Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is a space strategy game and a real-time strategy (RTS) game which incorporates 4X strategy game elements. This game was developed by Ironclad Games and published by Stardock Entertainment and is only available on PC.

While you may notice another game with Sins of a Solar Empire in its title (Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity), that is an older version of the game. Rebellion is the definitive and superior version as it not only offers numerous additions to the game, like Titans and new Factions to play as, but also contains everything from the previous versions of the game.

Real player with 1719.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics 4X Games.

Sins of a Solar Empire represents a fun and visually spectacular 4x game. But the 4x is a bit tilted. There is diplomacy and you can win with diplomacy, there is exploration and you will need to explore and there is exploitation. But Sins of a Solar Empire at it’s core is a game of extermination, combat drives the game and will dominate the majority of what you do, but that is perfectly fine considering how fun it is.

This game is well supported considering it’s age though optimisation in multiplayer is poor and they do not allow you to local host your games instead requiring you to connect to their servers. The attention to detail in the base game is excellent from space elevators and space traffic around your planets to having individual weapon ports on ships with their own firing arcs. It’s hard to get bored of this game especially if you have friends to play with.

Real player with 663.8 hrs in game

Sins of a Solar Empire®: Rebellion on Steam

Space Reign

Space Reign

In the near future, as the crucial supply of deep space natural resources is controlled by several megacorporations, take command of a fleet as a private military contractor and complete security tasks for a corporation that suits you the best.

Establish your Company

Start with a single, smaller-sized ship, pledge your allegiance to one of the corporations, earn their trust by completing contracts and receive access to a unique, corporation-specific arsenal of ships and weapons.

Customize the Fleet

Each ship, ranging from smaller, deployable fighters to large cruisers, can be outfitted according to your needs, weapon by weapon, compartment by compartment, which allows you to tailor every vessel to a specific task - be it a recon corvette, close-combat cruiser, long-range missile destroyer, and so on.

Directly control any vessel in your fleet

Apart from manually controlling the designated flagship of your fleet, you have the option to jump in and out of any unit anytime, making sure to make the best use of it’s potential.

Conventional Weaponry

No lasers, no shields, no teleportation or time-travel. Just the power of pure fuel-based thrusters, armored hulls and conventional, near-future like weaponry based around kinetic projectiles and missiles.

Modular damage

Every module and compartment have their specific impact on the performance and capabilities of a vessel, therefore, ships do not have to be destroyed completely in order to win a battle. With the right weapon and a bit of luck, it is possible to disable critical modules, such as engines or main reactor, thus making them combat ineffective.

Sensors and detection

Before you go weapons hot, intel and reconnaissance is just as important as your arsenal. Without the proper use of sensors and detection mechanics, the enemy can easily have the upper hand, even in lower numbers and with inferior equipment.

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Indie Games.

Space Reign on Steam

Edge Of Galaxy

Edge Of Galaxy

On the main menu screen there’s New Game, Tutorial, Settings, Achievements, Statistics and Exit. The tutorial will take you over the basics of the game and isn’t very long. There are two game modes: Sandbox and Explorer. Sandbox is where you’ll make your way through a galaxy which is divided into sectors. Each sector consists of multiple coordinates and is controlled by one of the five factions: Mercenary, Federation, Ocrons, Krios and Raiders.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Action RPG Games.

Today, a short look at the Edge of Galaxy space strategy in early access.

Early Access success

Currently, the best-implemented part of the game is fighting. Battles are dynamic and short. At the same time, proper mercenary management and equipment improvement have great importance. The development of the armada was interestingly solved after each skirmish, we have a choice of who get the spoils “mercenaries” or commander. This is not an easy decision: we buy ship upgrades and equipment from the fleet budget, but it is money for ship crews that enables them to grow. Just traveling from system to system and increasing your fleet’s battle potential can give you a lot of satisfaction. A very interesting aspect of the game are also enemy special forces, which actively hunt your fleet on the main map, putting some pressure on the player. Five different factions to choose from also increase the potential replayability of this title.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Edge Of Galaxy on Steam



Build Your Ship From Modules

Each ship is composed of independent modules and connections topolgoy between them. Every module has its properties and functions, such as mass, hull and cargo space. You should design your ship with a clear strategy, balancing among maneuverability, endurance, firepower, cargo space, power supplyment and other aspects.

A Noval Sandbox Building Way

You can design ship in a more free and convenient way. Give less effort, but gain a more delicate ship.

  • Module is freely attached via contact to other module’s connector area.

  • Module can be freely rescaled through X, Y, Z axes.

  • Support X, Y, Z axes mirror mode and Grid.

Command Your Ship Tactically

As captain, you need to command individual modules wisely according to battlefield situation. Set navigation destination and motion attitude, assign targets to turrets, shutdown unnecessary modules to reduce consumption, or overclock your cannon to give maximum firepower output.

Realistic Physics Simulation

  • All bullets and missiles are physical simulated, will deliver impact force to target hit.

  • Thrust output and torque output is computed from individual thrusters, so thruster direction and mass of center need to be concerned in ship design.

  • Structure of ship will be broken if crucial node (module) of connection topology is destroyed, so it’s better to set some redundant connnections in design.

Roguelike Experience

In singleplayer mode, you can explore procedural generated galaxy, fight against distinctive unknown enemies, redesign and reinforce your ship, until victory. Attention, you have only one shot.

Have Fun With Your Friends

You can create a online game, invite your friends to play against common AI enemies or fight each other to prove which ship design is the most powerful.

Interdimension on Steam

Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

_The ultimate starship designer,

powered by a deep game simulation…_

Cosmoteer is a starship design, simulation, and battle game. Design a fleet of ships by laying out individual rooms and corridors, including cannons, lasers, shields, and thrusters. Battle other starships to earn bounties and use that money to expand your own ship. A dynamic crew and combat simulation makes every design decision important and interesting.

Best-In-Class Starship Designer

Design the greatest starship ever made using an interface that is easy-to-learn yet incredibly flexible.

Build your ship by placing individual modules onto a grid—weapons, shields, engines, reactors, crew’s quarters, and more! Few restrictions and no pre-defined, creativity-limiting hull shapes mean you can create almost any ship you can imagine.

The exterior of a ship is like an artist’s canvas, but it requires no drawing ability to make your ship look great! Simply pick a color and texture to customize your ship’s basic appearance, then optionally add decals such as shapes, symbols, and letters to give it extra visual flourish. Painting your ship is free and has no effect on gameplay.

Intelligent Crew Simulation

Every starship is operated by a crew numbering from half-a-dozen to hundreds—sometimes more than a thousand—of individually-simulated people.

A ship’s crew is its lifeblood. Crew not only operate its controls, but they also carry supplies such as ammunition and power batteries to weapons and systems. When a weapon wants to shoot, the crew go pick up ammo or batteries at an ammo factory or reactor and bring them to the weapon—all simulated in real-time.

Crew are pretty smart and act mostly on their own, which is a good thing since there can be so many. Your crew are smart enough to figure out what controls need operating, what systems need ammo or power, and how best to get around your ship. They’re even smart enough to avoid routes that are already jammed with other people.

The crew simulation is what makes starship design so interesting, because how fast a cannon can shoot or how long a shield can stay charged depends directly on how quickly crew can deliver ammo or power to it. As a player, you’ll have to think carefully about how you design your ship’s layout so that it operates at peak efficiency without exposing its more vulnerable (and sometimes explosive!) modules.

Physics-Driven Flight & Combat

Every ship is part of a 2D physics simulation, and the position and orientation of its thrusters realistically affects its movement. Small ships with lots of thrusters are fast and nimble, while large ships with proportionally fewer thrusters are naturally slower and more difficult to maneuver.

Weapons obey the laws of the physics simulation. Whether or not a cannon or laser hits an enemy depends not on a dice roll but upon the trajectory of the shot and the size and speed of the enemy.

Damage is tracked module-by-module, and each module can be individually targeted & destroyed. Some modules can explode, causing collateral damage to the surrounding modules, so you’ll have to think carefully about where you place your reactors and munitions. Too close to the edge and they’ll be exposed to enemy fire; too far and your weapons won’t fire fast enough.

Ships can break apart into multiple pieces when their connecting modules are destroyed. Usually this will be a crippling blow, but any piece that has a control room, power, and thrusters can continue to operate independently, potentially remaining a threat to the enemy.


You are a bounty hunter, traveling from sector to sector, hunting down renegade enemies and destroying them.

Earn money for every enemy vanquished. Use your income to repair and upgrade your own fleet, growing bigger and more powerful with every victory.

Explore a galaxy in search of bigger and more powerful enemies. The galaxy will crumble before your almighty armada!

Or play in a creative sandbox mode with unlimited credits if being a bounty hunter isn’t your cup of Earl Grey—the only limit is your imagination! (And the power of your computer.)


Battle your friends and enemies in real-time, pitting your designs against theirs. Compete to be the master “Starship Architect & Commander” against up to 7 other players in Team vs Team and Free For All battles.

Configure a variety of game options by specifying number of ships, total funds, game speed, and other options. Play tiny skirmishes, massive fleet battles, or anywhere in between.

Play online in public or private lobbies. Local Area Network and direct I.P. address connections are also supported.

Important Note: Multiplayer is NOT SUPPORTED between 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems!

And more!

Everything you should expect from a PC game, including customizable controls, windowed and borderless display modes, support for high-resolution displays, no mandatory locked framerates, and dozens of other options to tailor the game to your own preferences.

It’s easy to share your ship designs with friends and other players. Ships are saved as simple PNG image files and can be easily shared on social media like Twitter, Discord, and the official forums—just drag-and-drop the image from your browser right into Cosmoteer and the ship will be instantly playable!

A powerful modding framework lets mods change almost any part of the game data, opening up a universe of possibilities beyond the base game. A mods manager makes it easy to install and uninstall mods created by the Cosmoteer community.

Unobtrusive tutorials that don’t interrupt gameplay and are easy to dismiss or turn off altogether. There’s no special “tutorial level” you need to play through—the context-sensitive tips are built-in to the main Bounty Hunter mode.

Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander on Steam

Space Empires: Starfury

Space Empires: Starfury

Good story and gameplay. This game is worth of price and also is old game but is still good working on windows 10. Graphics is good for his time. Now is this graphics very low. But can’t match with new games becouse is old. We in rewiew must respect that!

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

I enjoyed this game years back, and now with 64bit I can still play using 32bit graphics. I remember a tip on the game to ease you in by doing some trading between Sol & the system next door so to speak using the warp. The idea is to gain as much as possible in upgrading your initial ship before doing the main quest, that is the first of the 3 Campaigns you can choose from. This made it easier at the beginning of the game. I even went as far as purchasing the biggest ship, a Carrier. The trouble with the Carrier is its very slow speed. Makes it impossible to make the destination on time, so be careful on that score as the bigger the ship the slower you get even with enhancements. I would also like to point out, when purchasing a new ship size put all enhanced engines, weapons, shields, armour, and any other pieces into storage. Only leave the 3 Command deck equipment on the old ship before purchasing the new ship, then transfer all stored equipment to the new ship. If you don,t, you will loose all of your best equipment & only have level 1 equipment on your new ship. Lastly, Always save your games to cover mistakes you forgot about or chances you took & lost everything - experience is talking here and don’t forget … enjoy yourself. While the equipment is the same as Space Empires V the game play is on 2d space, and you only get one ship to use, whatever ship you started with or purchased.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Space Empires: Starfury on Steam

Space Rats

Space Rats

The Great Cataclysm saw the Earth destroyed, forcing the human race to spread further into the solar system.

Humanity now lives a nomadic life, flying between the Space Stations that are spread across the Solar System.

Create your own captain and crew, avoid Space Pirates and the Galactic Union to discover the truth of why there is a price on your head.

Space Rats is an Action Adventure RPG, a space blaster that is somewhere between Ani- mal Crossing, Overcooked, and FTL.

In order to navigate the solar system the player maintains and operates their starship which is constantly breaking down and catching fire. When they do get the systems work- ing they all perform different functions, Operating the engine boosts speed, working the helm improves turning and having one or more crew on the shields gives shield bonuses. There are many more systems to run and each can be upgraded to improve performance. Players can even buy maintenance robots, better weapons, and cloaking devices to help protect their ship.

If that wasn’t enough they can always buy a bigger and better ship from the reputable and not so reputable traders at one of the many Space Stations across the Solar System.

Time is not on the player’s side, the many factions are hunting down their crew and if they linger in one sector too long their wanted level increases. This sees more ships coming after them, from Bounty Hunters to Galactic Union Battle Cruisers, everyone is on high alert for the crew and they certainly do not want to be noticed when they sneak into Space Stations!

  • • Command and customise a variety of ship types

  • • Battle the numerous Factions, from the fearsome Pirates to the authoritarian Galactic

  • Union

  • • Sneak onto space stations and grab equipment

  • • Board enemy ships and fight furious battles

  • • Salvage derelict Spacecraft

  • • Mine Asteroids

  • • Trade

  • • Upgrade and buy new ships

  • • Hire Crew

  • • Fight for freedom

  • • Discover the truth

  • • Eat Space Munch bars

Space Rats on Steam

Airship: Academy

Airship: Academy

Airship: Academy is a fantasy airship skyfaring simulation game with hyper-rich lore and narrative. Inspired by many space-sim and pirate-sim such as Star Control, Freelancer, and Sid Meier’s Pirates.

  • You are a veteran airship commander enlisted for a job in a Kingdom far from home

  • Navigate a vast open-world and explore the sky of a shattered continent

  • Engage in spectacular airship battles with insurmountable depth and complexity

  • Fight pirates, rob merchants, repel law enforcers, and challenge the military

  • Buy, build, and upgrade your airships and parts. Enlist, level up, and build relationships with your crews

  • Traverse the skyscape and learn about the history and recent events through helping and listening to people

  • Visit ports, towns, villages, and cities to collect resources and build industries

  • Over 70 ports and 150 NPCs each with unique storylines

  • Over 30 different airships with more than 150 parts to fit into them

  • More than 100 questlines to follow and unravel lore and mysteries of the world


The Great Sky War has stalled, it has been almost a year since the last battle. War has been a good business. Without it, you have been resorting to freelancing to get by. An offer arrived one morning, from some big-name trade and security company. It is an honest and stable job, so you took it right away. Now you found yourself at the Segson Archipelago, unknowingly involved in something far greater than you ever wished for.


Eons ago, the Great Cataclysm shattered Spheara into pieces. Wild magic wind engulfed the globe, lifting the grounds hanging afloat in the sky. Spheara is the world in the sky above the deadly and dark ocean. Life in such a world is difficult and perilous but humanity and civilizations found ways to prosper.


The place in the center of our focus is the continental group of landmass called Europa. These landmasses above the great ocean below is classified into three belts or rings by their vastly different distance above the sea level. Different nations and cultures developed on different archipelagos, at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, they struggle to define their coexistence.


The Kingdom of Suthseg has long been the sovereignty over the Sagson Archipelago, a cluster of three major drifting landmasses with plenty of rich minor isles. The Archipelago also holds the key prominent point of interest, that is the Great Mana Coil, the largest gateway allowing airships to descend and ascend across belts.


Destiny has brought about two young souls and two patriarchs together. All strive towards different things in life and want a better world for themselves and those who come after them. What will be their legacies?


You can make, buy, or take ship parts from many sources and fit them into a wide variety of airship frames. The balance between speed, agility, durability, firepower, and transport efficiency are key to various strategies and tactics once entered into battle.


Exercise the best use of tactics and skills of the crewmen. Push the capability of an airship to its limit and seize the day to enjoy the spoil of victory.


The continent is vast. It has many things to offer, many stories to tell, treasures to collect, and mysteries to unravel. The measurement unit and time taken during travel are measured in real-time and real units. Even though the player can accelerate time, this can infuse them with a strong sense of immersion.


Many ports and merchants offer parts, ships, and all sorts of other items that would aid the player in their quests for fame and fortune. Merchants sell and buy specific things, demand and supplies are also limited to the nature of the settlement they are from.


Producing, processing, transporting, assembling, and manufacturing goods and weapons are beats that keep Europa going. While skyfaring, freelancing, and privateering could earn a ship captain a good fortune; supporting and arming a fleet would require other kinds of ingenuity.

Airship: Academy on Steam

Descent: FreeSpace – The Great War

Descent: FreeSpace – The Great War

Descent: FreeSpace was - for pretty much two decades - the start of the best space combat simulation ever developed. I probably spent several years of my childhood playing FreeSpace 1 and 2 and to this day there is no other game which I will get back to every few years and then play it for months on end because it is that good.

Never before have I played a game which utilizes almost all keyboard buttons, some of them even twice or thrice with button combinations. It takes days to get used to the controls and to remember all of them in the heat of battle, but after having learned them once, I never forgot them again. I can boot up any FreeSpace game after 5 years without having played it and the controls will come back to me within 5 minutes. No other game has ever managed to do that. No other game has ever managed to entertain me to that degree even although I can still remember every single mission, every enemy wave, every plot twist and all and any scripted events.

Real player with 198.1 hrs in game

Descent | Freespace: The Great War is a 3D space craft action simulator. You are a recruit pilot who just joined the Galactic Terran Alliance in its age-long war against the Parliamentary Vasudan Empire, but the war takes a different turn when an unknown threat makes its appearance with the sole purpose of exterminating both races.

Pros: You get to live the war and the events through the eyes of a pilot, and the whole story is detailed through mission briefings and in-game events. Different levels of success in a mission may affect the following mission, even open entire branching side-missions. The voice acting does a good job a delivering the humane yet rigid tone of a military situation, something you’ll rely on for immersion as there is little to no cut scenes. Action is great, and often allows creative thinking to resolve an issue, succeed in a mission and achieve bonus goals. The missions themselves are very varied, rivaling and often surpassing classics of the genre like the Wing Commander series. Control is spot-on, although optimized for mouse-less keyboard. As you progress, you get more and more flexibility in how you want to set and arm your squads.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Descent: FreeSpace – The Great War on Steam

Space Tek

Space Tek

good game just the purchases in shop didnt work and it kept crashing

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

SPACE TEK, Command, Construct, Collect!Space Tek is an exciting free to play online starship combat game. Players build their dream ships out of a range of unique blocks, and tailor their ships. Then put the ships to the test alongside or against players and Ai in a multitude of gamemodes!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Space Tek on Steam