


Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Board Game Games.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

4Line on Steam

Rocket Shipment

Rocket Shipment

It’s a good game which I’m happy to have bought.

It’s all about mastering the physics of your spaceship while also managing the momentum + angular velocity of objects that you’re tasked with towing to a designated area. Sounds simple, and it is, but there’s a lot of fun in getting good at the mechanics and trying to beat levels with the shortest time / highest score / without dying. By default, though, you get 5 lives per level which makes it pretty reasonable to complete everything if your goal is to get through the game.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Exploration Games.

Rocket Shipment is relatively simple, and yet pleasantly addicting. I’ve also not seen any other games quite like it on Steam.

The goal is to fly your ship around inside of a cavernous asteroid and move cargo to a landing zone. Sometimes you have to move multiple cargo, each to a specific destination indicated by the color of the cargo and the flags around the landing zones. You start by navigating your ship close to a cargo container, and when you are close enough the container turns green to indicate that you can grab it by deploying your cable. They you must then tow the cargo to its destination. After you drop the cargo on the landing zone (and the cargo is confirmed to be “delivered”), you must land your ship on the grey landing zone.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Rocket Shipment on Steam



Decent batch of logic puzzles.

Real player with 64.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Family Friendly Games.

If you want to work your brain over your trigger finger.. this is the way to do it.

Just starting out and learning the how-tos takes a bit of time depending on the type of puzzle, a couple times I’ve found myself with a solution that works, but is slightly different than the acceptable solution .. ie the black and white “no Three” if my final results were rotated 90 degrees, they would match the solution, all criteria met for solving but still told it’s wrong.

Things I’d like to see would be an Undo option (allow backtracking a few steps) and either hint or progress check

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

logiCally on Steam

Radical Relocation

Radical Relocation

This game is fun, HOWEVER it is hair-pulling levels of frustrating. The physics is god-awful sometimes, half of the vehicle unlocks suck, multiple game crashes that delete game data, killing hours of progression, and level upgrades are all trash except for the rope.

Things that pis$ed me off especially…

1. The trailer upgrade bugging out and sending all my nicely stacked items flying.

2. Hopping curbs and having all my items ping off. It’s 50/50 whether or not a curb with make you bounce :(

3. The last car unlock, the truck with bed, is horrible. Sure you can carry tons of stuff, but only while going 5 mph, so your worthless breaks don’t get you killed.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

I genuinely enjoyed the first 30 levels of the game. The puzzles are good and there’s a decent amount of variety considering how “modular” the maps are - they all use the same obstacles and props. However, after level 30 the game hit a brick wall when it introduced boats. I played a few levels past ### 30 and just put the game down.

The car variety is pretty good, although there’s only a few to choose from. My personal favourite is the Ute.

There’s no damage model on cars - you just bonk into everything. Certain furniture items will break into pieces or get dented up. If you like those weird “oddly satisfying” videos all over the internet you’ll probably enjoy crashing a truck full of potted plants into a speeding train.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Radical Relocation on Steam



“Cherry-picking and other fruits”

Rary is a simple game like to run around as a bird and try to pick all the fallen fruits away before the middle counter goes up to 20. Controls are quite clunky as you move with WASD but steer your bird with mouse movements. Each fruit can be picked only if it is in your viewfield, close enough and on the ground. That can be harsh if you are too close to 20 (game over) or fruit is blocking you on your way but you cannot pick it away immediately.

But the worst and even gamebreaking I find the unclear counting system. It always shows not the exact number of objects on the screen. Sometimes you wonder what you can pick up if score goes up, but nothing is left to pick. It seems also the minus score mushrooms also have to be picked up to reduce your score -1 and heat level at the same time.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

yes :p

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Rary on Steam



This game definitely has a steep learning curve, which stopped me from playing it for a while, but once you learn how the game actually works it becomes a lot of fun. It has some drawbacks, like how upgrading anything but weapons at the beginning leads to instant death, and the default settings being weird, but it also has some fun gameplay, oodles of replayability, and bunch of weapons and enemies. Furthermore, this game looks great and I have yet to encounter any bugs in it.

In short: Worth the two dollars you should get it.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

It’s a fun little game that I enjoyed while being idle on my computer most of the times. It’s quite hard and things get really chaotic after a while. It’s really fun! Haha

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Planetbound on Steam

Rival Nation Wars

Rival Nation Wars

Very addicting game! brings back good memories, fun game-play, loving the playing 2 player mode!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Rival Nation Wars on Steam

Seconds in Space

Seconds in Space

Use ships to attack and destroy enemy space stations in real time.  Navigate through different randomly setup star maps to get to the exit and win.  It’s a 2D single player space game that’s massively replayable.  No matter how many times you play you’ll always have fun and feel dumb for making simple mistakes. There’s a wide range of difficulty levels so you can start simple then build your skill to experience the full depth of the game.

Destroy Enemy Space Stations

Command two groups of ships to attack and destroy enemy space stations. With a bit of practice you’ll quickly learn where to place each ship, when to attack what turret and how to counter their abilities, the hard part is mastering it. Only the enemy turrets have abilities so you must be extra focused on using your units as a team and their positioning. Dodge projectiles the best you can and when you make a mistake move a ship to safety and another one in to take some hits.

Just Get to the Exit!

Navigate through different randomly setup star maps to get to the exit and win. They have fixed layouts but the rewards and exit point are in randomized locations. Some rewards will help you and some will harm you. The better you think, plan and understand what to do the more prepared you will be. Even a slight difference in the layout of the star map can greatly change how you play it. Don’t worry though they are relatively easy to understand you just have to remember to take a moment to stop and think.

Try the Demo

Want to learn more?  It’s small (about 30 MB) and it’ll download and open really fast.

Seconds in Space on Steam



Don’t be fooled by the graphics: This isn’t a Roguelike, it’s a top-view Doom! I had a copy of this way back in the early 00s and loved it, and was thrilled to see it’s on Steam. It’s heavy on the atmosphere, despite being just ASCII graphics. It uses sound effects, story cues, and fading colors in a surprisingly moody way, and is a lot of fun to boot. I’ve got Doom 2016 in the other room, but have been playing this instead. Now, the bad points: I do think it’s a little too easy to kick the bucket sometimes– it would be improved if there were less need for level memorization. I also wish the enemies didn’t score damage when they are simply adjacent to you. They should have to be adjacent for a short period of time (like the pink demons in Doom)– otherwise they’ll score hits instantly when you open the door, even though you can minimize it by getting ready to back up fast. But despite the few issues it’s a compelling play and well worth the 99 cents. I hope they make another or maybe re-release the original version for fans (since it’s impossible to find now!).

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

When I first saw that Monsterland, formerly Dead Colony in its lesser version (on Desura), was released a little over a month ago I was more than a little surprised. Don’t get me wrong I understand that there has been a revival of classic era-style gaming. Atari recently announced that they were bringing back 100 of their classic games in the spring with multiplayer support to Steam in the northern hemisphere Spring and Sanctuary RPG has been relatively successful on Steam as an ASCII adventure but a text shooter? How was that going to work? Surprisingly well and very playable as it turns out.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Monsterland on Steam

Wand Wars

Wand Wars

Wand Wars is a really polished game, and probably the best party-game I’ve ever played.

While there’s a clear Lethal League feel to it, it’s clearly more accessible, because the game mechanics are so simple. The problem with Lethal League is that even though it’s an excellent game, it has that fighting game aspect that makes it very complex. You’ve got to learn safe zones, angles of shooting, bunts, with or without jumps, special moves, etc… and consequently, when you hit 50 hours of playtime, your friends will be no match for you anymore.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

I love playing four player co-op games that are suitable for groups of varied skill level. This game manages brilliantly, another title with simple controls but surpisingly deep gameplay. Plus superb art and visual effects, stuff that makes the gameplay feel super satisfying when you land that sick off the wall double kill. In addition to the main mechanic of playing dodgeball with a big ball of magic you have power-ups and the ability to turn other players into chickens (take that Kyle). Lastly the game comes with a good selection of maps, each with its own unique twist. One map has fires you can light with your chicken spell, light them all and you summon a minion to help you; another features bubbles that you must break to get the powerups. All in all this is one of those games that will have all your friends asking when they can stop by and play again.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Wand Wars on Steam