Wand Wars

Wand Wars

Wand Wars is a really polished game, and probably the best party-game I’ve ever played.

While there’s a clear Lethal League feel to it, it’s clearly more accessible, because the game mechanics are so simple. The problem with Lethal League is that even though it’s an excellent game, it has that fighting game aspect that makes it very complex. You’ve got to learn safe zones, angles of shooting, bunts, with or without jumps, special moves, etc… and consequently, when you hit 50 hours of playtime, your friends will be no match for you anymore.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Arcade Games.

I love playing four player co-op games that are suitable for groups of varied skill level. This game manages brilliantly, another title with simple controls but surpisingly deep gameplay. Plus superb art and visual effects, stuff that makes the gameplay feel super satisfying when you land that sick off the wall double kill. In addition to the main mechanic of playing dodgeball with a big ball of magic you have power-ups and the ability to turn other players into chickens (take that Kyle). Lastly the game comes with a good selection of maps, each with its own unique twist. One map has fires you can light with your chicken spell, light them all and you summon a minion to help you; another features bubbles that you must break to get the powerups. All in all this is one of those games that will have all your friends asking when they can stop by and play again.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Wand Wars on Steam