

Decent batch of logic puzzles.

Real player with 64.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Difficult Games.

If you want to work your brain over your trigger finger.. this is the way to do it.

Just starting out and learning the how-tos takes a bit of time depending on the type of puzzle, a couple times I’ve found myself with a solution that works, but is slightly different than the acceptable solution .. ie the black and white “no Three” if my final results were rotated 90 degrees, they would match the solution, all criteria met for solving but still told it’s wrong.

Things I’d like to see would be an Undo option (allow backtracking a few steps) and either hint or progress check

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

logiCally on Steam

SonicLoop - Realtime VJ content creator for streaming, music videos and live performance

SonicLoop - Realtime VJ content creator for streaming, music videos and live performance

SonicLoop - Where audio meets art.

Welcome to SonicLoop, built by creators for creators.

SonicLoop empowers you to create real-time, reactive, audio visualizations for streaming (YouTube Live, Twitch), for live performances and for content creation (social media, music videos, or even live wallpapers).

By investing in this beta version you are joining our community and supporting future development by accelerating our roadmap.

Features in this Beta version include:

Load elements into up to 6 positions within 3 layers

Built-in element library categories include:

    - Static geometry

    - Animated geometry

    - 3D text

    - Lighting rigs

    - Dynamic effects (more coming soon)

Externally loadable assets include:

    - Import your own custom mesh

    - Import your own fonts

    - Import images or even stream in videos from the web

    - Import lyric files to play with videos (.lrc)


    - 45 Stackable and blendable effects

    - Many effects have customization options

    - Effects can be blended on top of other effects

    - Effects can be locked on or pulsed

    - Virtually limitless combinations


    - Stream video into SonicLoop and out to OBS and any other application that supports Spout

    - Control effects and set settings over OSC

    - Load and save FX presets

    - Load entire FX stacks over OSC (Touch OSC compatible)

we have many more exciting features to come…



Read More: Best Real-Time Abstract Games.

SonicLoop - Realtime VJ content creator for streaming, music videos and live performance on Steam

Firmament Wars

Firmament Wars

Very simple and easy strategy game that is surprisingly addictive. I love strategy games, and one of FW’s appeals is how quickly you can jump in to the game and accomplish a lot. This game is the kind of game I can play during a quick break from work and feel satisfied with my progress. Also can’t complain about the price. Only wish there was a way to pause the game when playing offline, and also wish there were more single country maps as well.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

This game is steal at just over $2, me and friends have had hours of fun for a game that costs the price of a cup of coffee. We bought this game a couple days ago and we have already invested over 40 hours between us all. Strategy games never really interest me probably cause I like brain-dead FPS titles but this game is easy to pick up yet hard to master which is perfect to sink hours of gameplay into.

It isn’t all perfect and there are a few things I would change such as an outdated GUI and a poor singleplayer but such trade-offs

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Firmament Wars on Steam

Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business!

Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business!

Gameplay is focused on managing a small bakery. You’ll have to bake pies, manage your team, make financial, logistical and marketing decisions to develop your store and progress through the story.

  • Supervise and improve the cooking process: from selecting ingredients to serving.

  • Use PlantPad for every task. It has all the apps you need, from social media to mobile games.

  • Order the ingredients you need from 9 fabulous suppliers.

  • Look for new recipes to add the best ones to your menu.

  • Make friends with your customers and help them with their choices.

  • Over 100 unique customers, and everyone has a different taste!

  • Track your expenses and income. Plan your business growth wisely.

  • Keep your workplace clean and tidy!

After completing the story you will have access to an endless game mode, in which you can fully immerse yourself in the pleasant daily routine of a mall food court employee.

Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business! on Steam

Air Forte

Air Forte

It’s a good game for kids with educational value. However, the controls and the stutter in the graphics can make the game very difficult to play. It’s also very short and can be beaten in less than 1 hour. There are more things to do than the main adventure, but the interest levels are low. Achievements are broken.

Edit - Go into the game folder in Steam/Steamapps/Common/Airforte/Data and copy the steamwrapper.dll and rename it to steamwrap2.dll. This will make the achievements work.

Edit - Fixed the stutter in the graphics by installing the new OpenAL to help fix sound issues as well. For some reason this solved the problem. I found the file here. http://www.openal.org/creative-installers/

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game


  • Absurdist humour setting

  • Jumpin’ soundtrack

  • It’s educational!


  • Solutions are debateable

  • Pretty short game

  • Full controller operation not supported

  • Steam trophy integration partially broken (fixable)

Air Forte is an educational game where you and up to three friends take control of little airplanes and collect floating tokens that match a specific requirement for each mission. The missions are either number missions (e.g. collect tokens showing multiples of 3), word type missions (e.g. collect all the verbs) or flag missions (e.g. collect all the European flags). The main story is framed as a children’s comic-book with crazy jungle characters and a flying ace hippopotamus. Along with the surf-themed music the whole package is quite cute.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Air Forte on Steam

ZAP Master

ZAP Master

Another Unity asset flip without anything worth mentioning, the common buy and sell was your own kind of stuff.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

This is a pure Asset flip of https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/87301 which comes with full source code. They didn’t even bother changing the name.

Zonitron uploaded the exact same game under 3 different names before they got banned by Valve.

All you do here is click in the general direction of enemies. Half of your playtime will come from watching the level switch animations.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

ZAP Master on Steam

Castle Flipper

Castle Flipper

i had 9 games on my wish list for the last 6 months and finally one of them came out—Castle Flipper. I love House Flippers and have about 400 hours on it. My first thought was this would be similar, but after reading the numerous negative comments, I realized it wasn’t. There were also complaints that the quests were completed in 10-12 hours and that was also a turn off. However, the Devs responded and explained the concept of building a castle after the quests.

The game was listed for about $5 (i live in a lower priced Country) and after some thought, I decided to give it a try. After all, everyone has different tastes. Boy was I glad. The setting and music are beautiful. I started by completing a couple of tasks and then was told to build my house. It only required a 4X4 floor plan and took no time to build. Then there were 2 new tasks, one of them was to clean up a ship. While that sounded cool, I realized that was the problem those negative reviewers had. They rushed, rushed, rushed. For example, one player I won’t name gave it a bad review saying there was little to do except the quests that took just a few hours. Yet, this player took the time to make a You Tube video of him playing the game. I watched it to pick up some tips. He rushed, rushed, rushed to complete the quests. This isn’t real life where we live in the fast lane. Slow down. Take a breath and enjoy the game. There is no prize for finishing the game quickly. He even commented that it only cost $10 so not worth the time to ask for a refund. What? Not worth the time. It takes less than a minute to ask for a refund on Steam (I know, I’ve refunded over half my games because they were too difficult.) If someone’s one minute of time is worth more than 10 bucks, then I’m in the wrong business.

Real player with 42.9 hrs in game

First off all, I love these kinds of games. Building and maintaining your own settlement is something I can spend many hours on. Saying that you would think I would recommend this game seeing the endgame is based all around that. But sadly I cannot. The idea is there, build your own castle and collect rent. But the way this has been implemented simply isn’t satisfying. The world feels empty and barren, nothing happens beside the occasional ‘clutter everywhere incidents’ that makes you run around all the houses n clean stuff up. The visuals are great but without life within the game you quickly lose the drive to do anything.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Castle Flipper on Steam

An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs

An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs

I am a ‘dog person’ so this game looked intriguing. I had it on my wish list and picked it up, on sale. Having spent many hours in airports run by dogs, I have very mixed feelings. It is a silly, somewhat mindless game with the biggest challenge being to find specific characters, objects and gates in each of 6 airports. Woven into this is a love story about a long distance relationship between you and Krista (the last two humans left on the planet). Your busy lives intersect at airports and it is sweet to watch the relationship unfold through many brief encounters. Although each airport has very different geography, there is a lot of repetition (the same shops, the same vendors, and much of the same dialog).

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

Hilariously it was my girlfriend who got me this game, we are long distance, and neither of us actually knew much about the game. I just kinda wishlisted it long ago cause haha cute dogs and alien airports, and she got it cause just frick it we get gifts for each other so sue us (please dont, legal action scares me). Well, 13 hours later and I am all misty eyed over what was supposed to be a silly little game. Even now typin this out I am gettin all teary eyed. Not gonna get too into detail cause I ain’t wanna spoil stuff but heck, this game is gonna last in my brain head for a long while. 10/10, Recommend it forever

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs on Steam

Elva the Eco Dragon

Elva the Eco Dragon

While the concept of a dragon teaching how to care for our environment sounds cute, the game seems to be in need of some cleanup of its own first.

Note: This review was written Feb. 7, 2021 and published originally at SaveOrQuit.com on Feb. 11, 2021 prior to the release of version 1.5.

As a professional educator in the scientific study of the natural world, Elva the Eco Dragon seemed like a game with high potential to dovetail nicely with my day job. Unfortunately, what seemed to be a cute and engaging 3D action-adventure on the surface fails to go deeper in terms of gameplay experience or learning.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Elva the Eco Dragon on Steam

City Of Jade: Imperial Frontier

City Of Jade: Imperial Frontier

Not recommended.

I’ve played the game several times with varying strategies and each time failed to figure out a way to build a sustainable city. So after 18 hours of game play, and discussing with other friends who have played, I believe that the balance of the game is broken. I’ve tried to contact the devs but they’ve not responded.

Real player with 50.6 hrs in game


Real player with 22.5 hrs in game

City Of Jade: Imperial Frontier on Steam