Terra Incognito - Antarctica 1911

Terra Incognito - Antarctica 1911

This is a very fun game and for only 3 dollars. Good for if you are stuck at home and need to pass the time.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Simulation Games.

Great game. Addictive. You’ll keep coming back to it!

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Terra Incognito - Antarctica 1911 on Steam

SonicLoop - Realtime VJ content creator for streaming, music videos and live performance

SonicLoop - Realtime VJ content creator for streaming, music videos and live performance

SonicLoop - Where audio meets art.

Welcome to SonicLoop, built by creators for creators.

SonicLoop empowers you to create real-time, reactive, audio visualizations for streaming (YouTube Live, Twitch), for live performances and for content creation (social media, music videos, or even live wallpapers).

By investing in this beta version you are joining our community and supporting future development by accelerating our roadmap.

Features in this Beta version include:

Load elements into up to 6 positions within 3 layers

Built-in element library categories include:

    - Static geometry

    - Animated geometry

    - 3D text

    - Lighting rigs

    - Dynamic effects (more coming soon)

Externally loadable assets include:

    - Import your own custom mesh

    - Import your own fonts

    - Import images or even stream in videos from the web

    - Import lyric files to play with videos (.lrc)


    - 45 Stackable and blendable effects

    - Many effects have customization options

    - Effects can be blended on top of other effects

    - Effects can be locked on or pulsed

    - Virtually limitless combinations


    - Stream video into SonicLoop and out to OBS and any other application that supports Spout

    - Control effects and set settings over OSC

    - Load and save FX presets

    - Load entire FX stacks over OSC (Touch OSC compatible)

we have many more exciting features to come…



Read More: Best Real-Time Family Friendly Games.

SonicLoop - Realtime VJ content creator for streaming, music videos and live performance on Steam

Data Defense

Data Defense

This game is very entertaining, defenetly worth it’s price! I have over 90 hours right now and am still not tored of it. You can try out new strategies, play survival if you don’t want to think too much or play the campaign mode with it’s challenge servers, where you need to think and react to specific circumstances.

Graphics 10/10

Music 10/10

Gameplay 9/10

Fun 12/10 ;)

A very beautiful, simple and yet extraordinary indie game.

If you get stuck on a level or have questions about the gameplay, I wrote a guide about this game.

Real player with 141.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

Data Defense is a simple tower defense game that emphasizes interesting gameplay over glitzy graphics, and it does a pretty good job of doing so. You’ll see a lot of the staples of tower defense traditions at work here - predicted pathing that changes responsively, different sorts of enemies that fulfill different roles, etc - but the game also offers a quasi-RPG-esque quality in that you only get so many types of towers to work with, and they’re sub-slotted into various roles. This forces you to examine the map and the towers best suited for that battle; the wide-open map with the speed up/speed down zones (which affect both the enemy AND your towers) plays very differently than the tight path, for example.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

Data Defense on Steam



SUMMARY: A graphical toy to make weird, surreal spacescapes and the oddities that inhabit them, from playing with sliders to just randomziing items. On top of that, you get odd soundscapes that play along. A way to just mess around, or a way to create relaxing - or disturbing - backgrounds on your computer or tv display.

Anomalies is a graphical toy that some may call a glorified screen saver - fortunately it’s both!

Basically you can randomize or set a bunch of parameters, that then make surreal spacescapes that you can watch while strange music plays. Depending on your choices, you might watch stars circle by as you observe a nebula, be caught among strange particles, or hover in front of a bizarre tentacular space creature. Or a combination.

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

This is a really interesting piece of software. It is good to have around to either dip into casually or have a longer session. There can be some nice surprises. I just came up with a not very spectacular creation from the visual point of view, but it has a very nice ethereal sound. Tweaking parameters and hunting and rummaging are great fun. I have got some more choices of wallpaper too.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Anomalies on Steam

COVID: The Outbreak

COVID: The Outbreak

get it in 80% off

one of the best game during Lockdown or Quarintie or stay at home order !

compared to another Honor/ shooting / War fighting games flooding in Ste-am Va-lve playing million per day

this is great education game for upperclass and Private school or mutilanguastic or Frequency traveler to learn how the Commerical tycoon/Politican thinking

however according to mogolia/KAKZ conlony PRC citizen think , the wuhan bio-Weapon dead rate is 5% but if they don’t Work in nightlife, the dead rate is 100%

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

So I found this game by a pure accident a couple hours before getting published and rushed to buy it, hoping to find a game that’s complex, detailed, realistic and most importantly, let’s me cope with the zombie apocalypse going currently in the world and the quarantine shitshow.

The game turned out to be exactly what I expected and far more, the amount of data available is truly astonishing and immersive, all the actions you can take, quarantine, public order maintenance, research, border closing, decisions you have to make during various random events that can appear, all this makes for an excellent simulation, and the fact that I’ve received a product that already looks very polished despite probably being made rather quickly is mindblowing. I really hope it’ll be updated accordingly as the situation develops and more knowledge about the virus will be gained.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

COVID: The Outbreak on Steam



Buyer beware. This is barely worth calling a game. There are no levels, just clicking shapes to remove them as they spawn over time. If too many build up, you lose. There is no progression. The same few shapes spawn randomly until you get bored and quit/lose. The shapes consist of: A small sphere you can click any time. A box that gives -1 point when red, +1 point when orange, and cycles colors every few seconds. A cylinder that switches between grey (unclickable) and orange. A rectangle that starts with between 1 and 9 health randomly, that you must click down to zero to dismiss. These shapes spawn every second or two and bounce around the screen. You click them. That is it. That is the entire game.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Perfect game to warm up my aim. My score was 463 after a couple of tries and it was a lot more challenging then i thought it was. Took a lot of focus and hardcore hand endurance, my right hand can’t move and I typed this all with my left hand.8/10

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Polary on Steam




Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

4Line on Steam

Her Majesty’s Ship

Her Majesty’s Ship

First, this game is not FTL on wooden ships. This game is a real-time management/strategy game with no tactical pause. The game is very similar to FTL but has a more MACRO approach to crew management then the Micro approach that FTL had.

I really enjoy this game and it is a great game. My game preferences run towards turn-based and tactical pause games. I really do not like RTS games whatsoever.

Although this game is a real-time strategy game at its core, it is very manageable and approachable. This game has captivated me.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Her Majesty’s Ship - Troubled Waters but hopefully smoother sailing on the horizon

I am recommending this title mainly because I really like the idea behind it - managing a ship of the Royal Navy in detailed fashion - but have reservations in doing so.

The game is all too brief at this point and I have noted that other players have requested an endless mode, a correction I heartily endorse and support.

Combat is rather too simplistic and does seem dependent upon RNG factors, outside of already having a vessel well-stocked with powder and eventually a complement of marines.

Real player with 38.4 hrs in game

Her Majesty's Ship on Steam




Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Psychoballs is a slightly unusual ball matching puzzle game where the balls roll along pipes and you use various spinning wheels to capture and match the balls in the right sequence.

The problems here are that the game, despite being released in 2018, is fixed at a low 4:3 resolution and displays in fullscreen as a very pixellated widescreen stretched aspect (looks very ugly). The interface is pretty clunky, too, the wheels spin in a very jerky/unsmooth/sudden way that makes you double check that you clicked on them correctly. The gameplay itself is also not really that great. Most of the luxor clones I’ve played do this kind of match-3 much better. This one falls too far below the bar for me to recommend.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Psychoballs on Steam



Poor layout and buggy.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game


Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Safe on Steam