Firmament Wars

Firmament Wars

Very simple and easy strategy game that is surprisingly addictive. I love strategy games, and one of FW’s appeals is how quickly you can jump in to the game and accomplish a lot. This game is the kind of game I can play during a quick break from work and feel satisfied with my progress. Also can’t complain about the price. Only wish there was a way to pause the game when playing offline, and also wish there were more single country maps as well.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

This game is steal at just over $2, me and friends have had hours of fun for a game that costs the price of a cup of coffee. We bought this game a couple days ago and we have already invested over 40 hours between us all. Strategy games never really interest me probably cause I like brain-dead FPS titles but this game is easy to pick up yet hard to master which is perfect to sink hours of gameplay into.

It isn’t all perfect and there are a few things I would change such as an outdated GUI and a poor singleplayer but such trade-offs

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Firmament Wars on Steam

VasterClaws 3:Dragon slayer of the God world

VasterClaws 3:Dragon slayer of the God world

  • This game mainly targets exploring dungeons (god worlds) with semi-auto battle

  • The atmosphere of god worlds is great, also the music is great, but some god worlds share the same BGM

  • Various skills. Some skills are useful in the beginning, some are useful in god world phase, some are useful in tournament, some are buff, some are always weak. I think the combination of skills is one of the most interesting parts in this game. But since there are so many skills, sometimes it’s hard to understand which skill can be used to block the specific skills

Real player with 1308.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Fantasy Games.

VasterClaws 3:Dragon slayer of the God world on Steam

Ancestors Legacy Free Peasant Edition

Ancestors Legacy Free Peasant Edition

**First and foremost ,**big thanks to the dev team for the Open Beta. Allow me to cover a few things


Activity levels in the discussion thread has been consistent ·Users are having their questions answers from technical ,bug splatting ,historical accuracies ,feature requests ·Kudos!

MP Potential

I am glad to be part of the Open Beta phase and test out this game at its infancy ·From my experience ,this game would be the next title to sink thousands of hours into ·The recent successful community driven tournament run ,garnered ~250 participants which I am taken aback by the response ·Introduced the title to my friends and had matches against bots ,the reception was positive

Real player with 104.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

An other squad tactical game. Players start all around the map and there is villages in the center of the map.

You have to take and hold thoses villages to have ressources and improve your army. In that kind of game, victory is exponential so everything is played in the first minutes of the games. A balanced game play with counter units and the possibility to trick your opponent would allow a come back. But for now the beta doesn’t offer much this possibily. I’m also afraid that, the way this game is made, the final version doesn’t allow it also. Something else that waste the gameplay in this beta is that maps are not balanced at all. Some sides of maps are totally bad for a team. In the “Autumn rise”, 3v3 map, the team that spawn south have difficult access to the villages and when they loose it, because they will, they are surrounded by moutain and narrow way that the ennemies will block with 3 little squads that will be in position to kill 6 - 8 squad. The south team litterally spawn down the cliffs when the north team is up the cliffs. In the same map, this south team also spawn near only 1 food gathering village when north spawn are near 3. And food is what you need to maintain any army. Gameplay also need big improvement in the civilization balance. For exemple it’s impossible to play the anglo-saxons, archer civ. Because their attack are so ridiculous that 3 squad archer can’t kill 1 squad of infantry in open area. Even with run & hit and shooting by behind. Archers are really, really bad in this game. The result is that anglo-saxons are not played at all because you can’t win with that archer bonus civ if you play against any decent player. So people keep massing infantry, because it’s the strongest units of the game. Infantry is better than cavalry too. They usually make 8-9 squad of infantry and 1 or 2 squad of archer and cavalry for harassment and to force the ennemy to engage the fight when it’s not his advantage to. Vikings, infantry civ also have better archers than anglo-saxons. Thoses vikings archers shoot from a farther range than longbow Dafuq? Lacking point of the interface, is statistics of the units for let you know what is interesting to do or not. There is games that doesn’t show and I’m afraid that the final version will be one of them.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Ancestors Legacy Free Peasant Edition on Steam

Ancestors Legacy

Ancestors Legacy


Ancestor’s Legacy is a hybrid game of RTS and Real-Time Tactics(RTT) Gameplay, though it likes to side a bit more with the RTT genre.While this game has base building, it isn’t in the typical sense. The player is given a main base camp that has a build menu. After clicking the button to build a structure, the structure is built by peasants at a location predetermined by the game. The base camp is also not the main place the player will get resources. A variety of villages of different sizes are scattered around each map with resource points attached to them. Each faction has different specialties. Units can be leveled up and be given armor to increase their power. The squad limit is set at 10. The game uses a Rock-Paper-Scissors style system to make some armies great at defeating others, but each factions version of the army has their own individual stats. The graphics are phenomenal, the sound design is great, and the campaign is excellent.

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

These people nailed what a limited base building unit capped RTS should be. There are choke points, open fields, water that slows you as you move through it (including swamps), trap building, terrain elevations & weather effecting line of sight (and fire), special traits per unit per factions that still feels balanced.

It executes exceptionally well on limited base building RTS with unit creation and replenishment and rewards well thought out RTT gameplay as all units level and can be upgraded thus rewarding teamwork and unit specialization with the population cap, traps, and size of the map encouraging strategy whilst limiting unit production to the starting base and permitting unit replenishment at any captured (ally) village for a nominal fee.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Ancestors Legacy on Steam

Dust Fleet

Dust Fleet

Deploy your Fleet to liberate a sector of space from an unknown enemy. Pick your battles, select your ships, upgrade them with weapons and modules, and command them in 3d space. Use the star map to plan your strategy and secure vital junctions in the hyperspace network.

You are the line

Your fleet is all that stands between a hostile force and all of known space. Billions of lives rest on you making the right decisions in the battlespace. Co-ordinate your cruisers, frigates, carriers and fighters to achieve victory. Call in support from nearby stations when things get hot.

Gear Up

Your choices aren’t limited to the battlespace. Turret and module selections can enhance the strengths of your ships or shore up their weaknesses. Salvage parts and even entire hulls from the battlespace

Dust Fleet on Steam

Castles II: Siege & Conquest

Castles II: Siege & Conquest

Fun game that brings back a lot of great memories! However, right now the game is broken. Whenever I try to “design” a castle, the screen goes black and it locks up. I can’t find anything about how to fix this, so I guess I’m out of luck :-(

The only reason I don’t recommend this game is for this reason.

EDIT: Discovered how to get around the crash. Save a castle or make your own and then load them all out from the saves. Haven’t had a crash since! Changing my recommendation.

Real player with 347.4 hrs in game

This is the first video game I can remember playing as a young kid, it was great to take a trip down nostalgia lane. Castles 2 is a game where you must balance resource accumulation, military advancement, build castles to prevent peasant revolts, please the pope with indulgences, and increase your stake for the title of King of France. I enjoy this game because I grew up with it, Castles 2 is older and does not have a tutorial to take your hand and explain the game, however after a few play throughs the game mechanics and strategy is easy. I do want to warn people that my opinion of this game is biased largely by nostalgia. I do think for its time it is an excellent strategy game but compared to contemporary games in its genre is simplistic and lacks intricacies that strategy game buffs come to expect for exciting gameplay. I recommend this game, but if you are on the fence about it, I would wait for the price to come down, I argue that 10$ for this game is too high. Also hold down the right mouse button to speed up gameplay.

Real player with 109.2 hrs in game

Castles II: Siege & Conquest on Steam

Gray Zone

Gray Zone

“Dangerous is fun” - and so is this game :) I’ve played several hours and had a lot of fun. I like the gameplay, the characters (especially ‘Breg’), the setting and the story (so far)… Graphics and sound are very good, voice acting is great and adds to the atmoshpere and the game mechanics offer a lot of variety. What to do? = Sneaking or gun blazing? Go around enemies or better confront them? Push forward or solve the small riddles (which have been carefully fitted into the game world)? Great work so far on the game aspects as well as on QA - I haven’t encountered serious bugs so far, saving and loading is working fine. Problems are small, like the main character does not respond after loading a savegame, but that could be solved by restarting the missioon and then loading the savegame again…

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

UPDATED** I can no longer recommend

Overall a unique RTS that has a fun storyline. There’s still some bugs, and the game is like a rollercoaster. It’s fun and exciting but seems to be over all too soon. I’d recommend anyone who enjoys RTS’s and wants something different to check this game out!

**The game feels abandoned. The last update from the devs was to finish the last two missions of chapter one and devote all of December to it. Since then? Nothing……

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Gray Zone on Steam

Satellite Reign

Satellite Reign

### Summary

Free roam squad based RTS/RPG with a cyberpunk setting running in the classical veins of Syndicate. Start from the ground up with a weak squad and limited supplies, and slowly work your way up the food chain to take on the big corporations. Acquire a mass of guns and upgrades to help you accomplish your goals. Decide whether you want to use stealth, sheer firepower or a mix of both to complete your objectives and rise to the top.

Plays a lot like Dawn of War II with a Blade Runner theme whilst being fresh and unique. Highly recommended!

Real player with 74.2 hrs in game


CO-OP MULTIPLAYER!!!! Game was ok-good before. now it is AWESOME!


Looking for a sequel to Syndicate Wars?

Unsure whether this is for you?

It’s a very tough call.

A bullet-point comparative breakdown.

Satellite Reign is the best revival yet seen of its predecessor. At about 30hrs in to the final release I am enjoying it, despite it leaving me wanting. Aside from this game’s amazing visuals - which are indeed damn near perfect, the biggest differences between this game and Syndicate are in its comprisal of main gameplay mechanics.

Real player with 72.8 hrs in game

Satellite Reign on Steam

Starship Troopers - Terran Command

Starship Troopers - Terran Command

Starship Troopers - Terran Command is a thrilling real-time strategy game set in the Starship Troopers movies universe. Take command of the Mobile Infantry and do your part in the war against the Arachnid threat. Build, develop and control your armies to strike an effective balance between tactical superiority and strength in numbers. Ensure that human civilization, not insect, dominates the galaxy now and always!

Story Campaign

The population of the harsh desert planet Kwalasha needs our help. Their daily lives of hard work in the mining industries has been disturbed by a new danger that they cannot face alone: the Arachnid.

The Mobile Infantry will swiftly move in, take back control over the planet and smash everything that has more than two legs. Take part of this exciting military campaign, meet unique characters, see amazing locations and experience the heroic war against the Bug - all presented live on FED NET!

Tactics & Numbers

While the Arachnids can rely on virtually limitless numbers, the Mobile Infantry must develop effective tactics to overcome this imbalance. Deploy your units at strategic locations to cover vital choke points and gain superior firepower through tactical use of elevation levels. Be wary, however, that battle mechanics such as True Line of Sight and True Line of Fire also allow Bugs to lay ambushes around every corner, as they are well known for their use of surprise attacks and deception.

Units & Abilities

An expansive range of unique units, weapons, and special abilities are at the disposal of M.I. commanders. Infantry squads armed with Morita Assault Rifles and MX-90 Fragmentation Grenades form the mainstay of your forces. Rocket Troopers deliver deadly payloads with pin-point accuracy while Engineers are vital to shore up defensive positions with MG turrets, barricades, and minefields. As a campaign progresses, technological breakthroughs unlock the true potential of the Federation’s arsenal with E-Pulse rifles, TAC Fighter airstrikes, heavily armed Marauder mechs, and many more developments optimized for spraying Bug ichor across the battlefield.

Key features

  • An immersive storyline campaign featuring unique missions, characters and a lot of Starship Troopers flavor

  • Dozens of unique unit types, each with their own special abilities.

  • Terrain elevation, True Line of Sight & True Line of Fire provide deep tactical gameplay.

  • Manage a fleet of dropships, expand your base infrastructure and capture strategic positions to strengthen your forces and unlock new weaponry

  • Heroics, explosions, gore, and Bugs. Lots of Bugs.

Starship Troopers - Terran Command on Steam

Best Life Simulator

Best Life Simulator

cant believe i paid for this .i must have been drunk because the mechanics of the game and flow and ill be polite here ……leave a lot to be desired… to the devs: how about making it easier to succeed at something instead of struggling to stay alive with just eating and buying medicine ?because chance alogirythm is way off ive played for awhile a cant achieve alot.but none the less ill change my review if you produce a manual on how to do anything .it just seems to me that developers are just throwing shit up on steam under the ruse of calling it a game….

Real player with 55.9 hrs in game

I really like this game, since it is refreshing. It’s a shame because I am stuck on level 9. This game keeps crashing when I try to do ANYTHING. Like… anything…… I want to give it a thumbs up, but until the crashes get fixed, it will remain a thumbs down.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Best Life Simulator on Steam