Rambo The Video Game + Baker Team DLC

Rambo The Video Game + Baker Team DLC

If you love Rambo and incredible ’80s action, then Rambo: The Video Game is exactly the game you’re looking for.

As soon as Rambo: The Video Game was announced, I was ecstatic. The trailer made the game seem like nothing but balls-to-the-walls action, recreating all the kick-ass Rambo shit that Rambo did in the Rambo movies. It was seemingly going to be everything I had ever wanted a Rambo game to be, going all the way back to 1988 when I spied the cover of the Rambo NES game and imagined what treasures the game might hold. That game did not live up to my internal hype, but Teyon’s Rambo: The Video Game didn’t just live up to my huge, unrealistic expectations, it shot an explosive arrow directly into their heart and machine-gunned them as they begged for mercy.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Quick-Time Events Short Games.

I am a huge fan of Rambo. I have read “First Blood,” and own all four movies. When this game was first released it flew under my radar until I saw it on a worst-of-2014 list of video games. Apparently it belonged to many worst-of-year lists. I had a PS3 (still do) and didn’t want to take up hard drive space downloading the Steam game, so I got the PS3 version instead for cheap just to see if it was that bad. I was pleasantly surprised that it followed very closely the storyline and atmosphere of the first three movies. I personally enjoy on-rails shooters and I quickly became addicted to this game! Amazingly despite the negative reviews the developers included a DLC, Baker Company, with the game two years after its release. Unfortunately they apparently sent it to the Playstation Store for upload but for one reason or another it never got posted online. I checked it earlier today: there is a version 1.01 patch but no Baker Company DLC available, and you apparently can’t even buy Rambo there anymore. :-(

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Rambo The Video Game + Baker Team DLC on Steam

Dragon’s Lair

Dragon’s Lair

The 1980s. Ronald Reagan, Rubik’s Cube, MTV, and in the arcades, games like Pac-Man, Centipede, Space Invaders, Defender and others are eating up the quarters of America. Jump ahead in time a little and a new technology, the laser disc player, is brought into the arcade in the form of a game/animated movie called ‘Dragon’s Lair’. In this game, the player ‘plays’ the movie, that is, at certain points in the game the player is given the option to choose how the character moves. Choose the right option and the story continues, choose wrong, and the character faces a gruesome demise.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Quick-Time Events Classic Games.

Back in ‘83 when this game first came out, we had a single arcade in our small city (that’s not so small now) that had Dragon’s Lair. Many of us fell in love with the game and a new challenge was present in our community arcade… to beat the dragon and save the princess. I dumped way too many quarter’s into this game and came back late from lunch on more than one occassion. The owner of the arcade had installed a monitor above the machine so others could watch while you played. In time I had developed quite a few followers that I think figured I was most likely to complete the game. Some would even let me play ahead of them even though they had their quarters lined up. A couple of times other people even paid for me to play the game. One afternoon, it finally happened. Amidst a small crowd of people surrounding the machine I reached the Dragon’s Lair. Of course I didn’t beat it the first time, but I played again and much to the enjoyment of the crowd, I defeated the dragon and we all saw the end of the game. I was very proud to have been the first person in our city to have defeated the game.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Dragon's Lair on Steam

Game-Kun: Input Challenge

Game-Kun: Input Challenge

Really fun QTE input style game! Lots of fun characters and achievements here to collect and at a reasonable price :)

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Quick-Time Events Score Attack Games.

Never played this kind of game before, I didn’t think it would get so difficult. A tricky game to master. I had a lot of fun playing this and I recommend it! :)

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Game-Kun: Input Challenge on Steam

Pop-It! Or Don’t..

Pop-It! Or Don’t..

It’s fun.

Real player with 87.5 hrs in game

Music sounds like Banjo-Kazooie

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Pop-It! Or Don't.. on Steam

Dragon’s Lair 2: Time Warp

Dragon’s Lair 2: Time Warp

NOTE: Scroll down for summary and rating

If you haven’t played Dragon’s Lair 2, or any of the Don Bluth games in general, imagine a cartoon animation fused with Geometry Dash. Highly difficult, fast reactions, trial and error, and memory. Dragon’s Lair 2 is a challenging full motion video game where you must push the arrow keys and space bar at the right moment.

The story continues from the first Dragon’s Lair. After the protagonist Dirk the Daring freed Princess Daphnie from the dark magic of the Dragon’s Lair, she gets kidnapped by the evil wizard Mordoc, and must use a time machine, which is oddly the nicer brother of Mordoc and talks. He must travel through different time zones and worlds to save Daphnie once again.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

The ambitious sequel to the innovative arcade game by Don Bluth and his team. The squeaky eye-candy princess Daphne has been kidnapped by the evil Mordroc, who apparently wants to marry her for some unknown reason. While the entire first game took place in the castle, in this one, you travel through 6 different timelines by using a unique flying time machine.

Another change is this game plays more like an interactive movie; inputing the correct commands to progress through the level as it goes. I am not entirely sure what the difficulty was on the first game, but this one is pretty difficult, especially when you turn off the move guides which serve as the game’s training wheels. Then you have to solely rely on the yellow flashes to figure out what direction to go or when to use your sword. To make matters worse, except in the first level, if you mess up, you will restart to the beginning of the level. So you’ll need good memorization skills in order to succeed, especially when turning off the move guide to get two achievements.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp on Steam

Hold The Plates

Hold The Plates

A waitress dropped the plates now is up to you save her job. Catch some of them and bring to the bottom of the screen between the tables.


Bring the tray down between the tables.

About the game:

Plates weight will make the tray goes down.

The tray goes up automatically.


Arrows or ( A, D ) to control the tray left and right .

Space bar restart the level.

S mute music.

R restart the game.

Esc to exit the game.

Hold The Plates on Steam

Space Ace

Space Ace

Welcome to the game that made me poor as a kid!!!

It was originally released in 1984 a year after ‘dragon lair’ and followed the same principle that being a laser disc arcade. ‘Laser Disc’ technology was like the ‘future’ back then and playing a game like this would make a kid feel like he was time travelling into the future of gaming. Oh what little we knew!

Like its predecessor its art style was all thanks to Don Bluth who worked on masterpiece animation films such as ‘The American Tale’ and the ‘Land before time’ amongst other great works. Like FMV games today, the novelty of controlling a cartoon by moving a hero around the screen away from incoming danger was a popular trend. However ‘Space Ace’ added another dynamic which ‘Dragon’s Lair’ did not have. Not only was the objective to move your main character in the direction of provisional yellow flashes, or to hit the shoot button when the heroes gun flashed yellow, but now you could also occasionally change the main character to an older version of himself changing the dynamics and pathway of that adventure which provided even more animation fun and a very large number of novelty death scenes.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

This is a really fun game, and it is definetly a game I’m glad I own.


If you are new to Space Ace/Dragon Lair, these games are basically just a bunch of QTE’s with good animation. The gameplay is fun, with the problem of it being short. At this time, when I have approx. 3.5 hours, I have beaten the game multiple times. The game is pretty short. If you think you’ll replay it alot, I can recommend this game. On the other side, if you want to have a game with more hours of gameplay, I cannot really recommend this.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Space Ace on Steam

King of Cooking

King of Cooking

Precisely enjoyable. Not too simple, nor too difficult: Plainly entertaining and challenging. : )

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

King of Cooking on Steam

Pizza Man

Pizza Man

Pizza Man is a simple and fun game where the player controls a pizza delivery guy who collects pizzas and deliveries in the places indicated in the scenario.

The scenario has some steel doors that open and close randomly after each delivery,

this way, with each delivery the player will have to go through a different path.

Although the game is in 3D, the gameplay is like a 2D platform game, the player only moves left and right, and when it is necessary to reach another point on the map the player can rotate the camera 90 degrees and change the game orientation

Pizza Man on Steam



ScreenSpace is your average casual clicker, presenting a simple challenge to test your reflexes. The objective is to click the side of the screen that the arrow points towards, before time runs out. If you click the incorrect side or let the timer expire, it’s game over.

Hard mode presents an even tougher challenge. Fast switching and no continues makes for a worthy test of your concentration and reflexes!

ScreenSpace on Steam