Elva the Eco Dragon

Elva the Eco Dragon

While the concept of a dragon teaching how to care for our environment sounds cute, the game seems to be in need of some cleanup of its own first.

Note: This review was written Feb. 7, 2021 and published originally at SaveOrQuit.com on Feb. 11, 2021 prior to the release of version 1.5.

As a professional educator in the scientific study of the natural world, Elva the Eco Dragon seemed like a game with high potential to dovetail nicely with my day job. Unfortunately, what seemed to be a cute and engaging 3D action-adventure on the surface fails to go deeper in terms of gameplay experience or learning.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Singleplayer Games.

Elva the Eco Dragon on Steam



Decent batch of logic puzzles.

Real player with 64.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Difficult Games.

If you want to work your brain over your trigger finger.. this is the way to do it.

Just starting out and learning the how-tos takes a bit of time depending on the type of puzzle, a couple times I’ve found myself with a solution that works, but is slightly different than the acceptable solution .. ie the black and white “no Three” if my final results were rotated 90 degrees, they would match the solution, all criteria met for solving but still told it’s wrong.

Things I’d like to see would be an Undo option (allow backtracking a few steps) and either hint or progress check

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

logiCally on Steam