Hijacker Jack : ARCADE FMV

Hijacker Jack : ARCADE FMV

An interesting take on the FMV genre, instead of point n' click type FMV games. (it is still)

It is a pretty decent enough game, but could be better.

Edit : They’ve lowered the price, so in this state, I recommend it.

(This is not a VR game, whoever did tagged that is a dummy.)

My analysis (serious one) :

Controls are confusing, I prefer this control scheme on mobile, but not here.

Pretty impressive for such a low budget project. (atleast better than Stay Dead lol)

But a small nitpick when it comes to the fighting system, the combat system is fine if its actually video game graphics but no, this is a film. The thing is, to progress in the fight scene (I’m talking about the guy in Jasmine’s house), you have to do a specific action, which makes the fight frustrating (especially if you have no hints enabled) because it’s repeating the same thing if you fail to do that specific action.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time FMV Games.

I can absolutely recommend this game, a couple of hours of fun for 5 EUR. I played with the Android version earlier, but it’s a much better experience on PC. (improved video quality and controls)

The gameplay is smooth and the action scenes are amazing :)

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Hijacker Jack : ARCADE FMV on Steam

The Tower

The Tower

You’ve never had a day quite like this before…

It’s your first day as a security guard for one of the most secure buildings in the city. But your first day becomes your worst day when an explosion rocks the building, blocking stairwells and disabling elevators. It’s now up to you and the remaining guards that are still alive to push back and find out who’s behind all of this.

The Tower is an action-packed first-person shooter created by a single developer. It mixes tense combat, challenging puzzles, and a constantly unfolding story.


  • High-octane gunplay against a brutal and relentless paramilitary – only you stand in their way.

  • Fight, sneak, and defend yourself in a nail-biting struggle for survival.

  • Orient around crumbling, hand-crafted environments. Move through vents, take your enemies by surprise, and use any advantage you can find.

  • Story-rich action gameplay that reveals an intriguing conspiracy at the heart of the attack.

  • Join forces with an interesting cast of allies and resist the attack alongside them. Work together and you might just stand a chance.

Read More: Best Real-Time Action-Adventure Games.

The Tower on Steam

Angry Giant

Angry Giant

Nice Action - CHECK

Cool Soundtrack - CHECK

Retro Style - CHECK

Weird Story - CHECK

Varied - CHECK

Flying on a Dragon - CHECK

Smashing Humans - CHECk.

Punishing Humans- CHEck..

Eating Humans - CHeck… ehm.

Naked Giant - Check….. whoa whoa whoa! What the Heck am i playing????

Welcome to ANGRY GIANT!

At first, before we start with the Review, let me tell you something i

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER said before in one of my Reviews.

G A M I N G M A S T E R P I E C E I N C O M I N G ! ! ! ! ! !


Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Pixel Graphics Games.

Platform puzzleish with metroidvania progression and rpg grind. Content is solid, fun graphics, music, art and humor are charming, retro throwback. Controls are awkward and structure of the game is too grindy for me but it is amusing to do even simple things because of physics and overall craziness. it is also annoying to do simple things because of physics and craziness. This is that kind of game. It has too much going on; it’s sometimes hard to get to the part you like. Plenty of bugs which have been fixed quickly thus far. B-

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Angry Giant on Steam