Stronghold Crusader HD

Stronghold Crusader HD

i grew up playing this game so id recommend to others i probably have more hours in crusader then i have any other game ive played

Real player with 168.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Building Games.

Good classic fun to revisit from time to time, and never gets dull

Real player with 116.6 hrs in game

Stronghold Crusader HD on Steam

Stronghold HD

Stronghold HD

Welcome My Lord!

When we think about the Middle Ages, then most often it seems to us that this is the time of romance of knightly tournaments, beautiful ladies of our hearts and a cheerful life with a mug of ale!

But in fact, these are harsh times, when people were sick more often than they ate and died before they reached a better future!

But it is in this game that you can become a Lord and feel all the power and strength of your hand. With this power, you can create a better future for your citizens here and now!

Real player with 1534.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Building Games.

Stronghold 1 is love, Stronghold 1 is life.

I love this game, from the age of ten all the way to now, I have loved every single second of it.

The campaign is challenging and fun whilst keeping you thinking of new ways to take over that pesky Pigs' castle (Still haven’t been able to get past that mission). I’ve played a few multiplayer games and it is quite polished. There is no lag, and if there is, it is either connection lag (99% of the time) or your computer is a potato (1% of the time).

To this day, I say to myself, “These graphics are perfect for this game”. I have absolutely no problem with these 2001 graphics, plus the HD remake makes it even better by adding bigger resolutions.

Real player with 108.5 hrs in game

Stronghold HD on Steam

Stronghold 2: Steam Edition

Stronghold 2: Steam Edition

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real Time Tactics Building Games.

…o mannnnnn , this one brings back memories ! When there was no stress , no problems , coming from school and chill with this :( Perfectly Splendid' :D

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

Stronghold 2: Steam Edition on Steam

The Stronghold Collection

The Stronghold Collection

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

…o mannnnnn , this one brings back memories ! When there was no stress , no problems , coming from school and chill with this :( Perfectly Splendid' :D

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

The Stronghold Collection on Steam

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition

Stronghold Legends is kind of the the odd child of the entire Stronghold franchise, being the only title featuring fantasy elements.

Arbitrarily, it is also the title which divided people the most in regard whether to like it or not in the past.

Personally, I believe it to be one of the most innovative Stronghold games due to the very fact that a lot of different new mechanics and also tactics were introduced with the likes of giants or dragons as well as magic. Granted, it didn’t look great back then and even remastered it still doesn’t, but gameplay wise it has more than enough depth to make up for it, even although that depth is more shallow than with other Stronghold games due to the fact that the devs tried to open the target audience a little with those fantasy elements.

Real player with 689.3 hrs in game

So if Steam logged all the time I had playing this game on the Disc, I would legit have over a couple thousand hours. This game was my childhood, and a few years ago I convinced my friends to play the multiplayer with me. Once we were finally all into it and knew the mechanics, they closed the multiplayer servers not two months later. Devestated, I still played through all the single player modes, but I did so long for the multiplayer back. But, Steam delivered, and upgraded the game to the Steam edition, reviving the community for the game and allowing us to play multiplayer again (While adding a few new cool features! Workshop is so nice). While my friends and I (Sadly) don’t play this game as much currently, as League of Legends has consumed our lives, whenever we get bored, or when I’m feeling in a particularly mediaval mood, this is always the first game I turn to, as every time I play it I am filled with that sense of nastolgia, and am able to relax to the nice sounds of my catapults tearing down my enemy’s walls.

Real player with 143.6 hrs in game

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition on Steam

Stronghold: Warlords

Stronghold: Warlords

i love this. i want all of your other games to be like this but there are a few things i would like. the fire lances i think is the best unit. put 4 of them into a siege tower and walk it through an army of axe men. i would like to see them in difrent clothing though. they give me some sort of native american vibe with the leather and hair going down to the shoulders. i think they would look good in the bow men uniform or as the guy with the fire grenades. they just dont fit i think with the games look but they are so good i use them all the time. in stronghold crusader 2 there is a unit called the ranger. they have bows as thier main attack but can switch to a sword. in japan there were sameri that used a long bow as thier primary but also had a katana because of how iconic it was. i would like to see a unit that is this games ranger like counterpart. i think if you ised orange sameri armor and gave them the ability to call horses to ride like the templars from crusader, that would be realy cool to see! it would also be accurate to ancient japan warfare.

Real player with 54.8 hrs in game

Warlords system is shit. If you take into account that on some maps you are playing against 3 or more opponents that means that you can be facing up to X times troops count, so if the limit is 150, then the computer can attack with 450 troops. Add the warlords into the mix and that number goes up to 600 or 700 to 150 of your own. It is frustrating to even move out at this point because the computer also reinforces at higher rates. Add the constant saving lags, the crashes after loading saved game and the constant messages from the warlords that keep jumping out at the worst possible moment and you have a game which is far from polished. To the developers at Firefly Studios, if anyone is reading this, consider adding like a timer delay before the AI can retake a warlord via diplomatic points in case of capture by force or a condition that if there are player troops in the keep then diplomatic option should be disabled for other players. For this last one I had troops in the keep, babysitting warlord and the AI claimed him with diplomacy points. I mean WTF.

Real player with 45.8 hrs in game

Stronghold: Warlords on Steam

Urban Survival

Urban Survival

This game is Awesome! So creative and fun even for a early access game there is loads of content and the Devs. are constantly adding new stuff. they have limited-time seasonal updates were you can get unique holiday weapons and armour. Its stuff like that, that makes this game such a fun and fresh experience not to mention the humour keeps me laughing the hole time.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Great game! This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for! It has exactly what I want in a game! Open world (although its not so huge from what I can see but nonetheless feels great), base building/managing, crafting/cooking, looting (lots of looting lol), combat/gang wars and the power to pee on anything! lol. I’m glad I wish listed this game and then purchased it on day one, it was worth every penny! Its been keeping me entertained and glued to my seat. I look forward to seeing this game grow in development! Keep up the good work Helix Games!

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Urban Survival on Steam

Kingdom Wars: The Plague

Kingdom Wars: The Plague

It seriously needed a extra month or more just making tool tips and basic placements on maps right before EA ,and bear in mind it’s used a massive chunk of a previous game just to start with so it’s not a normal EA from the ground up

The devs say different but it’s pretty similar in play to MKW atm, so if you enjoyed that you’ll like this

Had a full game 30hrs+ and tbh I couldn’t face a replay

the repetition is just too much same units /same maps/ same annoying pre build for resources every single little battle despite the fact the actual battle will only last minutes

Real player with 67.1 hrs in game

The Plague: Kingdom Wars is a very fun game that feels like someone took Medieval 2 TW and Stronghold and smashed them together. It is still early access and in Alpha stage but the potential this game has is staggering.

Gameplay is split between a strategic overworld map similar to TW where you move your armies around, conduct diplomacy and upgrade your various cities and hamlets. Battles switch you to an RTS like system similar again to TW but with the addition of being able to build units, buildings and defences to try and give yourself an edge or tip the balance against your opponent.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

Kingdom Wars: The Plague on Steam

Open The Gates!

Open The Gates!

The emperor has lost control over his kingdom! Now he has appointed you as the leader of a new conquest. Battle absolutely crazy enemies in this genre blending indie game. Build a charming castle and enjoy the little sounds and atmosphere of each world while you prepare your army to bring down the arrogant bastards who oppose you! Embark on the journey and you may yet find yourself remembering it fondly when it ends.

Open The Gates! is a sidescrolling castlebuilder RTS game where you build a castle and try to keep the citizens happy. They need food, shelter, safety and perhaps some ale if you can spare it. Deal with criminals and catch rats who spread disease. Manage your economy and build an army powerful enough to break through the enemy defense line.

Attack & Defend

  • Construct walls and towers to stall the enemy and prevent them from breaking into your castle.

  • Build a fearsome army to turn the tide of war and launch a siege on the enemy castle.

  • Use siege weapons such as the ladderman, the catapult and the siege tower to take over enemy walls.

Build & Manage

  • Construct houses, inns, jailhouses, hospitals and more to keep your citizens happy.

  • Build lumber camps, quarries and charcoal makers to supply your kingdom with resources.

  • Use your resources to construct mighty armies and destroy the opponent!

Explore & Strategize

  • Construct hot air balloons to explore the skies and travel between mystical floating islands.

  • Build settlements across all worlds and enjoy the unique atmosphere that they each bring.

  • Use your wits to contemplate a plan and execute it. Victory will be yours!

Open The Gates! on Steam

Reactor Tech²

Reactor Tech²

A game about watching number rise. But what is life, if not watching the year count rise and your bank account dwindle?

Now, I’ve just finished my first “complete” playthrough and there are a few things I want to talk about. Let’s start with the most important: most of the negative reviews are old. The UI isn’t perfect but it’s not bad and same with the tutorial. In my entire playtime I’ve only found what I think was a bug once.

The artstyle, music and sound effects are gorgeous.

DO NOT buy this game expecting something similar to a city/base builder. Actually you build very few structures, and spend most of the time upgrading your existing buildings, changing the engineering cells and min-maxing the different configurations.

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

It has the marks of an interesting, fun little game, however…

Be warned:

it’s not really release-ready, regardless what they claim.

The game is full of annoying bugs and overlooked illogical elements, the controls are inconsistent, the whole thing is sorely in need of a UI/UX overview, it’s hard to navigate, hard to sort out what’s what.

Currently expansion is impossible, due to a heating issue.

And in my personal opinion it does not look good.

I’ll persist, maybe it’ll be a good game; currently it’s a beta, that’s not very playable.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Reactor Tech² on Steam