Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business!

Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business!

Gameplay is focused on managing a small bakery. You’ll have to bake pies, manage your team, make financial, logistical and marketing decisions to develop your store and progress through the story.

  • Supervise and improve the cooking process: from selecting ingredients to serving.

  • Use PlantPad for every task. It has all the apps you need, from social media to mobile games.

  • Order the ingredients you need from 9 fabulous suppliers.

  • Look for new recipes to add the best ones to your menu.

  • Make friends with your customers and help them with their choices.

  • Over 100 unique customers, and everyone has a different taste!

  • Track your expenses and income. Plan your business growth wisely.

  • Keep your workplace clean and tidy!

After completing the story you will have access to an endless game mode, in which you can fully immerse yourself in the pleasant daily routine of a mall food court employee.

Read More: Best Real-Time Time Management Games.

Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business! on Steam

Nomads of Driftland

Nomads of Driftland

Very entertaining game with innovative mechanisms. I can recommend this title to all RTS and god game fans. It felt great to move islands around the world, discover new lands to unlock new units. Unlike in Driftland base game, this free expansion allows the player to manually control the units and does not provide multiple choices of buildings to build, which makes the player have to combine and explore new lands to diversify their kingdom.

Do not get discouraged by the maps order. It seems that it is sorted by mission type, and it felt little boring to play three defences in a row, but it gets better later on. However, be aware that the maps are challenging.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Simulation Games.

So much to do with the free content, I can only imagine what the game is like once you purchase it. So much potential. I’m a big fan of the Nomads aspect which feels more like an RTS to me. The base game is more economy and micromanaging but harder to deal with threats because it is so limiting on defense.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Nomads of Driftland on Steam

Astro Joust

Astro Joust

Update: I have found people to play with, and its honestly one of the most fun games on Steam. Its leaps and bounds better then the shit you see on this place. Its simple but hits right at the core of fun. The after death effects are almost more fun than trying to win. Its incredibly clever and the art is fantastic. I really hope the creator makes wallpapers available, otherwise if you screenshot the game during play it makes an instant wallpaper thats super beautiful.

While I really enjoyed the prior games by Mutant Entertainment, this one isn’t as enjoyable. I didn’t realize it was just local multiplayer until I got the game. Because of that, and lack of people to play with locally, I have been unable to even play the game until I find someone.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time 2D Fighter Games.

Astro Joust is simple and delightful. If you have an opportunity just to play some local multiplayer games, you really can’t go wrong with this. It’s not the most exciting or has super refined systems, but it’s a charming game and all elements of it are polished.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Astro Joust on Steam

King, Witch and Dragon

King, Witch and Dragon

In the game where avatar become weaker and weaker, the player has to become stronger to reach the end.

This is Antivania - the game where main character gradually losing his abilities along the way.


King, Witch and Dragon is a 2.5D action adventure game where you take control over the young Prince on his journey through the Kingdom to defeat the Dragon.

The old Witch granted him weird, creepy yet useful abilities to reach his goal.

Special abilities

  • Bat wings that allows Prince to flap and perform double jump and hover in the air.

  • Spider legs that allows Prince to crawl on the walls and ceiling.

  • Tentacle that Prince can use as a grappling hook to pull himself to the walls or pull enemies to his Talon Blade.

  • Viper Strike allows Prince temporary take form of a snake and dash through the air or narrow holes.


Explore the vast Kingdom with several regions. At the far corner of each region epic Boss Battle awaits. You have freedom to choose in which order to explore each area, but choose wisely…

After each Boss Battle Prince has to sacrifice one of his abilities to proceed. You choose what will be left behind. The rest of the game you will have to learn and adapt to the new limitations and find your way to the next Boss. You will keep going until you lose everything…

Will you be able to become stronger and smarter to reach the end? Antivania has an answer.

King, Witch and Dragon on Steam

Touch Type Tale - Strategic Typing

Touch Type Tale - Strategic Typing

Touch Type Tale is a real-time strategy game with a typing twist! 

Streamlined RTS design is paired with devilish multitasking from the innovative typing control system making Touch Type Tale a new and rewarding challenge to RTS veterans and newcomers alike. 

During a spell-binding single player story campaign, join our unlikely hero, Paul, as he tries to defeat the evil at his door. With the throne standing empty and barbarians at the gates, he must leave his home and venture forth to save the kingdom! 

Travel through uniquely diverse missions and scenarios that are each designed to reflect the story, creating new challenges at every turn, and keeping a player on their toes… or perhaps we should say fingertips.

Touch Type Tale is the ultimate underdog story asking you to defend the kingdom with just your keyboard and fight back the hordes of enemies - those from without, and some from within the realm - requiring touch-typing prowess and blistering typing accuracy.

And when you have mastered the art of typing, take your skills to the gates of other players and engage in chivalrous competition in online multiplayer skirmish battles. Relive your conquests with replays and emblazon your name on the pages of history through the ranking system.

Asynchronous language options allow players to enjoy the story while testing their fluency with another language through the typing gameplay.

For those questing for the ultimate typing challenge, an extensive selection of difficulty modes will invite you to test your mettle again and again!

Touch Type Tale - Strategic Typing on Steam

Mall Craze

Mall Craze

Have you ever walked into your local mall and started thinking:

“How cool it would be if I could build all of this by myself?!”

YOU CAN! Mall Craze is a shopping center management game where you Build, Customize, and Manage your very own mall.


The first step to becoming a successful businessperson is to actually start building your mall.

Do you want to recreate your local Mall, or would you rather craft your own design

and make the mall truly unique? Go for it!

Shops, Department Stores, Restaurants, Movie Theater, and Fitness Center are just a few among many types of facilities that you will construct.


Your experince in Mall Craze would be rather dull if every single mall looked exactly the same.

Visual customization is the next step in assuring that the mall you build is trully yours.

A piano made out of gold? I’ll take 2, please!


Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get back to business! (quite literally)

Managing a whole shopping center is no joke and there is a lot that needs to be taken care of.

Hire staff, fulfill customer’s needs, advertise your mall, research new products, and set better prices. All of these are very crucial steps that ensure maximum profit, and are helping you to reach that big dream of yours – becoming a tycoon giant!


Types of Shops

  • Classic Shops/Showrooms

  • Small Stalls

  • Services (barber, fitness center, …)

  • Fast Foods and Restaurants

  • Movie Theater

Mall Craze on Steam

Hyper Train Corporation

Hyper Train Corporation

The game is incomplete, and was released the crudest way as possible. However it have a good premise, with an interesting engine wich allows it to grow and someday became a real game, today it is a shame to be sold full-price as a complete game, not as an alpha-test version.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

dont buy it, save your money on anything else

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Hyper Train Corporation on Steam

Arc Vector

Arc Vector

Arc Vector is an action arcade game with a hint of flight simulator, inspired by various classic 1980-90s Archimedes games.

  • Pure arcade combat across 3 distinct campaign areas, the Lush Tropics, Scorched Deserts and Volcanic Rim of Melos

  • Intuitive flight controls - pitch and rotate your ship with the mouse

  • Dogfight against alien pilots, dodge anti-aircraft fire and destroy enemy tanks in their tracks

  • Capture enemy bases to recharge weapons and fuel

  • Destroy supply depots to secure bases against being recaptured

Pilot a stolen alien ship in a rebellion against the Archronite invasion. Fly across the archipelagos of your home world and capture enemy bases with the help of your navigation droid co-pilot, DFX-9T. Battle against enemy Arc Vectors, Fighters, Drones and Laser Tanks, liberate your planet, Melos.


You are a lighthouse keeper on the planet of Melos, a small world rich in oil and gas, home to a small population of industrial workers, fishing fleets and sheep farmers, scattered across the Melosian Archipelagos. (“Melosian sheep are famed for their genetically engineered Kevlar-like wool” - Melosian Tourist Board).

Melos has been invaded by the Archronites, a warmongering species fighting their way through the local galactic sector. The Archronites have started to colonise Melos to exploit its natural resources, driving the native population from their homes. When one day you discover they have even invaded your tiny home island, you are forced to act.

Together with your trusty navigation droid, DFX-9T, and after an enemy pilot had apparently met an unfortunate fate on the rocks, you commandeer their vessel and take to the skies in the fight back against the alien colonists. One by one, you must capture their airbases and destroy the infrastructure they are putting in place.

Beware, however, Archronite Commander Veilos will be out to stop you! You will come up against his forces in Arc Vectors - a devastatingly powerful attack ship, and Arc Fighters - a stealth-like fighter aircraft, Drones, Plasma Tanks and Laser Tanks and numerous other defences. Fortunately, the ship you have stolen is also an Arc Vector!

Arc Vector on Steam

Save One More

Save One More

Save One More:

One of the many honourable serviceman on the battlefield is the one with the role of the Medic. These individuals are exposing themselves to the same dangers and fears as any other soldiers in battle. Not only do they have to dodge bullets and upcoming bomb shells, just like any other warrior, but their primary job is to get to their wounded comrades as fast as possible, without thinking twice about their own life. They definitely have a super sense of hearing to be able to make out the call, “Medic,” between explosive shells and whistling bullets. What courage these men must have in such chaotic situations, motivated by the thought, “I must save one more.”

*– [Real player with 5.7 hrs in game](*


A nice twist on war gaming

Short good game. I quite like art style.

A few tweaks would make a huge difference:


cut scenes should be skipable.


the game displays wounded/saves/dead if one soldier goes down 5 times and you save it 4 times before it dies score would be 5/4/1\. when your dealing with groups of 20 or 30 soldiers its very hard to tell how many units are currently down. Quite a few times I though I'd revived all wounded only to have the dead count surprise me by going up.

*– [Real player with 5.0 hrs in game](*


![An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs]( "")

## An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs

I am a 'dog person' so this game looked intriguing. I had it on my wish list and picked it up, on sale. Having spent many hours in airports run by dogs, I have very mixed feelings. It is a silly, somewhat mindless game with the biggest challenge being to find specific characters, objects and gates in each of 6 airports. Woven into this is a love story about a long distance relationship between you and Krista (the last two humans left on the planet). Your busy lives intersect at airports and it is sweet to watch the relationship unfold through many brief encounters. Although each airport has very different geography, there is a lot of repetition (the same shops, the same vendors, and much of the same dialog).

*– [Real player with 19.0 hrs in game](*

Hilariously it was my girlfriend who got me this game, we are long distance, and neither of us actually knew much about the game. I just kinda wishlisted it long ago cause haha cute dogs and alien airports, and she got it cause just frick it we get gifts for each other so sue us (please dont, legal action scares me). Well, 13 hours later and I am all misty eyed over what was supposed to be a silly little game. Even now typin this out I am gettin all teary eyed. Not gonna get too into detail cause I ain't wanna spoil stuff but heck, this game is gonna last in my brain head for a long while. 10/10, Recommend it forever

*– [Real player with 14.4 hrs in game](*
