear to ear; something I barely saw anymore. I do remember tearing up. But her heart rate was slowing down. I had played it before she left me. Each level, each spinner, each breath I took gave her a smile. I remember her always wanting to play this but never getting the chance to, so I got it for her. She closed her eyes with a smile after I unlock the final spinner and closed the closed the game. A final beep, then nothing. But her heart rate decided to come back. I practically jumped out of my seat; I was surprised. I alerted the doctors right away. Was it this game? Was it this game that had brought her back? Fast forwarding to now; my daughter’s in college. She has left fidget spinner behind, but still visits it from time to time. This is her favorite game. Thank you, dear developer, for putting such care and effort into this wonderful game. I hope it continues to spread its blessings throughout time, lovingly teaching kids about the joys of a toy. I hope this game gets to those in need, and I hope the meaning behind the story will inspire them as well. And again, thank you. 3

Real player with 4003.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Sexual Content Games.

Ok how do I even start this review. Ok so im a EPIC DESPACITO GAMER and I gotta say after playing 24+ hours of this game I acheived true immortality. This game has completely set a new standard on how future games should look and feel. Comparing this to Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto V should not even be a discussion. This game is far superior than all of these other AAA games that are currently being released. This game is far tooooo under priced for a game on this level.

This game features revolutionary game mechanics. The atmosphere is incredibly deep to the point where it ACTUALLY makes you feel like batman. The music in this game is also top notch and I cant wait for a soundtrack to be released for this masterpeice. Another thing that makes this such a perfect game is that the graphics surpass that of Grand Theft Auto V, Fallout 4, Call of Duty Black Ops 4, ETC.

Real player with 87.3 hrs in game

Fidget Spinner on Steam

Freebot : Battle for FreeWeb

Freebot : Battle for FreeWeb

Best game possibly ever. Something that the developers are not used to, not being a hentai game. With its upsides this also may possibly be the most glitch filled game ever.


Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Third-Person Shooter Games.

Not online in this game.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Freebot : Battle for FreeWeb on Steam




Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value FPS Games.

epic sauce

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game


Evil Bank Manager

Evil Bank Manager

An interesting and novel idea ruined by a lack of execution. There is the base of a great game here, but as is I cannot recommend it and, given the chance again, would not buy it.

The issue with EBM is that, beyond the early game, the gameplay loop becomes insanely tedious.

In the early game, you are given a small amount of money and given the oppertunity to buy a “banking license” in a country from anywhere in 14th century Europe, North Africa, or Asia. You can invest in logging camps, real estate, farms, and luxuries like furs and gemstones and will receive their produce on the next turn. You can then sell the items, craft weapons to sell out of wood or iron, or hold onto them until the price is better. You can lend money, send out guards to retrieve loans that were not paid back, and use all the profits to buy more investments.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Evil Bank Manager is clearly an attempt to remove the sometimes mundane task of moving military units around the map from a grand strategy role-playing game. In that one aspect, they succeeded; in most other aspects, they fail.


I’m retracting my con about the locks on the “exchange” page. They work with the “sell all” buttons but not the manual “sell” button.


A few.

  • The ocean water effect was an interesting optical illusion – a crazed glass image with a translucent background that slides with the continental map above a second image of blue clouds. This is a nifty trick that cuts down on draw calls. I didn’t even notice it until around hour twenty.

Real player with 36.5 hrs in game

Evil Bank Manager on Steam