Special Tactics

Special Tactics

It’s a great game! Too bad the player base is 0 at this point so if you want to buy it for the multiplayer, you need to have some friends to play it with or you can add me.

However, the single player is awesome! The campaign has a lot of variety and teaches you everything you need to know. It shows of the maps very well. After completing the campaign there is not much left to do. Only thing you could do is survival mode, but that gets boring after a few games

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics PvP Games.

Special Tactics Online is a tactical/ strategy shooter with addictive gameplay.

This game now in Early Access, but in this stage its also can keep your mind for couple hours.

The gameplay is turn based you sent orders for your squad what contain a four member, after that when you end own turn your opponent do same. In a multiplayer the players have 50 second in each turn, in other modes time is not limited. In a game you can found five different classes, all has different features. You also can use in every round one type of booster (from four available) and you can use three different grenades types. At the moment game has 7 maps, but this amount will be grow up in the future. Also you can change a weapons of your squad members. You can buy weapons, on the store, what you can earn playing, survival mode, and multiplayer.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Special Tactics on Steam

Star Maidens Chronicle: Definitive Edition

Star Maidens Chronicle: Definitive Edition

Extremely shallow RTS. Not worth the price at all.

All the factions are identical, just different skin / theme.

Only 2 units, builder and soldier.

Only 4 buildings. HQ, Barracks, Resource and Tower.

Because of this, gameplay is always just “make more dudes than the other guy faster”. No unit synergies or strategies.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics 3D Games.

Star Maidens Chronicle: Definitive Edition on Steam

Fast and Low

Fast and Low

  • The developer has released another update for the game since my initial review, and is still improving various aspects of gameplay. Thanks dev for working on this game, and I wish you the best of luck.

The short and sweet is that Fast and Low is a buggy half-polished game with a good idea and fun game mechanics. If all the problems become resolved, I recommend this 100%.

One of the big problems with Fast and Low is clipping and colliders. A hostile can shoot through a wall so long as a gun arm goes through said wall, and don’t get me started on what players can do. Although hostiles only do this on occasion, what happens far more often is hostiles getting stuck attempting to run at me, specifically those with bomb vests and knives. I was sad to see this, but there are other problems that can suck the fun out of this game. For instance, some hostiles occasionally see through multiple walls, and begin impractically shooting in my direction. When there finally is a dire circumstance, more than one item can be grabbed on accident, causing confusion and unnecessary death on both sides. My last issue in the collider department is that doors such as restroom stall doors and large glass doors can not be opened normally, but instead must be moved with a fist or weapon. restroom stall doors open too slowly, and large glass doors open too quickly. I can phase my hand through these doors and bring my fist back to close it, but I can’t use the handles.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Co-op Games.

Taking deep seated inspiration from the likes of the Rainbow Six and SWAT, “Fast and Low” is a tactical VR shooter worthy of the name. You play as Maximus Faust (Or his Desktop counterpart, Samuel Lo) across 9 missions spread across a host of different environments, breaching, clearing and, ultimately, shooting your way to victory, but unlike most shooters, Fast and Low rewards you most when you are shooting less, instead opting to subdue hostiles non-lethally, and it doesn’t hesitate to equip you with a host of tools to get that particular job done. Flashbangs, breaching charges, pepper spray and plenty of firearms put you at a distinct advantage over your criminal adversaries, but your limited inventory will quickly run dry if you aren’t distinctly careful with you resources. The decision to expend your 3 utilities to clear a handful of a half dozen or so rooms that make up a level is a choice you’ll be making frequently, and only through trial and error will you be able to make the most of your equipment. Even still, you’ll often find that enemies and hostages may end up in different places as a subtle level of randomness to spawn postions always keeps you on your toes.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Fast and Low on Steam

Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

It’s about time I sat down and gave this wonderful game a review.

In Short

PA is a game about big stuff. Massive armies. Massive titans. Massive possibility. No matter how you intend to play the game – casually, competitively, or even just striking it out on your own – you will find many hours of enjoyment not only wielding planet-smashing power, but also finding yourself improve over time as you learn the ins and outs of this humongous RTS. Just buy it already!

The Actual Review

Real player with 2282.9 hrs in game

TLDR; great game, large scale, has nukes, can blow up planets, but can be fustratingly slow in the late game. The game is totally worth your money if it costs less than 5 dollars.

Update (1/27/19): The devs just announced that their servers have been optimized for more performance. I haven’t tested it out yet but it sounds very promising.

Ignoring the questionable decisions that the developers have made about the game, in terms of funness (you can say whatever you want, but the word is real to me), PA: Titans is one of the best RTS games that I have played. Unlike many other RTS games, the game runs on a flow economy, so rather than paying upfront the complete cost of a unit, your resources slowly drain as your unit becomes built, which leads to interesting tactics, like destroying most of the power generators of your opponent if you spot them building game enders, effectively pausing their production.

Real player with 166.9 hrs in game

Planetary Annihilation: TITANS on Steam



I don’t understand why there is so much hate for this game. This game consists of 10 remastered missions, multiplayer, freeplay and the campaigns from Emergency 5, 2016 and 2017. I thoroughly enjoy this game so I will give an honest and truthful opinion of the game to assure you make the right purchase.


Campaigns from Emergency 5, 2016 and 2017

Remastered missions from older emergency games

Lots of micro-managing for a fun fast-paced game

Freeplay (4 maps)

Multiplayer (I haven’t tried it yet)

Real player with 38.1 hrs in game

Edit: I bought this game again after getting a refund because I found: Bieberfelde - Next Generation. The mod completely changes the game and for me makes it worth while owning this game.

My review of the base game:

I got this after playing emergency 4 for quite some time with the LA Mod. While graphics are much much better and there is a little less micromanagement with some automation overall I feel it’s lacking something. If you liked the base game of EM4 then you might like this. But if you are used to the detail and control that the LA Mod provides then this game will probably feel a bit feature light.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

EMERGENCY 20 on Steam

Saints and Sinners

Saints and Sinners

great game!

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Saints and Sinners is a game heavily inspired by Among Us.

You start with a maximum of 8 people, most are saints but 1 or more play as sinners.

Saints get a task list that they should complete but they also need to work together and try to figure out who the sinner is.

Sinners need to act like they do the tasks, win trust and brutally slaughter the poor saints one by one when nobody is watching them.

You communicate with each other through the in-game chat or voice chat and you can share your suspicions at any moment of the game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Saints and Sinners on Steam

Out of Ammo

Out of Ammo

This game creatively mixes tactical and first person shooter elements together. You build a base, and see how long you can survive the onslaught of never-ending waves of enemies. You can take control of individual soldiers to turn the tide of the battle in first person perspective. My friend and I have had fun playing this for many hours.

The tactical aspect is simple: a helicopter regularly flies in to drop off soldiers and equipment. The equipment you use to build structures(like a guard tower, sandbag bunker, medic tent). The soldiers come in a variety of classes and they specialize in different functions(rifleman, medic, engineer, sniper, etc). You basically just hold your position for as long as you can as you get attacked by soldiers, tanks, etc. You also have some special abilities you can call in, like artillery fire and strafing runs.

Real player with 25.0 hrs in game

Watching gameplay of this title before my Vive came in, I was somewhat unimpressed by the simplistic graphics, and I thought it didn’t look like all that compelling of a game.

Holy crap I was wrong.

Out of Ammo is incredibly intuitutive, challenging, fast-paced, and certainly a great showcase of what room-scale VR can really do, and I am incredibly excited to see what the dev team plans on adding in the future. One thing that certainly doesn’t come across in videos is how the game places you in the world. In videos, it looks like the ground (when controlling units from above) is roughly at knee level, but in-game, the ground is actually closer to waist level, and I wish I could explain how immersive this makes controlling your units.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Out of Ammo on Steam



Totally recommend this game. great fun, free to play and an innovative game concept.

I really wish there were more levels tho, completed it in 30 mins

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

I’d recommend this game, it’s a cute little puzzle game.

Your goal is to collect coins to advance to the next stage.

You can play solo, locally or online.

You have access to two different characters that can interact in a different way on the same level, going through own colored path, using switches, …

There is more things to consider as you progress through levels.

The controls and interface are clear and effective.

It can be short depending on your pace but you can always try to be quicker as there is a leaderboard.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Perspective on Steam

War Mongrels

War Mongrels

Не ну это пиздец.. дошел до 8 главы…


Вырезал всех, но блядь ключ не так использовал и все… пройти миссию нельзя… Ни вынести ворота, ни тупо обойти всем зекам… Это атас..

все остальное, про антисоветчину или антифашизм согласен..

Вы уж товарищи поляки определитесь, кто у вас плохие…

Немцы, которые вас сжигали, русские которые вас освободили?

Или у вас воевала одна армия крайнова, которая на секунду была организована Англией и в принципе была против СССр и рейха..

Зато у нас воевала Польская Армия, официальная армия вашей страны, которую мы одели, вооружили и помогли освободить свой дом..

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

STORY: I will skip this part to avoid spoilers. But it is meaningful and very realistic for WW2. LEVEL DESIGN: levels are huge, much bigger than D3. They are set in various range, from ruined towns, battles, villages, concentracion camp, prison, military base … .Graphic is most awesome part, for sure best graphic in rtt genre. There is more night levels than D3 and ST. Levels have more gimmicks and environment kills which give on richness of it. Visual representation of war is astonishing. CHARACTERS: All have 4 skills and 5th spot is for something special in some missions. They mixed traditional character archtypes skills and split out on 7 characters. There is no knockouts in this game, but there is stunning. MANFRED: Knife/Whistle/Watch/Rifle – knife is for melee kill, whisle is to lure and wider range, watch is also lure but with narrow range and it is more used for some setups that to lure and rifle is standard with very wide range of noise. That is problem in demo levels which are smaller than rest so that is what Sardukar point about that half map come after you. Can climb vines. Can disguise as soldier but officer see through disguise. EWALD: Fist/Bottle/Brawl/Machine gun – bottle to lure, brawl to kill 2 guards similar to Mugen sword attack. And he can use bazooka in some levels.

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

War Mongrels on Steam



I was unsure about this game due to its mixed reviews however I decided to give it a go and bought a copy for me and one for my son and we got stuck in and here is my findings.


  • Graphics are pretty fun

  • Building a base can be fun and interesting

  • I like having NPC defenders to add to the strategy side

  • Zombies a fun and varied

  • Watching my son die each wave after only killing 3 then getting taken out by Granny zombie


  • Needs more customisation for example if you could research what you want instead of following a predefined list that would be better.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

TL:DR good fun, worth a try, cool guns

Normally not my genre, but this game is good fun! The combination of building, protecting survivors and progression adds a whole world of variety. Game is thrilling but not too scary which some zombie games overdo, this one is just the right balance. Bosses are great - unique attacks require a different strategy each game. Fun gun animations.

Beginners tip: walking backwards is quite slow so zombies will catch you if you only walk backwards. Also mystery chest can unlock some pretty epic/powerful weapons early on.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

BiteVille on Steam