

A party based RPG with great potential but quite unfinished and unpolished. Some people compare it to DA:O, NWN, BG, etc…(that being the reason I bought it) but that’s a big overstatement.

The bad:

1. The story/main quest - linear, blurry and uninteresting - does little to motivate the player to save the world.

2. The side quests are scarce, petty, uncomplicated and unrewarding.

3. The companions are plain, stereotyped and boring. They have no personal quests (except one), don’t develop with the progress in the game, rarely have something to say about quests/environment. Puppets with no personality, no conflicts, no banters, no life. The majority of them can be recruited too late in the game, so, for the first half, you will probably be stuck with the barking amazon and the cliché dwarf.

Real player with 178.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time with Pause Party-Based RPG Games.

Ah, so this is where Dragon age origins stole all their ideas.. Of course that most likely isnt true. Judging by the release dates, the guys and gals over at Bioware were almost certainly unaware of the osbcure German title Drakensang, even tho Drakensang did come out first.

After beating Drakensang and enjoying it greatly, I couldnt help but notice similarities. Four member party- check. Pause and play tactical combat- check. Mages have magical skills and fighters get erm, fightery skills. Your archers stand back and sling arrows, you’ll need a rogue to open locks, disable traps and even smooth talk out of a situation or two. Its all done well, and made with obvious care, so if your into that sort of thing, your gonna like this.

Real player with 138.8 hrs in game

Drakensang on Steam

Drakensang: The River of Time

Drakensang: The River of Time

It started really well and I really began to enjoy this game, then the awful combat system kicked in during critical times, which can be a real pain. Though I like the pause and ensuing tactical planning elements, it does not always work. For example, I could be hit by ranged weapons and despite having high level ranged combat, I could not fire back despite pause, select targeting, etc. I could set the attack up and… waited… and… waited… Nothing happened, all the while I was getting hit until my party was decimated by three low level dwarfs with crossbows. No matter what I did or where I stood I could not fire back, yet they were in clear line of sight and within range. Whether or not I was being a numpty, I don’t know - it just seemed to spoil what is a good game from being a great game.

Real player with 80.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time with Pause Party-Based RPG Games.

Like Drakensang the Dark Eye, this is a totally underrated RPG imo, and almost all the bad reviews refer to it being “unplayable” on newer versions of Windows, although it only takes a few min online to find a fix. I have Win 10 and I typed -windowed and -novideo in the Steam preferences (rightclick on the game in Steam Library and select Properties - Set launch options) and it didn’t crash a single time, which is more than one can say for a lot of older games by non-defunct companies, so so much for that. The -novideo did actually disappear later, so idk if it did anything; so as is clear I have no real idea what I’m doing but still managed to get the game to run with next to no effort. There are few loading screens in spite of large areas and the loading times are fast, unlike some other games I could mention where I end up going online all the time as I get bored waiting.

Real player with 77.2 hrs in game

Drakensang: The River of Time on Steam

STAR WARS™ - Knights of the Old Republic™

STAR WARS™ - Knights of the Old Republic™

If you consider yourself a Star Wars fan OR an RPG fan, this game is a must, regardless of the current year.

If you haven’t played this one yet, you’re missing out.

A playthru for me personally is usually 30-45 hours, enjoy every second!

Real player with 242.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time with Pause Sci-fi Games.

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☑ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☐ Eargasm

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☑ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☐ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 160.7 hrs in game

STAR WARS™ - Knights of the Old Republic™ on Steam

STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™

STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™

Good game but there’s a game breaking bug that I cannot find a fix for. I Tried around 6 different fixes to no avail. After combat, around 80% of the time, the game will not allow the player to move. You are stuck unless you save and then load. If it happened 20% instead of 80% it wouldn’t be a problem, but as it stands, at times it’s every 20 seconds you have to spend another 20 seconds to restart.

Real player with 169.2 hrs in game

Phenomenal game- probably the best Star Wars game I have ever played!

Real player with 164.2 hrs in game

STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™ on Steam

Radical Relocation

Radical Relocation

This game is fun, HOWEVER it is hair-pulling levels of frustrating. The physics is god-awful sometimes, half of the vehicle unlocks suck, multiple game crashes that delete game data, killing hours of progression, and level upgrades are all trash except for the rope.

Things that pis$ed me off especially…

1. The trailer upgrade bugging out and sending all my nicely stacked items flying.

2. Hopping curbs and having all my items ping off. It’s 50/50 whether or not a curb with make you bounce :(

3. The last car unlock, the truck with bed, is horrible. Sure you can carry tons of stuff, but only while going 5 mph, so your worthless breaks don’t get you killed.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

I genuinely enjoyed the first 30 levels of the game. The puzzles are good and there’s a decent amount of variety considering how “modular” the maps are - they all use the same obstacles and props. However, after level 30 the game hit a brick wall when it introduced boats. I played a few levels past ### 30 and just put the game down.

The car variety is pretty good, although there’s only a few to choose from. My personal favourite is the Ute.

There’s no damage model on cars - you just bonk into everything. Certain furniture items will break into pieces or get dented up. If you like those weird “oddly satisfying” videos all over the internet you’ll probably enjoy crashing a truck full of potted plants into a speeding train.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Radical Relocation on Steam

Dragon Age™: Origins Awakening

Dragon Age™: Origins Awakening

Dragon Age Origins Awakening is in no way an anomaly. It does what is expected from an expansion pack, adds a little here and a little there, rehashes everything that was in the original and doesn’t add anything new or major. And, like most expansion packs, stand alone or otherwise, it is only worth it for fans of the original as taken by it’s own merits, it’s not much of a game.

Awakening starts you off short after the end of the original Dragon Age, you can choose to either import one of your old characters or just from scratch. The latter option gives you an Orlesian Grey Warden background which adds plenty of interesting dialog concerning your heritage throughout the game. Importing a character however, yields almost no interesting dialog throughout the game and even in places and with characters that you original play through should have had a profound effect on you will find that nothing changes regardless of your actions in Origins. This leads to a highly disappointing experience for those of us that have actually played the original and like to think our choices actually mattered, if only in terms of storyline.

Real player with 71.3 hrs in game

If you were a fan of Origins, you would like this, featuring your gray warden and a whole new cast of colourful companions (and Oghren.) This Expansion deals with the aftermath of the war, and you need to quell another darkspawn uprising. I didn’t find the game as compelling as base, but it was entertaining enough.

However, I wouldn’t really recommend getting it as is because it’s as expensive as the main game but with only a quarter of the content. And don’t play this if you haven’t played the main game either.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Dragon Age™: Origins Awakening on Steam

Fly Fly Tank

Fly Fly Tank


Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

It’s fun and ridiculous simultaneously!!! Once I sort of figured out the controls I actually wanted to keep playing :-D

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Fly Fly Tank on Steam

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age is a kind of game that is becoming increasingly rare: a deeply immersive single-player RPG with an interface clearly designed for the PC. It’s easy to sling around the word “immersive” at any game that looks pretty, but DA isn’t messing around - the world of Ferelden shows a unified sense of design and depth that blows even famously vast games like Oblivion out of the water. Coupled with consistently excellent writing and across-the-board quality character design even down to relatively unimportant NPCs, the game truly does feel like it’s reacting to your choices dynamically from the very beginning, and how you play your character can have amazingly subtle effects on the way the story unfolds.

Real player with 466.3 hrs in game

Still the Best Game in its Franchise…

The first game I ever had on Steam. In fact, this game was the reason I got Steam in the first place. Bought the game upon it’s first day of release and I have been playing on and off over the years. Shame, I played this at least 3-4x the amount of hours it says on my profile offline, and I’ve not lost my interest in the game one-bit.


Visuals & Graphics: 10/10

  • It was very innovative during it’s time. I can remember all the HYPE it received months before release. Considering today’s present standards DA 1 Graphics is already a bit dated, but I will rate it accordingly to the time period it actually got released, and for that time’s standard’s it was one of the TOP.

Real player with 416.7 hrs in game

Dragon Age: Origins on Steam

Red Sails

Red Sails

Sand swallows everything: houses, resources to survive, people, and the bonds between them.

Play as Sil, rescue the stranded people of the desert, speak with them, restore their trust in each other, and bring them to their destination.

All of this will help you find more information about the rest of your clan, the Red Sails, that may be still roaming the desert.


Learn to master your ship and dominate the wind while experiencing a fresh semi-realistic sailing gameplay. Feel the nervousness of speeding through the dunes.


Explore at your own pace this wide open world, set in a desert full of secrets!

Let your curiosity take over, discover the many memorable villages, places and ancient monuments that are scattered all around the world.

Connect with people

Exchange with the people you meet and travel with about the world that surrounds you. Learn about their life, views, beliefs, challenges, and the different tensions between them. It is up to you to bridge the gap between the villages. Remember that each encounter is a new opportunity to get closer to the rest of your clan.

Red Sails on Steam

Mass Effect™ 3 N7 Digital Deluxe Edition (2012)

Mass Effect™ 3 N7 Digital Deluxe Edition (2012)



☐ Beautiful

☑ Average (The textures have aged poorly, set pieces however hold up very well, ‘ALOT texture overhaul mod’ HIGHLY recommended)

☐ Outdated


☑ Very Fun (Just a lot of fun, especially biotics everything feels so much smoother over previous entries, never got bored)

☐ Average

☐ Repetitive


☑ High quality (Great audio mixing, everything from enemies to weapons, biotics to music are all some of the best a game can offer)

☐ Average

☐ Repetitive


☑ Hard (On Insanity, enemies *Seem to hit a little harder than in ME2 though weapons and biotics are more effective in ME3)

Real player with 212.9 hrs in game

I recommend this game, But not on Steam.

In its Current State, The game is unplayable.


There is an Unofficial workaround, installing ReShade seems to Solve the FPS problems, You don’t even need to install any of the filters, Just reshade, and point it at ME3 and the Stuttering is fixed.

(This isn’t a Guaranteed fix as some users found that this didn’t work or that ReShade isn’t compatible with their PC’s)

Still not recommending this as;

  1. Performance Issues

Without going to extra effort. The game Runs at a solid 60 FPS easily, but dips down frequently during cutscenes and gameplay, down to 22 and even full freezes for a half second or so.

Real player with 51.7 hrs in game

Mass Effect™ 3 N7 Digital Deluxe Edition (2012) on Steam