Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business!

Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business!

Gameplay is focused on managing a small bakery. You’ll have to bake pies, manage your team, make financial, logistical and marketing decisions to develop your store and progress through the story.

  • Supervise and improve the cooking process: from selecting ingredients to serving.

  • Use PlantPad for every task. It has all the apps you need, from social media to mobile games.

  • Order the ingredients you need from 9 fabulous suppliers.

  • Look for new recipes to add the best ones to your menu.

  • Make friends with your customers and help them with their choices.

  • Over 100 unique customers, and everyone has a different taste!

  • Track your expenses and income. Plan your business growth wisely.

  • Keep your workplace clean and tidy!

After completing the story you will have access to an endless game mode, in which you can fully immerse yourself in the pleasant daily routine of a mall food court employee.

Read More: Best Real-Time Time Management Games.

Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business! on Steam

A Healer Only Lives Twice

A Healer Only Lives Twice

A short and neat game, for its price its doing alright I guess.

Don’t be fooled by my playtime, I kept the game open to get the rest of the cards

In total I think I played this game for a good 5-6 hours to get all achievements.

To explain the mechanics of the game.

Each encounter has enemies sitting in rows, you choose which row to attack with the warrior and he’ll attack in a turn-based matter, as in after all the monsters attacked.

But the main part of this game is the priest ..the healer which is you, you are not bound by turns you can act whenever you want to heal the knight’s limbs, head , torso, hands, legs, if one of them reaches 0 hp they go critical and you lose damage or defense or other stuff, once they all reach 0 you lose the game so you gotta keep healing.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

This is an interesting game. Certainly worth the price point.

You play as a healer, trying to keep a warrior alive so you can both get out of a dungeon, and so must fight waves of enemies to get to the end. The gameplay mainly consists of using the right ability in the right circumstance; should you put a wall up so a limb won’t die from that next attack, or just heal? Should you bump up the damage of the warriors next attack? Do you have enough mana stored to use your increase exp ability, so you can level faster and get stronger abilities?

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

A Healer Only Lives Twice on Steam

Nomads of Driftland

Nomads of Driftland

Very entertaining game with innovative mechanisms. I can recommend this title to all RTS and god game fans. It felt great to move islands around the world, discover new lands to unlock new units. Unlike in Driftland base game, this free expansion allows the player to manually control the units and does not provide multiple choices of buildings to build, which makes the player have to combine and explore new lands to diversify their kingdom.

Do not get discouraged by the maps order. It seems that it is sorted by mission type, and it felt little boring to play three defences in a row, but it gets better later on. However, be aware that the maps are challenging.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Simulation Games.

So much to do with the free content, I can only imagine what the game is like once you purchase it. So much potential. I’m a big fan of the Nomads aspect which feels more like an RTS to me. The base game is more economy and micromanaging but harder to deal with threats because it is so limiting on defense.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Nomads of Driftland on Steam

Radical Relocation

Radical Relocation

This game is fun, HOWEVER it is hair-pulling levels of frustrating. The physics is god-awful sometimes, half of the vehicle unlocks suck, multiple game crashes that delete game data, killing hours of progression, and level upgrades are all trash except for the rope.

Things that pis$ed me off especially…

1. The trailer upgrade bugging out and sending all my nicely stacked items flying.

2. Hopping curbs and having all my items ping off. It’s 50/50 whether or not a curb with make you bounce :(

3. The last car unlock, the truck with bed, is horrible. Sure you can carry tons of stuff, but only while going 5 mph, so your worthless breaks don’t get you killed.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

I genuinely enjoyed the first 30 levels of the game. The puzzles are good and there’s a decent amount of variety considering how “modular” the maps are - they all use the same obstacles and props. However, after level 30 the game hit a brick wall when it introduced boats. I played a few levels past ### 30 and just put the game down.

The car variety is pretty good, although there’s only a few to choose from. My personal favourite is the Ute.

There’s no damage model on cars - you just bonk into everything. Certain furniture items will break into pieces or get dented up. If you like those weird “oddly satisfying” videos all over the internet you’ll probably enjoy crashing a truck full of potted plants into a speeding train.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Radical Relocation on Steam

Light of the Locked World

Light of the Locked World

Light of the Locked World is a fantasy role-playing game.

Enter a developing world of Kayos, try to start a new life, and become entangled in a fight against an existential threat.

Planned features:

  • Open and atmospheric world: Freely roam in a world with lively settlements, vast meadows, desolate deserts, and treacherous ruins.

  • Capable characters: Interact with the world’s inhabitants that can help and fight each other, gain experience, take and equip items, belong to factions.

  • Persistence: Characters and environment are persistent, the results of your actions are preserved indefinitely.

  • Intense combat: Conquer the lawless lands with the game’s real-time combat system - wield magic and medieval weapons, perform and dodge deadly attacks.

  • Become powerful: Equip your character with weapons and armor, master combat and crafting by leveling classes, earn faction respect, learn spells.

  • Play together: The game has local multiplayer support for two players - cooperate to overcome challenges or compete for territory and resources.

Let’s talk!

Got questions, suggestions, or need help with the game? Leave a comment and I’ll do my best to reply.

Developer’s Discord

Developer’s Twitter

Light of the Locked World on Steam

Rocket Shipment

Rocket Shipment

It’s a good game which I’m happy to have bought.

It’s all about mastering the physics of your spaceship while also managing the momentum + angular velocity of objects that you’re tasked with towing to a designated area. Sounds simple, and it is, but there’s a lot of fun in getting good at the mechanics and trying to beat levels with the shortest time / highest score / without dying. By default, though, you get 5 lives per level which makes it pretty reasonable to complete everything if your goal is to get through the game.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Rocket Shipment is relatively simple, and yet pleasantly addicting. I’ve also not seen any other games quite like it on Steam.

The goal is to fly your ship around inside of a cavernous asteroid and move cargo to a landing zone. Sometimes you have to move multiple cargo, each to a specific destination indicated by the color of the cargo and the flags around the landing zones. You start by navigating your ship close to a cargo container, and when you are close enough the container turns green to indicate that you can grab it by deploying your cable. They you must then tow the cargo to its destination. After you drop the cargo on the landing zone (and the cargo is confirmed to be “delivered”), you must land your ship on the grey landing zone.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Rocket Shipment on Steam

Unholy Heights

Unholy Heights

An apartment management tower-defense game about your resident monsters against humans.

While the idea of being a landlord is enticing the tower-defense part can get incredibly tedious & repetitious since there’s not a whole lot of strategy to use here from beginning to end.

The idea of the tower-defense is just to stop humans from stealing your money and if they get away with it you only lose your highly expendable tenant should they have died defending the money taken so there’s no real fail state. You try and stop the humans by knocking on the room doors of the monsters of your choosing and IF they’re home (which most usually are) they’ll do their tower-defense thing and help kill the intruders.

Real player with 59.0 hrs in game

Let me tell you about Popan.

Popan was the first baby ever born in my apartments. She was a Cheepy so I didn’t have high expectations. Popan was probably 3 days old when her parents died in an unfortunate ambush on my complex. I had a ton of other tenants, so I didn’t see the harm in waiting for her to grow up. Somehow, she never became in debt. This fucking baby was paying the rent. She grew up to be a total badass. She would single-handedly wipe out entire waves of enemies without breaking a sweat.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Unholy Heights on Steam



Disclaimer: I beta tested this game.

Viridi is exactly what it says on the tin: it’s a little virtual garden where you watch your plants grow.

The gameplay itself is minimalistic. Apart from planting your succulents, watering them, and zooming in to sing at them, there’s very little else you can do. It’s supposed to be a very zen experience — similar to keeping actual plants — so if you expect more interactivity than that then this is not the game for you. I usually had it on in the background while I went on with my day as always (hence my exorbitant playtime), but you don’t need to leave it on all the time. Your plants will grow just fine while the game is closed as well, so if you only want to spend 5 minutes a day checking up on your plants, then you can do that too. As you can see the joy of the game doesn’t lie within its interactivity, but rather within owning a virtual garden in itself.

Real player with 302.4 hrs in game

Inch by inch… Calmly

snail crawls around the pot. Zen.

Watching grass grow.


In real life I’ve killed more plants than I can (or would bother) count. In Viridi I can feel like an expert gardener, and without a stress of real gardening. Au contraire - it is an awesome stress reliever (and believe me - I know about stress!).

This game requires a really low level of skills, there’s no steep learning curve, you don’t have to spend hours trying to beat something or find some other-thing or figure out some puzzle. You just open the game once a day (or even not every day, or maybe 2-3 times a day - up to your liking), water your plants and pluck weeds. Once a week you get a free seed that you can add to your existing pot, or keep it for the future, or trade with other players.

Real player with 204.0 hrs in game

Viridi on Steam

Wand Wars

Wand Wars

Wand Wars is a really polished game, and probably the best party-game I’ve ever played.

While there’s a clear Lethal League feel to it, it’s clearly more accessible, because the game mechanics are so simple. The problem with Lethal League is that even though it’s an excellent game, it has that fighting game aspect that makes it very complex. You’ve got to learn safe zones, angles of shooting, bunts, with or without jumps, special moves, etc… and consequently, when you hit 50 hours of playtime, your friends will be no match for you anymore.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

I love playing four player co-op games that are suitable for groups of varied skill level. This game manages brilliantly, another title with simple controls but surpisingly deep gameplay. Plus superb art and visual effects, stuff that makes the gameplay feel super satisfying when you land that sick off the wall double kill. In addition to the main mechanic of playing dodgeball with a big ball of magic you have power-ups and the ability to turn other players into chickens (take that Kyle). Lastly the game comes with a good selection of maps, each with its own unique twist. One map has fires you can light with your chicken spell, light them all and you summon a minion to help you; another features bubbles that you must break to get the powerups. All in all this is one of those games that will have all your friends asking when they can stop by and play again.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Wand Wars on Steam

An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs

An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs

I am a ‘dog person’ so this game looked intriguing. I had it on my wish list and picked it up, on sale. Having spent many hours in airports run by dogs, I have very mixed feelings. It is a silly, somewhat mindless game with the biggest challenge being to find specific characters, objects and gates in each of 6 airports. Woven into this is a love story about a long distance relationship between you and Krista (the last two humans left on the planet). Your busy lives intersect at airports and it is sweet to watch the relationship unfold through many brief encounters. Although each airport has very different geography, there is a lot of repetition (the same shops, the same vendors, and much of the same dialog).

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

Hilariously it was my girlfriend who got me this game, we are long distance, and neither of us actually knew much about the game. I just kinda wishlisted it long ago cause haha cute dogs and alien airports, and she got it cause just frick it we get gifts for each other so sue us (please dont, legal action scares me). Well, 13 hours later and I am all misty eyed over what was supposed to be a silly little game. Even now typin this out I am gettin all teary eyed. Not gonna get too into detail cause I ain’t wanna spoil stuff but heck, this game is gonna last in my brain head for a long while. 10/10, Recommend it forever

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs on Steam