Hellish Quart

Hellish Quart

Dear Prospective Sword FighterđŸ˜¶

Hopefully you’re doing well and alive!!đŸ‘»

I would like to bring this to your notice that you are wasting your precious life by reading reviews here !!.. Simply put this darn game in your cart and buy it. You already have many unplayed garbage bought on sale so it’s ok.

Please be aware that this is thousand times better than tekken or MK alikes..those are mindless kids button smasher with zillion button combos of powerful wheesh whoosh farts

This game is for real MEN..Men of honor, sacrifice vigilence kindness and Bravery.🙄đŸ’Ș

– Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Realistic Action Games.

Physics based simulation style sword fighting game taking place in 17th century Poland. Think of a cross between
 Bushido Blade, Exanima, & Die by the Sword. Created by one of the main animators for Witcher 3. Really amazing to see an animator translate their ideas about animation into gameplay. I’m sure a lot of animators get frustrated by game design limitations.

This would be a really fun party game if you have a couple controllers! It’s easy to learn, very difficult to master, but it’s very fun and feels authentic through and through.

– Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Hellish Quart on Steam



This is not intermediate stage. This is concept stage. This is EXTREMELY overpriced. Feedback at this point is absurd as literally everything needs a ton of work.

– Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Realistic Action RPG Games.

Enough with the fucking BLABLABLA seriously it is worse than no voices also this game feels way to early for EA the only reason why I am not going to refund this is because it cost 50 cents plays awful awful hit detection avoid and wait for updates

– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Gladia on Steam



“Await eagerly your end at my hand”


đŸ”čGriefhelm takes its cue from some renowned niches in gaming like Nidhogg, Mordhau, For Honor, and the Souls-likes. It emphasizes on a methodical action as there’s a fine line between death and glory in this game. You are in the boots of a medieval knight who fights his way through a branching campaign You traverse from node to node through a set of stages, each challenging you with a leader battle at the end before progressing to the next location. Despite its flaws, The game is an amazing effort for a project made by a single person.

– Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Realistic Local Multiplayer Games.

Griefhelm is a fun little action game in a pseudo-medieval setting, which I discovered recently and fell in love with. It offers lots of cosutmization and weapons, a singleplayer campaign, singleplayer and multiplayer costum fights called “encounters” which you can design the way you want by chosing your equipment, the enemy’s equipment, different rule sets, the stage/level/map and the exact gamemode: skirmish=duel, battle=capture waypoints, tug-of-war=push the enemy back by killing him and running towards the end of the stage/level and more! (In-depth review below)

– Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Griefhelm on Steam




+It is fun and looks very cool slashing stuff with your blade.

+There are a lot of skills to try and certain combinations give you a unique looking blade.

-There is only one stage and 3 difficulty settings. The first 2 are not really worth playing more than once, since your slashes have auto-aim and you have limited skill selection.


-The slashing feels odd. You slice with your sword and when you stop the energy slash comes out. So to be accurate you swing your sword and then point at the enemy you want to hit. This is not very intuitive. If you were to properly do a swing from top down your slash would fire into the ground.

– Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here: https://youtu.be/OlCgQImz5Eg

Very close call for me on whether to at least give this a neutral recommendation, but honestly, it just isn’t good enough especially at the listed price of $10 USD. I think this game wants to be a Space Pirate Trainer 2.0, except it’s more like version -2.0. This is a stripped down, bare-bone version with some cool ideas.

The first problem is that there is only one map as far as I can tell. Admittedly, I did not play this game for very long (less than 30 minutes). However, I did complete the game on normal and got to #5 on the leaderboard. I also unlocked the Pro level, but for whatever reason, it didn’t work. I was stuck in the menu area of this game and I had to force quit.

– Real player with 0.4 hrs in game


Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

it’s a review so i have to say that this game is MAGIC (no magic involved in the actual game). If you’re a geek who loves medieval history, then just buy it already! it’s just 10$ on sale right now which feels criminally cheap for what you’re getting. you’re going to get tons of hours and an incredible amount of options to choose from in terms of skills, combat and play style which ultimately allows your Henry be exactly who you want him to be. The combat is challenging, and even though my coordination and rhythm is poor in life and all video games i’ve played, there are ways around this (in most cases), as you have many ways to resolve issues. I play a charismatic yet weaselly man who can talk or run his way out of anything. i can handle a sword if it comes to it, but i’d rather not. what i’m getting at is that you shouldn’t be intimidated by some reviews that rightfully point out how challenging some scenarios can be. get creative! the game allows for that.

– Real player with 169.6 hrs in game

As a game, it’s very difficult in the early parts. Food and money are really hard to come by, though there are some “public food pots” if there’s no choice. You are weak and getting ambushed is hell, especially when you haven’t saved recently. Speaking of saving, you have to CRAFT a potion to save, or find a comfy bed. Fighting more than 2 enemies is an automatic fail, more so if they are armored. Though to be fair, anyone would struggle to fight 2 people in real life.

Yet, once you have top level armor and weapons, this game is one of the best “knight simulators” of all time imo. Get some potions that fortify your defense and raise your warfare/strength skill and you’re a killing machine. Then there’s also the fact that money and food become pointless because you’ll be filthy rich (even without ‘that’ DLC) and you’ll get hungry a lot slower. I absolutely love the combat system. Even if many people aren’t fond of it, i don’t think there are other games that can capture the essence of medieval fencing. This game got me interested in HEMA. Anyone who says the combat is “trash”, is actually trash at understanding the combat mechanics themselves.

– Real player with 162.7 hrs in game

Kingdom Come: Deliverance on Steam

Bandit Simulator

Bandit Simulator

Explore the open, medieval world and become the elusive king of robberies - unless you prefer to remain an ordinary pickpocket who drinks his sorrows in a nearby tavern and steals the townspeople’s purses. Plan every robbery carefully - otherwise, you will end up behind bars, and escape from there is no longer so easy. Don’t get caught up in the act, watch the residents - and you will become a master thief.

Key Features:

  • An open, medieval world

  • Interactions with residents

  • Quests and tasks

  • System of fighting and sneaking around

  • Improving skills

  • Quick and slow steal

  • And
 of course a lot of others!

You decide what your adventure will be!

Bet on dynamic gameplay by stealing gold candlesticks and plates or robbing caravans passing through the forest.

However, some robberies will require a very carefully thought-out strategy.

Complete tasks and improve your skills, and buy better equipment with the gold.

Become part of a city legend.

Bandit Simulator on Steam



The community is all over the place but quick summerise Vikings and Samurais are both tryhard teams while knights are trying but they are also just having actual fun so imma switch to them when I feel like it.

All the characters are fun and look good but it’s up to perspective i can’t play Nobushi for the life of me but Kyoshin i can kick ass on, try a few and decide yourself, i would wish for rep 5 and under people would be allowed to just try any character because of how many characters there are now but doesn’t really matter.

– Real player with 627.8 hrs in game

Even though I have a lot of time in this game its only because it is the only one of its kind. The community is so toxic and horrible (but that goes with most games especially ubisoft ones) but that is only part of the problem. People join games with high pings and dominate because for some reason a guy sitting at 300 ping is still good to play? They recently changed the game from a reaction based game to a reading based (meaning instead of reacting to what your opponent does you have to predict and punish what you think they will do since most of the attacks are unreactable). Queue times are around 3-4 minutes for the most popular playlist (dominion) and even though you get in, your team is filled with people who don’t care to play the obj but just go for kills despite game modes (1v1, 2v2, deathmatch, etc) being designed specifically for that but people don’t platy those modes. Often times you will get teams full of the meta character or some 4man stack teams who no life the game to the point that they can take you 100-0 in a matter of seconds without giving you a chance to fight back or get revenge (which doesn’t work half the time) with the help of heavy stagger and pinning attacks. You get almost no reward for playtime (the in game currency ranges from 20-50 a game with the challenges offering 250 max per although most often they are 150 for things like “playing 12 games as a vanguard character”) with items costeing 7k for a finisher or emote and upt to 10k for other cosmetic items. It is a fun game sometimes but most of the times it is a sweat fest where you cannot chill on.

– Real player with 475.5 hrs in game


Swordsman VR

Swordsman VR

A solid 8.5/10, though maybe not for everyone.

It’s a very fun experience and this game has improved so much over the last 6 months. Back then, I probably wouldn’t have reviewed it as positively as I will do now. Sure, it has its issues, but with weekly updates, Swordsman VR is constantly improving. The developers are always approachable and take as many suggestions as they can, implementing them to the best of their abilities.

This game will not show you mercy. Do not underestimate the AI. If you don’t upgrade your skills early on, you’ll have a hard time surviving. Modifiers will change the way you play too.

– Real player with 63.7 hrs in game

TL:DR Pros and Cons list at the bottom of the review!

Alright, I know I don’t have much playtime quite yet, but I’m writing this review to say
 for the $14 sale price? This is an absolute steal. I’d even say the normal $20 price is well worth it.

I’ve played a ton of melee combat games. Gorn, Blade & Sorcery, Hellsplit: Arena, Until You Fall, Battle Talent, Swords of Gargantua. All really enjoyable depending on what I’m in the mood for. Yet somehow, Swordsman is filling a void I didn’t know I needed filled.

– Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

Swordsman VR on Steam



Excellent fluidity in the locomotion; though the control implementation needs some work: (1) Vive control touchpads are activated with touch, not click, so there are a lot unwanted triggers; (2) the Index controllers do not have thumb stick integration; and (3) the bow is very difficult to use
 I spent 10 minutes ‘pressing A/X near the bow’ with nothing happening.

I do like the scale of the world (is it procedurally generated generated?).

The enemy detail / animation is quite nice.

I would like to see some sort of XP / level system, even in this early stage, it would provide a sense of accomplishment (and give reason to hunt).

– Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

There’s no real game contents. Walk around and hit mobs
 that’s it.

– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

VRandish on Steam

Katana Kata

Katana Kata

Kata Katana is what you’d expect as a rogue-like. It is very much an early access game but if you look past its shabbiness it’s very engaging what at first seems like an archaic simplistic game becomes much more than that. The controls while somewhat clunky at times are simple yet hard to master. The sense of progression here is great in the beginning you are a frail novice flailing your Weapon about but once you get that timing down and start getting the grips with the game it feels elating. There are a few different weapon types and a nice variety in enemies. I don’t wish to spoil the game for those that care but just know that so far it has been fun. I for one look forward to what comes next.

– Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Fun little game! works well using xbox controller. Never tried Mouse n keyboard. Was happy to see it displays in 3440-1440 @120Hz.

This game brings me back to my summer of 1985, my Mom brought home an Apple PC from the school district, for the summer only, and I fell in love with Karateka. Love the simple art form and the genre!

Edit: 7 hours later, and I still haven’t passed the Garden level, and I only beat my nightmare 2/10 times. Apparently, I am horrible at this. I always start at bath house, and am still enjoying my failures

– Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Katana Kata on Steam