Consumed Awakening

Consumed Awakening

Nice game, like a sci-fi version of Warcraft 3 in indieformat in 2d.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

Great music.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Consumed Awakening on Steam



Good game has it’s pros and cons



Nice gameplay

Easy control



Good/challenging missions


Mission 7’s impossible


Gets repetative after a while

No mods :(

Old game (2002)

Pathfinding AI is quite bad

Real player with 67.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Simulation Games.

If everything goes right, that means EVERYTHING goes wrong.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

EMERGENCY 2 on Steam

Veil of Crows

Veil of Crows

So when I bought this game I believed this to be a cross between total war and mount and blade. The reality is its closer to a cross between stronghold and mount and blade. That said I’d still definitely reccomend the game. Even in its current state its worth buying and is great fun with decent replayability. It also has a very good death system. For starters death is an actual fear unlike mount and blade and if someone ticks you off you can put them to the sword. When you die you can start in the world your last character died in. Meaning even though your previous person may have died their faction can still have an impact on the world and you can monopolize on it. For instance I had a bandit run through where I occupied a key mine cutting off a factions only source of metal preventing them from fielding units. I died and had to come in as someone else however taking that mine caused the faction to ultimately collapse in external wars, allowing my new character to seize several villages before they did. Resources are important without metal and leather troops don’t happen, without wood or stone buildings don’t happen, and without food villagers will starve and turn to banditry. The AI, like you, needs all of these and without them they will collapse (although it takes a while).

Real player with 52.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

So I’ve put some time into this game, not as much as I would like to, mostly due to real life things. With that being said, the game is not in the best of shape. It has it’s bugs, some more irrating than others. While there is no argueing that, I do have to point out in the short period the game has been released, there have been many updates that significantly increase the playability of this game and the overall enjoyment. I’ve seen some of the other reviews and don’t feel it does this game justice. Is the game rough at the edges? Yes. Are they being polished? Absolutely and the response of the developer is quite amazing. In the couple of months the game has been out, the content has significantly increased, and the quality of the game has increased as well. This is not the most coherient of reviews, but I do feel like this is a good game and is going in a great direction. I would and do recommend this to my friends, and do to you as well.

Real player with 46.0 hrs in game

Veil of Crows on Steam



Disclaimer: I recommend you to buy this game, but as of launch month, do your research before you commit. It may or may not be up to your standards.


  • Classic RTS formula. We seriously need more of this out there.

  • Key hero unit, and creeping/leveling mechanics add to the usual “by the numbers + rock papper scissors” game.

  • Very good basic mechanics. The UI and controls do everything they need to, and everything in the game is crisp and responsive.

  • Cool setting, and awesome unit designs derived from the setting.

Real player with 75.5 hrs in game

I wanted to like this game. I REALLY wanted to like this game. I played in some of the earlier Alpha tests and I saw it had some great potential once they fix some of the rough edges. The only rough edge they seemed to have fixed is that now there is a matchmaking system. The rest of it still feels like an alpha build and they’re charging $30 for it.


  • Decent graphics

  • Unique ideas


  • Average 6:00 queue time and it’s still new.

  • THERE IS NO CHAT. None. Anywhere. Pass the long queue times by chatting with other players? Not in this game, buddy. Want to ask how your opponent does their build? Too bad, maybe you can find them in Discord. Want to “GG” and not rage-quit? RAGE QUIT ONLY IN THIS GAME.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game


Ancestors Legacy Free Peasant Edition

Ancestors Legacy Free Peasant Edition

**First and foremost ,**big thanks to the dev team for the Open Beta. Allow me to cover a few things


Activity levels in the discussion thread has been consistent ·Users are having their questions answers from technical ,bug splatting ,historical accuracies ,feature requests ·Kudos!

MP Potential

I am glad to be part of the Open Beta phase and test out this game at its infancy ·From my experience ,this game would be the next title to sink thousands of hours into ·The recent successful community driven tournament run ,garnered ~250 participants which I am taken aback by the response ·Introduced the title to my friends and had matches against bots ,the reception was positive

Real player with 104.6 hrs in game

An other squad tactical game. Players start all around the map and there is villages in the center of the map.

You have to take and hold thoses villages to have ressources and improve your army. In that kind of game, victory is exponential so everything is played in the first minutes of the games. A balanced game play with counter units and the possibility to trick your opponent would allow a come back. But for now the beta doesn’t offer much this possibily. I’m also afraid that, the way this game is made, the final version doesn’t allow it also. Something else that waste the gameplay in this beta is that maps are not balanced at all. Some sides of maps are totally bad for a team. In the “Autumn rise”, 3v3 map, the team that spawn south have difficult access to the villages and when they loose it, because they will, they are surrounded by moutain and narrow way that the ennemies will block with 3 little squads that will be in position to kill 6 - 8 squad. The south team litterally spawn down the cliffs when the north team is up the cliffs. In the same map, this south team also spawn near only 1 food gathering village when north spawn are near 3. And food is what you need to maintain any army. Gameplay also need big improvement in the civilization balance. For exemple it’s impossible to play the anglo-saxons, archer civ. Because their attack are so ridiculous that 3 squad archer can’t kill 1 squad of infantry in open area. Even with run & hit and shooting by behind. Archers are really, really bad in this game. The result is that anglo-saxons are not played at all because you can’t win with that archer bonus civ if you play against any decent player. So people keep massing infantry, because it’s the strongest units of the game. Infantry is better than cavalry too. They usually make 8-9 squad of infantry and 1 or 2 squad of archer and cavalry for harassment and to force the ennemy to engage the fight when it’s not his advantage to. Vikings, infantry civ also have better archers than anglo-saxons. Thoses vikings archers shoot from a farther range than longbow Dafuq? Lacking point of the interface, is statistics of the units for let you know what is interesting to do or not. There is games that doesn’t show and I’m afraid that the final version will be one of them.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Ancestors Legacy Free Peasant Edition on Steam

Ancestors Legacy

Ancestors Legacy


Ancestor’s Legacy is a hybrid game of RTS and Real-Time Tactics(RTT) Gameplay, though it likes to side a bit more with the RTT genre.While this game has base building, it isn’t in the typical sense. The player is given a main base camp that has a build menu. After clicking the button to build a structure, the structure is built by peasants at a location predetermined by the game. The base camp is also not the main place the player will get resources. A variety of villages of different sizes are scattered around each map with resource points attached to them. Each faction has different specialties. Units can be leveled up and be given armor to increase their power. The squad limit is set at 10. The game uses a Rock-Paper-Scissors style system to make some armies great at defeating others, but each factions version of the army has their own individual stats. The graphics are phenomenal, the sound design is great, and the campaign is excellent.

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

These people nailed what a limited base building unit capped RTS should be. There are choke points, open fields, water that slows you as you move through it (including swamps), trap building, terrain elevations & weather effecting line of sight (and fire), special traits per unit per factions that still feels balanced.

It executes exceptionally well on limited base building RTS with unit creation and replenishment and rewards well thought out RTT gameplay as all units level and can be upgraded thus rewarding teamwork and unit specialization with the population cap, traps, and size of the map encouraging strategy whilst limiting unit production to the starting base and permitting unit replenishment at any captured (ally) village for a nominal fee.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Ancestors Legacy on Steam



Lot’zAmonsters is pretty fun. It’s pretty much like if Nuclear Throne was an arcade game and was, uh, a lot more repetitive… That said, I have an unreasonably high tolerance for repetition, and there is a lot of upgrade paths and weapon choices you can take every run. I’m pretty sure I’m like the only person out of like the twelve people who’ve bought this game that has played it a semi-significant amount, so I figured I might as well fill the empty void in the reviews section with my own thoughts.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Lot'zAmonsters on Steam

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition

–-{Graphics/Art Style}—

☐ It’s the Matrix

☐ Beautiful

☑ Meh

☐ Paint.exe

☐ It looks like that one Rambo game everyone forgot about


☐ Fantastic

☑ Good

☐ Meh

☐ Having just the base controls doesn’t count as gameplay

☐ Staring at walls is better


☐ Audiophile’s wet dream

☐ Good


☐ Early 1990’s TV static sounds better

☐ Crickets


☑ Mick Gordon’s music or equivalent

☐ Good

☐ Meh

☐ It’s not winning any awards

☐ Nickelback level of quality

—{PC Requirements}—

Real player with 65.0 hrs in game

“Beware the Alien, the Mutant, the Heretic”

‘Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War’ is, simply put, one of the best Real-Time Strategy games on the market - A blood-soaked odyssey through the Warhammer 40k Universe - filled with Imperial Space Marines, Ork Hordes, Eldar and The Forces of Chaos.

Campaign: Released in 2004 by Relic Entertainment, ‘Dawn of War’s’ brutal opening cinematic sets the stage for what awaits within - a savage battlefield across the Imperial Planet of Tartarus where the local population have been suddenly beset by Ork Hordes. As Commander of the Space Marines (The Emperor’s Personal Guard), you begin a quest to push back the Orks and determine why they are on the planet. A deep and engaging story-fueled campaign takes you from cities to lost ruins, from mountains lairs to the planets icy tundras, leading a tech heavy force of Space Marines, Mech Walkers, Artillery Tanks, Predator Tanks and Terminator Assault Squads, to unearth the cause of this strange heresy plaguing the planet.

Real player with 54.2 hrs in game

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Game of the Year Edition on Steam

What’s Left

What’s Left

This is… a surprisingly impressive feat for one guy. After the halfway-point, Landon (the protagonist) has many physical changes, hair cut, clothes change, injuries, a completely new type of primary weapon, at one point getting straight up covered in blood… and I appreciate that the dev took the time to show all this in the pixel art. There’s WAY too much detail in the smaller areas here, for a game that’s been out for this long and received on the verge of literally no attention.

I have so many thoughts floating in my head about this game now that I’ve completed it, what made the story so baffling and what made the gameplay so… everywhere but here’s what I can really grasp:

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

What's Left on Steam

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Soulstorm

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Soulstorm

It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of His inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast Imperium of Man for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that He may never truly die.

Yet even in His deathless state, the Emperor continues His eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor’s will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst His soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, heretics, mutants – and far, far worse.

Real player with 541.3 hrs in game

Do you know when you truly love a game?

When almost 12 years after it’s launch, the giddy excitement of running home from work to play it never actually wore off.

Don’t let my playtime fool you, I owned the boxed versions of these games loooong before they were in my Steam account and have invested literally THOUSANDS of hours into this game. I was always kind of interested in 40K, having roomates who played the tabletop when I was younger and reading the odd comic here and there, but THIS was the game that turned me into a 40K fanboy and opened me up to the whole universe.

Real player with 484.1 hrs in game

Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Soulstorm on Steam