Conquest: Frontier Wars

Conquest: Frontier Wars

Finally, my favourite childhood game is on Steam! This one is definitely a rare and well polished gem.

I have wasted spent countless hours playing this game and it is definitely worth checking out. It has some interesting concepts that rarely appear in other games, like playing across multiple maps, managing supply lines, special hero-like admirals, that make fleet management much easier.

The campaign storyline is somewhat linear, but very enjoyable and a great way to get into the game’s lore, which I find is one of the most fun aspects of the game.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Singleplayer Games.

one of the best RTS game i have aver played

Conquest:Frontier wars is a RTS like no other! every time you do battle you will get a newly created randomly battlefield and you can have up to 16 of them at once that are connected by wormholes! wormholes that you can build a “jumpgate” around that only lets allied units move through!

ships also have supplys! somthing i have not seen any other RTS do yet if your ship runs out of supplys they are dead in the water! all you have to do is make supply ships and your fleet will stay supplied!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Conquest: Frontier Wars on Steam

Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire

Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire

RTS Rebirth

Good old RTS days. I’m very glad that recently it has been very favourable for these awesome RTS games which are thanks to steam and of course dedicated devs brought back alive and also brought to us - RTS hungry customers - because admit it today it is damn hard to find a good RTS game.

KKND2 is playable on windows 10, the game (except for menu) is in full HD, music is still awesome and it is as amazing as it has ever been. There is nothing that stops you from playing it, so go for it!

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Sci-fi Games.

One of my favorites. Thanks devs for the great game.

For those of you who get frustrated by random “mission failed”, it seems that it is not random. Some missions have time limit. Unfortunately, there is no time counter. So, try to finish those missions faster. Meanwhile, “unable to create unit” bug can be fixed by saving, restarting, and loading.

Still, it would be great if there is a patch to fix those bugs (which is sadly highly unlikely).

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire on Steam

Firmament Wars

Firmament Wars

Very simple and easy strategy game that is surprisingly addictive. I love strategy games, and one of FW’s appeals is how quickly you can jump in to the game and accomplish a lot. This game is the kind of game I can play during a quick break from work and feel satisfied with my progress. Also can’t complain about the price. Only wish there was a way to pause the game when playing offline, and also wish there were more single country maps as well.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Tactical Games.

This game is steal at just over $2, me and friends have had hours of fun for a game that costs the price of a cup of coffee. We bought this game a couple days ago and we have already invested over 40 hours between us all. Strategy games never really interest me probably cause I like brain-dead FPS titles but this game is easy to pick up yet hard to master which is perfect to sink hours of gameplay into.

It isn’t all perfect and there are a few things I would change such as an outdated GUI and a poor singleplayer but such trade-offs

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Firmament Wars on Steam

Gray Zone

Gray Zone

“Dangerous is fun” - and so is this game :) I’ve played several hours and had a lot of fun. I like the gameplay, the characters (especially ‘Breg’), the setting and the story (so far)… Graphics and sound are very good, voice acting is great and adds to the atmoshpere and the game mechanics offer a lot of variety. What to do? = Sneaking or gun blazing? Go around enemies or better confront them? Push forward or solve the small riddles (which have been carefully fitted into the game world)? Great work so far on the game aspects as well as on QA - I haven’t encountered serious bugs so far, saving and loading is working fine. Problems are small, like the main character does not respond after loading a savegame, but that could be solved by restarting the missioon and then loading the savegame again…

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

UPDATED** I can no longer recommend

Overall a unique RTS that has a fun storyline. There’s still some bugs, and the game is like a rollercoaster. It’s fun and exciting but seems to be over all too soon. I’d recommend anyone who enjoys RTS’s and wants something different to check this game out!

**The game feels abandoned. The last update from the devs was to finish the last two missions of chapter one and devote all of December to it. Since then? Nothing……

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Gray Zone on Steam



Its a Real time strategy game which is really fun, once u get used to it. It doesnt have the best graphics but doesnt really need it. You can set the difficulty from easy to hard and even individuelly can change their recource multiplier. For example: If you set the multiplier to 2 then they get twice as many recources as normaly. if u set it to 0.5 they only get half the recources. This goes from 0.5 to 4.9 so every game can be different.

Real player with 92.3 hrs in game

  • visuals are below standards of 2004

  • no campaign

  • many factions and units to explore

  • downloadable extra content

  • lots of customization options in skirmish battles (incl. observer mode)

  • customizable hotkeys

  • giving orders in pause mode possible

Verdict: I like this one more than many other RTS that I’ve played. Recommended!

So far, I didn’t try multiplayer.

I heard you can download this for free on their homepage. But this version supports the developer.

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

MegaGlest on Steam

COVID: The Outbreak

COVID: The Outbreak

get it in 80% off

one of the best game during Lockdown or Quarintie or stay at home order !

compared to another Honor/ shooting / War fighting games flooding in Ste-am Va-lve playing million per day

this is great education game for upperclass and Private school or mutilanguastic or Frequency traveler to learn how the Commerical tycoon/Politican thinking

however according to mogolia/KAKZ conlony PRC citizen think , the wuhan bio-Weapon dead rate is 5% but if they don’t Work in nightlife, the dead rate is 100%

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

So I found this game by a pure accident a couple hours before getting published and rushed to buy it, hoping to find a game that’s complex, detailed, realistic and most importantly, let’s me cope with the zombie apocalypse going currently in the world and the quarantine shitshow.

The game turned out to be exactly what I expected and far more, the amount of data available is truly astonishing and immersive, all the actions you can take, quarantine, public order maintenance, research, border closing, decisions you have to make during various random events that can appear, all this makes for an excellent simulation, and the fact that I’ve received a product that already looks very polished despite probably being made rather quickly is mindblowing. I really hope it’ll be updated accordingly as the situation develops and more knowledge about the virus will be gained.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

COVID: The Outbreak on Steam

Gun Bombers

Gun Bombers

I am addicted to this game. 59 hours in, and I still want more. I got 3, so I could play with my kids, and they destroyed me. So I decided to practice in single player mode, and I am having more fun trying to beat my high scores than I was playing multiplayer. The addicting parts are 1) finding gems or gold, and 2) trying different strategies to last longer.

Admittedly the graphics are not very good, but the gameplay is fantastic and devilishly hard.

Real player with 168.0 hrs in game

This is a fantastic throwback to the original Mine Bombers. Got a copy for myself, my brother and one of my freinds, convinced a few more to get it and had an awesome time playing. I don’t generally write reviews but this game deserves it. I highly anticipate what features come out for it in the future as it is early access.

This gets a huge reccomend from me, get it, grow the community I want to blow of more people.


You will have to forward ports 55555 in order to host.

it does not get along with certain antivirus programs for some dumb reason.

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

Gun Bombers on Steam

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds

Despite the fact I backed the game because of sentiment of the setting I quite suprised because I really enjoy it:) Especially, I love movement of the ship-as physicist I really enjoy it:) From my point of view it is very realistic

It is simple game, but with lot of possibility to play:)

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Poor. It is, more or less, about the quality of a cheap game from 1995 with poor documentation and mechanics. Worse, the campaign game is pretty buggy. I’ll probably put some more effort into learning/playing…maybe some of it is a learning curve and maybe some of it has a bug/fix/workaround.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Noble Armada: Lost Worlds on Steam

Trains of the Orient

Trains of the Orient

This game is a combination of adventure capitalist and a building game. It takes a long time to play. It is a game that you play for a while and then stop and go back to at your leisure. You you want an instant gratification game, it is not for you. It can be tedious at times. So before you buy, understand the game for what it is and is not. I took a chance on the game in spite of the negative posts. I like train games and it was a cheap game to buy. Think of the game this way. It is a puzzle with many pieces that you can go back to at your leisure. Also, you have the ability to start the game over again and try a different strategy.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

I’m glad I got this game at 50% off. Because, honestly, this game is the quality of a free-to-play mobile game.

It is an interesting concept, and as a fan of OpenTTD, I thought this sort of game would be fun. But you get to see very little action in this game, and what’s more, it gets glitchy when your rail network is big.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Trains of the Orient on Steam



I’m always looking for new RTS games since they are a rare thing these days. However, Im often very dissapointed by what I find.

Well, that is NOT the case with war party !!!

This game is only on early access but it’s impressive how good it is ! it’s easy to understand as it possesses a lot of classical RTS mechanics but also some new stuff that make the game deep, fun and challenging.

The + :

  • cool and unusual universe (caveman x dinos x vaudou) : You can produce some T-rex ans some mounted velociraptor or go with some witch doctor and zombies

Real player with 390.1 hrs in game

As a long time supporter going back all the way back to the alpha, here are my thoughts about the game as of launch.

The strengths:

  • 3 asymmetric, visually distinct factions.

  • Will have a campaign in the full release.

  • Dedicated servers are near-flawless. Forget about desyncs, laggy gameplay due to peer to peer etc.

  • League-rank system just like in Starcraft 2.

  • Excellent matchmaking that expands search, starting at your ELO. This makes for close games once you stabilize your ELO.

Real player with 77.0 hrs in game

WAR PARTY on Steam