Lamia Must Die

Lamia Must Die

(If TL;DR, then watch my less eloquent review here: )

I spent a long time trying to elaborate on what I want to say about this game, but after hours of thinking, I realized it would be best if I put it thusly:

1.This game’s mechanics are really good and consistent with little to no gameplay glitches

2.The graphics look nice but are not accurately displayed or scaled correctly in a consistant manner at any resolution it offers

3. Voice actor audio can cut out but at least it’s consistent when it does (ie the same audio cuts off in a cutscene no matter how many times you play through it)

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Perma Death Games.

Lamia Must Die. . .Eventually. . . Just as soon as I stop dying.

Lamia Must Die is a game of adventure wherein you are not just one person but rather four people. You can change two of your party members and their styles are definitely unique. You adventure into a dungeon and skip all the trash tier monsters completely. The only game play is a big epic boss battle.

Graphics and Art

The graphics are not that good, but it’s excuseable. This game runs mainly on artwork and pictures anyway and it’s played through various GUI’s, which all look and feel rather fluid and work well. The artwork itself is rather nice and sometimes kind of mediocre, though certainly better than I could care to draw. I’m not completely convinced that some of the pictures of the characters drawn were drawn by the creators of the game or anyone they hired. I don’t think they were commissions and rather just something free. If they were drawn by the creators then I ask why there is no consistency in the art work. Some of it looks great while others look like it was drawn by a complete ametuer who had way too much interest in tits. I of course refer primarily to Lamia.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Lamia Must Die on Steam

AOD: Art Of Defense

AOD: Art Of Defense

Clearly a mobile port but the game is kind of addicting, its basic tower defence with ability to level up the units and heroes that control one of each of the units. The units costs to put down along with the gems you get for doing missions is reasonable enough that you do not really need to spend real money on the game. It is in a sense a great time killer while you wait for your mates to come online or just to shoot a few missions before you retire for the evening, it is kind of relaxing mindless game play as a lot of the missions are easy, some though do throw you and you end up using the special gem based weapons to save the day. If you like tower defence this is for you, if you like it user friendly this is also for you but i wouldnt play this as a main game so to speak. Saying that 7/10 not bad time waster imo

Real player with 111.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Wargame Games.

i am not a big fan of tower defence games, but it was free so i gave it a go.

well worth it. possibly the best tower defence game i have so far played and i still play daily weeks later. its challenging enough without being frustrating and its entertaining enough not to be dull. graphics are sufficient and not 90’s pixels like so many other free games and micro purchases are not massively over=priced which is another norm.

latter stages im sure the cost of microtransactions and what they provide will be redundant as the cost to reward ratio will be worthless, but early game it can be a real benefit. getting all 6 heroes unlocked early is a real benefit.

Real player with 79.1 hrs in game

AOD: Art Of Defense on Steam



I regret the times, when I couldn’t play this game in it’s prime, when tournaments were alive. But I don’t regret buying digital copy now.

Back in 2008, when I read about the game, DotA Allstars was already a thing you need to be aware of if you play games. And I was indeed aware. I tried the thing and got bored pretty quickly. Something was amiss. Something didn’t want me to enjoy the game, and I felt out of place, when I heard praise about this new exciting genre like MOBA.

When I read about Demigod I got a little flame of hope lit up in me. Everything from background of characters to the name of the game and a little story behind already was to my liking. But would the gameplay keep up with that? I wasn’t sure.

Real player with 207.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics PvP Games.

First off, let me state that when Demigod was released, it’s multiplayer was pretty much broken due to the publisher insisting on doing the netcode and sucking at it hardcore. This issue has since been resolved, and is no longer an issue; the multiplayer works just fine now, no real problems.

Now, from there, let’s get into a few aspects of the game itself:

Demigod is a MOBA style game, where you play as a single hero/champion/demigod/whatever style character who starts off kinda flimsy, and gradually levels up, fighting large armies of enemy units with the goal of defeating the enemy team. Thing LoL, HoN, DotA, Smite, Dawngate and so on.

Real player with 137.0 hrs in game

Demigod on Steam

Siege of Centauri

Siege of Centauri

Siege of Centauri is one of the best looking tower defence games available and as a tower defence aficionado, I would say it is worth playing.

Forgive the comparison, but Siege of Centauri was clearly made by and for people who are looking to scratch their Defense Grid itch. It turns out that Siege of Centauri has some fairly obvious references in it that pay homage to Defense Grid, namely the interface looks almost like it was lifted from Defense Grid and some of the music too. It also has a similar story with advisers popping up between missions to brief you on what the mysterious enemy is up to.

Real player with 48.6 hrs in game

I don’t play many tower defense games. It’s essentially a puzzle, where you try to figure out the most efficient combinations of towers and placements to defend your base. There are features that let you see what is coming, and once you learn the units and iconography, you can definitely develop strategies and plans ahead of time. There are terrific controls for difficulty, as well as mechanics that let you customize and upgrade your available tower selection. I also see capabilities for a survival mode (defend as long as you can) and custom map development. I think there might also be an intent to support steam workshop, so that mods and custom maps can be shared.

Real player with 41.2 hrs in game

Siege of Centauri on Steam

Element TD

Element TD

I love tower defense, and this game is solid. I played this back when it was a custom map and enjoyed it then; I think this version is better. There is room for improvement / enhancements and maybe we’ll see that in an update or sequel but if you dig TD, this game (that costs less than a latte) will do you right. My only real beef is that you can’t pause the game once it’s begun; that adds some excitement but is not what I’m personally looking for in this type of game (I like a more relaxed strategy experience), however it’s not overwhelming so no trouble.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game


-Same feeling as the old WC3 and Dota2 custom maps,

-Nice design

-The sounds provide a good atmosphere to the game

-Good optimisation

-Runs on the crappiest machines too

Cons: Well there are a couple, unfortunately…

-Can’t see the range of towers before placing them

-Can’t target creeps with the towers manually

-Need to go into the specific towers description to check what I need to build it. In the custom games, it was already done that moving the cursor over an element it highlights what it will make buildable.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Element TD on Steam



Scrapshoot is the true definition of a party game. While the AI is fun to battle against the game becomes a blast when you get your friends involved. I think this is the kind of game you hop on occasionally and end up sinking hours of fun into it. Super easy to learn, a variety of hat options, and the unique match modifiers offer a lot in variation of gameplay from round to round.

Don’t let this game go under your radar! I’d give it 9 scraps out of 10; super excited to see what the devs whip up in future updates!

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

A really fun mix of tower defense and really active gameplay, really fun gameplay loop, visually very impressive and the dynamic environments mid round are actually gorgeous in game

THE MUSIC THO? THE MUSIC GOES FUCKING CRAAAAZY a perfect compliment to the active gameplay

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Scrapshoot on Steam

Kingdom of Bees

Kingdom of Bees


-Very simple and fun game to sit back and enjoy.


-It has a few things that need be fixed. (Adding in the game)

Example: A nearby queen in another hive died and I gained 2 warriors, 2 defenders and 1 worker but the maximum amount of bees didn’t change to add 5 bees to my hive.

Example: I had 3 warriors and 2 defenders killed by chemicals, it added correctly to where I went from 5 warriors to 2 and 3 defenders to 1, but the maximum amount of bees I could store didn’t change and I couldn’t buy anymore bees still until I upgraded hive.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

incredibly simple game. it does get boring quite quickly and there isn’t much to do in this game. it’s not really worth $1 though. It’s a good game to have playing in the background while you study though.

Cats also enjoy watching the bees fly around your screen. 10/10 for that.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Kingdom of Bees on Steam



Choose your knight, earn him the most beautiful and powerful equipment, but above all, surround yourself with the best supporters to encourage you during your fights! In Orpiment you don’t play the knight but the members of the audience who all have their own skills.

You don’t control your knight during the fights but you can intervene at any time by using the special abilities of your audience members. Throw a roast chicken, drop your panthers on the field or steal your opponent’s shield to tip the balance in your favor!

In this rogue-like game where the heroes are the shadowy characters, bring your knight into the story by using the best audience member combo possible.

Recruit new audience members through victories

Get new equipment to replace those destroyed in battle.

Repair your shields and armor at the blacksmith’s, upgrade your supporters at the inns, and buy rare equipment from the merchants.

Progress through your adventure via a procedurally generated map, choose your path amongst the various pitfalls that make up the map, surround yourself with the best supporters and equip yourself with the most powerful equipment to face the Golden Demon and his 4 demonic knights.


  • 4 knights with different characteristics

  • Around 20 different audience members

  • Over 60 special abilities

  • Almost infinite team compositions

  • Over 80 different weapons!

  • Over 40 different shields!

  • More than 40 different battle armors!

Orpiment on Steam

Reactor Tech²

Reactor Tech²

A game about watching number rise. But what is life, if not watching the year count rise and your bank account dwindle?

Now, I’ve just finished my first “complete” playthrough and there are a few things I want to talk about. Let’s start with the most important: most of the negative reviews are old. The UI isn’t perfect but it’s not bad and same with the tutorial. In my entire playtime I’ve only found what I think was a bug once.

The artstyle, music and sound effects are gorgeous.

DO NOT buy this game expecting something similar to a city/base builder. Actually you build very few structures, and spend most of the time upgrading your existing buildings, changing the engineering cells and min-maxing the different configurations.

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

It has the marks of an interesting, fun little game, however…

Be warned:

it’s not really release-ready, regardless what they claim.

The game is full of annoying bugs and overlooked illogical elements, the controls are inconsistent, the whole thing is sorely in need of a UI/UX overview, it’s hard to navigate, hard to sort out what’s what.

Currently expansion is impossible, due to a heating issue.

And in my personal opinion it does not look good.

I’ll persist, maybe it’ll be a good game; currently it’s a beta, that’s not very playable.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Reactor Tech² on Steam

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation

This is the first review I have ever felt compelled to write. Then again, this is the first game in a long time that has made me this aggravated. The premise of the game is sound and the visual effects are appealing but in the end, the software is simply buggy and incomplete and its apologists paint a false picture of its nature. In my opinion, Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation should still be in beta testing.

First, allow me to state that I am a avid fan of Supreme Commander. Like many others, I was enticed by the constant flow of comparisons between Ashes and Supreme Commander and decided to purchase Ashes and judge for myself. Please listen very carefully to me when I say that there is no comparison. In Supreme Commander, one may effortlessly conduct their bloody maelstrom of war in true strategic fashion on vast 81x81km maps. One may wield thousands of units in battle over sprawling plains, clear skies, and open oceans. All players are at the mercy of nuclear missiles, long-range heavy artillery, and titanic, robotic colossi designed to reach across the sheer expanse of the most popular maps and touch some poor, naive soul. All of this grandeur could be witnessed at once from a comprehensive, strategic overview replete with toggles for intelligence radii, weapon radii by type, unit movement queues and patrol routes, and locations at which units are taking damage.

Real player with 153.8 hrs in game

A fun experience with problems.

The Good:

Large scale conflict that runs on my potato with few issues.

Fairly decent campaign with fairly interesting characters and missions.

Hover armies have grown on me.

Decent selection of maps.

Good selection of units between the factions, even if their roles are unclear in the text box.

Army system where units are organised into armies and will micro themselves accordingly (I never use the queue for brining in certain troops to an army however, I prefer to be using my factories at all times making a collection of units and counters.)

Real player with 100.6 hrs in game

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation on Steam