Vroom! Obstacle Racing

Vroom! Obstacle Racing

Vroom! Obstacle Racing© is a new take on the racing games genre: it combines competitive racing with the tactical gameplay of obstacle course based games. In Vroom! you can take different paths to reach the goal. Choose the safer but longer route or risk taking the shorter path with more obstacles in the way. Players will have to race with dozens of online competitors to earn exclusive rewards as well as to progress in the seasonal challenges. The game is currently in development.

Read More: Best Realistic Physics Games.

Vroom! Obstacle Racing on Steam

DreamScapes Dimensions

DreamScapes Dimensions

Let me begin this by saying that how you feel about DreamScapes will, to a great degree depend on what you believe, or expect, a Steam Early Access MMO from an indi developer is going to be.

I downloaded the game last night and, like other players, I had to wait for a long loading time. However, I can tell you that it only took that long the first time.

Once in I encountered lag, freezing as you go through doors, and other bugs. In truth I could have done what many of the other reviewers chose to do, log off, delete the game and move on.

Real player with 365.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Realistic Medieval Games.

DreamScapes Dimensions is not a strikingly beautiful game with the best graphics.

It is not a game with the best optimization and it is not a game with thousands of quests or a game world so big that you can spend hours walking from one side to the other.

And it doesn’t have to be all that. Because it is full of passion.

The game utilizes a DND style dice roll fighting system, in-depth resource mining and crafting, player building and housing, as well as procedurally generated dungeons and raids which add a nice rouge-like feel to it.

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

DreamScapes Dimensions on Steam

Deranged Park Rangers

Deranged Park Rangers

Free to play massively multiplayer online Shoot ‘Em Up with instant play.

Kill sapsuckers in an over-the-top blood and guts filled manner.


Simply click the instant action button and you’ll be killing sapsuckers with potentially hundreds of other people already playing.



After the SGF summer contest I realized that I’m a dinosaur, over 900 demos. .. the window of time for me to make a sustainable living from indie game development has closed.

I’m going to return to driving a semi-truck.

If lightning strikes and people give a hoot, I will finish the game.

Read More: Best Realistic Casual Games.

Deranged Park Rangers on Steam

Animalia Survival

Animalia Survival

So i bought this game Friday at noon… Played it until Saturday 5am… In one sitting i nearly got my $1 = 1hour entertainment. I woke up Saturday at 11am, did my morning routine and now i am going to binge some more. If you are a fan of hardcore survival and animals, this game is right up your alley. Note this game is HARDCORE. So if your animal dies, your going to be starting a fresh new cub(some servers offer adult spawns). Personally for me this keeps the game fresh. Allows you to keep trying out new animals or trying out new point specs for your animals attributes. There are quite a bit of animals already in the game for early access and ALOT more on the road map ahead. I heard 36 African animals are planned.

Real player with 113.8 hrs in game

This is so Great!!! Think of a mix of The Isle and wolfquest kind of Feel.For Years I been dreaming of a game such like this.Yes there are alot of bugs still as its still fairly new . I do hope they never give up on this game and keep adding more to it .I can see this going beyond what it is now already.

Real player with 100.9 hrs in game

Animalia Survival on Steam

Beyond The Wire

Beyond The Wire

I love how this game is so easy to pick up.

Unlike squad, hell let loose and similar war games; in this one you are usually put very close to the action.

Fast game, somewhat buggy though to be expected of an early access title, but all in all quite enjoyable.

Real player with 172.9 hrs in game

game was great on launch but now i cant play for more than 30 mins without being kicked from lobby, every new update introduced more glitches and instability. such as with the current patch where if you put on your gas mask it entirely muffles your sound even after you remove it. dont get me wrong love the game and wish it would do well but every step forward they take 3 steps back

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

Beyond The Wire on Steam

Grey Hack

Grey Hack

So as you can see from my hrs on record I am obsessed with this game. However that is not why I chose to write a review. I have wrote very few reviews on games. It’s just not really my deal. It takes a lot for me to write something either good or bad about it. And I had that “a lot” moment recently when I was interacting with another player in the game. I was talking to them about how much I enjoyed the game and have over 400 hours in to it. That’s when I realized I have almost 500 now…. in a game that’s still in alpha. The game doesn’t even have all the features yet and has many bugs. There’s a running contest in discord for who can find the most bugs. Normally that’s a bad thing for a game. But this game… the bugs are actually fun and in a weird way add to the game. Don’t get me wrong the developer is constantly pushing out updates and actively fixing those bugs and making the game better with each update. But the bugs are used in the game for hacking. Players adapt to the more stubborn bugs and you learn to protect yourself from them. You find others and use those to mess around. I wish I could explain better how and why this game has sucked me in but this game is one massive world where the players create so much of the content without realizing it, “500 hours in an alpha” kind of not realizing it. That was my “a lot” moment. I paid 10$ for 500 hours of game play. I have games in my library that I’ve paid far more for and have far fewer hours and they’re still worth it to me and those are finished! So as a thank you for the best 10$ I’ve ever spent here’s my Review Kuro I hope it helps drive more sales to ya.

Real player with 1884.1 hrs in game

Ever wanted to feel how it is to be a real hacker and face and overcome the difficulties that come with being one?

This game is probably the closest you can get without actually having any prior experience with the technicalities that are involved with gaining illegal access to a person’s computer.

What really sets this game apart from every other in this genre, is that while portrayal in most games is very ‘Hollywood-esque’, this game manages to keep it grounded and convincingly portrays the ‘real feel’ of being a hacker, and the difficulties that must be overcome. In-game computer actually feels genuine and intuitive to use, and unlike in many other games, gaining unauthorized access to a person’s computer is in itself a very rewarding process. It actually feels like the real deal (and the methods and concepts such as social engineering that exist in the game are all real).

Real player with 127.5 hrs in game

Grey Hack on Steam

Engine Evolution 2020

Engine Evolution 2020

having followed the development of the game since its earliest days, i can definitely say that the project has come an extremely long way, despite there still being a ton of obstacles ahead

it might not be the most polished or complex motorcycle racing game out there, but it provides a fresh and original perspective - with racing on temporary road courses at the forefront, which is a concept only explored by the TT titles; the main difference is, those are full-fledged AA games with a corresponding price tag, this - an indie game largely developed by one/two people, completely free (if you spend the time on it) and still largely satisfying to play against others

Real player with 47.8 hrs in game

I’m going to start off by saying that this game has major improvement potential. For a free racing game this is an amazing game, the graphics are very good, the physics are decent and the a.i. is very well coded. I do have to say thanks to the devs for putting so much work into this game as I know there are not many of them. Updates are released pretty frequently but there are still improvements to be made.

I do have to comment on how this game is not optimized well. The game in total is around 4GB and I don’t see why a game like this has to take up so much space. Even though the graphics are very good you do need a good graphics card such as the 1080 or the 2060. As I stated with optimization I do feel like the game could be optimized further with the graphics as well with the storage. I am no coder or developer so I do not know how much work this would be but if it is easy and possible I feel like it is something that the developers should be working on as there is a GPU and chipset crisis going on in the world right now.

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Engine Evolution 2020 on Steam

Forex Trading Master: Simulator

Forex Trading Master: Simulator

I would just like to reach out to the greater community, and talk about how amazing this game is. Me and my group of people I play with are in talks of a Forex Trading Sim LEAGUE! That’s how highly we think of this game. It’s really helped enlighten me on the diversity on world currencies, helping me become a more socially Conscious person. You know? If you are looking for a truly diverse, progressive, fun and game for bonding, this is the game for you. Highly Recommended.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Online real-time simulation fails to connect. Lack of updates

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Forex Trading Master: Simulator on Steam



There seems to be a lot of confusion on What iRacing is. Although it’s commonly called a ‘Racing Game’, it is really a Simulation Service. You don’t own the program, you purchase the rights to use the content. Very little of the program is stored on your computer, as most of it is handled by the iRacing servers.

Why no ‘trial version’? Well server time cost money, and hosting a solely massively multiplayer experience that is constantly improving is very expensive. However iRacing does provide a 50% one time discount for new members. You can try the service for 1 months for $6. not a limited scope version, but the total service! If you are not sure if a dedicated simulation service is for you, it’s a good way to get your feet wet.

Real player with 2537.3 hrs in game

Not for the casual gamer

It’s VERY expensive through Steam… and while maybe still expensive in your eyes its a lot cheaper buying directly through the Iracing website where they offert 40% or 50% deals ( they run those deals for a few months at a time ) for new subscribers. IF YOU BUY DIRECT FROM THE WEBSITE YOU STILL GET A STEAM KEY

it’s a service offered. Yes you play it and like any game and there is additional download content that you don’t ever need to buy. You do however need to subscribe to either a monthly, yearly, 2-yearly term then you can play using the free bundled cars and tracks while running the free series for those cars. That’s it and you do not need to buy anything more however like any business they offer other stuff at extra cost… the business model plays on the fact that you are more than likely going to want what you don’t have while the other folks you normally play with are playing with some of that additional content. it is shamefully addictive

Real player with 1287.0 hrs in game

iRacing on Steam

Lo-Fi Lounge

Lo-Fi Lounge

Really good VR experience. Chill place to take a break - even when no one else is there. The lounge set-up is sweet and the music is a vibe. Even better when other people show up, too. Had a good conversation about space travel.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

i have played Lofi lounge for about 17 min and i have loved every single min of it i recommend you get this game its so amazing and hope more gets done with the game it could become something even more great.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Lo-Fi Lounge on Steam