Drone Swarm

Drone Swarm

Not really swarming with fun…

I like the upgrading of your ship and all the new abilities that you acquire, and I like the graphics too… and the gimmick in the main-menu is fun to play with for all of 2 minutes… but yeah man, other than those points, I just didn’t really find the game to be fun. I mean, it’s certainly not anti-fun or a fun-vampire at all, but I just kinda found myself plodding along doing mission after mission and watching cinematics for a story that I didn’t really care for. But the game is pretty high quality and it certainly has a lot of redeeming qualities so I’ll give it a recommended. I do however think the $25 price tag is slightly too high and the fact that the game has the Deadnuvo virus is almost enough basis on its own to not recommend the game… guess I’m feeling generous today, but seriously: Deadnuvo is a bag of Meekrob..

Real player with 111.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Physics Games.

**This is an excerpt of my much more detailed review and analysis, that you can find here (ENG & DE) and also as Video below.

| Visit and maybe follow my curator page, to get more detailed reviews |

Opinion and conclusion**

Drone Swarm has a very original and unique concept that can be really fun if you like the setting and controls. The drone controls are usually very catchy and the fights are strategically scattered between easy and super tricky. But here you sometimes wonder if you could get some additional explanations.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Drone Swarm on Steam




It’s 1989 and the flames of a New War are flaring up. Thousands of square miles of German landscape will become a stage for sweeping battles between the best NATO and Warsaw Pact has to offer.

Lead your Regiment through the inferno of a wide-scale Cold War conflict in this new Real-Time Tactics game. Break through the lines, call in artillery and air support, maneuver, feign retreats, and stage mobile defenses. Do not relent.

The Platoon Command system lets you orchestrate battles with unprecedented precision and ease. No need to micromanage every infantryman - you’re a Commanding Officer, not a sergeant.

Form your force on the fly. Selecting the main Regiment is just a start. You can expand your army during the game by calling in unique Task Forces, each bringing its own equipment and off-map support options.

Main features

  • A strategic dynamic campaign, encompassing warfare around the Inner German border

  • Three distinct skirmish modes with varied, dynamic objectives

  • Aggressive, competent AI that can challenge experienced RTS players

  • On-the-fly force customization, rewarding adaptability, and creativity

  • Deep game mechanics, simulating the Cold War era mechanized fight with great detail

  • Four key Cold War Factions: Soviet Union, USA, West Germany, and East Germany

  • Visceral visual effects, bringing the WWIII to your screen in all its terrifying glory

  • Over 60 authentic vehicles modeled, combined into a multitude of different formations. Deploy such iconic vehicles as Leopard 2, T-72M or M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle

  • Smooth learning curve and high accessibility even to novice RTS players

  • Refined controls that make commanding hundreds of soldiers a breeze

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Wargame Games.

Regiments on Steam

Vikings: Age Of The Axe

Vikings: Age Of The Axe


Gather warriors, take your weapon and get on your boat to sail through the sea. Choose one of many available locations to raid and go ashore.


Before starting the raid, it is worth sending a patrol to discover the location of enemy troops and buildings. Choose your targets order and plan the battle to minimize losses.


Slash, throw, thrust and chop to win in the deadly combat. Use a variety of weapons, kill quietly or eye to eye and do everything to not be the one left on the ground.


This is the purpose of your efforts - break in, grab everything valuable, loot the dead and burn what you can’t take with you. Exchange gathered wealth for better equipment, skilled people and get ready for further battles.

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Hack and Slash Games.

Vikings: Age Of The Axe on Steam

Fallen Guns

Fallen Guns

Fallen Guns is top down shooter focused on combat strategy. The passage of time will be slow when Alex (the protagonist) is stationary and will return to normal when he moves again. This dynamic will force the player to look for perfect shots and correct timings when eliminating enemies. This makes eliminating a large swarm of enemies very satisfying and rewarding.

Fallen Guns on Steam

Bahamut2-dragon’s bride

Bahamut2-dragon’s bride






螟魂砲應該是魔法 但卻不是用雙重施法?

這一點想再麻煩作者確認一下 感恩~~

Real player with 93.1 hrs in game

Bahamut2-dragon's bride on Steam

John Wick Hex

John Wick Hex

John Wick Hex is a hex grid strategy game that takes place in the world of John Wick and you play as the Baba Yaga himself. Most people don’t think of strategy game and John Wick in the same sentence, expecting any John Wick game to be a mindless shooting game. This may be a valid expectation but John Wick Hex really captures the feeling of being John Wick and using skill and strategy to come out on top even when vastly outnumbered and outgunned.

If you’ve ever played a game like X-Com before then you know the basics of this type of strategy game only in John Wick Hex you don’t have a squad; you are just one man. You can move around, shoot at enemies, refocus, reload (if you have ammo), bandage, throw your gun at an enemy, or if you’re close enough to them initiate melee combat with strikes, parries, pushes, and takedowns. You have to keep track of your health, your weapon’s ammo, and your focus meter which is used to perform parries, takedowns, and dodges during melee combat. Before each mission there is a level map where you can use your Continental coins to purchase buffs/perks and stash weapons or equipment in the level. You may have to change your play style based on what perks you buy so this adds an element of replayability. At the end of each stage you can watch a real time replay of your actions in the level complete with cinematic camera angles.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

I really wanted to like this game and it was enjoyable for a while, but in the end for me just misses the mark. It makes me sad because this game has so much potential but limited move options mixed with some poor designs and unnecessary RNG made the game more frustrating than fun.

I like the way all actions happen on a time scale and you can see what your enemies are about to do. Developers nailed this 100%. The move list isn’t bad and most have their place, but to really feel like John Wick there should have been more. In the movies John is constantly grappling one enemy while shooting another. This mechanic is missing. You can’t shield yourself from gunfire with another enemy. This makes the push option largely useless. I would have liked to see a push and shoot option where John can either shoot the enemy being pushed or another enemy while being shielded. There should have been a disarm move as well (or even further - disarm and keep weapon or disarm and discard weapon). We should have been able to chain moves together like a Roll into a Takedown or a Takedown into a Strike instead of John taking down a target, then selecting strike on the next and the target magically gets off the floor for John to do pre-rendered stance strike animation. This is just laziness by the devs.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

John Wick Hex on Steam

Swarm Queen

Swarm Queen

So, I discovered the free version of this game on Armor Games/Kongregate, but Adobe Flash is garbage and I wanted a better experience, and I wanted to support the indie developer, so I bought the game here and am beating it again! Very fun, a little crude and simplistic, but it has complexity and challenging difficulty in its own way. Would definitely recommend!

Swarm Queen’s gameplay is pretty straight-forward (though actually quite nuanced); you play, well… a swarm queen! And other swarm queens typically don’t take kindly to you - so you try to murder each other for survival and space. Spawn harvesters, develop eggs, hatch creatures, spew acid, even grow more organs, and take down your enemies… before they can take down you. Each level has its gimmick, and it may take a few tries to figure out how to get through it….. and then you can try it on hard mode :D

Real player with 27.6 hrs in game

a simple, easy to learn game that is simultaneously challenging. each level is different to the last and consistently requires you to change up your strategy prior and during battle as the enemy adapts in accordance to how you play. this can lead to some pretty lengthy and intense tug of wars that you don’t find very often in other games. although it’s pretty lacking in content once you finish the main levels, there’s some bonus levels that are fun to play, as well as upgrades to give yourself an advantage in battle. definitely recommend for those looking for a good strategy game.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Swarm Queen on Steam

Broken Lines

Broken Lines

It is an “ok” game if you have no better alternatives. The reason I gave a thumb down is because of so many super positive reviews with which I disagree and think they distort the picture here.


The challenge curve is rather flat, mostly without any complex or demanding situations. Maps are all very similar in terms of combat challenges (very similar setups of obstacles, terrain, challenges etc).

One of the top reviewers here complained about pulling extra pods in Xcom due to bad mechanics - IT IS THE SAME HERE! Once you spot 1 enemy then the time does not stop when you discover more enemies. So you end up pulling more and more enemies and your soldiers once told to go somewhere, will never abort the order even if going straight into the enemy guns.

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

I would recommend Broken Lines for those seeking a simpler, yet more raw/ intense tactics gaming experience than XCom. If you’re just a fan of third person tactic games and want to try something with a neat tactical twist, Broken Lines is a great purchase.

Differences from your average squad based tactics game:

  • Biggest difference is the 8 second command increments. You provide your soldiers a series of orders to execute in sequence, then let time flow and see how they worked out.

  • Set characters means being able to bake in things like how your soldiers work together or interact based on your back story.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Broken Lines on Steam



Remember the old days playing on your Digimon at school, well this game reminds me of that.. but on my PC playing over the net with friends. I have it on in the background as I’m working or playing other games. I’m really enjoying it and look forward to updates the Dev’s are working on.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Simple, yet requires a lot of strategy to set up character builds. Fun to play and break. Remember O' Developer, the Beta Champion will one day beat you.

Also, I would recommend buying 11/10.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

CodeWalkers on Steam

Field of Arms: Tactics

Field of Arms: Tactics

Field of Arms: Tactics is a strategy game set in the 18th century Caribbean, recreating clashes between the empires of the time for control of territories, with a unique board game aesthetic, players will face the enemy in a tactical map to defend or attack strongholds in sieges and maneuver units during tense battles.

Using a real time with pause system where every move and action counts, the player will need to be aware of each of their unit’s defensive and offensive capabilities, and also the type of terrain they are standing on.


  • Play as different empires (England, Spain)

  • Play through Scenarios in Historical Battles

– Command different units, each one with unique gameplay elements and abilities. Unit types: Infantry, Artillery, Cavalry, and Naval vessels.

  • 18th Century maneuver warfare: Take into account unit properties like fields of fire and broadsides of ships.

–Battlefields with different objectives and plenty of opportunities for a variety of tactics and approaches

– Use different tactics taking into account the terrain. Also be wary of enemy fortifications and Structures.

– Built on Unreal Engine 4

Gameplay Mechanics

Units have the following characteristics:

-Firing arc: Units can only fire in their respective arcs. Infantry fires forward and ships sideways.

-Facing: The unit has to rotate to bring weapons to bear, during which it will be unable to move or fire.

-Terrain properties: Each terrain has defensive bonuses and movement speed depending on the type.

-Unit damage dynamics: Each unit has different damage bonuses depending on the unit they attack.

Unit Flanks: Depending on where the unit is attacked (front, flanks or rear) it will receive damage accordingly.

Roles and gameplay variety

Careful use and positioning of units make the base gameplay for the tactical battles in Field of Arms: Tactics.

Infantry: Main units, makes up the bulk of the armed forces. Exercise a variety of roles and are used to control territory.

Artillery: Long Range units focused on attacking enemy fortifications.

Naval Units: One of the most important features in Field of Arms: Tactics is that you can not only play with the soldiers on the ground but also command the available ships on the sea bombarding from afar and help your army achieve victory.

Field of Arms: Tactics on Steam