Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business!

Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business!

Gameplay is focused on managing a small bakery. You’ll have to bake pies, manage your team, make financial, logistical and marketing decisions to develop your store and progress through the story.

  • Supervise and improve the cooking process: from selecting ingredients to serving.

  • Use PlantPad for every task. It has all the apps you need, from social media to mobile games.

  • Order the ingredients you need from 9 fabulous suppliers.

  • Look for new recipes to add the best ones to your menu.

  • Make friends with your customers and help them with their choices.

  • Over 100 unique customers, and everyone has a different taste!

  • Track your expenses and income. Plan your business growth wisely.

  • Keep your workplace clean and tidy!

After completing the story you will have access to an endless game mode, in which you can fully immerse yourself in the pleasant daily routine of a mall food court employee.

Read More: Best Real-Time Time Management Games.

Love Cooking at Home? Turn your Hobby into a Business! on Steam




Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Difficult Games.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

4Line on Steam

Astro Joust

Astro Joust

Update: I have found people to play with, and its honestly one of the most fun games on Steam. Its leaps and bounds better then the shit you see on this place. Its simple but hits right at the core of fun. The after death effects are almost more fun than trying to win. Its incredibly clever and the art is fantastic. I really hope the creator makes wallpapers available, otherwise if you screenshot the game during play it makes an instant wallpaper thats super beautiful.

While I really enjoyed the prior games by Mutant Entertainment, this one isn’t as enjoyable. I didn’t realize it was just local multiplayer until I got the game. Because of that, and lack of people to play with locally, I have been unable to even play the game until I find someone.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time 2D Fighter Games.

Astro Joust is simple and delightful. If you have an opportunity just to play some local multiplayer games, you really can’t go wrong with this. It’s not the most exciting or has super refined systems, but it’s a charming game and all elements of it are polished.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Astro Joust on Steam



Free game & paid dlc; proceeds go to charity. Try to not let viruses in your hole, maybe get some “Whomp”-ed by concrete pillars, although the lasers seem more helpful. More luck than skill IMO.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Pretty good game if you’re looking for something simple, no bugs, not really challenging but that’s kinda the point seems that the developer cares about his game and is looking for updates and improvements to the game

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

CoronaWhomp! on Steam



This game definitely has a steep learning curve, which stopped me from playing it for a while, but once you learn how the game actually works it becomes a lot of fun. It has some drawbacks, like how upgrading anything but weapons at the beginning leads to instant death, and the default settings being weird, but it also has some fun gameplay, oodles of replayability, and bunch of weapons and enemies. Furthermore, this game looks great and I have yet to encounter any bugs in it.

In short: Worth the two dollars you should get it.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

It’s a fun little game that I enjoyed while being idle on my computer most of the times. It’s quite hard and things get really chaotic after a while. It’s really fun! Haha

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Planetbound on Steam



“Cherry-picking and other fruits”

Rary is a simple game like to run around as a bird and try to pick all the fallen fruits away before the middle counter goes up to 20. Controls are quite clunky as you move with WASD but steer your bird with mouse movements. Each fruit can be picked only if it is in your viewfield, close enough and on the ground. That can be harsh if you are too close to 20 (game over) or fruit is blocking you on your way but you cannot pick it away immediately.

But the worst and even gamebreaking I find the unclear counting system. It always shows not the exact number of objects on the screen. Sometimes you wonder what you can pick up if score goes up, but nothing is left to pick. It seems also the minus score mushrooms also have to be picked up to reduce your score -1 and heat level at the same time.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

yes :p

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Rary on Steam

Asylamba: Influence

Asylamba: Influence

At the lower difficulty levels, Asylamba: Influence just isn’t very compelling or rewarding.

At the higher difficulty levels, it simply isn’t skill-based. It needs re-balancing to be a well-built game whose design fulfills its aims. Sadly, there appears to be no one reading the Forums and no other method for providing feedback to the Devs.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Review in a) german and b) english at release (Mai/may 2018):

a) german


  • stimmiges Design

  • einige Level sind eine echte Herausforderung

  • es gibt eine gewisse Abwechslung

  • das Spielprinzip ist durchdacht und passt: Spielspaß ist vorhanden


  • einige bugs aktuell: steam-Awards funktionieren nicht, Übersetzung ins Deutsche ist nicht durchgängig vorhanden (vermutlich ein Bug), Tutorial endet ohne Abschluss-Bildschirm

  • zu langes Tutorial

  • kein Speichern in der Cloud möglich


Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Asylamba: Influence on Steam

Conduct DELUXE!

Conduct DELUXE!

You’ve seen this kind of game before. The frantic adjust-the-train-switches-so-trains-don’t-collide game, BUT… This is a really good one. I don’t know what about it makes it so enjoyable. Maybe it’s how varied nad interesting looking the tracks are.

Bridges, tunnels that make trains reappear somewhere else, as well as many varying enciromenments.

This, along with the ability to select your own trains, as well as having you actually expected to transport passengers from place to place (Which also means, if your train is yellow, and heading towards a yellow station, any yellow passengers form stations it passes along the way will also board it) all work together to make this the best game of it’s kind that I’ve played so far. (Granted I haven’t played many, but I still feel like this is one of the better ones)

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

The best way I can describe this game is: it’s like juggling three coloured balls where they change colour mid air and in which two more balls and a chainsaw are thrown at you during the course of your act.

The levels themselves are mostly fair and well designed (I’ll come back to that in a minute) and the controls are lenient enough to where when you fail you can only blame yourself.

The music is a nice complement to the gameplay and the art style is nice and simplistic.

Another nice feature is that you can choose which levels to unlock first which has the bonus effect of being able to leave a difficult level for another which makes the game a lot less frustrating when you meet a level that you just can’t quite complete.

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Conduct DELUXE! on Steam



● Fun

● Well-polished

● Smooth gameplay

● Nice variety of attack moves and spells

● Probably around 5-10h of gameplay if you’re going for all the achievements

  • Game will autamatically upload your highscore replay as a workshop item completely spamming you activity feed

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

This game is so tightly designed that I learn something new every time i play it. It’s addicting and fun to get further every time.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Yeminj on Steam

Wand Wars

Wand Wars

Wand Wars is a really polished game, and probably the best party-game I’ve ever played.

While there’s a clear Lethal League feel to it, it’s clearly more accessible, because the game mechanics are so simple. The problem with Lethal League is that even though it’s an excellent game, it has that fighting game aspect that makes it very complex. You’ve got to learn safe zones, angles of shooting, bunts, with or without jumps, special moves, etc… and consequently, when you hit 50 hours of playtime, your friends will be no match for you anymore.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

I love playing four player co-op games that are suitable for groups of varied skill level. This game manages brilliantly, another title with simple controls but surpisingly deep gameplay. Plus superb art and visual effects, stuff that makes the gameplay feel super satisfying when you land that sick off the wall double kill. In addition to the main mechanic of playing dodgeball with a big ball of magic you have power-ups and the ability to turn other players into chickens (take that Kyle). Lastly the game comes with a good selection of maps, each with its own unique twist. One map has fires you can light with your chicken spell, light them all and you summon a minion to help you; another features bubbles that you must break to get the powerups. All in all this is one of those games that will have all your friends asking when they can stop by and play again.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Wand Wars on Steam