Gun Bombers

Gun Bombers

I am addicted to this game. 59 hours in, and I still want more. I got 3, so I could play with my kids, and they destroyed me. So I decided to practice in single player mode, and I am having more fun trying to beat my high scores than I was playing multiplayer. The addicting parts are 1) finding gems or gold, and 2) trying different strategies to last longer.

Admittedly the graphics are not very good, but the gameplay is fantastic and devilishly hard.

Real player with 168.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

This is a fantastic throwback to the original Mine Bombers. Got a copy for myself, my brother and one of my freinds, convinced a few more to get it and had an awesome time playing. I don’t generally write reviews but this game deserves it. I highly anticipate what features come out for it in the future as it is early access.

This gets a huge reccomend from me, get it, grow the community I want to blow of more people.


You will have to forward ports 55555 in order to host.

it does not get along with certain antivirus programs for some dumb reason.

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

Gun Bombers on Steam

Nomads of Driftland

Nomads of Driftland

Very entertaining game with innovative mechanisms. I can recommend this title to all RTS and god game fans. It felt great to move islands around the world, discover new lands to unlock new units. Unlike in Driftland base game, this free expansion allows the player to manually control the units and does not provide multiple choices of buildings to build, which makes the player have to combine and explore new lands to diversify their kingdom.

Do not get discouraged by the maps order. It seems that it is sorted by mission type, and it felt little boring to play three defences in a row, but it gets better later on. However, be aware that the maps are challenging.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Simulation Games.

So much to do with the free content, I can only imagine what the game is like once you purchase it. So much potential. I’m a big fan of the Nomads aspect which feels more like an RTS to me. The base game is more economy and micromanaging but harder to deal with threats because it is so limiting on defense.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Nomads of Driftland on Steam

Arc Defence

Arc Defence

Not the prettiest puppy on the block, but there is a good challenge to be had.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

I plan on plugging away at this one a bit more, but for now I have to suggest you save your money, no matter how low the price.

The core game-play is interesting. You have to build energy towers, which can then power up the attacking towers. Everything can be leveled up a few times, and gains a special ability once maxed out.

You also get a small array of strategic attacks that recharge over time, bombs, and acid are the main ones I have so far.

It is also one of the TD games where the enemy can shoot at you, and therein seems to lie the main issue, and by level four it seem impossible to win, as your towers are all out of commission much of the time.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Arc Defence on Steam

Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons

Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons

I have NOT played this game very much, but here is a quick review of my first session.

First impression is it’s just so so so clunky and slow.

So far it reminds me of playing through those first few missions of any RTS like starcraft or red alert stuff. You’re trying to grab helipad dropship checkpoint things to heal/resupply and little oil pumper things to earn command points to call down more of your stuff. You get your little group of infantry and go blow up things, have some floating female coordinator telling you random updates. But with only two unit types, infantry squads of 4-6 people and individual mechs. Each can have different loadouts or types.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

While I’m a fan of both RTS and Mech centric games this title flat out fails to deliver on either front.

  1. The primary complaint you will see anywhere, and that I will confirm myself, is that this game is painfully slow. Even the most mundane of missions will take you much longer than it needs to as your units move at a snails pace through the board. Firefights between anything but the lightest of units are boring to watch as they just sit in one space and chip at each other’s health until one drops.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons on Steam

Cursed Treasure 2

Cursed Treasure 2

I played this game years ago, for free, on Armor Games, and when I saw it for sale cheap on Steam I thought I would give it a try. It has not disappointed.

The core is a basic tower defense game, with a great personality and a fun sense of humor. It has an interesting twist where instead of the units crossing the map and leaving, they are striving to grab one of your five gems, then return out the way they came. It does limit where you can build towers, and what types can go where, which might frustrate people, though they do have certain spots where can put any kind of tower. It doesn’t bother me, and I feel allows for more interesting level design.

Real player with 36.1 hrs in game

I fondly remember playing this on Armor Games (the flash site). It didn’t have as much content, and had a few mechanics that were different.

The moment I saw this on Steam, I wanted to get it. Not only because it was nostalgic to me, but also because it was improved a lot from the flash version. None the less, here’s what I think:

-The gameplay is great: It’s very simple, but has quite a bit of depth to it that makes it very replayable: The goal of the game is to use and upgrade the Orc, Undead and Demon towers to kill the invaders and not let them get all your gems.Granted, to lose all your gems and fail you’ll need to let the invaders steal them on purpose, but there is a scoring system that rewards you the better you take care of these precious jewels. You get one star (Good) for saving 1-4 gems, two for saving all your gems, but with one or more getting stolen at one point (Great), and three for having all 5 perfectly intact (Brilliant). The game’s levels are contained within various areas, which have their own enemies, bosses, and various other gimmicks. Completing an area will unlock Night Mode for all of its levels. Night Mode spikes the difficulty by forcing you to place towers near areas that are lit, such as the gem caves, your towers’s ranges, etc. You once again get ranked with Good, Great, or Brilliant star ratings. Overall pretty solid.

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

Cursed Treasure 2 on Steam

GYATM Dragon Edition

GYATM Dragon Edition

The team at Indie Imprint got me a copy to review on stream and it turned out to be a blast! Had a great time playing the game. We played for three hours and managed to win the game, not once, but twice AND got lucky enough to see both winning endings. An indie game with multiple endings, plenty of challenge and entertainment value. It was cool trying to beat my time to completion once i figured out how to win. At the same time, I also lost the game in some pretty entertaining ways. So, even when you lose, the game still offers a lof of fun. Definitely enjoy it, and you will too! :)

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

A really entertaining little game with excellent graphics, sound track and playability. The value is well beyond the price. I look forward to this growing into a larger, more complex game in the future (probably when Elon Musk gets to Mars), but for now its oodles of fun.

btw the devs posted it as requiring Windows 10 minimum, but I find it works dandy on Windows 7.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

GYATM Dragon Edition on Steam



Free game & paid dlc; proceeds go to charity. Try to not let viruses in your hole, maybe get some “Whomp”-ed by concrete pillars, although the lasers seem more helpful. More luck than skill IMO.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Pretty good game if you’re looking for something simple, no bugs, not really challenging but that’s kinda the point seems that the developer cares about his game and is looking for updates and improvements to the game

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

CoronaWhomp! on Steam



● Fun

● Well-polished

● Smooth gameplay

● Nice variety of attack moves and spells

● Probably around 5-10h of gameplay if you’re going for all the achievements

  • Game will autamatically upload your highscore replay as a workshop item completely spamming you activity feed

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

This game is so tightly designed that I learn something new every time i play it. It’s addicting and fun to get further every time.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Yeminj on Steam

Adapt or Perish

Adapt or Perish

Adapt or Perish has that addictive game play that people also find in games like Factorio for the same reason. I’ve already put in over 50 hours and i’m still learning new things i can do…………then fix them to make them better……then fix them.

This game lets you be strategic not just on the field but in the DNA engineering department as well. Other RTS games have a fixed set of assets to use that use attributes others have decided for you are useful but not in Adapt or Perish.

This game lets you really get into the true strategy of war and tactics by letting you create units, buildings and more real time in game match so you can design dynamically if you lack something you need. You can push your designs to their limits and see if they have what it takes to keep you alive and searching for Overseers. The farther you push out the harder it gets so using tactics come into play constantly and pushes your abilities to hone a better faction.

Real player with 111.5 hrs in game

AoP is an rts that feels distinctive, which in 2019 is saying something. I play-tested the crap out of this and still have a lot to learn. The unit customization system provides many viable strategies and possible play styles. You can mimic builds and strategies from other rtses and tower defensey games if you wish. Some of your intuition about how rtses work will require adjustment in AoP’s reality.

There is no campaign. The only goal is to kill beefy Overseer units as cheaply and quickly as possible to receive a higher score on the leaderboard. If you know what you’re doing you can defeat the first Overseer in 15 minutes, but getting that first kill is only the lowest tier of real victory. The AI never runs out of resources and cannot be defeated. Enemy units and buildings spawn around your units just outside of your line of sight, and killing them makes the enemy angrier which makes the AI spawn more enemies, leading to a meat grinder of attrition. You can keep pulling up weeds in your yard until your yard is perfect, but you can’t prevent weeds from growing outside your yard. How long can you keep your base alive while hunting Overseers deep in the wilderness?

Real player with 98.3 hrs in game

Adapt or Perish on Steam



If you like simple top-down twin-stick shooters give this one a try. Anstrom seems to be inspired by Ubermosh and TTV and basically offers a mix of both, though it’s not so much hardcore arcade-style. There is a campaign (story mode) with bosses (ans some are pretty good, classic 2d Contra-like). The campaign alternates between arena actions with different objects (clear area, run, survive x seconds, find something, destroy something, and more) and fewer maze levels (TTV-ish with enemies). And then there is Survival mode which comes in two separate flavors, Maze and Arena, that is more arcade.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

A very solid 2D-Arcade-Shooter. It has it’s charm even though character movement can lookt a little bit janky. I helped to translate the game so if you don’t understand something it is probably my fault. The dev is open for criticism so if you want to help improve the game just help him out.

Also here is the full interview:

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Anstorm on Steam