

You get what you paid for, 2K achievements at minimum price. If you’re an achievement hunter looking to increase the number of achievements on your profile showcase, then I highly recommend buying this. Else don’t waste your money. This is not a game, it’s just a way of distributing achievements.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time with Pause Side Scroller Games.

If you are tired and have a bad mood, forget about everything, turn on the brain and play. This game is for you! Destroy the cubes with the help of the neoshar. Throw the ball right at the target and score points. Put your record!

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

NeoBalls on Steam

Door Kickers

Door Kickers

Door Kickers is one of those pleasant surprises that comes every now and then.

This is essentially a Top Down SWAT Team Simulator that is extremely Tactical. (And I’m not using the word just because it’s cool)

How would I describe Door Kickers ?

This game reminds me of older releases that change the way FPSes are played such as Rainbow Six and SWAT.

This is a slow and methodical game as it’ll brutally punish you if a mistake have been made. Thought and precise movements must be taken into account if you wish for all of your troopers to survive that one bloody great gunfight.

Real player with 451.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time with Pause Simulation Games.

One of the best real-time tactics games on Steam.

Having finished all of the single missions and all of the campaigns, both in Normal and in Iron Man, I believe I’m in a position to write a few things about this game. I don’t usually write Steam reviews, but Door Kickers is a special game that deserves recommendation. As someone who is very interested in tactical gaming, the top-down tactics offered by this game are very enjoyable.

The game gives you control over a team of SWAT operators and tasks you with defeating the bad guys and completing missions such as rescuing hostages, arresting a suspect, securing evidence, preventing escape of the suspects or escorting a VIP. There are different ways to play the game, but the way I play it (and I guess the most obvious style of play) is real-time with pause. The way I usually do the missions is like this: I draw actions for my troopers, let them play out those actions, pause, assess the situation and then plan my next move. You can also play the game in 100% real-time or even prepare the entire mission in the planning phase if you want. It’s a lot more difficult and challenging to do, but the option is there. There is no ‘true’ method of playing the game.

Real player with 66.7 hrs in game

Door Kickers on Steam

GYATM Dragon Edition

GYATM Dragon Edition

The team at Indie Imprint got me a copy to review on stream and it turned out to be a blast! Had a great time playing the game. We played for three hours and managed to win the game, not once, but twice AND got lucky enough to see both winning endings. An indie game with multiple endings, plenty of challenge and entertainment value. It was cool trying to beat my time to completion once i figured out how to win. At the same time, I also lost the game in some pretty entertaining ways. So, even when you lose, the game still offers a lof of fun. Definitely enjoy it, and you will too! :)

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time with Pause Building Games.

A really entertaining little game with excellent graphics, sound track and playability. The value is well beyond the price. I look forward to this growing into a larger, more complex game in the future (probably when Elon Musk gets to Mars), but for now its oodles of fun.

btw the devs posted it as requiring Windows 10 minimum, but I find it works dandy on Windows 7.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

GYATM Dragon Edition on Steam

Heat Signature

Heat Signature

Tom Francis is quickly becoming one of my favorite humans, and I don’t even like humans.

Heat Signature is one the “main” games that Tom Francis aka Pentadact aka Suspicious Developments. He’s behind Gunpoint, Heat Signature and the upcoming Tactical Breach Wizards. He has done some other stuff like Floating Point and Morphblade but those are a bit more niche, at least in my opinion.

Unlike other space rogue-like/lites where you’re the overseer of a crew and typically deal with resource management as well as real time or turn based combat strategies; Heat signature pits you as a single mercenary out to liberate the galaxy or more accurately, to fulfill contracts for money and glory.

Real player with 70.6 hrs in game

NEW REVIEW (the old one is down below):

The game has changed a lot since my old review and as far as I can tell, only for the better.

First I will list all the content, that was not there back then: Contractors (Defender, Jammer, Tracker, Predator), Jammer doors, Clients, Reinforcements, Ship teleporters, Stealth shields, Character traits, possibly more.

Foremost I want to honor the decision to replace self-charging devices with those that only recharge when visiting a station, limiting the resources during a mission, so that each usage has to be thought through way more carefully. The only self-charging devices are the crash and acid traps, but those are far more tricky to use properly than the beams.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

Heat Signature on Steam

No Plan B: Prologue

No Plan B: Prologue

“When your army has crossed the border, you should burn your boats and bridges, in order to make it clear to everybody that you have no hankering after home.“Sun Tzu.



With that in Mind. This game teaches you to lay it all on the LINE when wagering your plan of execution against the enemy.


“NO BACKSIES”. you can drill and rehearse over and over fine tuning your approach on an occupied structure but eventually you must execute the plan. At which point you can not change it. Failure is constant success is scarce in this game but the more you play the more aware you become in the strategic head space.

Real player with 30.2 hrs in game

This is an excellent game and a surprisingly playable demo. If you liked games like Door Kickers, Breach&Clear, Frozen Synapse you will definitely enjoy this one.


  • Excellent timeline system. It eliminates the most frustrating part of Door Kickers: the hassle around syncing operator movement. In No Plan B you can easily ensure that everyone enters into the new room in the perfect moment.

  • Active, responsive developer.

  • Daily, weekly and monthly challenges sneak in a little competitiveness.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

No Plan B: Prologue on Steam

Survivor Squad: Gauntlets

Survivor Squad: Gauntlets

EDIT: Oh wow didnt notice its release. gimme a week to update ya?

Early Access Review 4/12/2015 Reupdates when Release

Game Detail

Game Name: Survivor Squad Gauntlet

Developer: Endless Loop Studio

Genre: Surviving, Escape, Squad Management, Zombies

What is Survivor Squad Gauntlet

The city/town/outpost has been ravage by zombie apocalypse yet 4 survivor still fight on to reach the escape pad to salvation, will they die or will they become the survivor squad?

And basically that, you have 4 man on a mission to survive and escape a hell-hole and get to the chopper. Along the way you’ll have to deal with the occasional mad scientist, crazy cannibalistic flesh eating zombies and special infected. Go me!

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

I would first like to note that this review comes from a free-key that was provided by the developer in exchange for late beta feedback and/or a promised review and they get both out of me, though the fact that the game was free in no way sways my review.

Though never reviewed by me, I have put many hours into the initial Survival Squad and though it had and still has a few quirky behavioral bugs, for the most part it is a solid game that is well worth playing, but this is not a review of the original, but of the second game: Gauntlets.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Survivor Squad: Gauntlets on Steam

The Red Solstice

The Red Solstice

I’ll skip the stuff about it beeing 8 player coop and sooo on and start talking about the stuff that might not be mentioned as often in short reviews:

The game offers multiple difficulties.. however the base difficulty is intended to be rather challenging for Players.

Which is definitly a good thing since it’s all about improving your own skill and after many defeats rewarding yourself with your very first win… somewhat darksouls-esque..


So far there’s a total of 8 classes and depending on what the player wishes to accomplish every class has one or more distinctive roles.(Tank, Healer, DmgDealer,Scout….)

Real player with 2514.4 hrs in game

I played this game when it first came out and I immediately fell in love with it.

It’s a slick tactical shooter. With hordes of alien zombies trying to kill you. Meanwhile your team of husky voiced men attempt to complete your objectives.

Again it’s a great game. I stopped playing it for some time and decided to get back into it and immediately fell back in love.

Great set of classes

Assault-great all rounder very good beginner class. he’s great with light weapons and rifles and he even smokes a cigar. Do you want to live forever?

Real player with 1210.3 hrs in game

The Red Solstice on Steam

Adapt or Perish

Adapt or Perish

Adapt or Perish has that addictive game play that people also find in games like Factorio for the same reason. I’ve already put in over 50 hours and i’m still learning new things i can do…………then fix them to make them better……then fix them.

This game lets you be strategic not just on the field but in the DNA engineering department as well. Other RTS games have a fixed set of assets to use that use attributes others have decided for you are useful but not in Adapt or Perish.

This game lets you really get into the true strategy of war and tactics by letting you create units, buildings and more real time in game match so you can design dynamically if you lack something you need. You can push your designs to their limits and see if they have what it takes to keep you alive and searching for Overseers. The farther you push out the harder it gets so using tactics come into play constantly and pushes your abilities to hone a better faction.

Real player with 111.5 hrs in game

AoP is an rts that feels distinctive, which in 2019 is saying something. I play-tested the crap out of this and still have a lot to learn. The unit customization system provides many viable strategies and possible play styles. You can mimic builds and strategies from other rtses and tower defensey games if you wish. Some of your intuition about how rtses work will require adjustment in AoP’s reality.

There is no campaign. The only goal is to kill beefy Overseer units as cheaply and quickly as possible to receive a higher score on the leaderboard. If you know what you’re doing you can defeat the first Overseer in 15 minutes, but getting that first kill is only the lowest tier of real victory. The AI never runs out of resources and cannot be defeated. Enemy units and buildings spawn around your units just outside of your line of sight, and killing them makes the enemy angrier which makes the AI spawn more enemies, leading to a meat grinder of attrition. You can keep pulling up weeds in your yard until your yard is perfect, but you can’t prevent weeds from growing outside your yard. How long can you keep your base alive while hunting Overseers deep in the wilderness?

Real player with 98.3 hrs in game

Adapt or Perish on Steam

Cursed Treasure 2

Cursed Treasure 2

I played this game years ago, for free, on Armor Games, and when I saw it for sale cheap on Steam I thought I would give it a try. It has not disappointed.

The core is a basic tower defense game, with a great personality and a fun sense of humor. It has an interesting twist where instead of the units crossing the map and leaving, they are striving to grab one of your five gems, then return out the way they came. It does limit where you can build towers, and what types can go where, which might frustrate people, though they do have certain spots where can put any kind of tower. It doesn’t bother me, and I feel allows for more interesting level design.

Real player with 36.1 hrs in game

I fondly remember playing this on Armor Games (the flash site). It didn’t have as much content, and had a few mechanics that were different.

The moment I saw this on Steam, I wanted to get it. Not only because it was nostalgic to me, but also because it was improved a lot from the flash version. None the less, here’s what I think:

-The gameplay is great: It’s very simple, but has quite a bit of depth to it that makes it very replayable: The goal of the game is to use and upgrade the Orc, Undead and Demon towers to kill the invaders and not let them get all your gems.Granted, to lose all your gems and fail you’ll need to let the invaders steal them on purpose, but there is a scoring system that rewards you the better you take care of these precious jewels. You get one star (Good) for saving 1-4 gems, two for saving all your gems, but with one or more getting stolen at one point (Great), and three for having all 5 perfectly intact (Brilliant). The game’s levels are contained within various areas, which have their own enemies, bosses, and various other gimmicks. Completing an area will unlock Night Mode for all of its levels. Night Mode spikes the difficulty by forcing you to place towers near areas that are lit, such as the gem caves, your towers’s ranges, etc. You once again get ranked with Good, Great, or Brilliant star ratings. Overall pretty solid.

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

Cursed Treasure 2 on Steam

Door Kickers 2: Task Force North

Door Kickers 2: Task Force North

It shows that this is a labour of love. Fully playable state in EA, with a gameplay that just keep getting me get back to session after session. Maybe not that game you play hours on end every day but it have a very nice amount of workshop content too to keep you busy for many many sessions.

If you have an mall-ninja itch, thais might just scratch it. ;)

Real player with 125.2 hrs in game

Incredible game, great for learning and utilising cqb drills and tactics-this is an early access title and content is updated every now and again-the community made content is also a joy-there’s a big emphasis on planning and preparing for the unexpected and the unexpected usually entails a pk gunner riddling your first two man team in a hail of bullets as a suicide bomber kills your other two man team because you got a little hasty and stupid-sometimes foresight and planning alone aren’t good enough and you have to respond to emerging threats dynamically. There are quite a few bugs, and sometimes your squad members will derp out a little like when you want to plan a dynamic entry with your whole squad but none of them can decide which one of them should open the door and they come to a standstill and some insurgent ends up opening it for them-that being said, the devs seem to be quite responsive to community feedback and I expect this will be fixed by the time of the final product. I do recommend this game wholeheartedly.

Real player with 90.2 hrs in game

Door Kickers 2: Task Force North on Steam