Broken Lines

Broken Lines

It is an “ok” game if you have no better alternatives. The reason I gave a thumb down is because of so many super positive reviews with which I disagree and think they distort the picture here.


The challenge curve is rather flat, mostly without any complex or demanding situations. Maps are all very similar in terms of combat challenges (very similar setups of obstacles, terrain, challenges etc).

One of the top reviewers here complained about pulling extra pods in Xcom due to bad mechanics - IT IS THE SAME HERE! Once you spot 1 enemy then the time does not stop when you discover more enemies. So you end up pulling more and more enemies and your soldiers once told to go somewhere, will never abort the order even if going straight into the enemy guns.

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Singleplayer Games.

I would recommend Broken Lines for those seeking a simpler, yet more raw/ intense tactics gaming experience than XCom. If you’re just a fan of third person tactic games and want to try something with a neat tactical twist, Broken Lines is a great purchase.

Differences from your average squad based tactics game:

  • Biggest difference is the 8 second command increments. You provide your soldiers a series of orders to execute in sequence, then let time flow and see how they worked out.

  • Set characters means being able to bake in things like how your soldiers work together or interact based on your back story.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Broken Lines on Steam



ConflictCraft is a casual strategy game fought with the mouse.

The objective is simple: destroy all the enemies. This battle is fought with bases generating units. Half of the battle is figuring out what strategic bases you need to focus on straight away. If you take too long on the start, the AI will take too many bases, creating an impossible situation to win, so it’s likely that you are starting out a level to figure it out first and then restarting to apply the most optimal strategy. The other half of the battle is lots of mouse clicking to drag and drop units between the bases you want to reinforce or attack. Unlike other similar games where you can choose between sending all or half the units, in this game you can only send half of the units.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Sports Games.

Very fun, simple, straight-forward strategy game! Little bit on the liniear side, but that is okay, keep it simple!

Now 2020, so 4 years old, but I finally played it and I must say: I kept playing untill I done all the maps! If a game can do that to you, then it’s definately worth trying!

It plays like RISK, in a war setting: tanks, attack helicopters and raid helicopters. Take over control points to gain strength from within the numbers and abilities. And the goal is simple: Eradicate the enemy, simply put: Take over everything untill the enemy has nothing to retalliate with.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

ConflictCraft on Steam

Dog Duty

Dog Duty

Hey! If you enjoy my reviews, follow my curator page [url]here![/url] I am an independent Curator providing reviews and insights to the games that need the spotlight! Thank you! :) 

Zanardi and Liza , husband and wife, are a Development Studio from Brazil who debut on the Steam platform with Dog Duty. Published by Dutch veteran’s SOEDESCO (of Owlboy fame), the game took me by surprise!

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Indie Games.

Dog Duty is an ok game. It captures the spirit of an old school real time tactical squad combat game.

You control a squad made up of 3 mercenaries, with each mercenary having one special ability. You can change their equipped gun and you have available consumable items such as molotovs to deal damage over a large area and syringes to immediately restore health.

Your goal is to conquer the three bosses in each zone and head on to defeat the final boss.

The tactical part of the combat is enjoyable enough with some minor gripes. It is pretty satisfying clearing the level of all enemies. There are some drawbacks though that take away from the experience though. The abilities do seem to be bugged in that sometimes they do not trigger for all of your allies. For example, one character has an ability that is supposed to heal your entire team. Sometimes it does not heal your entire team and this can lead to frustrating situations where your team wipes. The game does not control that well at times when units overlap and it becomes hard to select the desired target and action.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Dog Duty on Steam

Airship: Academy

Airship: Academy

Airship: Academy is a fantasy airship skyfaring simulation game with hyper-rich lore and narrative. Inspired by many space-sim and pirate-sim such as Star Control, Freelancer, and Sid Meier’s Pirates.

  • You are a veteran airship commander enlisted for a job in a Kingdom far from home

  • Navigate a vast open-world and explore the sky of a shattered continent

  • Engage in spectacular airship battles with insurmountable depth and complexity

  • Fight pirates, rob merchants, repel law enforcers, and challenge the military

  • Buy, build, and upgrade your airships and parts. Enlist, level up, and build relationships with your crews

  • Traverse the skyscape and learn about the history and recent events through helping and listening to people

  • Visit ports, towns, villages, and cities to collect resources and build industries

  • Over 70 ports and 150 NPCs each with unique storylines

  • Over 30 different airships with more than 150 parts to fit into them

  • More than 100 questlines to follow and unravel lore and mysteries of the world


The Great Sky War has stalled, it has been almost a year since the last battle. War has been a good business. Without it, you have been resorting to freelancing to get by. An offer arrived one morning, from some big-name trade and security company. It is an honest and stable job, so you took it right away. Now you found yourself at the Segson Archipelago, unknowingly involved in something far greater than you ever wished for.


Eons ago, the Great Cataclysm shattered Spheara into pieces. Wild magic wind engulfed the globe, lifting the grounds hanging afloat in the sky. Spheara is the world in the sky above the deadly and dark ocean. Life in such a world is difficult and perilous but humanity and civilizations found ways to prosper.


The place in the center of our focus is the continental group of landmass called Europa. These landmasses above the great ocean below is classified into three belts or rings by their vastly different distance above the sea level. Different nations and cultures developed on different archipelagos, at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, they struggle to define their coexistence.


The Kingdom of Suthseg has long been the sovereignty over the Sagson Archipelago, a cluster of three major drifting landmasses with plenty of rich minor isles. The Archipelago also holds the key prominent point of interest, that is the Great Mana Coil, the largest gateway allowing airships to descend and ascend across belts.


Destiny has brought about two young souls and two patriarchs together. All strive towards different things in life and want a better world for themselves and those who come after them. What will be their legacies?


You can make, buy, or take ship parts from many sources and fit them into a wide variety of airship frames. The balance between speed, agility, durability, firepower, and transport efficiency are key to various strategies and tactics once entered into battle.


Exercise the best use of tactics and skills of the crewmen. Push the capability of an airship to its limit and seize the day to enjoy the spoil of victory.


The continent is vast. It has many things to offer, many stories to tell, treasures to collect, and mysteries to unravel. The measurement unit and time taken during travel are measured in real-time and real units. Even though the player can accelerate time, this can infuse them with a strong sense of immersion.


Many ports and merchants offer parts, ships, and all sorts of other items that would aid the player in their quests for fame and fortune. Merchants sell and buy specific things, demand and supplies are also limited to the nature of the settlement they are from.


Producing, processing, transporting, assembling, and manufacturing goods and weapons are beats that keep Europa going. While skyfaring, freelancing, and privateering could earn a ship captain a good fortune; supporting and arming a fleet would require other kinds of ingenuity.

Airship: Academy on Steam

World War 2 Craft (二战演义)

World War 2 Craft (二战演义)

The levels do not seem to have a reasonable difficulty. The first mission is nearly impossible to complete with the forces given before one of the three bridges explode. However, game has a lot of potential if some UI and balancing fixes are made.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

World War 2 Craft (二战演义) on Steam

Field of Arms: Tactics

Field of Arms: Tactics

Field of Arms: Tactics is a strategy game set in the 18th century Caribbean, recreating clashes between the empires of the time for control of territories, with a unique board game aesthetic, players will face the enemy in a tactical map to defend or attack strongholds in sieges and maneuver units during tense battles.

Using a real time with pause system where every move and action counts, the player will need to be aware of each of their unit’s defensive and offensive capabilities, and also the type of terrain they are standing on.


  • Play as different empires (England, Spain)

  • Play through Scenarios in Historical Battles

– Command different units, each one with unique gameplay elements and abilities. Unit types: Infantry, Artillery, Cavalry, and Naval vessels.

  • 18th Century maneuver warfare: Take into account unit properties like fields of fire and broadsides of ships.

–Battlefields with different objectives and plenty of opportunities for a variety of tactics and approaches

– Use different tactics taking into account the terrain. Also be wary of enemy fortifications and Structures.

– Built on Unreal Engine 4

Gameplay Mechanics

Units have the following characteristics:

-Firing arc: Units can only fire in their respective arcs. Infantry fires forward and ships sideways.

-Facing: The unit has to rotate to bring weapons to bear, during which it will be unable to move or fire.

-Terrain properties: Each terrain has defensive bonuses and movement speed depending on the type.

-Unit damage dynamics: Each unit has different damage bonuses depending on the unit they attack.

Unit Flanks: Depending on where the unit is attacked (front, flanks or rear) it will receive damage accordingly.

Roles and gameplay variety

Careful use and positioning of units make the base gameplay for the tactical battles in Field of Arms: Tactics.

Infantry: Main units, makes up the bulk of the armed forces. Exercise a variety of roles and are used to control territory.

Artillery: Long Range units focused on attacking enemy fortifications.

Naval Units: One of the most important features in Field of Arms: Tactics is that you can not only play with the soldiers on the ground but also command the available ships on the sea bombarding from afar and help your army achieve victory.

Field of Arms: Tactics on Steam

Ground War

Ground War

The Ground-War is a 3D-RTS Game use special to the artillery unit.


  • The Ground-War runs battles without any complicated intermediate steps.

  • Basic tactics : a Unit placement by distance and Proper installation of buildings are key-Point.

  • 15 dynamic missions with story consist of various configurations including offense, defense and time limits.

  • Units may be unique according to upgrade settings.

  • You can feel a strike while adjusting the unit direct control.

Thank you

Ground War on Steam

Close Combat: The Bloody First

Close Combat: The Bloody First

Do I recommend this game? Yes, If your looking for a classic close combat game.

However, I still have to bring up the fact that this game still feels pretty bare bones. After playing through the entire campaign with the US, I tried to play a campaign as the Germans. And, well, I know its a game about the American division and the fighting it encountered, but if you’re going to include the ability to play a German Campaign then you should be at least pretending that the same unit was fighting the whole time.

Real player with 146.7 hrs in game

I really wanted to like this game, i may in the future if the game breaking issues are fixed but for now I would Stay away from this game. I ignored the fact that the graphics look terrible for 2019-2020 thinking i was going to get the classic feel of cc with the detailed platoon and company creation and in depth map navigation giving it a realistic feel during combat and in some cases they did do well with keeping those aspects in the game but the game itself is so bugged and poorly optimized that its design ruins almost all of my game attempts, i was able to complete the grand campaign with few bugs that caused me to restart the game but when going back through and playing the Italian campaign and again on the African campaign I ran into such terrible problems that I felt I had to say something, for one the AI is terrible, LOS fails to spot enemy literally 3 feet away, troops fail to load or fire at all when given fire orders, or will just wander out into the open and get shot, or fail to find cover when ordered to do so, troops will run up to enemy tanks when they get close and throw grenades at point blank range killing themselves without orders. The bazookas, mortars, all artillery, and air support accuracy is a complete joke and honestly feels like a complete roll of the dice when using them. Enemy tanks can glitch into each other creating impervious bunkers that your troops just fail to comprehend when it happens and kills almost anyone who gets near them, HQ teams do not feel like they give any kind of bonus, vehicles and troops navigate terrain terribly and cause you to click on multiple locations before they stop saying, “no clear path”. Some missions would end with me taking all objectives and breaking enemy morale and even though that should progress you to the next mission I ended up being forced to repeat them. Also, after experiencing these issues, if you choose to quit a game you will be greeted by chicken sounds, I guess the devs thought that would be funny but with the experiences I had with this game that little addition just makes me dislike this unfinished product even more. This game was never worth 40 bucks, it feels like an upgraded version of sudden strike 3 and i cant even remember how old that game is… I would say $20 is even too much for this game in its current state, that said, i still hope the devs stick with it and fix its issues because it is a game that has great potential but as a consumer I just dont advise others to buy this game right now but would say to check back some time later.

Real player with 131.9 hrs in game

Close Combat: The Bloody First on Steam

Creeper World 4

Creeper World 4

For anyone who knows what Creeper World is, you’ll probably know what to expect and what you’re going to get. This review is for those who don’t know what Creeper World is, and are looking to break into the series starting here.

The totally official backstory

  • Having just watched the Titanic movie, a brave scientist seeks revenge against the ocean for killing Jac-

  • The giant amoeba from Evolution has evolved and is now threatening to eat the galaxy unless David Duchovny can-

Real player with 538.4 hrs in game

This game is a small evolution over Creeper World 3. Around 45 missions total plus random and user-made maps. If you enjoyed the previous games in the series you will enjoy this one.

The graphics are now 3D but that doesn’t affect the gameplay that much. The only exception is the connection between buildings, which now also takes height into account. You can no longer link from height 1 to height 20 with a simple tower.

An annoying change is that nullification is no longer permanent. You have to keep the nullifier intact and supplied, otherwise the nullfied structure will come back into operation. This is like CW1 where you had no nullifier and instead you had to park a few cannons near each emitter to kill off the creeper before it can spread. CW4’s system is the worst of all the games. Maybe this change was brought about because the circle of power mechanic from CW3 was so OP. But there is a simple solution to that - simply make the nullified structure disappear and leave nothing behind. The ERN system is a good compromise as it retains some of the benefits of the circles of power without becoming OP.

Real player with 144.7 hrs in game

Creeper World 4 on Steam

Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)

Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)

I like this game quite a lot. Honestly the Civil War games are exceptionally hard to create due to the complexity required for the multiple aspects involved. Prior to this there’s been some solid battle based games but they follow a simplified path to victory or failure, there’s no campaign.

Here there’s both a battlefield and campaign strategy, you couldn’t implement your tactical goals even on the very best games prior to which probably was Civil War Generals 2 back in the 90’s.

The battlefield gets modified by simple modifiers like entrenchments and fortifications as well as fatigue and range of weapons, as prior to games. The kicker is they now can do days and nights of movements not seen in Sid Meiers and its newest remake.

Real player with 424.6 hrs in game

Immersive with a decent naval model, unlike Forge of Freedom which falls flat in terms of Naval modelling. The game could use more detail in naval combat, especially riverine Naval/Land combat in restricted navigation areas like rivers and coastal areas. River Combat, coastal combat and ocean combat are all very different and require different mechanics. Naval actions need more detail, period, to match the detail in land action. For example, the presence of a fleet seems to have no effect on the ability of an opposing force to use nearby bridges and fords. Another would be using a circular zone of blockade (fine for ocean) for a riverine fleet. The zone in this cast should obviously be linear to match the shape of the river. A coastal blockade would be a rectangle matching the shape of the coast. All in all, much promise here.

Real player with 282.2 hrs in game

Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865) on Steam