Bloody trains

Bloody trains

Ask for tickets, check for bombs, clean the train, Do all sorts of other duties - sometimes people die, sometimes you die. Bit of a mind boggle of a game with crazy unique art.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Life Sim Games.

How to make heads or rails of Bloody Trains…?

I purchased this software on artistic merit alone, feeling an instant affinity towards the aesthetic. i fell aboard blindly, ready to chugga chugga woo woo. The controls are simple — the instructions are non-existent — you’ll scratch your head, it will blood, and you will like it. Although confusing, the lack of direction is not a setback. The simple controls allow for intuitive gameplay, and the smartly designed symbols and signage within the game do unfold with meaning as you progress. This is the perfect game for anyone who likes to think and frown before figuring out a satisfactory gotcha or aha! It may not be for you if you prefer to be spoon fed.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Bloody trains on Steam

Urban Survival

Urban Survival

This game is Awesome! So creative and fun even for a early access game there is loads of content and the Devs. are constantly adding new stuff. they have limited-time seasonal updates were you can get unique holiday weapons and armour. Its stuff like that, that makes this game such a fun and fresh experience not to mention the humour keeps me laughing the hole time.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics City Builder Games.

Great game! This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for! It has exactly what I want in a game! Open world (although its not so huge from what I can see but nonetheless feels great), base building/managing, crafting/cooking, looting (lots of looting lol), combat/gang wars and the power to pee on anything! lol. I’m glad I wish listed this game and then purchased it on day one, it was worth every penny! Its been keeping me entertained and glued to my seat. I look forward to seeing this game grow in development! Keep up the good work Helix Games!

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Urban Survival on Steam



Deafening silence in the deep darkness of space.

The Magna 6 system is home to the most advanced weapons lab the universe has ever known. Two months ago, communications with the orbiting facility mysteriously went dead without any warning. If the cutting edge weapons in the station were to fall into the wrong hands, the results would be cataclysmic. Knowing that quick action is necessary, but unaware of what terrors might have caused the break in communication, you are called in to lead a small team of brave but expendable explorers through the imperiled space station with a mission to ascertain the fate of its crew.

Krisalis Software and Teque London’s gripping isometric squad-based sci-fi action RPG follows your team of four explorers as they trek through the dark environments of the Weapons Research Facility to uncover the mystery of what went wrong. Each member of the team is chosen by the player based on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their personality and individual history. As the leader of the unit, you have full control over the inventories and actions of your squad, even down to deciding when to use headlamps to illuminate the darkness. But watch out – the inky blackness of space hides friend and foe alike.

  • Traverse the dimly lit corridors of the Weapons Research Facility and beam down to the planet surface for terrestrial excursions.

  • Craft weapons by combining interchangeable items found on your mission and use them to battle against hostile defense robots and other menacing threats.

  • Marvel at the real-time dynamic lighting powered by impressive Super Photoscaping lighting techniques. Watch lamps and explosions cast lights and shadows on the environment, and use your squad’s headlamps to illuminate puzzles along your route.

  • Take full control of your team of explorers as you manage their inventories, guide their individual actions, and keep tabs on their life-giving fluid levels.

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Exploration Games.

Shadoworlds on Steam

AOD: Art Of Defense

AOD: Art Of Defense

Clearly a mobile port but the game is kind of addicting, its basic tower defence with ability to level up the units and heroes that control one of each of the units. The units costs to put down along with the gems you get for doing missions is reasonable enough that you do not really need to spend real money on the game. It is in a sense a great time killer while you wait for your mates to come online or just to shoot a few missions before you retire for the evening, it is kind of relaxing mindless game play as a lot of the missions are easy, some though do throw you and you end up using the special gem based weapons to save the day. If you like tower defence this is for you, if you like it user friendly this is also for you but i wouldnt play this as a main game so to speak. Saying that 7/10 not bad time waster imo

Real player with 111.8 hrs in game

i am not a big fan of tower defence games, but it was free so i gave it a go.

well worth it. possibly the best tower defence game i have so far played and i still play daily weeks later. its challenging enough without being frustrating and its entertaining enough not to be dull. graphics are sufficient and not 90’s pixels like so many other free games and micro purchases are not massively over=priced which is another norm.

latter stages im sure the cost of microtransactions and what they provide will be redundant as the cost to reward ratio will be worthless, but early game it can be a real benefit. getting all 6 heroes unlocked early is a real benefit.

Real player with 79.1 hrs in game

AOD: Art Of Defense on Steam



A beautiful and relaxing game that only takes a few hours to “finish”. It’s challenging enough to make you want to play more, but not so much to be frustrating. Even though the entire game takes place on one map, it opens up more and changes appearance as you play through the game. All in all, it is a nice palate cleanser to play if luscious pixel graphics and wildlife appeal to you.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

co-op mod has a split screen problem, and the finale level kinda sucks (to me anyway)

But the game is Great!

if I could add one thing to this game, I would be making 1-4 command your pack.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Rev on Steam

Kingdom Wars: The Plague

Kingdom Wars: The Plague

It seriously needed a extra month or more just making tool tips and basic placements on maps right before EA ,and bear in mind it’s used a massive chunk of a previous game just to start with so it’s not a normal EA from the ground up

The devs say different but it’s pretty similar in play to MKW atm, so if you enjoyed that you’ll like this

Had a full game 30hrs+ and tbh I couldn’t face a replay

the repetition is just too much same units /same maps/ same annoying pre build for resources every single little battle despite the fact the actual battle will only last minutes

Real player with 67.1 hrs in game

The Plague: Kingdom Wars is a very fun game that feels like someone took Medieval 2 TW and Stronghold and smashed them together. It is still early access and in Alpha stage but the potential this game has is staggering.

Gameplay is split between a strategic overworld map similar to TW where you move your armies around, conduct diplomacy and upgrade your various cities and hamlets. Battles switch you to an RTS like system similar again to TW but with the addition of being able to build units, buildings and defences to try and give yourself an edge or tip the balance against your opponent.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

Kingdom Wars: The Plague on Steam

Eager For Den

Eager For Den

Eager for then is the metroidvania cooperative survival game in which each character has his or her own pros and cons, try to choose your best team depending on the strengths or weaknesses and gameplay style.

At the moment you are trying to survive you should be preparing for the next catastrophic events, there is no time for rest, explore the world and find and craft the best tools to survive the next event, predict events its not possible, then you and your friends should be prepare for anything or maybe some magic can help with predictions.

Eager For Den on Steam



If anybody can hear me, please respond.

_I am a sole survivor of the liberty, a long range scout ship on a mission to discover the cause of a spacial anomaly on the edge of this system. My crew is missing and had to re-purpose some drones to make repairs.

Everything that could go wrong has, I have limited fuel, limited resources and have had to resort to explore this sector to look for supplies.

Things turned from bad to worse when I realized that every ship and base I have discovered has turned up empty. No life, nobody. Nothing except some extra scrap and some upgrades I used to further my search._

Real player with 66.6 hrs in game

So, you wanted to get scared. You wanted to play a horror game. Perhaps a survival rogue-like one? Forget your run-of-the-mill jump scare games, monsters, aliens and other nasties. Duskers will make you fear mere sounds of the ship you’ve docked at creaking, shudder at seeing flashing red doors and jump at simple beeps of your console.

The atmosphere of the game has to be applauded over and over. The graphical nature is simple yet complex. Simple in terms of the console view where you can see the location of your drones, the layout of the ship, the state of its doors and so on. This part is logically clean and very un-Hollywood like, where terminals will be more graphically impressive than any operating system yet look a fraction as useful. The console, coupled with the ambient rumbling of your ship’s engines as well as various blips and blops, will reinforce the feeling of isolation. The feeling that you are truly alone in the cold vastness of space, desperately trying to keep your aging ship and failing drones to keep going as you attempt to figure out just what has happened to everyone.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

Duskers on Steam

Helios Battle Universe

Helios Battle Universe


Helios Battle Universe is a multiplayer shooting VR game.

Various weapons are available, and up to eight players and multi-player combat are available.

Weapons can be acquired while playing. If you don’t die during play, you can store and replace the weapon; if you die during play, the stored weapon will disappear.

For maps, there are two modes:

  • For teleport mode, a minimum of 2 (1vs1) to a maximum of 6 (3vs3) can play.

    From the current position, it hits a movable base and moves through an open warp.

    As soon as it is moved, it will gain a foothold and score points.

    You will also score points by killing enemies on the move.

    Combining the scores of enemy combat and the number of base occupation, the team with the highest score wins the final victory.

  • Min 2 (1vs1) for sliding mode~Up to 8 players (4vs4) can play, and it is a way to find and kill enemies to lead to victory.

    Smooth movement is possible through the controller, and teleport is possible using the stamina. A team that scores a lot in a set time will win the final victory.

Helios Battle Universe on Steam

Kings Town

Kings Town

I can easily see this game taking off in no time. Lots of good things so far, and there is a lot of potential in it right now. I highly recommend to buy this if you don’t mind the waiting game, currently there isn’t a whole lot in the game, but I’ve enjoyed learning how it works and the best way to build each time for maximum efficiency!

Point is, the game is enjoyable enough for it’s current price, and the devs seem to act fast on community feedback. Which means it’s worth paying a little now compared to however much it will cost when it makes it out of Early Access. Which I do believe this game will get there.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

2 hours into this game since launch. my thoughts so far

great concept, decent execution. many things could be added to make this a fantastic game

couple notes just while playing.

-there needs to be some kind of way to remove aggro from being attacked, i had to restart twice because i couldn’t build any defences before being attacked. some way to defend earlier in game is needed for sure.

-the UI needs some love.

-multiple villagers per resource building?

-maybe a slight buff to the house limit

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Kings Town on Steam