ThreadSpace: Hyperbol

ThreadSpace: Hyperbol

Hyperbol is a truly awesome unique game. It has a tutorial which you can play in offline mode or you can join players online.

Support 10/10

This game is still actively supported by the developer. I got a response in a very short time on their discussion forums.

Graphics 8/10

Graphics are unique and interesting.

Sounds and Music 9/10

Sounds and graphics are near perfect for its genre.

Gameplay 9/10

Gameplay is awesome. Always something interesting and it is enough that you will be enjoying it for months to come.

Real player with 1256.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Strategy Games.

This is really an awesome game that is quite fun however it has one major problem ….. it is a multi-player game that is rarely played anymore. You can play the game single player with AI bots (which are quite challenging if set to be so) or on LAN if you have seperate keys handy.


plays on windows 7 & 10 just fine. I have not tested it on win8 systems


None. The game is not only polished, but has no bugs.

fun/replay value



Real player with 81.0 hrs in game

ThreadSpace: Hyperbol on Steam



How do I end my subscription? Please end my subscription

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Pixel Graphics Games.

Gestaltor on Steam

Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons

Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons

I have NOT played this game very much, but here is a quick review of my first session.

First impression is it’s just so so so clunky and slow.

So far it reminds me of playing through those first few missions of any RTS like starcraft or red alert stuff. You’re trying to grab helipad dropship checkpoint things to heal/resupply and little oil pumper things to earn command points to call down more of your stuff. You get your little group of infantry and go blow up things, have some floating female coordinator telling you random updates. But with only two unit types, infantry squads of 4-6 people and individual mechs. Each can have different loadouts or types.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Real-Time Character Customization Games.

While I’m a fan of both RTS and Mech centric games this title flat out fails to deliver on either front.

  1. The primary complaint you will see anywhere, and that I will confirm myself, is that this game is painfully slow. Even the most mundane of missions will take you much longer than it needs to as your units move at a snails pace through the board. Firefights between anything but the lightest of units are boring to watch as they just sit in one space and chip at each other’s health until one drops.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons on Steam

Nexagon: Deathmatch

Nexagon: Deathmatch

I played this game waaay back in 2003 and immediately fell in love. Its supremely dated by todays standards but its still a gem of a game from a forgotten era. Its kind of like an old school RTS, but there is no resource gathering, you only have 4 units and you build your base ahead of time before starting a match. Its fun to try to build a base that cheeses the AI.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Nexagon: Deathmatch on Steam



Buyer beware. This is barely worth calling a game. There are no levels, just clicking shapes to remove them as they spawn over time. If too many build up, you lose. There is no progression. The same few shapes spawn randomly until you get bored and quit/lose. The shapes consist of: A small sphere you can click any time. A box that gives -1 point when red, +1 point when orange, and cycles colors every few seconds. A cylinder that switches between grey (unclickable) and orange. A rectangle that starts with between 1 and 9 health randomly, that you must click down to zero to dismiss. These shapes spawn every second or two and bounce around the screen. You click them. That is it. That is the entire game.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Perfect game to warm up my aim. My score was 463 after a couple of tries and it was a lot more challenging then i thought it was. Took a lot of focus and hardcore hand endurance, my right hand can’t move and I typed this all with my left hand.8/10

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Polary on Steam

Siege of Centauri

Siege of Centauri

Siege of Centauri is one of the best looking tower defence games available and as a tower defence aficionado, I would say it is worth playing.

Forgive the comparison, but Siege of Centauri was clearly made by and for people who are looking to scratch their Defense Grid itch. It turns out that Siege of Centauri has some fairly obvious references in it that pay homage to Defense Grid, namely the interface looks almost like it was lifted from Defense Grid and some of the music too. It also has a similar story with advisers popping up between missions to brief you on what the mysterious enemy is up to.

Real player with 48.6 hrs in game

I don’t play many tower defense games. It’s essentially a puzzle, where you try to figure out the most efficient combinations of towers and placements to defend your base. There are features that let you see what is coming, and once you learn the units and iconography, you can definitely develop strategies and plans ahead of time. There are terrific controls for difficulty, as well as mechanics that let you customize and upgrade your available tower selection. I also see capabilities for a survival mode (defend as long as you can) and custom map development. I think there might also be an intent to support steam workshop, so that mods and custom maps can be shared.

Real player with 41.2 hrs in game

Siege of Centauri on Steam

Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity®

Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity®

In my opinion this is the best version of this game.

I say this because each “new game” is just a tiny expansion of the original product. in simple terms, they have been charging 60 bucks for the the same old game over and over and over.

I don’t support rebellion for this exact reason.

the only reason you shold buy ANY of these games is if you plan on using one of the many mods available.

as this is an older version, mods for this title will be more likely to be finished and less likely to be broken by random updates.

Real player with 125.1 hrs in game

For Starters…

Let me preface by saying that I purchased this game back in 2012 during a steam sale. I installed it along with a few other titles, played for a few hours and uninstalled it within a few days. A couple years later I decided to give it another shot and removed it within hours of installing it. In fact, actually googled online to see if there was a way to delete the game from my steam library because I swore the damn game would never fool me into installing it again. It was extremely frustrating trying to learn all of the complex technical nuances to managing and controlling your space fleet, especially when I just downloaded a bunch of other titles and this one has a learning curve, and expects you to actually play through all four of the dense tutorials to gain the minimum level of proficiency to play the game. And of course, I clicked through them without retaining anything, immediately started a skirmish, couldn’t control my empire, was confused about what was going on, got obliterated, cursed the game and uninstalled…

Real player with 61.4 hrs in game

Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity® on Steam



Free game & paid dlc; proceeds go to charity. Try to not let viruses in your hole, maybe get some “Whomp”-ed by concrete pillars, although the lasers seem more helpful. More luck than skill IMO.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Pretty good game if you’re looking for something simple, no bugs, not really challenging but that’s kinda the point seems that the developer cares about his game and is looking for updates and improvements to the game

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

CoronaWhomp! on Steam

Empires and Tribes

Empires and Tribes

Empires and Tribes offers a lot of what I’ve been searching for in years: a medieval city and castle building game with a lot of freedom to build what you want almost anywhere you want it. But it still needs a lot of improvements to get there…

The positives:

  • a pure medieval city/castle bulding game (no wizards, dragons etc.)

  • beautiful graphics

  • a high level of freedom in building and forming your city and castle keep

  • a lot of citizen/worker activity (makes your city come alive)

  • You can walk through your city in 1st person and build in 3rd person.

Real player with 91.9 hrs in game

I really like the game so far!! I now wonder, as a noble and probably the future King/Emperor, will the player have the chance to marry to form an alliance with another nearby faction? (For male players, they marry a female NPC noble/royalty or vice versa, female players marry a male NPC noble/royalty.)

The five suggestions I will bring up to the devs in my game review:

  • Marriage to a daughter of an important prominent noble family (If playing as a male character and vice versa, to a son of an important prominent noble family if playing as female)

Real player with 84.2 hrs in game

Empires and Tribes on Steam

COVID: The Outbreak

COVID: The Outbreak

get it in 80% off

one of the best game during Lockdown or Quarintie or stay at home order !

compared to another Honor/ shooting / War fighting games flooding in Ste-am Va-lve playing million per day

this is great education game for upperclass and Private school or mutilanguastic or Frequency traveler to learn how the Commerical tycoon/Politican thinking

however according to mogolia/KAKZ conlony PRC citizen think , the wuhan bio-Weapon dead rate is 5% but if they don’t Work in nightlife, the dead rate is 100%

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

So I found this game by a pure accident a couple hours before getting published and rushed to buy it, hoping to find a game that’s complex, detailed, realistic and most importantly, let’s me cope with the zombie apocalypse going currently in the world and the quarantine shitshow.

The game turned out to be exactly what I expected and far more, the amount of data available is truly astonishing and immersive, all the actions you can take, quarantine, public order maintenance, research, border closing, decisions you have to make during various random events that can appear, all this makes for an excellent simulation, and the fact that I’ve received a product that already looks very polished despite probably being made rather quickly is mindblowing. I really hope it’ll be updated accordingly as the situation develops and more knowledge about the virus will be gained.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

COVID: The Outbreak on Steam