Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire

Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire

RTS Rebirth

Good old RTS days. I’m very glad that recently it has been very favourable for these awesome RTS games which are thanks to steam and of course dedicated devs brought back alive and also brought to us - RTS hungry customers - because admit it today it is damn hard to find a good RTS game.

KKND2 is playable on windows 10, the game (except for menu) is in full HD, music is still awesome and it is as amazing as it has ever been. There is nothing that stops you from playing it, so go for it!

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

One of my favorites. Thanks devs for the great game.

For those of you who get frustrated by random “mission failed”, it seems that it is not random. Some missions have time limit. Unfortunately, there is no time counter. So, try to finish those missions faster. Meanwhile, “unable to create unit” bug can be fixed by saving, restarting, and loading.

Still, it would be great if there is a patch to fix those bugs (which is sadly highly unlikely).

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire on Steam

Gray Zone

Gray Zone

“Dangerous is fun” - and so is this game :) I’ve played several hours and had a lot of fun. I like the gameplay, the characters (especially ‘Breg’), the setting and the story (so far)… Graphics and sound are very good, voice acting is great and adds to the atmoshpere and the game mechanics offer a lot of variety. What to do? = Sneaking or gun blazing? Go around enemies or better confront them? Push forward or solve the small riddles (which have been carefully fitted into the game world)? Great work so far on the game aspects as well as on QA - I haven’t encountered serious bugs so far, saving and loading is working fine. Problems are small, like the main character does not respond after loading a savegame, but that could be solved by restarting the missioon and then loading the savegame again…

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

UPDATED** I can no longer recommend

Overall a unique RTS that has a fun storyline. There’s still some bugs, and the game is like a rollercoaster. It’s fun and exciting but seems to be over all too soon. I’d recommend anyone who enjoys RTS’s and wants something different to check this game out!

**The game feels abandoned. The last update from the devs was to finish the last two missions of chapter one and devote all of December to it. Since then? Nothing……

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Gray Zone on Steam

Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander

Imagine a 6 year old boy just learning how play video games being sat down and shown this game. giant robots, lasers, cannons, etc… It boggled my 6 year old mind. I spent much of my early childhood playing this game on my brothers steam account. of course as i got older i moved onto other things such as minecraft because i had no friends my age who played strategy games like i did. as time went on i eased back into strategy games such as Civ 5, hearts of iron, men of war, planetary anhilliation. Then i met a friend in 7th grade that had the same love of strategy games like i did. He had just moved from florida to wisconsin and i was the first friend he had at school. Him and i were sort of bullied and we grew very close. I later learnt that he loved the game supreme commander as i did. i bought the game for my own steam account and the game that fostered my love of video games and strategy was soon remembered. He and i spent hours going home after school and playing this game. unfortunetly as i graduated i moved to california and he moved to virginia. Me and my friend slowly stopped playing video games as my friend had started switching to consul games. by the time i was in california i had stopped playing supreme commander again and played other games. then about 1 month ago i saw my supreme commander game in the top left corner of the screen. i clicked on it and the nostalgia came flooding in. this game helped me evolve into what i am today. I sat there thinking back to playing this game when i was little but sucking at it, but i remember having a blast. then i remembered my friend from middle school, how we came so close, the drifted so far away. I will always cherish this game, i will always remember this game for the true joy it gave me. i dont know if anyone will read this review considering it is 2019 now, but if there is someone out there who reads this, just know that this game is special and i want you and everyone else to experience it. if you want to play against me sometime add me on steam and send me a message or on discord Bashar al-Assad#8760

Real player with 253.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation. If you loved playing T.A. back in the day, then you’ll feel right at home.

9 out of 10 - A phenomenal RTS game that, in my opinion, is far better than other titans in the genre. It may not have the graphics or popularity that Starcraft does, but the overall mechanics, maps, economy, and general gameplay feel much more polished (please don’t @ me). Who wouldn’t want to watch 250+ tanks, submarines, gunships, bombers, assault bots, and warships obliterate each other in a tremendously satisfying fashion? Seriously, maybe check out a random ‘Let’s Play’ video on YouTube if you’re interested.

Real player with 80.7 hrs in game

Supreme Commander on Steam

Asylamba: Influence

Asylamba: Influence

At the lower difficulty levels, Asylamba: Influence just isn’t very compelling or rewarding.

At the higher difficulty levels, it simply isn’t skill-based. It needs re-balancing to be a well-built game whose design fulfills its aims. Sadly, there appears to be no one reading the Forums and no other method for providing feedback to the Devs.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Review in a) german and b) english at release (Mai/may 2018):

a) german


  • stimmiges Design

  • einige Level sind eine echte Herausforderung

  • es gibt eine gewisse Abwechslung

  • das Spielprinzip ist durchdacht und passt: Spielspaß ist vorhanden


  • einige bugs aktuell: steam-Awards funktionieren nicht, Übersetzung ins Deutsche ist nicht durchgängig vorhanden (vermutlich ein Bug), Tutorial endet ohne Abschluss-Bildschirm

  • zu langes Tutorial

  • kein Speichern in der Cloud möglich


Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Asylamba: Influence on Steam

Nexagon: Deathmatch

Nexagon: Deathmatch

I played this game waaay back in 2003 and immediately fell in love. Its supremely dated by todays standards but its still a gem of a game from a forgotten era. Its kind of like an old school RTS, but there is no resource gathering, you only have 4 units and you build your base ahead of time before starting a match. Its fun to try to build a base that cheeses the AI.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Nexagon: Deathmatch on Steam

Nomad Fleet

Nomad Fleet

Easily the best ten bucks I have ever spent.

It’s a simple enough concept - get your mother ship from over here on the galactic map… to over there… through hostile space.

The galactic map is made up of randomly generated tiles at the beginning of each new game. Most of the time you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into when you enter a sector. Sometimes you find a nice little debris field. After you wipe out a few enemies, you can sit back and relax with a nice cup of tea as your harvesters gather up the resources.

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Good game so far with potential for more. As many have pointed out its a cross between Homeworld and FTL.

Things that will really make this game shine is fleshing out the ships better. While you have many to build most feel .. lacking and without a uniqueness. In the end it becomes just a build quick and toss em at the enemy styled game. Much similiar to the tank rush tactics of the Command and Conquer Series.

The individual systems end up being repetitive. Within a few battles as you jump around the map you can tell upon landing what scenario it chose for you. The Randomness is also missing in these scenarios. You wind up ahead of time knowing where the enemy will jump into and having pilots and caps positioned at each point and waiting.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

Nomad Fleet on Steam

Space Fighters

Space Fighters

Considering that this is a single man developer releasing his first game, this game is very polished. The Gameplay is balanced and the UI is intuitive. This is a great simple game! I received a key for beta testing and was astonished by the dedication by the developer and his willingness to accept feedback that is actually implemented.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Space Fighters on Steam

Costa’s Classic Cosmic Pizzas

Costa’s Classic Cosmic Pizzas

Great game! Lots of fun, but I’m still hungry to look at all those pizzas

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Brought to you by the guys who made Bubsy 3D.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Costa's Classic Cosmic Pizzas on Steam

Distant Worlds: Universe

Distant Worlds: Universe

This game should be fun, it looks like great fun and will lead you to expect that true enjoyment is just around the corner. However the fun you are anticipating will always be just beyond your fingertips until you finally get fed up and learn to stop trying, because in the end, there really isn’t any, just frustration at how this game could of been awesome.

1. The Crashes: This game crashes a lot, but only starts doing so after you have invested so much time into your save that you’re faced with abandoning an empire you have spent hours cultivating, or routinely losing 20-30 mins of progress or more depending on how long you set your autosaves to be. You may think the solution is to make autosaves more frequent, but once your game get’s to that point, it’s now taking 5+ minutes to save your game every time. If you can mke it to some real endgame points where you really are invested and theres multiple large, well developed empires that can truly challenge you, prepare for that to take even longer. Even better, reloading saves seems to randomly reset the enemy AI in certain ways that are difficult to immediately decipher but will become apparent eventually. For example, one game I manage to start getting friendly with a lot of empires that I had been trying to open free trade agreements with and suddenly they sort of cascade to where I want them to be, one after the other. Ok, not sure why but cool. Whoops, game crashed, reload autosave. Now all of a sudden, even though I followed the same actions I did last time, they’re all imposing trade sanctions and moving to war decing. Cool.

Real player with 564.9 hrs in game

An incredibly deep and rewarding game which has some of the deepest and advanced AI you may ever witness in a game, especially one of this scope. It’s clear the developers focused near purely on content over most other things for this game and unfortunately that comes at the cost of having a game that’s imposes a significant learning curve. Getting to grips with the UI will be a difficult romp, and the mass amount of options given to you will both satisfy veteran 4X players and discourage most beginners.

Real player with 463.9 hrs in game

Distant Worlds: Universe on Steam

Satellite Reign

Satellite Reign

### Summary

Free roam squad based RTS/RPG with a cyberpunk setting running in the classical veins of Syndicate. Start from the ground up with a weak squad and limited supplies, and slowly work your way up the food chain to take on the big corporations. Acquire a mass of guns and upgrades to help you accomplish your goals. Decide whether you want to use stealth, sheer firepower or a mix of both to complete your objectives and rise to the top.

Plays a lot like Dawn of War II with a Blade Runner theme whilst being fresh and unique. Highly recommended!

Real player with 74.2 hrs in game


CO-OP MULTIPLAYER!!!! Game was ok-good before. now it is AWESOME!


Looking for a sequel to Syndicate Wars?

Unsure whether this is for you?

It’s a very tough call.

A bullet-point comparative breakdown.

Satellite Reign is the best revival yet seen of its predecessor. At about 30hrs in to the final release I am enjoying it, despite it leaving me wanting. Aside from this game’s amazing visuals - which are indeed damn near perfect, the biggest differences between this game and Syndicate are in its comprisal of main gameplay mechanics.

Real player with 72.8 hrs in game

Satellite Reign on Steam