Secret Agent Allan Martin in … Phoenix Erupting

Secret Agent Allan Martin in … Phoenix Erupting

This is a very well thought out comedy game. I have enjoyed this game very much I like it. Very good

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Text-Based Games.

Secret Agent Allan Martin in ... Phoenix Erupting on Steam

Death by Game Show

Death by Game Show

This is a re-review (I kept the original review below this). Originally I was frustrated with the game unintuitive mechanics and UI, and I critized quite a few things that actually weren’t true, but I misunderstood them due to lack of good tutorial and help system. The developers were extremely responsive to my feedback, and while there haven’t been big UI updates (which I understand budget-wise, since this wasn’t probably a selling breakthrough), they changed at least a few things (made the game less grinding and probably a bit easier). I got interested again and decided to properly investigate and understand the game mechanics, and I finally mostly do. I have created a steam guide for other users, so that it’s easier to start with the game and you’re not confused by a million of things. Hopefully it will help the game sell better. You can read it here:

Real player with 39.2 hrs in game

Death by Game Show Review

Background Info:

I bought the game on release day, and waited to post this review so I could spend a decent amount of time with it. This is my personal review, not for any company and with no benefits towards myself.

Main Game Features:

  • Strategy/Tower Defense

  • Game show setting

  • Place buildings and send droids to win challenges

  • Asset Creation, Level Editor, and Text Editor.

Quick Comparison:

This is a very unique game. I honestly haven’t found any other game like it (there may be one, but I have not come across it). However, if I had to compare it to something to help someone get a gist of if they’d like it. It would be a mix of Swords & Soldiers and Castlestorm.

Real player with 37.6 hrs in game

Death by Game Show on Steam



I want to like this game.

Great graphics, cool theme, lots of humor, decent pacing.

My primary issue is that the game isn’t particularly skill-based. It’s mostly a matter of getting good powerup drops, and grinding endlessly. After about 1 hour of play I discovered all there was to know about the game-play, after that there was no room for me as a player to grow… just hold Attack, spam abilities, on and on.

I really feel like this could be an amazing game… it needs… polish?

One thing I really disliked is the feeling that when you attack you’re just fanning at air. There’s no hit interruptions for you or foes, you just swing like you’re cutting through air and the enemies do the same to you. Maybe that’s what needs to be revisted by the devs.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Replay Value Dark Humor Games.

Wonderful game with tons of humor, beautiful music and scenery. You will fight armies of monkeys and 10 bosses with your weapon, your own army and powerful skills. Mighty Horsemen of the Apocalypse will aid you with rewards and directly in combat causing pure carnage. You can upgrade Vladimir’s stats and horde certain skills for future use with vladcoins, making yourself , your army and Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse stronger the more you play. The game has funny and mysterious story mode, endless mode with random bosses where you can keep going endlessly after you beat the final boss in stoty mode, unlocking more power and challenges, and challenge mode for highest floor reached for records chart.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game


Faith of Fate

Faith of Fate

This game is very well done! It has so many different levels you can encounter each time you play. So you get a new experience each time you play. There are puzzles inside of each level with some that are really tricky and unique. It is still under development so there are a few bugs that are being worked out, but there is enough game play that is established to make it worth the purchase. You are able to literally decide at almost any given time whether you are fighting with love or hate. The game is adorably created! I got to sit in with the developer while he played this game, and in turn he sat in with me while I played his game. Such a passionate developer he really showcases his talents in this game, and his love for what he is working on. So, in all, if you like puzzles and dungeon crawler types then this game is for you!

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

The game is good to be a beta, it can improve, I like it, it is entertaining.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Faith of Fate on Steam



I loved this game and played it until I unlocked all of the achievements. The characters are adorable, the games are fun, the art looks great. I highly recommend it! If you’re bored this game will definitely cure that boredom.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

“Yay!” “Nooo!” “Yessss!” “Argh!” “Eeep!”

These are just some of the reactions you may have when you see this game. Act now and for just $.99, you can add “wait, WHAT?” “No way!” here…Here….HERE!" “omg, not again” “I got this!” and “okay okay okay….where are my eyedrops?!” and many many more :)

It’s super fun

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game


West of Loathing

West of Loathing

This game is delightful. In terms of basic structure it’s similar to most RPGs where you have a main quest and sidequests that you’re going on and along the way you’re collecting stats, new equiptment, meeting NPCs, visiting towns, etc.

First the Pros

The best part of the game is definitely the creativity, humor and sense of discovery – because of the simplicity of the graphics and just the style of the game, it allows for a lot more varied combinations of stuff and situations. Unlike most RPGs, it doesn’t really have a part where you’re just grinding away mindlessly; the story’s constantly moving forward and there’s constantly new locations to be discovered (that’s the beauty of simple graphics!).

Real player with 291.7 hrs in game

Hey. Yeah, I KoL’d for a long time. Like, a really long time. But if you’re here reading reviews then you don’t give a tinker’s damn about that, now, do you!?

First thing to look at here is, lemme tell you what kind of people are gonna enjoy this game. Just do some mental tick-marks in your head, then you can make the call for yourself. That’s why you read reviews, right? This is what you want, right? I’m not like, going insane and getting high off the smell of my own farts when I say this? ‘Cause the whole point is, you don’t care if I like the game. You care if you can like it.

Real player with 79.0 hrs in game

West of Loathing on Steam

Air Marty

Air Marty

An…interesting game. First, let me talk about the downsides of this game: some typos in the game and some of the minigames were either a bit hard or the controls were a bit finicky (I wasn’t sure which it was in all honesty). Both issues I have with the game are actually pretty small overall. I did thoroughly enjoy myself playing this game, so that definitely outweighed any downside I had with the game. There are a total of 64 (technically 65) endings, which I did love. I didn’t realize at first that I could use the continue feature to pick points in the game so I can get the various endings a lot quicker than redoing the whole game every single time. I expected a comedy (which it most definitely is) but I wasn’t prepared for a dark comedy (which a lot of the endings get pretty dark, so a warning for anyone who is sensitive to dark jokes and

! themes of suicide/self harm). Strangely enough, I did also thoroughly enjoy the artwork in-game. It was varied and some were (purposefully?) odd/bad, but it was unique and added another comedic effect to the game.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

The game was worth the money and time I spent with it. This is this developers first game, you can definitely feel it. There is a level of polish missing that while isn’t too distracting is definitely notable.

The game takes quite a long time to launch. There is a button binded that brings you directly back to the menu instead of a pause screen. There is a button that skips the menu that takes you directly to the level select. You can spam these buttons and reload the menus really fast and cause the soundtrack to restart rapidly. The way certain controls feel on multiple levels feel very floaty and weird. Not being able to skip through the dialogue fast enough to replay a mini-game can be a chore, especially if the mini-game isn’t very self explanatory and you can fail some of them instantly.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Air Marty on Steam

GrowRilla VR

GrowRilla VR

This is a destructive sandbox game with just enough story to keep you coming back for more!

You play as a tiny gorilla that must eat everything in it’s path to grow larger and defeat the evil general trying to capture you..


-Funny voices and sound effects

  • Bright colorful environment

-Satisfying Destruction

-Love the ability to use the enemies’ weapons even when they are tiny in your huge gorilla hands after you’ve grown


-Only 3 levels currently (more content to come)

  • Sound issues- A lot of times you’ll hear a pig or cow sound effect in your ear and you’ll think it’s right behind you but there are no animals nearby.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

You play as a small little monkey that has been subject to military experiments and has escaped…

But now, when you eat a certain ammount of food, you grow!

Moment method works, because you are a gorilla (trigger to “pull” the world, grab buttons to grab stuff… hold them close to your mouth to automatically eat them)

Ive played the game for a while since early release, and it has improved with every update.

Granted it still needs a bit of polish… Something i noticed is that some SFX are missing, like enviromental, and other sounds that id expect arent there. Also its very easy to destroy buildings when you are the bigger sized.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

GrowRilla VR on Steam

Jake’s Love Story

Jake’s Love Story

Very Fun VN, for the price it’s pretty good. Probably one of the only Novels that I’ve really enjoyed in a while. Has typos that might trigger some but I try to look past that. Was pretty hooked and even Completed all the achievements, I felt somewhat complete when I finally figured out the right things to say and do.

Spoiler Ahead

! But I was hoping for a harem ending as well when you ask them both to prom ;) Wink Wink

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

THIS GAME, I mean, woah, I gotta calm down here. Jake’s Love Story for the PC is quite possibly the hardest game I have ever played. Forget Silver Surfer, Dark Souls, Hotline Miami 2, whatever. This game doesn’t mess around. I struggle to even play this game for more than a few minutes before I have a mental breakdown and want to play something else. I don’t even save my progress, I just close the game.

The difficulty of this game… is LEGENDARY. If you wanna play this game, YOU GOTTA BE HARDCORE.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Jake's Love Story on Steam

Forgetful Dictator

Forgetful Dictator

Recommendation: This is a fun game that will quickly improve your knowledge of world geography and maybe teach you a little bit about countries of the world.

Review: The story conceit of the game is fun; you play an aide to a Dr. Evil-like despot who is determined to rule the world by conquering it one nation (or territory) at a time. To conquer a nation, you just need to be able to recognize it and name it; doing so enables the despot’s armies to roll in to that country and conquer it. There’s no violence portrayed in the game, and the tone is cartoony and light, constantly poking fun at the dictator and his incompetence: it’s all just a loose story framework to fold around a game of identifying nations of the world by their border outlines and location on a Mercator projection map of the world. The game starts by asking you to choose whether you wish to identify all the countries of the world, or just work on conquering a part of it: Africa, the American hemisphere, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe, or West Asia and the Middle-east. Then the game choose a random nation within that group of countries, and you are presented with the outline of a country on the world map with a Hangman-like set of blanks to fill in with the name of the country. Enter the name correctly and you’ve conquered that country! Then the game will prompt you to choose an adjacent nation to identify/conquer. You have two resources to track as you play: armies and intel. You periodically gain armies as you march across the nations, but you lose one whenever you make a serious mistake (if you get one letter wrong, the game will tell you which letter it was and give you a second chance to get it correct). If you ever run out of armies, the game ends. You use intel to fill in some random letters in the country name (again like Hangman); there’s no penalty for running out of Intel (except that you get no clues). But as you continue to play, more game mechanics are revealed:

! a rival dictator - a ridiculous tyrannosaur - starts to conquer nations in parallel with you, chests of upgrades/materiel appear in random countries.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

I’ve only played country mode so far, and bought on sale, but I’m impressed, even though the polish on this is not perfect, it feels more like a game than many educational games do, and I’ve been enjoying it more than any geography lesson I can remember (there aren’t many I can remember - not my strong subject).

There are a few different ways of revealing unknown country names (guessing letters, using up “intel” to reveal half of the letters or the remaining helf, multiple choice, and rarely you can reveal a random country). These different methods for arriving at the answer add variety and probably help with learning and recall. The zany dialogue sets a low-pressure atmosphere, although it does get repetitive after a while. Easy enough to click past, though. Being interrupted by trivia questions can be frustrating sometimes, but also breaks things up to reduce monotony, so I wouldn’t go as far as to call it a bad idea - maybe the implementation could be a bit better.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Forgetful Dictator on Steam