

I have owned Realpolitks for a week now, so far I love it. It is a very good Grand Strategy Game, many people don’t like it and I see why, however here are the pros and cons in my opinion.


  • You can play as every country in the world, minus a few very small countries (e.g Figi).

  • You can start in the years 2020, 2050 and 2222, which all have different countries and starting points.

  • Very good starter game for anyone wishing to get into the Grand Strategy Genre, not to many aspects to learn, quite minimal.

Real player with 215.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

Realpolitiks Review

Nostalgia Goggles Factor: None

Crash Factor: Crashless

Bug Factor: High

A Polish-made Grand Strategy game set in our Information age. Starting in 2020.

The Good

  • 3 starting dates; 2020, being similar to our world today, 2050, a post-apocalyptic setting and 2222, where nearly every province is it’s own country.

  • Play as any country.

  • Every start date has it’s own time limit, 2020 ends in 2100, for example. When the end date is reached, the country with the highest score will be the winner. However, it can be much more fun to simply ignore the score game and just play it like a sandbox, setting your own goals. You can play past the end date.

Real player with 152.9 hrs in game

Realpolitiks on Steam

Pandemic: The Virus Outbreak

Pandemic: The Virus Outbreak

The Idea used for making this game is good but it needed more substance, the game is already over when started and there are no notes of what each of the percentages do in each tab, at least you have written the rate of increase in the right hand format and total increase in left hand format for more clarification. Anyway this game doesn’t have much of an understanding to the impact of virus in world since after 10% infection rate you will become a criminal of Humanity. This game has potential so develop it more. That’s all i have to say.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Simulation Games.

i think the developer of this game is biased when it comes to the current real life situation when it comes to closing down the government because it is impossible to win if you decide to no shut down anything no matter how much propaganda you use how can you go form a hospital capacity of only 19% full too 124% full if you accept the donation to ease the work load of your hospitals and everything is 10 dollars form vaccine development too growing your hospital capacity and propaganda which would be fine if you didn’t start the game with only 40 dollars and make getting money very slow no matter how much your economy grows if you choose not to shut down and with an unemployment rate of 0% and if you choose not to close the economy in the pop up and ignore the WHO you lose almost immediately and this is when the infection rate is less then 1% in your country this is like playing a political simulator game where you can chose which party to play as but if you didn’t chose the party of the developer no matter what you do as the opposing government party you cant win unless the unbalancing changes when you chose not to shut down everything my review wont change

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Pandemic: The Virus Outbreak on Steam

Death Trader: Cold War

Death Trader: Cold War

This game was great! It was super fun and im suprised its not more laggy and gltchy than it is, i was sceptical buying it but im glad i did, lots of fun, you need to fix a few bugs but i loved it otherwise and suggest you buy it! One thing I would like to see is things like being able to change the time you start like 1960, 62', 65, etc. I would also like to see more weapons from more country’s, I would like a variety in this game.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

Oct 28

The game has a few kinks but the dev(s?) have been quick to patch. It is worthwhile, especially on sale. I’ve not been able to get more than 2 years into the 30 that the game has due to bugs but I’ve gotten a lot of fun out of it.

Nov 8

I can now play 15 out of the 30 years of the game before it crashes or becomes unplayable. The majority of the early bugs are gone, the gameplay is more user friendly with a better ui/tooltip, was a fun game before but it’s even better now. The devs may have released it prematurely, even as early access, but it’s been rapidly improved.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Death Trader: Cold War on Steam

First Strike: Classic

First Strike: Classic

I love the game, but it has some issues that bother me. I’d love to see them fixed in an update at some point.

  1. Sometimes I start the game and there is some kind of bug that doesn’t allow me to click on anything and expand or build nukes/cruise missiles. I end up backing out of the game and starting a new one, then it just starts working and lets me click things.

  2. I can have a single warhead headed towards my country, but when I send up a missile to take it out, the missile instead goes after missiles heading to/from allies or enemy countries. This means that sometimes I have to send up three or four warheads just to finally hit ONE warhead that is actually about to hit my country. A lot of times I can’t launch that many in time to stop it from hitting mine. This is frustrating. Surely this could be changed so that missiles only target incoming warheads for OUR country only and not outgoing from some other ally/enemy country that aren’t even headed for my country.

Real player with 170.8 hrs in game

For the past 3 years I have been playing the mobile version waiting for this PC port.

The game has its flaws , but generally I am not disappointed.


+Nice arcade graphic

+Nice set of soundtracks

+Not too hard to master

+Decent replayability

+You get to nuke the world…enough said

-Pros compared to the mobile version:

+It does look much better

+12 unique superweapons , a significant upgrade from the mobile’s 6

+I felt more control of the game




+Few bugs here and there

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

First Strike: Classic on Steam